ভাবনাদেয়ালের পলেস্তারা (৭০তি অংশ)

ভাবনা: চারশো চুরাশি


13 September 2009

Friends! Why should you use an actor’s/actress’ photo as your Facebook profile picture when he/she is not using yours?

One of my Facebook friends added a girl and fell in love with her only seeing her profile picture…… I’d like to add, that girl used Penelop Cruize’s photo and my friend never saw any foreign language movie!……. Now, my friend blames Penelope Cruize, why is she so lovely?……. Has Cruize any fault here? Lol……

Thanks God! I had known Aishwariya Rai before I started using Facebook! ……… I can’t even imagine what would have happened otherwise!……… Probably, I even agreed to commit suicide for that Facebook friend who used her photo as profile picture!

Hmm……. Now another problem might arise! If I’m more handsome than that actor is, how can people believe that the more handsome guy is me myself? They would then took that ugly guy for me! Lol……

And that would be suicidal!

I wonder, those boys and girls, who even don’t like to see their own faces, how they use mirror while combing their hair!……. Do they supposedly bind their eyes with a piece of cloth while standing before a mirror?

Actually, who use fake profile pictures, they wanna mean something more than only friends! Lol…….

Ahem, ahem!……. Friendship is, after all, too divine to call in this context!

Fake aspect also?….. No Rajeev, I can’t accept this bonus (!) aspect also, rather I’d be happy if I only get the minimum reward that friendship offers! No need of ‘extra fake khatir’!

I think they don’t like to find us disheartened to see their profile pictures. After all, we are their friends! A real friend never makes you disheartened at first impression! Lol…….

From this status message, I’m happy to be sure of some friends who don’t use fake profile pictures. Lol……

14 September 2009

Friends! Can you remember at what age you fell in love for the first time in your life?

Two things never sink into oblivion…… First Love and First Poetry!

Hope the future girlfriends will also be concerned about the previous ones, as you’re a true lover! Lol…..

Hehehe…… LOVE SERIES!…… Lol……….. I think there is no age limitation of love. So, let’s accept and give love from and to others from the cradle to the grave!

First Love!…….. Friends! Do you think that it is hijacked very often? Lol……

Friends! Do you know how many times people agree to sacrifice their lives for their beloved?…… I heard, A cat has nine lives. Now, I can see many of us have even nine thousand lives…… That’s better and helpful for promising to sacrifice lives each time we fall in love!

I even sometimes feel that not only I fall in love but Love also fall in me very often!

What can I do if she takes my every single word for a promise? Lol…..

Before marriage…… FALL IN LOVE………. After marriage……. RISE TO LOVE……. Could I make the sense clear? Lol…….

hey love doesn’t have anything to do with marriage or any other reality factor. if someone muddles up his/her life and love (in one word love life) for being stupid and disorganized, that is not the fault of the term “love” itself

14 September 2009

The length of a good film should be directly related to the endurance of the human bladder….. Friends! Agree? or, Disagree? (lolz…..)

minus the intermission.

Good point! Lol……

I never mind to hear a comment from a friend who aren’t supposed to comment it that way!

15 September 2009

If you like or, comment on an idiot Facebook status message of your friend, this means that either you’re stupid or, you like your friend to be stupid. Most boys like girls to be stupid. Lol…..

O friends! Not being able to differentiate between witty and stupid status is also a type of stupidity! Got the point? Lol……..

But, …….. Stupid status messages are not disagreeable at all. How can we expect that an idiot should think intelligently only when he gives a status message?…… The problem arises only when we accompany them! Lol……..

Friends! Is it not a moral crime to encourage idiots to be more stupid?……. If we don’t consider it a crime than we are surely too stupid to understand his/her stupidity!

Freedom to be stupid!…… Wow!……. Now, I feel like being an idiot.

Now, my question is, why should the girls enjoy ‘the freedom to be stupid’ more than the boys? Is it not discriminatory?

Hmm……… The pleasure of being stupid is that you need not bother about the judges who can measure your stupidity as such persons are rarely to be found!

Hmm…….. Boys pretend to be stupid to those girls who can hardly trace their pretention……. So, hope you don’t belong to that group.

15 September 2009

If you waste some time in enjoying yourself, is it a wastage of time at all?

Waste of time………is surely a relative idea. It varies from person to person, place to place, time to time. But when enjoyment is concerned, I think, it is never a wastage, because the scope of enjoyment is on the wane in today’s materialistic life. So, why should we spare any opportunity to bathe in the ocean of joy? Don’t we work for enjoyment? If yes, why should enjoyment be a waste of time?

Another worth-mentioning point……… Different stages of our life demand different matters from us. I never regret my comics-reading period, because but for those silly books the taste for reading would never been grown in me. What’s the use of persuading a child in reading James Joyce? Rather let it read Alice in the Wonderland. Gradually it would switch out of that inclination.

Again, if we pass some time in listening to a music or, reciting a poetry or, reading a book or, watching a movie can we ever purchase the pleasure derived from that for even millions of dollars? Never…….

I think when a person starts thinking he has the fullest right to waste his time in enjoying, he starts becoming a complete man. Life isn’t too long to regret or, compromise on different views. What is this life if full of care, and we have no time to stand and stare? I shape my personal world with my thought, soul and here I’m the only person to reign. I define things in my own way and things work as I want, if they work otherwise, they are not for me………..

Can we say ‘wastage of time’ is governed by end result.

Case1- A person studies very hard for say ICS (the most coveted exam in India), in all the permissible 3 attempts. He could qualify prelims, then main exam but failed to crack the final 3rd round of interview. Hasn’t his entire effort & time gone waste?

Now Case2- James Watt was a big idler. His aunt used to curse him round the clock for sitting idle and doing nothing. One evening he was sitting idle in the kitchen and watching the kettle’s lid opening and then closing after the steam was released. This infused the idea of ‘steam having power’ into his idle mind and he invented steam engine and thus became ‘father of Railway system’. Can you call his idling a waste?

Now tell me who wasted time?

Wow! Great examples!………….. You’re reminding me, “France was saved by her idlers!”……………….. Success and failure are two different sides of the same coin—–WASTAGE OF TIME!!!

Enjoyment is the only matter to which all have an equal access.

ভাবনা: চারশো পঁচাশি


15 September 2009

……. enjoying the musical silence of night.

The music of silence bears the symphony that cannot be expressed in words just to be felt through heart.

I dreamt of her because I was thinking of her.

Had I known it was a dream, I should not have wished to be awaken.

16 September 2009

আজ এই বৃষ্টির কান্না দেখে……মনে পড়লো তোমায়……অশ্রুভেজা দুটি চোখ…….তুমি ব্যথার কাজল মেখে লুকিয়ে ছিলে ওই মুখ……….

Translation: O dear! I remember your sweet memories seeing the teardrops of rain this day…… I’m amazed to see your eyes bathed in tears……. The other day you veiled your face to hide the melancholy of your soul.

You went away accompanying utter grief leaving me alone in the shore…… How far would you?……. I want to be your constant companion……..

16 September 2009

Where should we go after the last frontier?……. Where should the birds fly after the last sky?…… Friends! Can you help me find the answer?

If nothingness is nothing, why should we dive into it? Why can’t we but be helpless in this regard?

Our soul finishes its journey only when we let it do so. Nothingness is, therefore, not an absolute idea.

I think we’re encircled in an endless circle where we make continuous journey to reach eternity but the destination bears a relative significance here. It’s a journey not a final destination. Our thoughts govern the total idea and we never reach to fulfilment. The last frontier is different if looked at from different viewpoints. We can shape our world in our own way and any intrusion or, assault can change its dimension. The more we treasure the faculties, the more the dimension extends. It never reaches to saturation.

Often such consciousness resembles to spontaneity and makes saturation but further to reach, no matter how turbulent desire may we have.

Nothing to be worried about infinite nothingness!

16 September 2009

When I approach to Love, it buries itself in me… So, I’ve decided to make it approach to Me… I’d rather play hide and seek with it!

I promised Love many a time,…. Later, I realized I made promise only to break it up… I, then decided to make Love promise to me… For Love’s sake, I let it not break the promise…..

I taught Love how to live broken-hearted… It stayed longer to leave me forever… I burnt myself in desire… Yet let it go away safe…

I walked on the wall of darkness… Love made its journey to my soul… I wonder I hardly listened to it,… Only discovered its essence in the silent music of darkness!

I thought, I drank the nectar of love to my heart… But I sipped but a little… I found myself entrapped with thine eyes… Even though I never dared ask you just a kiss!

Love once whispered to my soul… I was too busy even to listen to it… Long long after, I heard its echo… My heart treasured it, I felt like floating… Our sweetest feelings always remain untouched, I realized.

typical Sushanta, if you don’t experience something, you are just in a fantasy and that is always the sweetest but in case of love – you got to taste it sweetheart. Maybe you are scared of the bonus feature “pain” but does that not make love interesting adding new dimensions on it?!

I did mesmerize Love, its zeal… Angels robbed it but a once… Again, it dropped like a star on the strand… How can Love be subdued? I made them bethink!

Love tried to veil thine radiant eyes… Even you remained behind the silken snare of your tresses… How could pearls get concealed when oysters let not so?… Can water but turn to wine if I leave a kiss?

Love gave me leave to kiss, made me bold to woo… Yet, how can daring fate be ignored? I wonder!… Elsewhere in other world, my soul dotes in silence… In the distant shore, you dreamt to go once.

Friends! Is there any fall of rhythmic sense in my writing? Please let me know whether this poetry is turning boring. Should I stop?

The story of that distant bliss–couldn’t but be gone with the wind…. Left me insane, just in the lap of eternity… So obvious in hue, yet blurred in guise of the Devil… I recalled my oath, that I made not to you, but to my love… Again, comes the Danne, just emerged from the ever-frozen zone!

As vowed I’ve, never dared banish Love… Never too late begins my ache to shun… Gentle swain as I’m to refuse… To turn wicked spirit into divine one!

O Love! You whom I often and silently can’t but go… Hear the sighing sound beyond silence’s shore… Yet not too late to counsel or pray… I’ll dare to bet Love’s broken heart for decades to come!

18 September 2009

Old friends pass away, new friends appear. It is just like the days. An old day passes, a new day arrives. The important thing is to make it meaningful: a meaningful friend – or a meaningful day.

Sometimes some people just pretend like friends. They can hardly receive you as friends from their soul. In some cases, it even so happens that they might have appeared before you as friends, but in disguise only for gratifying some interests. If you remain busy with old disguised ones you bear the risk of losing the new ones who might receive you cordially. Why should you care about those who feel that they need not care about you? What’s the use of spending our short life just in waiting for those who aren’t worthy of your friendship?

I think about different topics not because all of them happen in my case, but because they deserve my thought.

Human heart is a wonderful thing. It is formed is such a way that it can treasure tons of sweet memories into it and also retrieve them whenever necessary at different moments. But should you treasure anything that causes your sensitive heart ache? Is life long enough to spend it in just compromising?

19 September 2009

আজ আমাদের ছুটি ও ভাই…..আজ আমাদের ছুটি……

Translation: It’s holiday today. O blessed holiday. Today we’ll lose ourselves in the midst of joy and fun…….

….. আমি সবসময়ই মুক্ত। আমায় বাঁধে, এমন সাধ্য কার? আমি যে ছুটিতেই থাকি!

ব্যস্ত হলেও ত জীবনের ছোটছোট সুখগুলো উঁকি দেয়…..ধূসর আঁধারেও ত বৃষ্টি আসে!

ভাবনা: চারশো ছিয়াশি


19 September 2009

Oceans are apart, day after day and I slowly in insane……. Wherever you go, whatever you do, I will be right here waiting for you.

What about ‘Careless Whisper’?

Hmm…. Then, ‘I Love You More Than I Can Say’…..

Wow! Nice! I live with music, eat music, bath in music, sleep with music.

Summer of ’69.

Hmm….. In the festive holidays, I’m gonna be in a hilarious mood as I always am. What’s your plan?

You fill up my senses like a night in the forest….

20 September 2009

Friends! Does such a situation ever arise when it is okay to break a promise?

20 September 2009

I discover the essence of Love in the silent music of darkness…..

love begins, when silence speaks

Friends! This quotation is collected from my poetry, “Broken Appointments of Love” which is available in my Notes section.

21 September 2009

Some relationships are made only to break up, some are forever,… forever,….. forever!

Some relationships never break up through tears nor through smiles.

Even when near ones go distant relationship may not break up, but it surely breaks up when near ones create distance.

some relationships are made only to break up, some are forever… forever…. forever to be cheated…

Pessimistic view! Just think, can you be cheated by anyone if you let not him do so?

And relationship has the magic to make you happy forever!

relationship are intricate in my view – a subtle relationship is only possible if you look after it like your new born baby

I was thinking of relationship of every type.

every kind is difficult.

Very simple if you take it simply!

can you see simplicity in relationships around? If it would, that could be great! Even the relatively most sensible people get muddled up with relationships!

I’ll have, I can bet!

I know better, as I think so. You’ll know better than I, only when you’ll think so!

22 September 2009

I met her once, yet didn’t…… What an illusion!

She came in my dream, stayed in my heart, will never disappear till I let not!

It’s difficult to trace her, yet she lives forever in my heart, my soul!

I wanna live in illusion forever if she is in it!

Great she is as I love her. Lucky I’m as she is great!

I can even sleep forever if I can meet her in my dream! Don’t awake me up.

Can love ever leave you if your existence is formed of love? We never part through smiles nor through tears!

I’d like to remain worthless even for years after years only to muse over the charm of Love…… You sound much like my poetry ‘Broken Appointments of Love’!

Love is an illusion we can hardly deny.

All aren’t poets, some are. Again, among those ‘some’, they aren’t always poets, but sometimes are. With the touch or, feeling of love in the soul imagination is coloured and the desired illusion we go through!

22 September 2009

A Truth in disguise is more dangerous than a Lie!

You can never unveil a lie unless another disguised truth casts away its mystic appearance in veil.

A PEACEFUL (SUSHANTA) MAN is more dangerous in dark glasses than a violent man with uncovered eyes!

A good reader is often more difficult to disagree with than an average writer. In that way a reader excels the writer!

A good critic is he who can unveil the guise of a disguised writer or, a reader but hardly of his own! Lol….

are we discussing a run period too….well didn’t know that…….yes agree on that long run part…& buddies all these lines are somebody else’s sayings……..their experiences in life…so we cannot generalize ’em.

Buddy, I told those lines from my own speculation. So, I can very well clarify that idea on my part.

SP I’m talking about the lines I wrote….I guess we all lie in one form or the other

We’re the adroit performers wearing masks.

lie is a universal fact….since stone age…donno why some cowards cover it with some icing…accept it man…we all lie for one or the other reason…at least tell the truth here on this point that we all lie…was Gandhi an honest man…people say he only told truth…well don’t wanna go in a political discussions…just wanna say…truth & lie are not so easy to define……..as said in one line by SP

Why should you leave the context of Gandhi?

though deep down we are attached to our conscience which we can’t ignore, no matter how perfect liar we are!

The art of ignoring our conscience is called a lie, you know better!

hey I know this part sush, but explain “truth in disguise” – give me an example

Just look through your life and lives around you. You’ll get thousands of examples.

hey I asked for just one, not thousands! And also, I am a kinda idiot with a clear head, this kinda idiots are incapable of disguise…. lol

You already have a moment ago, I wonder.

why you suspicious Sushanta, you mean I am not an idiot that makes the statement a lie, my only problem is with the ‘truth in disguise’ bit.

A truth in disguise is a truth in veil for the fear of an unwarranted assault.

Sushanta Paul Hmm….. A truth must have no veil over it. The veiled truth seems to be a truth but it bears the traits of a lie.

22 September 2009

What have I learnt from this Eid vacation?… Well, some movies are hard to digest, some are easy to be digested!

Movies are like foodstuffs…….tasty food (fried/ fast food) may be hard to digest whereas digestible ones may taste bitter. Tasty (entertaining) commercials films may be illogical whereas logical art films are damn boring……


But in both the cases majority of people run after good taste only. That’s the reason why do we see plethora of fast food joints and truck loads of commercial films….

Fast food has always the charm of spicy taste, you know!

Sometimes we also enjoy some minute details (!) of life also!

What about cinema hall or theatre? Lol….

Now the technicians are of great demand to the mass people. Some even take engineers for technicians also! LOL…

No matter whether the supply is expired or not, right? Lol…

There are people whose appetite is stronger. They can digest even the expired items. lol

We also need some digestive medicines for that!

Hmm…. No talk is boyish or, girlish. How you take a thing matters most.

ভাবনা: চারশো সাতাশি


23 September 2009

Childhood is measured out by sounds and smells and sights, before the dark hour of reason grows.

We all pretend of getting older, but actually we never like it.

Most of the time we feel like not getting older though we can’t help it!

Our childhood is often stolen. And we hardly have any say against this unwarranted stealing.

Not accused on our own accord, but on the accord of our foolish society!

Our heart feel like going back but the society’s materialistic view spoils our diction for the time being, doesn’t it?

The strangeness of this strange world makes us amazed, but hardly offers much scope to explore into this!

hey we are part of the society – blaming the society means you got to take the blame too as a member

Hey! It’s a credit to be out of society while living in it. You’ve to create your own world.

You can’t help coming if you’re too honest to pretend!

The cul-de-sacs of our childhood always remain unexplored, I wonder!

Nostalgia is the last resort in this highly sophisticated society, I think.

Hmmm just lovely status msg and why does it get muddled up with society, material world and all that…why can’t we stick to the topic.

Hmm….. Because society makes us think so. Anyway, do you wanna suggest more?

The dark hours of reason start only when the indoctrinated fancies of childhood disappear. Then we step ahead to be acquainted with the minute affairs of our daily life.

23 September 2009

I wanna keep a wave upon the sand,…… I wanna hold a moonbeam in my hand…… But… How?

I once wandered on the floating clouds, collected some of them and pinned in them…..

I find my life an empty page that I wanna write on.

Why thunders follow lightening? Well, thunders answer back what lightening asks them…. They once told me this.

Listen to heart, obey what it says. If it doesn’t say anything, just close your eyes, think of your parents and you’ll surely happen to know what you should do!

23 September 2009

There’s nothing more irresistible to a man than a woman who’s in love with him.

Woman loves in most cases not caring about what the man thinks about her. I can tell you from my personal life…… Well, to feel irresistible a man must also love her.

Instead……. Let’s stick to flying kisses fleeting away from us to our beloved ones making us float on the skies of imagination rather spoiling our romantic feelings……. (I wonder I should stop at this point, otherwise Chanak will……!!! )

Kiss may be an introduction. Well…. But, what can be the most perfect introduction of a kiss, I wonder!…. Not obviously only a plain conversation!…….. It hardly turns irresistible.

When I feel awfully hungry but get no food to eat, I even wonder what grass tastes like!…… I hope I’m not getting out of the track!

If I sound funny, I’m afraid,…. probably my brain got caught in Chanak’s tickling comment! So, I feel I must not seek apology more!

To be crowned is to be burdened, even to be strangled to death when the crowned one doesn’t deserve it, you know better!

Fond of as I’m of my friends, I really don’t think I’m the right man for this admiration!

Girls often don’t deserve that attachment, I wonder!….. Boys must not give girls what they don’t deserve….. Hahaha….

It’s a welcoming compliment for poetry!… For this very reason, I couldn’t accept a girlfriend as I was in love with something else (literature)!

To most of us, an irresistible matter isn’t something that can’t be resisted, but that is hard to resist. So, love often meets a biased acceptance in our life, regardless of whether man or, woman…… My status message isn’t passing this sub-way of life, I think!

Uh…… The real problem arises when men feel irresistibility for his girlfriend after his marriage and the wife is too loyal to be in love with someone else.

Perhaps these are the only vacancies in the world that are created always more than the number of candidates.

but Sushanta adultery is nothing but the application of democratic values to love

…… If you draw the context of adultery, I’d say, it’s not the democratic values but socialistic values blended with our democratic rights and responsibilities (!).

socialistic applies to orgies ( ya but you have blended that with democratic rights so you are right)

Well, apparently couples both suffer from a deplorable lack of curiosity about each other.

24 September 2009

অনেক দিন হল ভয় পাই না। খুব ভয় পেতে ইচ্ছে করছে…..বন্ধুরা, কী করা যায়, বলুনতো?

Translation: It’s long since I got frightened last. I feel like getting frightened. Friends! What should I do to get frightened?

watch midsummer murders, though I think you are too strong

ভয় পাওয়া কি ছেলেখেলা ভেবেছ? আমি অতো সহজে ভয় পাই না। হুহ্‌!

Go To A Grave Yard @ Mid Night, Dig A Grave, Get Inside It And Lie Down There For 1 Hour….. Or Go To A Morgue, And Watch How They Did Postmortem Of A Dead Body….

মধ্য রাত্তিরে গ্রেভইয়ার্ডে গিয়েছিলাম গতকাল। গিয়ে দেখি, ওখানকার বাসিন্দার অনেকদিন আগে কোথায় যেন দেখেছিলাম। আমার ভয় পাওয়া আর হল না।….. নিজের কবর খুঁড়তে গিয়ে দেখি, কবর খোঁড়াই রয়েছে! কী করে সম্ভব? আমার আর ভয় পাওয়া হল না!

অনেকক্ষণ ধরে সেই ঘড়িটার দিকে তাকিয়ে আছি, যেটা অনেকদিন আগে বন্ধ হয়ে আজকে হঠাৎ করে আবার চলতে শুরু করেছে। তবুও ভয় পাচ্ছি না। কী হল আমার?

আজকাল মৃতরা আরো বেশি জীবিত, জীবিতদের চাইতেও…….পূর্ণিমা এখন আর যেন আসে না। পূর্ণিমা যেন অমাবস্যা হয়ে যায়।…..আমার ছায়া তাই আমার সাথেই বড্ড বেশি প্রতারণা করে।…… আমি পথ হারিয়ে ফেলি, তবুও পথ কিছুতেই আমায় হারায় না।……

ভাবনা: চারশো আটাশি


25 September 2009

Never say, I love you, to anyone, if you really don’t mean it. Please never do it, never.

I, personally feel that I’m not young enough to say, I love you, to 24 persons in a day of 24 hours.

hey, you don’t need to be young to say I love you. but didn’t get that 24 persons/24 hours. what does that mean? in my view you can’t be in love with even 2 persons at the same time!

Have you seen the movie ‘Love Story’ or, read that novel by Erich Segal? If not, I would rather you watched or, read it as soon as possible.

Lovers, in these days, are like cloths. You can change them whenever you like, need not wear the same all time, can throw out whenever you wish only if you have the capability to afford another one. Isn’t it miserable?

oh, they are not lovers Sush. I still see real people’s heartache and still there are real lovers. the world would have fallen apart if there weren’t any. but people are becoming superficial and shallow and less passionate running after material world

I wonder, do such miserable fellows love or, just pretend to love? Don’t they feel any scruples being so mean? Is it really a life? What is love but a way to life in the truest sense?

by the thought of it, actually now a days it’s difficult to find happy people with a balanced mind. people are either depressed or hyper active or punk

If I promise to you, “We’ll never part” only to be parted, don’t I fool myself always? Is it life at all?

It’s beautiful to love and to be loved always…. But, before that, you must be worthy of it….. A knife could be dangerous if gifted to a scoundrel.

hey not at all. I think at the time you mean it, don’t you? but with the fickle in your mind it vanishes in no time. my point, as I mentioned many times before “being honest to thyself” is the main thing. but if someone just plain dumb and not sure whether he/she is in love then I have no idea what to comment

Never waste an opportunity to say ‘i love u’ to someone yo you really love…coz it’s not every day you’ll meet that right person have the magic to let you fall in love.

Another good quote I like really! Thanks for that.

this reminds me of a great ghazal ” tamam umr tera intezar humne kiya…is intezar mein kis kis se pyaar humne kiya”..this means all life I waited for u…but during this wait loved many….old Ghazal by an old shair… which means this attitude has nothing to do with today’s times…even Hafeez did all this…many many examples…so nothing new….& now reading this thread feeling guilty…OMG….said ” I love u” to so many……but yes meant it for all…thank God!

If you mean it for everyone, I’m afraid you just pretend to mean for gratifying any mean whatever it might be!

I’m referring to Platonic love meant for couples dreaming to live together forever. Lol……

….. I’ll never fall in love. Love falls in me every moment. Hahaha….. Please read my poetry ‘Broken Appointments of Love’ in my notes. You’ll learn more about my feeling of Love. I’ve expressed my particular views there on Love……. God will surely save me only for my friends, I firmly believe. Thanks.

…. You can never attack me if I don’t feel attacked…….. If you feel like saying, I love you, just say, ‘ Love seems to be in me, I wonder if I’m love yet! ‘ that’s harmless and doesn’t mean the same. Lol…..

…. I’m afraid I’m not young enough to be convinced at those fabricated words even if someone says, huh!

…. You sound much like what I meant.

If I love you, it’s not necessary that you should also love me…… Such idea is another cause of mental ache, I think.

A cardiac surgeon is someone a person who deals with such cases that probably have not been happened to him/her. So, he/she has knowledge based on introspection not on inspection. Lol…… But such type of knowledge also works to some extent.

Peace is the primary phase of love. When love approaches later phases, peace generally vanishes! So, if you’re in peace, better not to let it be replaced with any other element.

Ok, friends, tell me, I love you, thousands of times or even more as you wish. But, please never say goodbye after that. I’m afraid I’d never be able to bear the pain of parting with someone who once told me those three wonderful words, I LOVE YOU!

It’s better to love than to hate. In that sense, I love you, you also love me. But, that’s pathetic. Sometimes, bitter hatred means also ardent love. Again, love also breeds hatred sometimes. So, it’s an illusion we can hardly escape just like the insects which can hardly deny the attraction of death flying to the fire.

Love is only universal truth, that has yet to be universally defined. So……

27 September 2009

Love means never having to say you’re sorry.

civilization in an advanced state of dk (oops I mean decay)

Decay meant if only we let it mean, otherwise, never!

I mean decay of our mind in perspective of individuals.

28 September 2009

Our sweetest moments come too late, go away too fast. Eid & Puja came too late, went away too fast!….. Why are dreamy moments so short-lived? Why?

I always live in dreams to enjoy the reality.

The dew drops always vanish out long before we get lost at their beauty. Nature hardly let us be lost!

Sushanta Paul After dew drops comes your comment! After yours comes mine and…….

Dreaming is never a waste of time. It is the locomotive to draw the wheels of our life. Subtlety of time adds hue to it….. Eternity is the Utopia of our mind, the last refuge of our exhausted soul…. We always regret only what we not dreamt of… You can never perceive the presence of present moments without shaping them in your own way. Dream is the raindrop in the desert……

Not only kids, but also all who love making fun and wanna break up the monotony of existence eagerly await these festivals. The pursuit of pleasure is the way to make our life worth of living. And Eid and Puja are important in that regard.

ভাবনা: চারশো উননব্বই


29 September 2009

One of my friends says, “Generally, handsome boys cannot prosper in life. So, the girls marrying those boys suffer a lot.”…. Is it true?

Ask me something that I don’t know!

I’m tired of hearing about this!

Most of the successful persons aren’t handsome, only because handsome guys are rare to be found! That’s the reason…. I think!

If you’re talking of majority…there aren’t enough but handsome guys do prosper in life.

I think, some lovely women are either too blind to find out handsome men or, hanker after the money of those successful men…. It never means that all successful men are handsome.

Success is too relative a term to be assigned to a group…. Some also say that handsome guys are averse to work. That’s also a biased notion…… I saw many handsome labourers working very hard! Lol….

….. Handsome are those who achieve handsome. Nice saying!….. Did I say that my girlfriend told this to me?…. It’s often true that handsome guys are hardly seen married to lovely girls.

….. Actually, like others, I also want to be successful in my career and matrimony. So, I got confused whether I don’t have the quality to be successful! Lol….

Really…….LOL.. Handsome perceive handsomely. so got maximum output. He topples from rail whenever he loses his consistency…

Losing consistency might be caused due to inconsistent behaviour after marriage when you’re too busy at finding your previous consistencies that you had before marriage! Lol….. In such cases, your handsomeness can hardly work to your advantages. So, if you get slipped off, this is probably for other reasons, not for your handsome look!…..

hey sush, your friend defo is not handsome…lol

…. No. But, he is handsome in his girlfriend’s eyes only. And, his girlfriend is lovely in my eyes only! Lol……

Girish…… Sometimes lack of girlfriends also makes a man feel like being unsuccessful! Lol……. Anyway, your idea is very true in most cases….. So, it’s better for a handsome guy to avoid girlfriends before being successful so that no one can blame his handsomeness! …. Right?

….. Did you see how easily I trapped you? Hahaha…. Are you meaning something else? Triangular Love Story is too complicated for me too suit, you know better, I think!…. But I should perhaps write my first novel on such plot, as I managed to fool you! Lol……

……. If I really write a novel based on her ideas, I’m afraid, I’ll probably have to give compensation of printing to the publishers, instead!

lol no worries, I am not gonna claim any of it. just go ahead and do the best you can do

30 September 2009

How far in the world will you go to be with her?

the end….

If she crosses the last frontier, then?

live with her memories……

If her memories ever sink into oblivion…..then?

memories NEVER sink into oblivion Sushanta……they may fade away, but you can never forget them….

Better to be imbibed into her existence, if ever she is gone, a dead soul is left with you, that is your heart follows every corner she goes. You will part only at death!…. This is true love, I think!

We will never part through smiles nor through tears…….. We’ll share what we feel, we’ll never feel what we can’t share…… This is true love.

This proves that love can sometimes be one-sided also. But such type of love is often unwarrantable, I think!

If you love someone, follow her till death parts you. But, if it’s an illusion, better not to follow that twinkling star. If you think that you love someone that doesn’t mean she has to also love you, you’ll just have pain that you don’t deserve. Life is beautiful. You have no right to spoil it.

I agree with you SP..asif I too have gone through the same situation like u….now I realized I just wasted all those years in a one sided love…go ahead & tell her your feeling…wish you all the luck to make it 2 sided or else get aside & keep falling in & out of love.

That’s a cool answer!…. What about the passage that you’re to cross?

Ok, passage of her mind, streets of her soul. Then what about the avenues that she crosses but not crosses through her mind?

to cross the passage of her mind sometimes you have to recite passages

Ok. Stay at the letters of imagination. Just add some hue to it!

30 September 2009

Life is beautiful.

Life is always more beautiful than we can even imagine. Lalalalala…..

I don’t care about girlfriends. Our life is not too long to spoil in just chasing an illusion.

Life is a most beautiful prayer and if we live deep in our souls we can manifest a desired life style of love and harmony.

Life is what we make it! Just make it beautiful.

Life is a mirror. Just look through it smiling, you’ll get smiles in return.

The film shows only three aspects of our life. There are more enjoyments to derive from life.

I’m quite happy without girlfriends.

One friend asked me if I’m dreaming…… Brother, if life appears beautiful in my dream, I’m agree to dream even throughout my life.

Hmm…. Happiness is a wonderful thing. It depends on how we meet our life, work with it and ready to accept it….. It is a matter that is not to be searched, but to be felt….. We always have it, just fail to feel it.

The greatest reward that I have got still now from life is that I always find my life exactly what I think about it….. If I think life is beautiful, it is exactly so. If I ever feel otherwise, it is still true! Life always respects my feelings….

Touch of a woman may make you feel better, but it doesn’t mean that such golden touch is a must for that divine feeling. You feel exactly how you want to feel….. Our feeling never goes against our own way of thinking!

Marriage is just a part of our life… It spoils our happiness only when we lose our independent way of thought…. Life remains still beautiful after marriage, if we don’t change our attitude towards life….. I know many cases where marriage played a vital role to bring about more positive aspects…..

Life is a prayer! That’s great….. I’d like to add, life is the sweetest prayer that never pays less than we pray… Now, the only thing that we’ve learn is, how to pray.

It’s true that beauty is only on the eyes of the beholder….. But, I wonder, can pearls ever deny the beauty of oysters?….. Probably, never!

Life is ugly, ruthless, dangerous, never ending battles, full of frustrations as we find it every moment

Yes dada, you’re right as long as you think so…. Life always gives you what you deserve from it.

দাদা, আমার লাইফটা কেমন, সেটা জানতে আমি কেন অন্যদের ভোট নেবো? Depression is nothing but a weapon to suicide!

Life is beautiful and we should consider each day as a day to be celebrated and enjoyed to the fullest

Let’s live every moment!…. A day is surely lost if we don’t smile at least once on that day!

remember folks that depression is not real and exists only in the mind / only despair is real

Just waiting may ruin your whole life as you might have to wait throughout your whole life. Better, be happy with what you’ve at this moment, try to feel the presence of your soul. You might not even have the chance to repent tomorrow if you don’t enjoy your life today.

Despair is the reward of ignorance about the essence of life!

Party time folks – Sushanta where do you plan to hold the party

I heartily welcome any party on my wall! lol…

Carpe diem!Life becomes much more beautiful when we are aware of others suffering and do something about it..

Yes. I’m ready for that. I always welcome anyone if he/she feels that I can do the slightest favour for him/her.

No SP, people who are really suffering rarely come to you……you will have to reach out to them…..n at times.. when you’re ready to do something good, a few people in our society will say…..no don’t!! 🙂

…… I never care what others say, just care what my heart says…. You’re true, friend! That’s an irony of fate we can hardly deny. Thought provoking, indeed!

ভাবনা: চারশো নব্বই


1 October 2009

The day you finally decide to love me will be the day after the day I’ve given up chasing you…. Friends! Do you support this idea?

I’ll never part with you nor through smiles nor through tears. Only death can untie this bondage.

I quite like the chase…it does wonders for your ego….I keep you chasing…I know, what a tease?

Chasing and teasing are two different concepts. The first one is done from love, the second one is from lust……. Love can happen in many ways; lust destroys those ways and chooses a different one.

Ques: Why do guys chase girls though they don’t intend marrying?

Ans: ……..for the same reason that dogs chase cars though they don’t intend driving.

Girls also chase boys. I can tell it for sure. In that case, the chased get some advantages over the chaser.

oooh personal experience Sush?

Not personal experience, rather bitter personal experience!

the chaser has no way of knowing whether he will be lucky but the chased one knows

ohh its high time you start writing your novel Sush

The chased also sometimes becomes confused to decide whether he/she is supposed to be chased or, not……… Novel writing demands also the opposite, that hasn’t occurred yet!

…. I prefer not to enjoy of being chased to enjoy being chased by the wrong person (probably for another reason. Lol).

1 October 2009

It is better to stay alone than to stay with a wrong person.

Some friends often ask me why I don’t have any girlfriend. That’s the answer…… If ever I find the right person, I will never say her goodbye.

Why should I pay for compromising with my life? Is our life long enough to stay some years with a wrong person, then repent for that throughout the rest of my life? Never! We’ve no right to ache this beautiful life.

If you want to go a long way in your life, please go with a right person. If you can’t find him/her, better go alone. You might have not enough time even to repent afterwards. Our life is long enough to spend just in compromising and repenting.

If I spend my short in just compromising, when is the time to enjoy it? Can you tell me that?….. Why should I repent or, cry over anything that never comes back? If you’re too cautious while colouring your own life, you may have coloured it, but surely will miss the pleasure of that colour. Others around you will perhaps take this opportunity. Is it life?

I think you can’t be sure whether the person is wrong or right unless you marry him or her. Going on with a person is much more different than living with that person under the same roof. so, you can’t judge a person as right or wrong without undergoing a social bonding and responsibilities— attitude, commitment and impressions during bachelor period or pre-marital stage are always misleading!!

….. Dost, that’s really a problem! Can you remember you introduced a law on ‘Salowaar-kaamiz’ while we’re in Chittagong College in HSC? Lol….. Please introduce something like that. I know you can do it!

….. Why should I compromise with anything that I deserve? Why should others get anything that they don’t deserve? It’s not fair!

….. So, never love a wrong person. And never make a person wrong after you love him/her! Lol…..

…. I’m great!?….. I’ve known it just now. Wow!

Sushanta – you just can’t live life like that – you gotta enjoy it – if you like some girl and she also likes you then go ahead check out if things are OK (unless you are in love in which case you should not check out)

to put it succinctly – you have to check in to check out

…. Check in to check out! That’s not a bad idea!….. If I find nothing to check in what might be the solution?

Well friends, I saw all comments! Can I offer a cocktail of old & new? A mixed blend of India & BD? With no prejudices to anyone with any bckgrnd…..Marriage is the name of compromise. In old Indian culture, we match 36 gunas, based on astrology. More More the guna matches, more the liking of each other’s habit. But there was none in entire history of the then Mahabharat consisting of entire region Pak/ India/ BD, except just one match…full 36. They had no differences but still had a very tough life. I can tell SP privately who were they.

Now coming to modern way of finding a match! In old times, parents used to fix marriage and boy was simply asked to obey the command. Failure rate was 1%. But now, in spite of SP like precautions, marriages materialise hard and even if they do, doesn’t last long. In my own family, there are over 5 bachelor boys….of 30+ all. The culture has changed and so the parents….almost given up! But still no one is happy. Bro, you need a companion, with whom you can share. Not now but may be at the fag end of life…. Live life in what god has given you. Marriage teaches you the art of giving….to your wife…to your kids…to your grandkids. And believe me, the happiness derived in such kind of giving is not there in any form of taking!…. SP, don’t live life just for you. Start learning to give and sacrificing. Our part of oriental society so demands.

….. Marriage is the art of giving. That’s a nice notion, indeed. Here we receive many things also. And for this dual policy there grows a sense of responsibility and mutual intelligibility. Responsibility conferred on you without obeying your liking or, disliking often makes a fuss and initiates a sense of compromising of just an escape. Marriages taste sweet only when we find a reason to compromise, a zeal not to regret ever and a viability to any disaster if ever ensued in a conjugal life. This perspective works well irrespective of ages and regions, I think………. Anyway, the contrast and analogy of primitive and present Oriental societies also demand further attention. Thanks dada.

…. I never said that I’m always right while my girlfriend may not be. I just felt like crossing the passage to renovation alone instead of road to perdition with her…… Again, in case of parents and friends…… I think it’s possible not to exist psychologically but merely physically in a congregation. So, if you’re absent in your mind set-up no one around you ever deserves your attention. In that case, you’re perhaps walking all alone as a cluster of lonely clouds…. Singularism or, Secularism concept is beneficial in that context, I think…… Thanks for your comments.

…. I’d rather float on clouds than to float on feathers.

দেবে আর নেবে, মেলাবে মিলিবে, যাবে না ফিরে…….

… জীবনের দান কিছুই যাবে না ফেলা… এসেছিলাম শুন্য হাতে, পেয়েছি যা এই জীবনপ্রাতে…তারই ভাবনায় কাটে আজি বেলা… কী লাভ, বলো, যদি ছেড়েই দেবে তুমি, ধরে এই হাত?

ভালোবাসা মুখের কথা নয়,

মাটির মতো খাঁটি যদি হয়,

ধরবো ও হাত, জেনো নিশ্চয়ই,

শুধু হাত নয় সাথে ওই হৃদয়!

…..তবে এইটুকু বলতে পারি, ভুল করে ভুলেযাওয়া কোনো স্মৃতির অবগাহনে নিজেকে আর কখনোই হারিয়ে ফেলবো না!…. সেটিই আজ পরম সত্য, অপার্থিব অর্জন!

Journey is always alone but choosing or tolerating wrong person is a choice you make. you can walk out if it is not for you.

….. The real disaster arrives when we feel like holding a hand which we’re not supposed to hold. Life is a continual journey. The choice is ours so far as we aren’t bound to yield to our destiny or, make our days as we want. But the reality is, can we always make the choice as we want? Such situations also ensue when we have no choice but to submit!

to phrase it differently it is better to stay with the right person rather than the person left.

… It’s better to be left alone than to be left with the person who are not supposed to be left for the rest of the life left for you and nothing right is left anymore.

Wrong person? ভুল কখনো ফুল হয়ে ফোটে! কখনোবা ফুল হয় ভুল! কী বলবে, সুশান্ত?

….. Now you’re left with my fancies left for you! Lol….

বোধ! স্বপ্ন ও বোধের সন্ধিক্ষণে কোনো এক আলোআঁধারিতে আসে ভালোবাসার চিঠি।

…আমি সব দেবতারে ফেলে আমার প্রাণের দেবতার কাছে চলে আসি।…বলি আমি এই হৃদয়েরে….সে কেন জলের মতো ঘুরেঘুরে একাএকা কথা কয়!……

একা নয় সে!

……..সে আমি জানি!

…….কী করে জানলে?

আমারই বধূ কীভাবে আনঘরে যাবে আমারই আঙিনা দিয়ে?

আমার হাত ধরে তুমি নিয়ে চলো সখা আমি যে পথ চিনি না…

ভয় নেই, পথ তোমায় ঠিকই চিনে নেবে! পথ হারানো মানে হারিয়ে যাওয়া নয়, অন্য পথের দিশায় মেতে ওঠা! ভয় কী, বন্ধু?

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