ভাবনাদেয়ালের পলেস্তারা: ১১৫

ভাবনা: সাতশো নিরানব্বই


এক। এ পৃথিবীতে অনেক রকমের দূরত্ব আছে। সবচাইতে বড়ো দূরত্বটি আপনি তখনই টের পাবেন, যখন দেখবেন, আপনার পাশে মাত্র আধ ইঞ্চি দূরে বসে-থাকা মানুষটি আদতে কয়েক কোটি মাইল দূরে অন্য কোথাও আছে। আপনি যাকে কাছের ভাবছেন, যাকে কাছের ভাবা বাদে আর অন্য কিছু ভাববার সাহসটুকু পর্যন্ত আপনার নেই, সে মানুষটি আসলে আপনার কাছের কেউ নয়। এ দূরত্ব সহ্য করে বেঁচে থাকা সহজ নয়।

পাশাপাশি থাকার মানেই কিন্তু কাছাকাছি থাকা নয়। খেয়াল করলে দেখবেন, কখনও কখনও আপনার গা ঘেঁষে বসে আছে যে, তাকে দেখলে মনে হবে, সে এখানে নেই। এক তার শরীর বাদে আর অন্য কিছুই আপনার নিঃশ্বাসের দূরত্বে নেই। এ নিদারুণ দূরত্বের কাছে পৃথিবীর কোনও দূরত্বই দূরত্ব নয়।এ ব্যাপারটা তখনই ঘটে, যখন দুটি শরীর একসাথে থাকার পরও দুটি মন যোজন যোজন দূরত্বে সরে যায়। দুটি মানুষ পাশাপাশি থেকে যায় দুটি নিষ্প্রাণ ম্যানিকুইনের মতো করে। ওরা পাশাপাশি আছে, অথচ কাছাকাছি নেই। দুটি দূরবর্তী মনের মানুষের মধ্যে শরীরের দূরত্বহীনতা ওদের ক্রমশই মানুষ থেকে পুতুল করে তোলে।

দুজন মানুষের সম্পর্কের মধ্যে যখন রাগ, অভিমান, কষ্ট জমতে জমতে পাহাড় হয়ে যায়, তখন সে দুজন মানুষ ক্রমেই হয়ে ওঠে কাঁটাতারের দুপাশের দুটি দেশের মতো বিচ্ছিন্ন। ওদের মাঝের দেয়ালটি হয়ে ওঠে নিঃস্পৃহতার, ঘৃণার, ক্লান্তির। সে কাঁটাতার বা দেয়াল পেরিয়ে দুটি মনের সহজ যাতায়াতটা আর হয়ে ওঠে না।

শরীরের দূরত্বের চাইতে এই মনের দূরত্বটা অনেক ভয়ঙ্কর। হাজার আলোকবর্ষ দূরে থেকে কাছে থেকে যাওয়া যায়, আবার শারীরিক দূরত্বহীনতাও অসীম দূরত্বের প্রান্তরটা ডিঙোতে পারে না। যারা কেবলই শরীরটা পেল, মনটা আর পেল না, একাকিত্ব ওদের নিত্যসঙ্গী।নৈকট্যের মানে দুটি শরীরের পাশাপাশি থাকা নয়। শরীরের কোথায় কয়টা তিল, কয়টা ভাঁজ, ঘ্রাণের তীব্রতার হ্রাসবৃদ্ধি, স্পর্শের মাদকতার খোঁজ এসব জানার মানে নৈকট্য নয়। নৈকট্যের মানে ওপাশের মানুষটির মনের অতলে কী আছে অনুভব করতে পারা, কেবলই মুখ-ইশারা-ঠোঁট নয়, চোখও পড়তে পারা। মানুষটির খিলখিল শব্দের হাসির আড়ালে কতটা কান্না চাপা আছে জানতে পারা, চুপচাপ বসে-থাকা মানুষটির হৃদয়ের চিৎকার শুনতে পারার নামই নৈকট্য।

আমি ভালো আছি, আমার কিছু হয়নি, সব কিছু ঠিকঠাক…এসব বাক্যের অন্তরালে আদতে অনেক কিছুই ঘটে গেছে অনেক আগেই, এটা বুঝতে পারাকেই নৈকট্য বলে। সম্পর্কের যত্ন নিতে হয়। পাশে থাকতে তো পারে অনেকেই, কাছে থাকতে জানে কজন? যত্নে আর ভালোবাসায় বনের বাঘও পোষ মানে, অযত্নে আর উপেক্ষায় সুদৃঢ় লোহাতেও মরচে পড়ে। দুজনের মাঝে দৃশ্যমান দূরত্ব, অথচ দুজনের মধ্যে কেবল সে দুজনেরই রাজত্ব….এর নামই নৈকট্য।

দুই। If we asked more people what they thought the most important thing in life, I don’t think we would get an unequivocal answer. Everyone has priorities set differently in their lives, which is why everyone considers something different to be the most important.It’s about age, too. The older we get, the more our priorities change. At the age of five, a child would probably tell you that the most important thing for him is whether he gets the car or this doll. Seven years later, they’d probably change their mind. This time, something would come as the answer in this way that it’s most important to them whether they could visit some distant place. A few years later, they would tell you something else.

Some consider health to be the most important thing in life. Yes, it’s very important because everything depends on it. If we were sick, it would limit us in a lot of ways.

Some people think love is the most important thing. That’s very important, too. When we are happily in love, we see the world all in pink colours, everything goes well, we like everything. Plain and simple, everything goes smoothly. We experience feelings of happiness, satisfaction and joy.

Someone else might answer you, “Money.” Yes, it’s important, too. And power, especially in today’s world. Money pays a lot—if you don’t have money, you get nothing. Money gives us a lot of options. We can have fun, buy whatever we want and desire. We can help others as well that gives us a meaning for living. Furthermore, we have unlimited possibilities, we can break the law here, we can offend someone here!Why not? Well, money will save us from everything. But what good would we do if we didn’t have someone to spend it with? If we were bored all day, we didn’t have love, friends, family? And that’s only because money has changed us, we’ve become cocky and stupid? That’s why I wouldn’t put money at the top of my list of values. If I get money to smudge with my peace and all it offers just continues hurting me, then? I’m sure all around me would be hurt if they saw that money had changed me. No, thank you.

I’d rather put my family and friends first. I’m sure that’s not a bad idea. When I say family, I think of the background, well-being and smell of home-cooked food, and when I say friend, trust, shared experiences and understanding I think of. These two “groups” are very important to me. I can always count on them to help me and not let me drown in my problems. Or I can share my joy, happiness, experiences with them. Every time I don’t feel well, I can go see them, and only they can put a smile on my face again. And I’m so grateful to them for that.That’s why I would “put” my family and friends at the top of my priority list.

ভাবনা: আটশো


এক। I was standing in front of you, and you were silent. You didn’t blame me. You just gave me a fervent hug and put on your broad breasts. I leaned to the breasts where the whole world rests. I heard your heartbeat.

At that moment, I understood that it belonged to all of us. Each of us is part of the beating of your heart. It’s not just me, man, but nature and everything around us also know this beat. In the meantime, we’re behind a thin wall that separates us all from your proximity since uniting with you was inevitable.

Thank you for letting me know the beating of your heart. It’s so gentle, and that’s how it talks to us. It caresses our souls and ends all our fears.

I found reconciliation in you. With everything and everyone. A wide path that invites me on. I’m learning to love with your humble love. I’m learning to listen to the way nature listens to you.

You suffer from the way we hurt each other as humans. You suffer from the way we destroy nature. He who knows the beating of your heart also knows the depth of your suffering.

Every thought, word and deed has its place with you. If we had seen this seriousness, we would have weighed a mere word.We create the worlds we live in ourselves. Past, prejudice, own losses. And so we wander in a circle. We don’t want to give up a certain one. We’re afraid to step out and go after the unknown. A certainty is hidden in uncertainty.

The shell will be loosened the moment we understand that everything is just a game. In which we are not only actors but also, above all, directors.

If I want to believe that no one likes me, it’s enough to believe in myself. If I want to believe that bad luck is sticking to my heels, surely, the willpower will speak out there!

দুই। It’s what everyone’s afraid of, but no one knows what it is. They’re the scariest nightmares, the worst ideas and hunches. What gives evil strength. What many of them have to fight against. Everyone has to imagine for themselves. I have my own idea of it, too.

Anxiety, suffering, anger and sadness. All this helps to fill the heart with darkness. In the evening, they approach and the lights go out. The city is shrouded in fog. I keep coming, and I wonder why I’m here at such a late hour. I know I’m afraid of the dark, and yet I go on and on.

I walk the streets like a ghost who never runs out of peace.

Furthermore, I hear strange noises, and I feel like it’s just a breeze. Yes, it’s the wind, the wind howling like a wolf on a full moon. I keep thinking. And I wonder what it would be like to be somewhere else. Somewhere in a meadow full of flowers.

The lights are out, and it’s dark everywhere. Dark, where you can hardly see the tip of your nose. I am going. And yet I fear the next step, I’m afraid I’ll never come back, I’m afraid because it’s dark.

It’s quiet. Silence, which is everywhere, but at the same time nowhere. The silence extending in space and waiting for an innocent victim.I can see him. I see a murderer waiting for his moment. He thinks ingeniously of his victim. He’s thinking about a plan that needs to work. I can hear his thoughts. I can hear everything. I’m trying to help. Him, or myself? Likewise, I’m trying to get him out of his anxiety. It’s too late. I just hope the victim won’t be me.

The black-and-black darkness shrouds everything that was just sun-lit. I’m walking through town wondering what’s going to happen next. Am I going to run or am I going to stand? Will I scream or do you prefer to keep quiet?

Nobody knows, but I know it’s too late. It’s too late to come back. It’s too late for one last sigh. I have to make a decision now or never. Now nothing stands in his way. And you know what? I’m going to run! Run to the edge of the world, run away from all the bad things, run away before I run out of breath. And then when I’m where I want to be, I’m going to find out myself.

I’m not in the dark anymore. I’m where the light is, I’m where I’m supposed to be. Yes, I’m home.

তিন। If you ever come to realize that the sacrifice you’ve made is taking you nowhere, you better say goodbye to it right now, no matter whatsoever great it is. The more you carry it, the more price you’ve to pay for it. No loss is a loss that teaches you a lesson. Every learning has its price. Your sacrifice is that price. You always gain something even from the things that give you nothing. Remember, every nothing is something if you can take the lesson you need from that nothing.

চার। You do not like me or my way of thinking does not mean that you have got the right to judge me. Either accept or ignore. Do not judge. You will not be punished for the things I do. As you cannot take the responsibility of my fate, you must not give the judgement of my deeds. I have no interest in you or your life. So I do not want to entertain your disturbing interest or judgement about me. Oil your own machine (if you have that machine at all). Simple!

পাঁচ। বিয়েবাড়িতে। সকালে উঠে আমার ব্যাগে ব্রাশটা খুঁজে পাচ্ছি না। আমার অবস্থা দেখে একজন বয়স্ক চাচা নিজেই ব্রাশে পেস্ট লাগিয়ে এনে আমাকে বললেন, ‘নাও বাবা, ব্রাশ করে ফেলো।’ আমি বুঝতে পারছিলাম না উনি হঠাৎ ‘নতুন’ ব্রাশ কোথায় পেলেন! আমার মনের সংশয় বুঝতে পেরে উনি খুবই আন্তরিকভাবে হেসে বললেন, ‘বাবা, কোনও সমস্যা নাই, ভালো ব্রাশ, আমি নিজেও এটা দিয়ে মাত্র‌ই ব্রাশ করলাম।’

পরে জানলাম, আমি যে বাড়িতে রাতে শুয়েছি, ওটা সে বাড়ির আন্টির টুথব্রাশ। চাচার সারল্যে সেদিন মুগ্ধ ও বিব্রত হয়েছিলাম। বলা বাহুল্য, আন্টির বিরক্তিমাখা চেহারাটা সেদিন দেখার মতো হয়েছিল।

ভাবনা: আটশো এক


এক। Judging others is like a national sport in Bangladesh. But what good is it for us?

No one has ever built their life amazing enough to judge others. So why do we have such an expanding urge to know best about the lives and needs of others?

Don’t defend yourself! I’m sure you’ve ever encountered a similar scenario: you don’t ask absolutely anyone anything, you’re just, somehow, you’re making a face, you’re feeling it, and there’s a recommendation that you shouldn’t do this or that. That what you have chosen as your path and what you have chosen is an inappropriate, stupid and wrong solution, and that with such thinking, you will not go far.

Most of the time, a person tends to explain and defend your attitude, but it’s useless, it just drains your energy. You’d better shut up and say goodbye to the “judge.” However, it’s sick to see that there are always unhappy people around who are not comfortable with their lives themselves. A person who is satisfied and happy does not need to evaluate and judge others, rather he respects their life as it is.

It’s dangerously easy to fall for judgment and criticism of others. It’s actually easy to find fault with everyone and everything. But what’s the point? What we’re focusing on is growing. Once we start over-judging, we lose control of our lives, we actually live the lives of others. There is no time for ourselves, and it is really boring.

At the same time, we often perceive in others the weaknesses that we suppress the most in ourselves. By constantly judging only others, you show how your life is ruined, how you don’t enjoy it, how it’s unfulfilled. Stop blaming and judging. Take life into your own hands. What’s going to happen? A terrible and perhaps liberating thing happens for someone: There’s no one to blame. Let yourself and the surrounding people live the life they want. Give advice when someone asks for it, not when you think you should give it.

Ten recommendations in the conclusion:

1) Don’t take anything personally, because when someone verbally harms you, it reflects their own attitude.

2) Don’t sin a word either, because everything will come back to you like a boomerang.

3) What others think of you is none of your business.

4) Don’t criticize, respect everyone for who they are.

5) Don’t compare your life to other people’s, you never know what they’ve been through.

6) Smile, you don’t own all the problems of the world.

7) Be true to yourself above all.

8) Create your own options.

9) Look around for people you’re fine with.

10) Time heals almost everything. Give time.

দুই। আমরা অনুমান বা শোনাকথার ভিত্তিতে অন্যের বিচার করে ফেলি, আর নিজের বেলায় চাই কিনা ন্যায়বিচার!

তিন। আমি তোমাকে পাগলের মতো ভালোবাসব,

তোমার সাথে কথা বলার জন্য সারাক্ষণই অস্থির হব,

অমন অস্থির হয়ে যা ইচ্ছা বলব!

তুমি সব কিছুই সহ্য করবে,

চুপচাপ সহ্য করেই যাবে আমাকে।

ভালোবাসলে যে সহ্য করা শিখতে হয়,

আমি রোজ রোজই অভিযোগ করব,

তুমি আমার সব অভিযোগ মাথা পেতে নেবে,

আমি রোজই তোমাকে দেখতে চাইব,

তুমি দেখতে দিতে না পারলে সরি বলবে।

সব কিছু তুমিই সহ্য করবে…তুমি তুমি তুমি!

তোমাকে ভালোবাসি যে…

আর আমার ভালোবাসার মানুষকেআমি যা খুশি,

যেভাবে খুশি, তা-ই করব! ব্যস্‌!

চার। আমার কিছু ভালো লাগে না। মাঝে মাঝে মনে হয়, এই যে তোমাকে অযথাই এত জ্বালাই, কেন করি এমন? না করলেই তো পারি! কিংবা তোমার সাথেই এমন কেন করি? কোনও কারণ নেই, জানি। সব কিছু বুঝেও এমন করি। আমার কিছুই ভালো লাগে না। তোমার উপরে কোনও ক্ষোভ, অভিযোগ কিচ্ছু নেই আমার। আসলে আমি যেভাবে বাঁচতে চাই, সেভাবে বাঁচতে পারছি না। আবার নিজের জন্য সব চেষ্টা করেও কিছু করতে পারছি না, এজন্য সব কিছু তোমার উপরেই চাপাচ্ছি। সব দোষ তোমাকে দিচ্ছি, কিন্তু নিজের অপারগতা কখনও অন্যের উপরে চাপিয়ে দিয়েও ভালো থাকা যায় না। কী করলে ভালো থাকব, আমি সেটাও আর বুঝি না। জীবনটা এত কঠিন কেন হয়? কারও কারও জন্য হয়তো একটু বেশিই কঠিন হয়, কারণ সবার তো আস্থার কিংবা ভরসার একটা জায়গা থাকে না। সবার তো আর এমন কেউ থাকে না, পড়ে গেলে যে নিশ্চিতভাবেই এসে তাকে ধরে ফেলবে।স্রষ্টাকে আমার কেন জানি নিষ্কর্মা মনে হয়। কিন্তু তারপরও একটা প্রশ্ন আসে মনে, স্রষ্টা যদি নিষ্কর্মাই হন, পৃথিবীর সব কিছুই কি তাহলে মানুষের নিজের কাজের ফল? এটাও তো হতে পারে না! তা-ই যদি হবে, তাহলে কেউ অনেক চেষ্টা করেও কেন বারে বারে পিছিয়ে পড়ে? শতচেষ্টা করেও কেউ কেউ কেন সামনে যেতেই পারে না? এসব প্রশ্ন আমাকে রোজই তোলপাড় করে দেয়। তুমি কি জানো, কেন কিছু কিছু মানুষ খুব সহজভাবে বাঁচতে চাইলেও প্রকৃতি, পরিস্থিতি তাকে সহজভাবে বাঁচতে দেয়ই না?

আমার প্রায়ই মনে হয়, ইস্‌, মৃত্যুর মুহূর্তে যদি তোমার হাতদুটো ধরে তোমার চোখের তারায় তাকিয়ে থেকে তোমার কথা শুনতে শুনতে মরে যেতে পারতাম? এমন একটা শান্তির মৃত্যু উপহার দিয়ো আমাকে, কেমন? আমি কি আর কোনও দিনই পাবো না তোমাকে? তাহলে আমি কী নিয়ে বাঁচব সারাজীবন? এসব ভাবলে নিজেকে শেষ করে দিতে ইচ্ছে হয়। জানি, তোমার কোনও দোষ নেই এখানে, কেননা ভালোবাসাটা তো আমার। আর ভালোবাসায় কারও হাত থাকে না। আমি তো চেয়েছি, অনেক চেষ্টা করেও দেখেছি তোমার কাছ থেকে নিজেকে সরিয়ে নিতে, কারণ জানি, আমি থাকলে তোমার বিরক্তি হয়, তোমার অশান্তি হয়। সব কিছুর পরও আমি পারিনি। আমি কিছুই পারি না। আমি একটা ভীতু মানুষ। আজকাল তোমাকে ছেড়ে থাকতে অদ্ভুত রকমের ভয় কাজ করে। মনে হয়, তোমার কাছে থেকে সরে আমি একমুহূর্তও বাঁচাতে পারব না নিজেকে। এজন্যই বারে বারে নিজের মনের ভয়ে তোমার কাছে ফিরে আসি।

আমি জানি, আগের চাইতে মানসিকভাবে আমি অনেক দুর্বল হয়ে গেছি। একা থাকার আগের সেই শক্তি আর আনতে পারি না ভেতরে। ভেতরটাই যদি সাহায্য না করে, তাহলে আমি কী করব আর? তোমাকে ছেড়ে যে থাকতে পারব না, সেটা যেমন বুঝে গেছি, তেমনি এভাবেই-বা আর কতদিন সব কিছুর বিরূদ্ধে দাঁড়িয়ে হলেও থাকতে পারব, তা জানি না। মানুষ বাধ্যতামূলক কতকিছুই তো করে, অথচ নিজের ইচ্ছেয় মরতে গেলেই যত দোষ! এখন নিজের ইচ্ছেয় মরলে সবাই বলবে বেচারি হেরে গেল, টিকে থাকতে পারল না, অনেক আবেগি সে…কিন্তু যে মানুষটার কাছে জীবন একটা বোঝা হয়ে চোখের সামনে আটকে থাকে, তার গলায় কাঁটার মতন বিঁধতে থাকে প্রতিটি মুহূর্তে, এক সে-ই জানে কতটা কষ্ট হয় সেই ভারটুকু সহ্য করে বয়ে চলতে।তুমি আমাকে অনেক কিছুই বোঝাও রোজ এটা সেটা পোস্ট করে, আমি আসলে নিজেই বুঝি ওসব, তবু মানুষের অনেক বোধও নিজেকে টিকিয়ে রাখতে গেলে কম পড়ে যায়। আজকে যারা বিশ্রী আচরণ করছে, কাল যখন আমি মরে গেলে তারাই আমাকে দোষ দেবে, তখন তারা কেউই বুঝতে চাইবে না যে তাদের সকলের নিঃস্বার্থ ভালোবাসা পাওয়াটা আমারও অধিকার ছিল, তাদেরও কিছুটা দায়িত্ব ছিল আমাকে ভালো রাখার। যারা দোষ চাপায়, তারা ভাবে, দোষ চাপিয়ে দিলেই সেটা সত্যি হয়ে গেল! এখন আমি এটুকু অন্তত বুঝে গেছি, আমাকে বাঁচিয়ে রাখার এবং ভালো রাখার দায়িত্ব কেবলই আমার। এজন্য কারও কথায় আর কষ্ট হয় না। শুধু নিজেকে অনেক একা মনে হয়। নিজের দিকে তাকালে মনে হয়, যেন একটা বিচ্ছিন্ন দ্বীপ হয়ে বেঁচেবর্তে আছি।

ভাবনা: আটশো দুই


এক। আপনি ধরে ফেলতে পেরেছেন যে আমি আপনার সাথে মিথ্যে বলছি।আমি ধরে ফেলতে পেরেছি যে আপনি ধরে ফেলতে পেরেছেন, আমি আপনার সাথে মিথ্যে বলছি।

আপনি ধরে ফেলতে পেরেছেন যে আমি আপনার এই ধরে ফেলতে পারাটা ধরে ফেলতে পেরেছি।

আমি এটা ধরে ফেলতে পেরেও আপনার সাথে মিথ্যে বলেই যাচ্ছি।

আপনি এটা ধরে ফেলতে পেরেও আমার সাথে মিথ্যেকে সত্যি হিসেবে গ্রহণ করার অভিনয় করেই যাচ্ছেন।আমি আপনার এই অভিনয়টা ধরতে পারছি, এবং আমি যে ধরতে পারছি, সেটা আপনি নিজেও ধরতে পারছেন, তা-ও আমরা দুজন কিছুতেই থামছি না।

এমন কপটতার নামই ভদ্রতা!

দুই। মেয়েদের সৌন্দর্য সম্পর্কে খোঁজখবর নিতে চাইলে শাড়ির দোকানের কর্মচারীদের সাথে আলাপ করার চাইতে বরং বইয়ের দোকানের কর্মচারীদের সাথে আলাপ করা উত্তম, বিয়ে করার আগ পর্যন্ত বেশিরভাগ পড়ুয়া ছেলে এরকম করেই ভাবে। আর বিয়ের পর ওরা হয় শাড়ির দোকানে গিয়ে বইয়ের খোঁজ করে কিংবা বইয়ের দোকানে ঢুকে শাড়ি খুঁজতে শুরু করে। ফলে না হয় বইপড়া, না হয় শাড়ি-পরানো। বস্তুত শাড়ির ভাঁজের সাথে বইয়ের ভাঁজের কোনও বিরোধ বা দূরত্ব নেই। নির্দিষ্ট কোনও স্টেরিয়োটাইপকে মাথায় নিয়ে বসে থাকলে নিরাশ হবার সমূহ আশঙ্কা আছে।

তিন। মেয়েটা, এমনই তুমি সেয়ানা,

বেসে না ভালো পারা যায় না।চোখ বুজতেই পড়ো চোখের সামনে এসে দাঁড়িয়ে,

জেগে থাকলে রাখো তোমার ঘোরে ঘুম পাড়িয়ে।

থাকো যখন, তখন এ মনে যাও তো থেকেই,

থাকো না যখন, আড়চোখে কেন যাও দেখেই?

চার। এই জীবনে বাঁচতে গেলে
তোমাকে আমার চাই-ই চাই!
ও গো, কোথায় তুমি, ভালোবাসা?
তোমার হৃদয়ের সান্নিধ্যে এলে
আমার হৃদয় স্পন্দিত হয় প্রতিটি মুহূর্তে,
তোমার শাখায় শাখায় আমার শখের ফুল ফোটে,
তোমারই রঙে সাজাই নিত্য এ জীবন।
এমন একখানি জীবন নিয়ে,
এমন কিছু দোটানায় বাঁচতে
তোমাকে আমার চাই-ই চাই!

পাঁচ। We all have different world views. Each of us perceives the people and the events that happen around us differently. We’re all leaning towards something we like, that we’re comfortable with, but we don’t ever look back.

People are wading around the world for different purposes. They hurt each other, they insult each other, and they don’t find time to tell each other how much they love each other. Instead, they live in a world of modern technology and rely on all electronics, computers, mobile phones, cars. And yet so little is enough, and everything that people have built together will be lost. I don’t think people appreciate things very much. They have little respect for families who sacrifice a lot for them.

I don’t think today’s society likes to express itself emotionally. A man is ashamed to show his affection for another. How many useless bad words a billion people in the world say every day! And so, few good ones! Isn’t that a shame?

Sometimes I watch people under the windows and think about their lives. How little time we all have left! And that’s why everyone’s in such a hurry. Life is slipping away from us, and we have no way of catching it and stopping it for a while. Mothers guide their children hurriedly and show them long paths through the world. Others drive madly through cities or cycle recreationally.

People who love each other are often betrayed. Those who hate each other throw dirt on each other, all full of lies and slander. Sibling love is also manifested very little. I don’t think it’s good to make enemies in the family — or beyond — at an older age. But every day, all this happens. I’m sure I’ve hurt someone, too, and I’ll never forgive myself, but I’m not going to turn back the aforementioned time. Besides, I know how people can hurt me. And I envy those who have never been hurt.

But back to the subject. My own opinion of the world and people is not positive. I just remember all the murders, accidents, animal cruelty, torture of children and adults, so I make myself cry. I realize that man is the last animal race that deserves to live. Live in that amount. For centuries, people have shown their cruelty. All wars. Even heading towards peace is basically a war within us. The whole world will never be satisfied with the current political or economic situation. Never.I don’t want to condemn every soul on Earth, I really don’t. There’s love, mutual understanding, happy families and best friends. They all face problems together. And to such friends, to such a family and to the loved ones, I will always like to return.

ছয়। You know you can do it.

They think you can’t do it.

So, DO IT!

Seeing is believing. Showing is replying.


সাত। When you walk down the street, many times you witness a mother scolding her little child. Maybe because he wants a toy that costs a lot of money and the parent just doesn’t have it. Does that seem familiar to you? In our childhood, when we didn’t get what we wanted, it was a huge problem.

The older we get, the more ridiculous these “problems” seem to us, but others are coming.

Each person experiences his youth only once. It’s a time of desire, joy, anticipation, and also tears. One experiences the first loves, and also the disappointments, the first friendships that will hopefully last a lifetime. At this time, people are full of strength, energy and élan. They have open gates to the world. Nothing stands in their way of facing, knowing and gaining new experiences. Parents, as they care about their children, have been trying to instil good manners in them since birth. A young person grows up in harmony, respects the elders, is responsible… and so on. He’s just doing what’s expected of him. He’s an adult now! Is that really the case?

Young people live every day for today. Their value rankings are still fluctuating. They don’t want to deal with questions like, “If I buy this, and I don’t need it urgently right now, is it not going to work out for something I need?” They don’t have problems… at least the older ones seem to think so about them. But they were also young…. they just forgot that the life of the young is not as simple as it seems at first glance. They have to overcome a lot of pitfalls. They often make decisions in situations where they find themselves for the first time. Furthermore, they ask questions like: what now? What’s right? Many times there is no one to help, advise them, so they have to rely on themselves, on their decisions, so they do not always make the right choices.

In their youth, they are forced to solve problems that are adapted to their age. What bunches to join, go to a party with what or how to express themselves and, above all, assert themselves. There are a lot of problems that they break their heads over every day, they want to make the right choices… and therefore consider from each side. It sometimes seems ridiculous to adults, and they get away with the phrase: “It’s not important at all, think about school instead.” Is that right? Have they ever dealt with anything like this? Were they adults right away?

ভাবনা: আটশো তিন


এক। People are afraid to talk about things. In earlier times, some topics were considered profoundly taboo, but today in the era of democracy it should be different. Freedom of speech is one of the human rights, and yet some people are afraid to talk about certain things, or they confide in each other. One of them may also be domestic violence, which is nowadays a frequently discussed pathological phenomenon. Various organizations try to help people affected by domestic violence every day, here cooperation is a major factor. So, what makes those affected by this problem leave it behind closed doors?

Most of the time, it’s not for fear that the attacker would attack them again. Which he probably wouldn’t have been able to do if he ended up in custody. I think the fundamental reason is the psychological attachment to the perpetrator.

But imagine that you have known the attacker for a long time. He cares for you, he is kind, and with this behaviour he will completely enchant and control you. But something will change in the course of this relationship. First, you do everything your partner orders you to do. Later, he increasingly takes advantage of this, until it turns into hysterical outbursts and over time to occasional psychological and physical attacks, which become regular.

So how can an attacked person understand that his partner has completely changed? Often these people naively believe that everything will come back to be better, that it will be as beautiful as it was at the beginning. After all, the human psyche is fragile and, with a little effort, easy to control. So pink glasses are very hard to remove, which is why most cases of domestic violence are still kept behind the doors of apartments or houses and no one knows about it.It is terrible to think how a place that is supposed to function as a safe coexistence and social protection can turn into its own world full of fear and uncertainty.

Most of us, in moments of sadness or fear, run to our homes, where we find peace from the outside world and a sense of security. But where to hide? Those who have lost safety in their homes, where can they hide? There is no place in their home where they become invisible, the attacker always finds a way to get to them and how to hurt them.

In many cases, children suffer for the mistake of a mother who is attacked but does not report it. Usually, sooner or later, the attacker attacks even children who are helpless and therefore turn to their mother. She is the one who is obliged to protect them under any circumstances, yet this is not the case in these cases. A significant proportion of mothers do not even try to stand up for their children. So it is possible that blindness and imaginary love is stronger than maternal instinct.

It is important to remember that if people keep their problems to themselves, are afraid to talk about them openly and deny them, no one will help them solve those. And it is also important to admit that we are not alone in everything, and the fastest help is waiting right outside the door. All you have to do is to talk.

দুই। আগে ভাবতাম, যে গরিবের ব‌উ, তাকে সবাই ভাবি বানায়। এখন দেখি, যাকে ভাবি বানাতে ইচ্ছে করে, তার স্বামীকে সবাই মিলে ধরে বেঁধে গরিব বানায়।

তিন। “No one is useless in this world who lightens the burdens of another.” — Charles DickensI first saw this beautiful and wise quote at my high school on the day of the admission procedure. He led me to the conclusion that the profession I chose was not useless, but of great importance. Personally, I don’t think any man in the world is useless. Whether it’s the ambassador or the cleaning lady. I believe that everyone here has a task, and it is all the more beautiful if we can help someone who needs it.

I’ve had a very wonderful feeling at the hospital practice several times. But this feeling was not related to a good grade or praise of the teacher. Sure, even praise and a good grade are important, but a thousand times more beautiful is something else.I experienced this feeling when, perhaps at the farewell, I shook the patient’s hand, and he looked at me and said, “Thank you for everything” or just smiled at me.

I then came from the room with a strange smile and a warm feeling that I had not experienced before. Of course, it’s nothing world-famous, but I feel like the most common things often give a person more than the “most perfect” thing.

As I continued to think about my profession, I don’t even know how many times—I asked myself: what about celebrities and their contribution to the world?

All you have to do is watch TV, open a newspaper or turn on the radio. So many people in the world suffer from scarcity, poverty (which we can only imagine) pain and hunger. And on the other side of the world? People value almost nothing: life, food, clothing, health and many other things.

From my point of view, it seems incomprehensible to me that someone buys several settlements, for example, but does not care that people die somewhere else because they do not have food and medical care. I think if someone has a gift or an opportunity to help others, they should take full advantage of it. But I don’t just want to point to celebrities, because there are a lot of people who really help others.

Celebrities are indeed famous for their appearance, singing or some good film, and everyone knows about them and wants to resemble them, but why does it not say about those who help with a good word or even save lives. That’s what we should be learning from them. I often smile at a smiley person in the street to fix his mood, and all the time I’ve been doing it, my smile has come back twice. We are happy thinking that good people probably didn’t die out.

Even each of us can be helpful to each other. It is very simple (and that is why it is so difficult as doing the simplest things is the most difficult task). Often the other person just needs to be heard, comforted, or encouraged. All you have to do is hold each other’s hands so that he doesn’t seem to be so alone. And everyone can do this, not just the paramedics.

I very much like two of the principles in nursing—the first: a sick person can withstand clumsy hands rather than a cold heart. And the other one: even a good word and a smile heal. I know from personal experience that it’s true.

I very much liked the approach of one doctor to a sick lady. When he came to rounds, he didn’t stand in front of the bed like most. He went straight to the sick lady, leaned over and held her hand. He stayed that way the whole time he talked to her. A medic, whatever position he is in, should remain professional, and he should also “lower himself” and be a person that the patient trusts and can also tell him without fear what is bothering him.

Every man should find something in life to live for. Whether it’s family, work, or just sunrise and blue skies. If we find this thing that makes life complete, then we can “fly without wings”. In the future, I would like to be the right nurse who can help those who need it with a good word and a smile.

Human life only makes sense if we live it for others.

ভাবনা: আটশো চার


এক। What exactly is happiness? Is it just a coincidence that ultimately lands positively, or is it an intervention of some ‘forced measures’, or even a fate-determined period when we thrive?

When we ask ourselves this question, it’s up to each of us what we believe. I think there’s something in it for everyone. Everyone’s happiness is an architect of a better world.

Happiness can’t be bought, just like reason or love, but we have to earn it, so to speak. All of us have certainly experienced a time when everything was going well, but certainly also a period when it was exactly the opposite.

I’m sure some of you would ask why happiness is so rare. Wouldn’t it be good to be lucky all the time? And I’m asking why you want this. If we were lucky all the time, it would lose all its rarity. Happiness should be something special and unusual for us. After all, even old rumours of elves sitting on the other end of a rainbow with a pot of happiness show how rare happiness is.

And why, for example, are horseshoes or rainbows a symbol of happiness? We’re supposed to be looking for something mysterious, or it’s just a children’s story. Are there really objects that will bring us luck or, on the contrary, bad luck? Maybe yes, maybe not.

And even if you don’t, isn’t it nice to imagine something like this these days, full of haste, stress, and worry? Something to cheer us up and make us happy? I’m sure you do. It’s worth it, and all people should be aware of it. And luck will eventually come on its own.

দুই। My grandmother’s name was Amrita. She died last August, causing great sadness in our family. And since she meant a lot to me, I decided to write a characterization about her.

My grandmother had slightly grey hair that she could properly fix. Her dark black eyes have always marked her sincerity, and I know my mother has those eyes as well. Her face was wrinkled, as is the case with grandmothers, but the smile on her face still looked very good.My grandmother loved to cook and worked in the kitchen before she retired. She was always able to cook all sorts of goodies, and she was pleased when her cooking skills were appreciated. My grandmother was a real good housewife.

She loved nature and everything around it: animals, flowers or even walks. She could never hurt a fly, and she didn’t like it when someone tore off a flower. She said it must hurt the plant, that it’s better to let it bloom or grow.

Love for animals meant a lot to her. She also fed other people’s cats, dogs, swans… although she also owned her own animals. She treated animals almost like her favourite friends. She spent as much time with them as she should have. It was able to warm her by the heart when, for example, she could caress a dog or a cat.

Her love also belonged to the family. She also devoted a lot of time to her grandchildren, including me. She often brought us something good to eat and was happy whenever she put a smile on someone’s face. Apparently, she followed these words: “How grey the thread of our lives would be if it were not intertwined with friendship and love.” “The more we dedicate our lives to others, the more valuable it is.” And her life was certainly valuable when it came to help others rather than herself.

When I was little, my grandmother and I used to love walking. One day my grandmother and I went plucking fruits, and on the way, grandma found a little wounded bird. It was a sparrow with an injured wing. She took custody of the wounded bird. She had it in her box, giving him all sorts of goodies and taking care of it as long as it needed it. When its wound healed, she released it back into the wild. I’ll never forget the happy look on her face. Or one day she found an abandoned kitten, which, of course, she kept because she felt sorry for it. I’m sure grandma’s had a lot more of these good deeds. She was very nice at the time, and that’s what I really liked about her.

But everyone also has some negative qualities. What I didn’t like about her was that when she needed something, she almost didn’t want anyone to help her, even though I loved helping her, whatever it was. She never really wanted to say that something was bothering her, hurting her, or that she wasn’t feeling well. She didn’t like going to the doctor, and I guess that was a mistake. Maybe she’d still be with us! These are not negative qualities, she wasn’t thinking about herself, she was thinking about the others!

Grandma just had her heart in the right place. And it’s true that when you lose the person you loved, you realize what it meant to him. Most sensitively, we are hurt by those without whom we cannot fully imagine our lives. I’ll always love to remember my grandmother, and I’ll always love her the way she was. Because just for the magic of memories, we just have to live…

ভাবনা: আটশো পাঁচ


এক। I used to draw a picture of an old grandmother sitting with a little girl on her lap. I look at her and I think… When I look out the window, I see it again—grandpa is just going for a walk with his grandson. I see youth and old age walking so lightly hand in hand. Young people feel that better days are coming with them, while old people feel that better days are leaving with them. Both groups think they are right.How are young people today? We often hear that our future depends on them. They are definitely visible and heard, they have opinions that they stand for. Is that wrong? I don’t think so. I often hear my peers swear at younger ones—they are said to be bolder, talk dirty, become more and more wayward. But when my sister said this to me once—six years older than me—she stopped and began to wonder if that was really the case. Or is she just dreaming? Maybe when you’re younger, you don’t find it so weird to scream across the bus, you just don’t realize it. It’s only when a teacher at school says you’re behaving badly, for example, that you realize there’s something to it.

Young people are active, they like to live and have fun. Or at least they should. Unfortunately, there is also the other side of the coin—those who really think that they own the world and allow themselves to be older. Also, there are young people who very soon lose the meaning of life and look for it in death or drugs. What’s going to help them get back? Maybe the elder’s helping hand.

The same teacher who once rearmed us for shouting on a bus once told us about her feelings in this vehicle. She said she doesn’t like people just sitting back and looking in the window. That they look like “fools” to her. She added that whenever she has an umbrella in her car, she has the urge to tapping someone in the head in front of her. Just so she knows what’s going to happen. I always find it very funny that she would actually do that.

But I know she’ll never do it. Why? She’s older. The urge arouses the child who has always been and will be in her, but she has her principles and inhibitions as well. The old ones are mainly said to have a lot more experience. Undoubtedly, this is the case. But is that why they’re wiser? So take my brother, for example, he’s older too, but why would he behave that way? Sometimes he looks like a four-year-old to me. But that’s why I love him so much. A person, no matter how old, should never forget that he was also a child or behaved like a teenage boy.

The old criticize the young, the young criticize the old. And I guess it’s going to stay that way forever. Everyone has something, whether it’s just the feeling that the good things leaving with them or a better world is coming. I rate people based on what’s inside them rather than how old they are. And I’m glad it’s in the family. What does my grandmother think when she sees me with her head dyed and her eyebrows piercing? If there’s something wrong, she doesn’t show it. And I appreciate her even more for that. She knows the world is moving forward and the young are moving with it.

That’s it, I’m returning my childhood creation to the records. It’s a pretty nice picture, but now I have better things to do than look at it here. I’m going to visit my grandmother.

দুই। জিততে দাও, জিতিয়ে দাও।

…এভাবেই জিতে যাও।

যা কিনা তোমার কাছে খেলার মধ্যেই পড়ে না, ওতে হেরে যাবার নাম‌ই তো জেতা!

তিন। হাত বাড়িয়েও কখনওই যাকে পাই না কাছে,

আমার সবটুকুর মাঝে…এক সে-ই তো আছে!

দুচোখ মেলে তাকালেই দেখি শূন্যতা আর খরা,

হৃদয় মেলে তাকালে দেখি, সব তোমাতেই ভরা!