To Love

 Love! I want to live in your heart!
 The more I suffer, the more I love the pain
 That faints with passion!
 In the soul, in your charms,
 And in your face,
 And in your burning weep---
 Sighs of bliss!

 I want on your lips to drink
 Your love from heaven,
 I want in your heart to die
 In the amazement of your thoughts!

 I want to live with hope,
 I want to tremble and feel!
 In your smelly braid
 I want to dream and sleep!
 Come, angel, my maiden,
 My soul, my heart!

 What a night, what a beautiful night!
 How sweet the turning!
 And between the sighs of the night wind
 To the soft freshness,
 I want to live a moment,
 Die with you in love!
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