11 Things We Should Learn from Children

We strive to be the best teachers for our children. We help them take their first steps, show them how to tie their shoes and resolve conflicts. Sometimes we empathize so much with the role of a mentor that we forget about the whole world. Meanwhile, it is sometimes worth reversing roles and learning something from your children. What? It turns out that they have a lot to offer us.

Get up when you fall over.
Think about how many times you have become discouraged after the first failure, and then look at the stubbornness with which children practice new skills. Learning to walk is, after all, an incredible challenge, full of falls, tears and injuries. And yet, children don't give up so easily. If the hundredth time they do not get something that they care about very much, then they will make the first hundredth attempt. Try to do the same!

Treat every day like an adventure.
You see that enthusiasm in the eyes of your little one when you finally wake him up. Ahead of him is a new, fascinating and full of surprises day. No one knows what interesting might happen to them. And now look at your face in the mirror. Counting down to Thursday is not the best way to live, especially since with the arrival of the weekend you begin to be haunted by the vision of Sunday. Try to notice or do something new every day.

Be "here and now"
What did I say about the countdown to Thursday? We, adults, tend to count down to the weekend, to spring, to the holidays, to retirement. Children can enjoy the life they experience here and now, which gives them plenty of reasons to rejoice. Being thoughts in the future, you lose everything that the present offers you.

Show your emotions
Children cannot suppress emotions, so they quickly relieve tension and can enjoy life again. Besides, the term to enjoy like a child did not come out of nowhere. Allow yourself to show what you feel – cry, get upset, laugh. You will see how much weight you will throw off.

Bet on honesty
Honest children's words can sometimes make their parents quite ashamed, but thanks to them that their world is much simpler. Dare and say what you think. It will be a big life revolution that will allow you to clear the atmosphere around you.

Say what you want.
Once you focus on honesty and open expression of emotions, do not forget to inform yourself and the world about what you want. How often do you think about this? Children constantly express their whims loudly, and we deny ourselves the right even to what we are entitled to.

Be curious.
Children are constantly surprised by something and ask about something. They do not care that the knowledge of how the engine works will not be useful to them. They want to know how the world around them works. You, too, are not afraid to go beyond your boundaries. Reality is full of mysteries, don't pretend you don't care.

We like to say that whoever asks does not err or that there are no stupid questions, there are only stupid answers, while fear paralyzes us from every question. We pretend that we know the names that our friends are talking about or that we have watched films discussed in public. When we overcome the shame, it turns out that the questions we ask are often the beginning of interesting conversations. In addition, honestly admitting ignorance will win people over much faster than pretending to be someone who knows everything.

Never stop learning.
This is the result of the two previous points. If you allow yourself to be curious and ask a question, accept the answer. Grow, try new things, test new skills. Children are constantly learning about the world and themselves.

Smell, taste, touch.
More than once you get angry at a child for putting various objects in his mouth or touching things that he should not. Meanwhile, in this way, it gets to know the world. You try it too! The last time you got to know a new flavour, you smelled the leaves of an unknown tree or touched a nice fabric. Don't let your senses fall asleep!

Don't waste your time on something you don't like.
You buy your child a great toy, and he throws it into a corner after 5 minutes. Annoying, isn't it? However, this is a valuable skill related to self-respect. If you feel that your work is exhausting you, try to look around for another, if you don't enjoy running, don't do it because it's fashionable. You have only one life, do not waste it on things that do not bring you any satisfaction.
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