ভাবনাদেয়ালের পলেস্তারা (৬৯তি অংশ)

ভাবনা: চারশো সাতাত্তর


2 September 2009

A young man asks a kind priest: Father, is it a sin to sleep with a girl?…….. Father: No, my child, but the problem is that you guys never sleep.

Should he sleep? Lol…..

if I was father my answer was may be yes……but my mother so big no..

……. Lol.

জটিল……your stock is really rich..

was that child u, Sushant?

Ahem, ahem! I wish I were.

you mean Ah Men! u wish what

I am sure you must have not slept with a woman several times

problem happens only if both of them sleep.

lolzzz…………won’t never let this problem happen!

2 September 2009

They say, my smile can be compared to a flower, my voice can be compared to a cuckoo, my innocence to a child, but in stupidity I have no comparison. I am the best.

I’m the best! simply the best

Wow! Friends, you’ve celebrated my superiority gorgeously! I can’t even imagine how you’ve preferred my stupidity! I feel honoured to be the best. Many have liked it; many have even kindly also commented on it. I’ll try my best to retain this no. 1 position. It’s a promise.

I disagree with your last statement, Sushant

Why? Have you found anyone more stupid than me?

…………I change my status message, because I believe in change. Facebook is my girlfriend. (lol) Would you please spend some time with me for some time of the day? I do nothing for living, rather others do many things for my living.

I agree

I do also! Because, diamond cuts diamond.

I know that and want to make people aware of that! I wish I had some more sagacious friends like you!

A man/woman is known by the company he/she keeps!

3 September 2009

A bride at her second wedding does not wear a veil. She wants to see what she is getting.

Hmm……. Marriage is a race, shouldn’t be stopped once. Meaning that? lolzz….

marriage is very pious relationship……especially if you know wat it actually is……otherwise it’s just two ppl living together…

I think, marriages often break up only because two persons live together not because their heart yearn for each other, just because they feel they have no other option (or find it embarrassing going for another option). Friends! What do you think about that?

why only she…not he also???

For sure……the best, if she tries! Otherwise, it would be miserably a ‘luck game’.

Friends! Do you think that spouses can train each other psychologically?

oh yes sure…they keep on changing each other throughout & in this process they are so changed & then comes this famous line….”AAP PEHLE JAISE NAHI RAHE”

Can you remember the short story ‘The Gift of the Magi’ by O’ Henry? Can’t we get some more happy couples like Jim & Della?……. After marriage friendship is required more than love, I think.

don’t think friendship is the appropriate word when you live together, may be partner… be professional like a business partner (lol)… less emotion less trouble… lol

What can be the reason behind a bride draping the pallu and a groom wearing a sehra?? ..it can only mean that don’t see each other lest they call of the wedding…What say?

well I think the traditional meaning of all these is to make the day more interesting putting the curtain between them for a bit, as they meant to be together forever afterwards.

Lol……. An unfair dealing in a fair way often meets a tragic end!…… Happy Wedding! A sweet-sounding Utopia where you can but live after you’ve lost the appeal of living! lolz.

ahh that’s not always true… don’t be so negative Sushanta. I can see your future. When you will be nearly 45 (youth is vanishing) then you will feel like getting married to a 25 year old “ruposhi sexy koinna” and you will do so and live happily ever after.

Reaching at 45…… getting married only once? Lol…… What about not getting married at all and making many girls happy instead of making only one? lol.

what do you mean, making many girls happy? Are you making many girls happy with the marital games… LOL 😀

one is the number you start with… LOL…

You can never anyone ‘HAPPY’ in marital game! ‘True Happiness’ lies anywhere else! lol.

as you know the definition of True Happiness… go on… share with us… make me happy today

thanx for adding few more lines

..I don’t think one has to be unmarried to make many women happy..is happiness subjective here

Girish…… Learnt a new dimension of happiness from you! (probably I knew it earlier, just became sure from an experienced person. Thanks! )

……. Huh!

yes experienced man…that’s right….still experiencing

3 September 2009

Girls are like shadow. If you run after them, they will run away from you. If you run away from them, they will run after you.

…… Girls act like silent listeners, but if you can’t guess their acting, you’ll never have to look for miseries, rather miseries will collect your address!

Hmm…… If I hadn’t submitted this status message, I’d have not realized how seriously funny this matter actually is. Lol. Ok, I’ve never been dumped by any girl 🙁 or, dumped anyone either! 🙁 Anyway, I should have not offended those who are good runners in this regard! Sorry for that! (lol)……. See, one my kind friends has kindly said that I talk too much foul. Thanks. Should an idiot talk wisely?…….. I don’t love girls, they love me. I just can’t hurt them. Lol……… Finally, I can say that love runs blind, so better depend on blind-dating! Hahahaha…..

Some have suggested here to stand still. Can you ever touch you shadow? Lol……… What’s the use of passing even your whole life just staring at a dumb shadow?……….. Again, I often feel proud of my stupidity as in this God-gifted virtue I’m second to none! Girls are by far, fond of idiots, as they don’t prefer any smart one who can trace their stupidity easily!……. Hmm……. Seriousness? This seems too heavy for me to bear!…… I can at most be a serious stupid only, not more than that! Thanks.

Friends! Have you ever tried to fight with your own shadow? It’s amazing! Just try it!…….. I tried it many times and have found that this is the only strife in the world where you’ll lose the appeal of rejoicing the victory even if you win!……… Just imagine that you’re walking but, you’ve no shadow. Are you a human being at all it this case?…….. One possible solution: Walk in darkness. No shadow will follow you! No one is there whom you can chase or, who can chase you either! Hahahaha…….

Sweet mistakes….. How can you but make mistakes when you feel no offence but an urge in making them? lolz…..

ভাবনা: চারশো আটাত্তর


3 September 2009

Son: Is God man or, woman?… Father: Both, my son!…. Son: Black or, White?… Father: Both, my son, both!…. Son: Papa! Is Michael Jackson God?

I’m also a fan of Michael Jackson. I paid tribute to him after his death from my heart. Actually, I meant no offence here. I request you to take it as a joke only. A friend has commented here that Michael Jackson went through trials and tribulations in his life. Please, think for a while impartially. Did he not deserve that? Anyway, I again request you just to take it for a joke only. Thanks.

In the world, most of the jokes are about doctors and lawyers. And we know they serve the society best. There are nothing called good jokes or, bad jokes. Our acceptability makes it so. Thanks.

I think, it’s agreeable to be passionate, but disgraceful to be fanatic, it often destroys our power of free thinking. Why should we be devoid of the tolerance to take a joke only for a joke and nothing else? If we eliminate the dark side of a matter, can we analyze it comprehensively at all? I again request my friends not to mean any offence for that joke. Thanks.

Thanks for your comments. If I didn’t post this status message, I’d never come to how awfully fanatic men could be about a simple joke even unnecessarily drawing the context of God…….. I’d like to put a simple request before you: For God’s sake, spare God!


3 September 2009

What type of person do you prefer most? Conservative? or, Liberal?

I think, a person is exactly what or, how he/she thinks. Most people who claim to be conservative, are outwardly superficial in case of acting like that, but inwardly their heart yearns for a liberal perspective. I found many people conservative in manner, liberal in thought. Sometimes Oriental societies make us pretend to be conservative, but we can never take this from heart. Habits also demand mentioning in reforming a person’s attitude towards the way of life. Am I right?

We guys are by far hypocrites in our attitude. We dare not express what we feel, rather express a fake concocted artificial manner. Now my question is: How should we behave? As we are, or, as we had to be? Observation of self-denying customs or, so-called rules often spoil our power of thinking freely. In case of literature, masterpieces also come out only from spontaneous thoughts not from fabricated indoctrinated beliefs. Friends! Do you agree with me?

Sushanta Paul I’d like to add…….. Values blended with aesthetic flavour!

3 September 2009

Friends! For God’s sake, hold your tongue and let me love!

Again, there are some views we feel like sharing but society can’t accept the urge hyperactively.

যখন গিয়েছে ডুবে পঞ্চমীর চাঁদ, মরিবার হলো তার সাধ…….. (আমারও খুব ইচ্ছে! যাবেন নাকি কেউ আমার সাথে?)

সন্ধ্যাতারা চলে গেছে সেই কবেই! আমি প্রতীক্ষায় রয়েছি কখন রাতজাগা পাখিরা এসে গান শুনিয়ে যাবে! ও রাত, তুমি নয় থাকলে আরো কিছুক্ষণ! ওগো প্রিয়া, তোমার কালো চোখের ইশারায় মেঘকে বলো সরে যেতে, রুপোলী চাঁদনি এসে ধুয়ে দিক তোমার চিবুক!

………… অবসর নেই, বলছ, বন্ধু? অবসর তো থাকে না কখনো, করে নিতে হয়।

4 September 2009

মাঝেমাঝে তোমায় ভেবে এলোমেলো লাগে সবই……..মাঝেমাঝে তোমার চোখে কে আঁকে অন্য ছবি…… কিছুতে তোমার মনটা আমি বুঝতে পারি না, এত চেনা, তবু কেন লাগে অচেনা?

Translation: Sometimes I feel like acting crazy when you peep through my heart…… Then I even fail to ponder over your portrait….. Your mind seems enigmatic to me…… When I feel like losing you into oblivion, I also lose myself!

যে নিঃশ্বাসে মিশে আছো তুমি, সেটিই যখন হারিয়ে যায়, তখন আমার আর কী-ইবা থাকে, তুমিই বলো? তখন নৈশব্দের পদাতিক এসে আমাকে ঘিরে ধরে। আমি হারিয়ে যাই, কিন্তু পালাতে পারি না।

4 September 2009

প্রথম প্রেমের মতো, প্রথম কবিতা এসে বলে……..হাত ধরে চলো, অজানা দূরের দেশে……

Translation: Like my first love, my first poetry yearns to me to escort it to the distant fairyland with a blend of imagination.

যে পথ অজানা, সে পথে আজ আমি হেঁটে যাবো!

4 September 2009

About which matters do people feel shy, or pretend to feel shy?

Hmm… I don’t think that the world is full of genuine (!) shy persons, rather it is full of persons who like to pretend to be shy for some reasons!

If you feel shy anymore, I swear I’ll feel shy from my heart! Hehehe

You shy guy are leaving us. I’m happy as a competitor of mine to be shameless is leaving! I’m the best shameless. lolz

Yea! I was awaiting this vital point. So true. More obvious in case of illegal sex.

Sushanta, I wonder if you go to school……..you’re on FB all day, I think.

4 September 2009

Consequences of American life style: The wife rushed into the house screaming to her husband, Darling, come quick! your kids and my kids are beating our kids!

I know it is only a joke, but it does not change the fact that such jokes create misunderstandings that lead to prejudiced thinking!

How would you feel if the joke were instead about unhappy arranged marriages, or honour killings due to a love marriage? Answer that honestly!

That would be a disgrace! Honour killing is largely biased by the intelligibility and acceptance from personal and familial perspective. Unhappy arranged marriages can also undergo this tribulation of life. It depends on how and to what extent we accept or, deny a fact whatsoever agreeable may it be or not. Some sorts of neuro-psychological motivation can contribute here. Thanks. @Renee.

ভাবনা: চারশো উনআশি


4 September 2009

If you love someone but he/she doesn’t care you or your feelings, should you still yearn for his/her sympathy?

Nice comments. Friends! Now my question is, if you love someone truly but he/she refuses you and hasn’t the least feeling of love for you, should you still cling to your decision and vex him/her continuously and try make him/her understand he/must love you?

Friends! Did you notice that an interesting matter happened! Many of you have mentioned here only about girls. Do boys vex girls only? You can’t even imagine how disgusting girls could be! They can be crazy beyond your imagination. It’s true. I can tell it for sure!

Sushanta! you should say” few girls”……and remember you got what you gave once.

Friends! I’d like share an idea with you. If anyone leaves you, just wait. He/ She will come back to you if he/she was yours. If he/she does not, he/she was never yours. Do your support or believe this?

Love always finds its course itself. No matter how we instigate through its perspective. Now, what’s the use of one-sided love? Is it not a pity for oneself? Does it not demolish one’s personality? I think, notwithstanding love’s spontaneous flow, we should never deny the urge to uplift our self-dignity and yield to the persons who don’t even care us. Do you agree with me?

Ok. I’m rather replacing the word ‘disgusting’ with the word ‘displeasing’. Hope now my previous statement bears no offensive notion. Thanks for the warning. @Sanjiv.

……………If anyone falls in love, he usually loses the power of thinking independently and judging something shrewdly so as to avoid a possible disaster. What’s the use of continuing loving a person without telling him/her that plainly? That’s probably plainly liking, not love!

love defies reasons reasonably!

The greatest thing you will ever learn is just to love and be loved in return (from nature boy) – if you love someone, you can never seek for sympathy, only love is desired in return!

If that doesn’t happen, that shouldn’t stop that love, but of course the typical love affair is not expected when it’s one sided – defo sympathy is not appropriate at all in case of love… but I know where seeking sympathy can occur. Sometimes people become obsessed about another person (that’s not love, obsession) but they think that is, in that case when they found out that they won’t be loved in return, then they seek sympathy… but it wasn’t love at the first place!

….. Obsession, not love! Good point, I admit!

4 September 2009

To love is to suffer. To avoid suffering one must not love. But then one suffers from not loving. Friends! Then, what may be the possible solution to avoid suffering?

“To love is to suffer. To avoid suffering one must not love. But then one suffers from not loving. Therefore, to love is to suffer, not to love is to suffer. To suffer is to suffer. To be happy is to love. To be happy then is to suffer. But suffering makes one unhappy. Therefore, to be unhappy one must love, or love to suffer, or suffer from too much happiness. I hope you’re getting this down.” – Woody Allen, Love and Death.

Now, I’d like to share, Is one-sided love agreeable, however? Why should you deserve the pain that is not yours only? Pain of jealousy? Well. Is it not fully your personal? Should it be granted? Pain in love is agreeable. But what’s the use of unwarranted agony? You may go on loving without any demand or further expectation, but can you tell me what’s the course of it? Does it ultimately not remain only at your part regardless of the mutual intelligibility?

I never suffer from any anesthesia about any Utopian scheme.

Can we ever define the term ‘cheating’ in case of love? Is it not a biased notion?

You don’t need to force people to listen everything which might be irrelevant to them. I know how most people are but it is very important that one to be honest with own self. It needs very strong personality in order to achieve that level and hardly people have that quality but the number is not nil for sure.

Also, I think, you never need to lie if you have a strong personality and are truly in love with someone – cheating comes when love dies out.

Well. I think you guys are confusing ‘cheating’ with ‘dumping’! Lol…

Dumping is better than cheating! Sounds healthy! Wanna it? Lolz…….

in fact, it’s often the rule than exception…and I repeat cheating doesn’t imply infidelity in the conventional sense

good point! “cheating doesn’t imply infidelity”

I strongly believe this Sushant……..and if all couples understand this, there would be more security and love in all relationships

In pragmatic world most often marriages break up in Oriental societies because of ‘cheating or, being cheated before marriage’ despite having fidelity.

5 September 2009

Nowadays, I think, most of the movies are of the kind that should only be shown in prisons and airplanes, because nobody can escape. Friends! Agree? or, Disagree?

Movies are supposed to follow the aspects of our life, but when our life borrows the elements from the movies instead, then movies become fabricated so far away from the vision of life. Can you suggest any other better option for ‘Life is Beautiful’, The Bicycle Thief’, ‘Pother Panchali’ or, many other classics like that that directly illustrate the portrait of our real life? I think, these day most commercial movies are made presenting some stereotypes that we might have fancy to be, but the fact is, we remain where we were, just the colors of whim enthrall us for the time being. We dream of marrying (or, something like that!) Aishwariya or, Katrina but miserably just can read a huge stuff about their marriage! 🙁 Sometimes it so happens that we confuse the Western and Oriental life-style and try to contradict the surroundings where we have been grown up. This confusion never goes unpunished.

Again, some people think that all classics should not be approved for some censorial reasons. They classify some movies as disapproving. Should such a prejudiced segregation be imposed in case of classifying movies?

5 September 2009

Love is the only truth that rules reasonably without any reason.

I’ve not yet told those best words I can tell you, haven’t sung the loveliest song you wanted to listen!

An untouched heart is the loveliest flower yet to bloom.

6 September 2009

People never salute you; they just salute your position. What’s the use of you but for your position?

Here I’ve referred to any type of social, familial and personal status that is gained by our talent, contribution or, even with money. I severely disdain the bureaucratic show-down as they actually enjoy the power of their position and have no right to abuse it.

I’ve no antipathy for them. I just object to the attitude they tend to show. (No offence meant)

What’s the use of a position without that?

ভাবনা: চারশো আশি


6 September 2009

In most cases, handsome boys aren’t married to lovely girls and lovely girls aren’t married to handsome boys. Friends! Is this tragic paradox true? or, not?

When I attend in affair-marriage parties, I often recall that love is blind!

Again in case of arranged marriage, I also often find unwarrantable mismatch that is never agreeable. I personally can never approve this type of marriage.

Not always destroys, nevertheless this type of marriage shouldn’t be approved, should it?

Hmm…… Handsome guys and lovely gals can make a social campaign against this injustice of God. Who are with me? lolz……

6 September 2009

Friends! Which is the best ornament of a man: Beauty? Brain? Money? Status? or, Anything else?

Beauty is only skin-deep. Brain often fails to attract firstly without beauty. Money is the second God. Status gives us a position that is often fake or, biased. Again, personality is hardly gained without brain and money. Hmm……. Now, what about being a such stupid who cannot even understand that nobody is caring about him/her? Lol. Ignorance is bliss!

Brain, money, position would be ornament of one’s when one know how to utilize those.

So, better to be an idiot. No tension of utilizing any inner faculty!

What about self-confidence……the magic that lies within us?

Very few people can tell about ones self-confidence with courageous, coz confidence is a very both hard and heavy word. But it’s the most important also.

I differ. I think self-confidence is a psychological matter which can be attained only when you think you’ve attained otherwise not. Thanks.

Sorry to say that I’ve failed to make the sense clear. I just want to tell that self-confidence is a psychological faculty. If you think you’re self-confident, then you’re self-confident and it’s the secret of success. Thanks.

Is there anything called fate and Almighty? We get reward of what we do and deserve………… A person can never fail, he can just be delayed in reaching his/her goal….

if you believe that you have no self-confidence, it’s true. if you believe you have that, it’s also true

Money holds the supreme power that can pervade all others virtues materially, yet many points remain unanswered.

Getting a blend of all the above-mentioned virtues is next to impossible.

Hmm….. For attracting a woman physically, a robust physical set-up is essential. But anyone can build up it easily.

But, personality never builds up harmonically without brain, money and vision. Or, it can be surely said that personality without those treasures has little value as it fails to attract others’ attention.

7 September 2009

Friends! Which is the best novel you have ever read?

হাজার বছর ধরে

very difficult to name one…….but yes, Atlas shrugged, Fountain head, We the people and Anthem.


Would have to be atlas shrugged, fountain head and on the opposite end of the spectrum, bridges of Madison county………All so intense in their varied emotions.

War And Peace

All quiet on the western front.

প্রথম আলো

Catch 22

এপিটাফ, দূরবীন, পথের পাঁচালী

আমার প্রিয় নভেল ‘চাঁদের পাহাড়’। মা ছোটবেলায় শোনাতেন আর আমরা তিন ভাইবোন বিভোর হয়ে শুনতাম। পরে আরো অনেকবার পড়েছি। প্রতিবারই যেন উপন্যাসটাকে নতুন করে পেয়েছি। বড়ো হয়ে বাংলাতে মাস্টার্স করার সময় আরণ্যক খুব ভাল লাগলো। তাও ‘চাঁদের’ পাহাড়’ আমার পড়া শ্রেষ্ঠ নভেল।

The Good Earth

Its real hard 2 name just 1! impossible 4 me. কবি, the outsider, জননী, পদ্মা নদীর মাঝি, বিষবৃক্ষ, সেই সময়, জ্যোৎস্না ও জননীর গল্প, একজন দুর্বল মানুষ, কাচ সমুদ্র

চিতা বহ্নিমান, চরিত্রহীন, পুতুলনাচের ইতিকথা

Will just name a few- as I remember……The One (Richard Bach)-it’s my fav, Secret Garden, Jane Eyre, Gone with the wind, War and Peace, The Hunchback of Notredame ( I cried reading this), The Citadel, Ayn Rand’s The Fountainhead (a very unique character- Howard Roark) and We The Living, Animal Farm (hilarious as well, lol), Dracula(lol)no I mean it.., Around the world in 80 days (ooph, the determination and perseverance of Mr.Fogg)..Pride and Prejudice, Harry Potter all series…..Narnia series……Outer Banks by Ann Rivers Siddons..the list will go on as I think more.so better stop here.


the fountainhead, les miserables

the Holes

অশনি সংকেত, Godfather, প্রথম আলো

Harry Potter…………

Sivaji Roy Alchemist

can’t say only one – there are so many – but from recent reading The first and the Last men (Olaf Stapledon), Hitchhiker’s guide to the galaxy (Douglas Adams), most of Pushkin’s novels

the kite runner, thorn birds, 75 park avenue

The old man & the sea, Three comrades and A farewell to arms, The adventures of Tom Saywer and Huckleberry Fin, La miserable, The da vinci code, Godfather.

Dear Friends! I’m very happy to find some book-maniacs like me. Now it’s my turn. Too many to mention…. Anyway, some of them are:

Animal farm, Crime & punishment, Gone with the wind, Lord of flies, Love Story, Mother, One hundred years of solitude, Pride & prejudice, Sons & lovers, The da vinci code, The old man and the sea, The Picture of Dorian Gray, Ulysses, War & peace, Withering Heights, Huckleberry Finn, Brick Lane, The kite runner, Les Miserables, গোরা, অপরাজিত, চরিত্রহীন, কবি, প্রথম আলো……. and many others

ভোলগা থেকে গঙ্গা, ছাপান্ন হাজার বর্গমাইল, শুভব্রত ও তৎসম্পর্কিত সুসমাচার, প্রথম আলো, সেই সময়, চাপরাশ

Freedom at Midnight

East of Eden- Steinbeck, all books written by Enid Bylton, Nancy Drew’s, Alchemist, Fountainhead- Ayn Rand, Essays -B.Russel, Da Vinci Code- Dan Brown, all books written by Judith Mcnaught, R.l Stevenson, The Prophet– Khalil Gibran, Kite Runner, Pride and Prejudice, Withering Heights…Twilight Series, all of Sidney Sheldon, Jeffery Archer, Mills and Boon, few of Danielle Steel……….

If you like real life stories about read Infectious Greed: How Deceit and Risk Corrupted the Financial Markets it is about the fin scams.

8 September 2009

When I find none worthy of talking, I rather like talking to myself because I like talking to better class of people.

Better to dream than to start losing it!

While talking to myself I never bother about that. Nothing great comes out deliberately!

Better class involves the class I talk to. (Friends! I’m now talking to you! )

ভাবনা: চারশো একাশি


8 September 2009

Formal education contributes little to attitude-building. Friends! Agree? or, Disagree?

I think in attitude-building, self-education or, self-cognizance is also an important factor.

I often recall a line…….one of my most favourites…….. ‘I was born genius, education ruined me!’

Actually, the more I think about the utility of formal education to become a complete man, the more its insignificance appears before me.

I think, most of the greenhorns of the country who are leading us to a disaster are just academically educated, but are illiterate in the truest sense. Companies want to see the academic background of the candidates. But does it play any role in overall performance at all?

Attitude is, to me, a commonsense about how to think, what to think and scrutinize through the persons around us and this is very uncommon for the common people. Most of us ignore it, as we’re afraid of the change. Education makes us more or less conservative, we need to cast a further glance on the truth of life.

The true course of education must involve the enlightenment of the individuals, not only a means to attain a certificate to avail a so-called prestigious job. As long as getting a job not becomes the by-product of formal education, this crisis will remain the same.

But our biased moral or, religious education often spoils the psychological spontaneity and we become slave to some traditional ethics.

Well…education helps in confidence to large degree…lets acknowledge that knowing to speak, read and write a language helps and as I have mentioned parental support goes a long way…reading books inculcates knowledge and that helps in confidence…the key to me is confidence and good self-esteem goes a long way

Nice interpretation, indeed! Our social maladies often take a serious shape as psychologically untrained, uneducated or, semi-educated persons hold the positions where they’re not supposed to be.

Well Sushanta all of us are mad to some degree!! and psychological problems can affect even after holding office after some time…we are talking two different things here…but if we are talking about people holding higher offices then I guess the blame lies squarely on people who are educated and in all respects smart enough to know the Quality of people they have helped to attain such offices

Anyway, just to summarize……formal education equips you with a tool and moral education governs the brain control room….how to use this tool.

……. Human Bondage is largely biased and indoctrinated. Our childhood indoctrination often deteriorates our power of free-thinking. Idealism is yet to universally defined and even defined requires further redefinition. It’s never a standard or, ideal idea.

Moral education helps you so far as you use this tool morally, I’d add, with a commonsense being free from the influence of traditionalism.

Good reading….. One of the notions that suffers from utilitarian view and has thousands of dimensional aspects to be argued.

Another pivotal factor works here which is enthusiasm to retain performance.

Our performance is improved when we like what we perform. We can do everything for our beloved as we’re in love. Similar is the case in between performance and vision. Sometimes formal education retards our psychological growth when we learn what we don’t like. Think of an indoctrinated family, where parents want their son/daughter to be a doctor/engineer whereas that son/daughter has a passion for literature. The result is fatal and obvious. The inner faculties and aptitude meet a premature death.

This is another story altogether…lets stick to Attitude and education…

Oh! Sorry! Actually, this is the story of my life. I just couldn’t resist the urge. Ok leave it!

Human mind receives what it gets spontaneously. The surroundings can so, contribute in this respect. But, what about the persons with a praise-worthy attitude but born of a very humble origin?

besides the two major components, highlighted by most, formal education, and moral values…..there is a third mandatory aspect too………….general awareness and your conduct, your ability to hold a conversation, to interact, to exchange views, to accept things, to make others believe u, and art of inter and intrapersonal realtionship………….IQ is passed, EQ and MQ is the in thing

So true. And, I firmly believe this aspect always pays much more than formal education.

The influence exerted by formal education often instigates conservatism.

Good Morning. Formal education often binds us in some circles from which we hardly dare escape.

And this is called proper attitude shown when it is supposed to.

8 September 2009

……..enjoying the sound of darkness. Friends! Good Night!

9 September 2009

A conservative is the person who doesn’t want to do anything for the first time.

A conservative person conserve what his/her forefathers used to conserve. A liberal person conserves something which worth-conserving to him/her.

A DIEHARD conservative never take initiative, including active participation in Facebook

Then we can presume that all Facebook users are liberal! Lol.

Let the heart not ache when it isn’t supposed to ache, let’s explore in quest of truth.

But, conservatives aren’t conservative while marrying for the first time. Lol.

9 September 2009

Friends! Which is the best option for passing time? Boyfriend/ Girlfriend? or, Facebook? or, Alone? or, Anything else?

When I’m alone, the person inside me starts chatting with me. So, I can never be all alone….. Music is a cool option, but it works better while chatting with myself! ….. Friends, books, movies are cooler…. But the coolest is……. WHAT???………. Friends! Can you suggest any other?

Roam Around…

Lonely or with someone?

I’d say….some good music or maybe a walk in the wild!!!

Lost in wilderness!

Books, books & books.

Hmm…… What about reciting poetries walking by the riverside?

But, nowadays I’m discovering Facebook as my constant girlfriend!

Boy friend/ Girl Friend = 1/2, Facebook = Uncountable friends, Alone = You and your soul, Anything else = Maybe something maybe nothing.

ভাবনা: চারশো বিরাশি


10 September 2009

Things are that they are and things will be that they will be.

Our thoughts can only give things another concrete shape.

Our feelings flow spontaneously as they are supposed to. There is hardly any coincidence. We usually take those incidents for coincidences which are not supposed to occur at that moment in our view or, judgement or, even intelligibility.

Right! And these occurrences of coincidences whose probability is least likely, make us orthodox. And we start relating them with past acts, for their recurrence in future on similar lines.

And then some fertile (!) brains start making suicidal superstitions.

Our thoughts even do not truly belong to us, they come via the ether & we choose right or wrong, to act on them!

Feelings are important to observe! They are our guidance mechanism!

I don’t wish to conclude anywhere…. but just to pull on the thought process, lemme go a little further. Unlike the 3 co-ordinates on which lies the entire astronomy, there is a 4th co-ordinate called ‘time’ propagated by none other than all-time great scientist Einstein. I donno the background of Renee but Sushanta may be aware of the famous theory of relativity of Albert. Under this if any physical particle travels with the speed of light, time factor becomes ‘0’; and if it exceeds light-speed, ‘time’ becomes -ve. And that’s what the astrology is…..to know what lies under the secret of future ‘time’ factor. On this Albert’s theory there has been not less than millions acquiring PhD, for or against, to approve or disprove…. Time becomes -ve means, if we start our journey today, we would have reached yesterday. We know it doesn’t make sense. But anything supernatural when stablished through proven logic, becomes natural. I don’t wish to advocate for ‘superstitions’, just a thought

Nice interpretation! I’d like to add…………….we generally act on strong impulses and our impulses instigate us on some common theories mostly ensued from our previous experience. Hence, we generally dare not be out of our traditionalism. But if we have an independent view on the way of life and can explore in the avenues that are self-created, we can find the real truth of life. Being a master of one’s soul is a must in this case. Otherwise we miserably become a slave to indoctrinated thoughts.

The present God-based Religions are largely biased! Let build up the impulse to accept Religion for Man’s sake instead of Religion for God’s/Religion’s sake.

If you possess a mind of good reasoning, then spontaneity itself replaces the place of spirituality. No need of extra cognizance, just make your mind obey what your sixth sense orders, let the world say whatever it likes.

By nourishing our inner faculties, by self-motivation and by a good reasoning.

And people often wait to be victimized by them as people take on pains so investigate through the truth of life. The so-called preachers mislead people who often willingly yield to their destiny determined by those hypocrites. In this case, reviving our power of mind is a must not to be entrapped. We are actually what or, how we think and react to the surroundings accordingly. Our mind or, brain is the control-room here.

Experiencing is something which varies largely from person to person and it is based on a person’s knowledge. Acceptance level is not at an equilibrium condition for all and no standardized labelling is meant in this regard. Good or, bad is totally biased by how or, what we response to a phenomenon according to our psychological setup. If I don’t bother about spirituality and be on the right point in my work and attitude, what is the use of spiritual aspect?

10 September 2009

Friends! What is the sweetest taste of sin and you do even if you know it’s wrong?

ভাবনা: চারশো তিরাশি


11 September 2009

Man proposes, woman disposes!

God created Adam first. Why? Was this act discriminatory?……. Hmm… No…… He created Eve later as He wanted no suggestion! Right?

Thanks, friends, for your nice comments……….. Hmm…….. Jokes are getting serious shape nowadays; it is itself a good joke…. Maybe it’s not a truly a joke, then I must say that what I said is true! Hehehehe…….. I think women are fortunate not because that they’re women, but because that they don’t have to marry women……. I never wanna make Facebook a workshop, if it becomes, it’s merely coincidental! Lol……. Hmm…. Women help men in overcoming many miseries, I agree; at the same time, I also agree that most of those miseries would haven’t arisen if women hadn’t been involved into it!……. Making women was God’s second blunder, the first one was probably self-contradictory to God Himself (thanks God for the first one! Lol)……..

Man also shares the credit!

sure…unfortunately it is the woman who carries the child for 9 months…and goes through the process of child birth……or will you argue this too?

No, I won’t. God hasn’t given man that assignment!

Proposing or, disposing is the two sides of the same coin. It’s upon you how you mean it and like to judge the point. When a view is seen from two opposite sides it might seem uncanny to a group. Can proper consciousness be always held responsible for deeming a proposal? I think here the key factor is intelligibility. Thanks.

11 September 2009

Friends! If you love a person, does it mean that he/she should love you also? Is one-sided love agreeable in your view?

Friends! Some desperate followers (!) of one-sided love often turns the feeling of love to a painful experience. They just adhere to the persons they love like ‘super glue’ and never seem to bother about those persons’ feeling. Is this attitude wholesome at all?

Hmm……. I’ve heard of a famous poet who even wrote a classic epic after being refused!

Huh! I’m not young enough to flirt for just enjoyment. I know what is being dumped, but not from a first-hand experience, honestly. Lol…… This is because probably I never believe in just merry-making in the guise of love.

The main problem of one-sided feelings is that we often have no control over the way we approach to the evils involved in it and ultimately, we dive.

yes define love Sushanta – love just happens, you don’t have control on it anyways, why do you worry about being out of control or whatever, just let yourself go a bit and express yourself if you couldn’t say it to her yet.

……. I’m here telling mostly about Platonic love. If love finds its destination in love only is it not disappointing? I never care about such type of love….. Well, to attain unconditional love from someone, you must fulfil some conditions firstly…….. Finally, I can suggest you to rise in love also, just not to fall in it.

…….. To me love is, not a collection of transitory dreams given over false hearts and broken vows, rather a miraculous treasure whose images are kept in soul not by memory alone.

…… God loves only those who make Him do so. What about the atheists?

Love can never be equal………does it mean one-sided love? It means only bondage of love stronger in one side than the other side.

what abt when a girl & a boy likes each other…& be together as a couple…& one day girl says that she loves the boy..& the boy refuses, that he doesn’t…then can you imagine the pathetic situation of that girl…!?!then what the girl should do…& how a guy can do something like that!!!???

Shame upon that spineless boy. Here a point must also be noted that the girl’s emotion was turned to stupidity. But, after all, the boy must be put to condemn in this case.

Actually, this is not love, rather a kind of deception. The instincts which work here are not derived from love but from Freudian instinct.

Similar is the story of thousands of couples throughout the world through ages. And, sometimes deception is associated with such cases. Tragic love stories often end up before the starting, you know!

Sushanta Paul·Friday, April 5, 2019·29 minutes

ভাবনা: চারশো সাতাত্তর


2 September 2009

A young man asks a kind priest: Father, is it a sin to sleep with a girl?…….. Father: No, my child, but the problem is that you guys never sleep.

Should he sleep? Lol…..

if I was father my answer was may be yes……but my mother so big no..

……. Lol.

জটিল……your stock is really rich..

was that child u, Sushant?

Ahem, ahem! I wish I were.

you mean Ah Men! u wish what

I am sure you must have not slept with a woman several times

problem happens only if both of them sleep.

lolzzz…………won’t never let this problem happen!

2 September 2009

They say, my smile can be compared to a flower, my voice can be compared to a cuckoo, my innocence to a child, but in stupidity I have no comparison. I am the best.

I’m the best! simply the best

Wow! Friends, you’ve celebrated my superiority gorgeously! I can’t even imagine how you’ve preferred my stupidity! I feel honoured to be the best. Many have liked it; many have even kindly also commented on it. I’ll try my best to retain this no. 1 position. It’s a promise.

I disagree with your last statement, Sushant

Why? Have you found anyone more stupid than me?

…………I change my status message, because I believe in change. Facebook is my girlfriend. (lol) Would you please spend some time with me for some time of the day? I do nothing for living, rather others do many things for my living.

I agree

I do also! Because, diamond cuts diamond.

I know that and want to make people aware of that! I wish I had some more sagacious friends like you!

A man/woman is known by the company he/she keeps!

3 September 2009

A bride at her second wedding does not wear a veil. She wants to see what she is getting.

Hmm……. Marriage is a race, shouldn’t be stopped once. Meaning that? lolzz….

marriage is very pious relationship……especially if you know wat it actually is……otherwise it’s just two ppl living together…

I think, marriages often break up only because two persons live together not because their heart yearn for each other, just because they feel they have no other option (or find it embarrassing going for another option). Friends! What do you think about that?

why only she…not he also???

For sure……the best, if she tries! Otherwise, it would be miserably a ‘luck game’.

Friends! Do you think that spouses can train each other psychologically?

oh yes sure…they keep on changing each other throughout & in this process they are so changed & then comes this famous line….”AAP PEHLE JAISE NAHI RAHE”

Can you remember the short story ‘The Gift of the Magi’ by O’ Henry? Can’t we get some more happy couples like Jim & Della?……. After marriage friendship is required more than love, I think.

don’t think friendship is the appropriate word when you live together, may be partner… be professional like a business partner (lol)… less emotion less trouble… lol

What can be the reason behind a bride draping the pallu and a groom wearing a sehra?? ..it can only mean that don’t see each other lest they call of the wedding…What say?

well I think the traditional meaning of all these is to make the day more interesting putting the curtain between them for a bit, as they meant to be together forever afterwards.

Lol……. An unfair dealing in a fair way often meets a tragic end!…… Happy Wedding! A sweet-sounding Utopia where you can but live after you’ve lost the appeal of living! lolz.

ahh that’s not always true… don’t be so negative Sushanta. I can see your future. When you will be nearly 45 (youth is vanishing) then you will feel like getting married to a 25 year old “ruposhi sexy koinna” and you will do so and live happily ever after.

Reaching at 45…… getting married only once? Lol…… What about not getting married at all and making many girls happy instead of making only one? lol.

what do you mean, making many girls happy? Are you making many girls happy with the marital games… LOL 😀

one is the number you start with… LOL…

You can never anyone ‘HAPPY’ in marital game! ‘True Happiness’ lies anywhere else! lol.

as you know the definition of True Happiness… go on… share with us… make me happy today

thanx for adding few more lines

..I don’t think one has to be unmarried to make many women happy..is happiness subjective here

Girish…… Learnt a new dimension of happiness from you! (probably I knew it earlier, just became sure from an experienced person. Thanks! )

……. Huh!

yes experienced man…that’s right….still experiencing

3 September 2009

Girls are like shadow. If you run after them, they will run away from you. If you run away from them, they will run after you.

…… Girls act like silent listeners, but if you can’t guess their acting, you’ll never have to look for miseries, rather miseries will collect your address!

Hmm…… If I hadn’t submitted this status message, I’d have not realized how seriously funny this matter actually is. Lol. Ok, I’ve never been dumped by any girl 🙁 or, dumped anyone either! 🙁 Anyway, I should have not offended those who are good runners in this regard! Sorry for that! (lol)……. See, one my kind friends has kindly said that I talk too much foul. Thanks. Should an idiot talk wisely?…….. I don’t love girls, they love me. I just can’t hurt them. Lol……… Finally, I can say that love runs blind, so better depend on blind-dating! Hahahaha…..

Some have suggested here to stand still. Can you ever touch you shadow? Lol……… What’s the use of passing even your whole life just staring at a dumb shadow?……….. Again, I often feel proud of my stupidity as in this God-gifted virtue I’m second to none! Girls are by far, fond of idiots, as they don’t prefer any smart one who can trace their stupidity easily!……. Hmm……. Seriousness? This seems too heavy for me to bear!…… I can at most be a serious stupid only, not more than that! Thanks.

Friends! Have you ever tried to fight with your own shadow? It’s amazing! Just try it!…….. I tried it many times and have found that this is the only strife in the world where you’ll lose the appeal of rejoicing the victory even if you win!……… Just imagine that you’re walking but, you’ve no shadow. Are you a human being at all it this case?…….. One possible solution: Walk in darkness. No shadow will follow you! No one is there whom you can chase or, who can chase you either! Hahahaha…….

Sweet mistakes….. How can you but make mistakes when you feel no offence but an urge in making them? lolz…..

ভাবনা: চারশো আটাত্তর


3 September 2009

Son: Is God man or, woman?… Father: Both, my son!…. Son: Black or, White?… Father: Both, my son, both!…. Son: Papa! Is Michael Jackson God?

I’m also a fan of Michael Jackson. I paid tribute to him after his death from my heart. Actually, I meant no offence here. I request you to take it as a joke only. A friend has commented here that Michael Jackson went through trials and tribulations in his life. Please, think for a while impartially. Did he not deserve that? Anyway, I again request you just to take it for a joke only. Thanks.

In the world, most of the jokes are about doctors and lawyers. And we know they serve the society best. There are nothing called good jokes or, bad jokes. Our acceptability makes it so. Thanks.

I think, it’s agreeable to be passionate, but disgraceful to be fanatic, it often destroys our power of free thinking. Why should we be devoid of the tolerance to take a joke only for a joke and nothing else? If we eliminate the dark side of a matter, can we analyze it comprehensively at all? I again request my friends not to mean any offence for that joke. Thanks.

Thanks for your comments. If I didn’t post this status message, I’d never come to how awfully fanatic men could be about a simple joke even unnecessarily drawing the context of God…….. I’d like to put a simple request before you: For God’s sake, spare God!


3 September 2009

What type of person do you prefer most? Conservative? or, Liberal?

I think, a person is exactly what or, how he/she thinks. Most people who claim to be conservative, are outwardly superficial in case of acting like that, but inwardly their heart yearns for a liberal perspective. I found many people conservative in manner, liberal in thought. Sometimes Oriental societies make us pretend to be conservative, but we can never take this from heart. Habits also demand mentioning in reforming a person’s attitude towards the way of life. Am I right?

We guys are by far hypocrites in our attitude. We dare not express what we feel, rather express a fake concocted artificial manner. Now my question is: How should we behave? As we are, or, as we had to be? Observation of self-denying customs or, so-called rules often spoil our power of thinking freely. In case of literature, masterpieces also come out only from spontaneous thoughts not from fabricated indoctrinated beliefs. Friends! Do you agree with me?

Sushanta Paul I’d like to add…….. Values blended with aesthetic flavour!

3 September 2009

Friends! For God’s sake, hold your tongue and let me love!

Again, there are some views we feel like sharing but society can’t accept the urge hyperactively.

যখন গিয়েছে ডুবে পঞ্চমীর চাঁদ, মরিবার হলো তার সাধ…….. (আমারও খুব ইচ্ছে! যাবেন নাকি কেউ আমার সাথে?)

সন্ধ্যাতারা চলে গেছে সেই কবেই! আমি প্রতীক্ষায় রয়েছি কখন রাতজাগা পাখিরা এসে গান শুনিয়ে যাবে! ও রাত, তুমি নয় থাকলে আরো কিছুক্ষণ! ওগো প্রিয়া, তোমার কালো চোখের ইশারায় মেঘকে বলো সরে যেতে, রুপোলী চাঁদনি এসে ধুয়ে দিক তোমার চিবুক!

………… অবসর নেই, বলছ, বন্ধু? অবসর তো থাকে না কখনো, করে নিতে হয়।

4 September 2009

মাঝেমাঝে তোমায় ভেবে এলোমেলো লাগে সবই……..মাঝেমাঝে তোমার চোখে কে আঁকে অন্য ছবি…… কিছুতে তোমার মনটা আমি বুঝতে পারি না, এত চেনা, তবু কেন লাগে অচেনা?

Translation: Sometimes I feel like acting crazy when you peep through my heart…… Then I even fail to ponder over your portrait….. Your mind seems enigmatic to me…… When I feel like losing you into oblivion, I also lose myself!

যে নিঃশ্বাসে মিশে আছো তুমি, সেটিই যখন হারিয়ে যায়, তখন আমার আর কী-ইবা থাকে, তুমিই বলো? তখন নৈশব্দের পদাতিক এসে আমাকে ঘিরে ধরে। আমি হারিয়ে যাই, কিন্তু পালাতে পারি না।

4 September 2009

প্রথম প্রেমের মতো, প্রথম কবিতা এসে বলে……..হাত ধরে চলো, অজানা দূরের দেশে……

Translation: Like my first love, my first poetry yearns to me to escort it to the distant fairyland with a blend of imagination.

যে পথ অজানা, সে পথে আজ আমি হেঁটে যাবো!

4 September 2009

About which matters do people feel shy, or pretend to feel shy?

Hmm… I don’t think that the world is full of genuine (!) shy persons, rather it is full of persons who like to pretend to be shy for some reasons!

If you feel shy anymore, I swear I’ll feel shy from my heart! Hehehe

You shy guy are leaving us. I’m happy as a competitor of mine to be shameless is leaving! I’m the best shameless. lolz

Yea! I was awaiting this vital point. So true. More obvious in case of illegal sex.

Sushanta, I wonder if you go to school……..you’re on FB all day, I think.

4 September 2009

Consequences of American life style: The wife rushed into the house screaming to her husband, Darling, come quick! your kids and my kids are beating our kids!

I know it is only a joke, but it does not change the fact that such jokes create misunderstandings that lead to prejudiced thinking!

How would you feel if the joke were instead about unhappy arranged marriages, or honour killings due to a love marriage? Answer that honestly!

That would be a disgrace! Honour killing is largely biased by the intelligibility and acceptance from personal and familial perspective. Unhappy arranged marriages can also undergo this tribulation of life. It depends on how and to what extent we accept or, deny a fact whatsoever agreeable may it be or not. Some sorts of neuro-psychological motivation can contribute here. Thanks. @Renee.

ভাবনা: চারশো উনআশি


4 September 2009

If you love someone but he/she doesn’t care you or your feelings, should you still yearn for his/her sympathy?

Nice comments. Friends! Now my question is, if you love someone truly but he/she refuses you and hasn’t the least feeling of love for you, should you still cling to your decision and vex him/her continuously and try make him/her understand he/must love you?

Friends! Did you notice that an interesting matter happened! Many of you have mentioned here only about girls. Do boys vex girls only? You can’t even imagine how disgusting girls could be! They can be crazy beyond your imagination. It’s true. I can tell it for sure!

Sushanta! you should say” few girls”……and remember you got what you gave once.

Friends! I’d like share an idea with you. If anyone leaves you, just wait. He/ She will come back to you if he/she was yours. If he/she does not, he/she was never yours. Do your support or believe this?

Love always finds its course itself. No matter how we instigate through its perspective. Now, what’s the use of one-sided love? Is it not a pity for oneself? Does it not demolish one’s personality? I think, notwithstanding love’s spontaneous flow, we should never deny the urge to uplift our self-dignity and yield to the persons who don’t even care us. Do you agree with me?

Ok. I’m rather replacing the word ‘disgusting’ with the word ‘displeasing’. Hope now my previous statement bears no offensive notion. Thanks for the warning. @Sanjiv.

……………If anyone falls in love, he usually loses the power of thinking independently and judging something shrewdly so as to avoid a possible disaster. What’s the use of continuing loving a person without telling him/her that plainly? That’s probably plainly liking, not love!

love defies reasons reasonably!

The greatest thing you will ever learn is just to love and be loved in return (from nature boy) – if you love someone, you can never seek for sympathy, only love is desired in return!

If that doesn’t happen, that shouldn’t stop that love, but of course the typical love affair is not expected when it’s one sided – defo sympathy is not appropriate at all in case of love… but I know where seeking sympathy can occur. Sometimes people become obsessed about another person (that’s not love, obsession) but they think that is, in that case when they found out that they won’t be loved in return, then they seek sympathy… but it wasn’t love at the first place!

….. Obsession, not love! Good point, I admit!

4 September 2009

To love is to suffer. To avoid suffering one must not love. But then one suffers from not loving. Friends! Then, what may be the possible solution to avoid suffering?

“To love is to suffer. To avoid suffering one must not love. But then one suffers from not loving. Therefore, to love is to suffer, not to love is to suffer. To suffer is to suffer. To be happy is to love. To be happy then is to suffer. But suffering makes one unhappy. Therefore, to be unhappy one must love, or love to suffer, or suffer from too much happiness. I hope you’re getting this down.” – Woody Allen, Love and Death.

Now, I’d like to share, Is one-sided love agreeable, however? Why should you deserve the pain that is not yours only? Pain of jealousy? Well. Is it not fully your personal? Should it be granted? Pain in love is agreeable. But what’s the use of unwarranted agony? You may go on loving without any demand or further expectation, but can you tell me what’s the course of it? Does it ultimately not remain only at your part regardless of the mutual intelligibility?

I never suffer from any anesthesia about any Utopian scheme.

Can we ever define the term ‘cheating’ in case of love? Is it not a biased notion?

You don’t need to force people to listen everything which might be irrelevant to them. I know how most people are but it is very important that one to be honest with own self. It needs very strong personality in order to achieve that level and hardly people have that quality but the number is not nil for sure.

Also, I think, you never need to lie if you have a strong personality and are truly in love with someone – cheating comes when love dies out.

Well. I think you guys are confusing ‘cheating’ with ‘dumping’! Lol…

Dumping is better than cheating! Sounds healthy! Wanna it? Lolz…….

in fact, it’s often the rule than exception…and I repeat cheating doesn’t imply infidelity in the conventional sense

good point! “cheating doesn’t imply infidelity”

I strongly believe this Sushant……..and if all couples understand this, there would be more security and love in all relationships

In pragmatic world most often marriages break up in Oriental societies because of ‘cheating or, being cheated before marriage’ despite having fidelity.

5 September 2009

Nowadays, I think, most of the movies are of the kind that should only be shown in prisons and airplanes, because nobody can escape. Friends! Agree? or, Disagree?

Movies are supposed to follow the aspects of our life, but when our life borrows the elements from the movies instead, then movies become fabricated so far away from the vision of life. Can you suggest any other better option for ‘Life is Beautiful’, The Bicycle Thief’, ‘Pother Panchali’ or, many other classics like that that directly illustrate the portrait of our real life? I think, these day most commercial movies are made presenting some stereotypes that we might have fancy to be, but the fact is, we remain where we were, just the colors of whim enthrall us for the time being. We dream of marrying (or, something like that!) Aishwariya or, Katrina but miserably just can read a huge stuff about their marriage! 🙁 Sometimes it so happens that we confuse the Western and Oriental life-style and try to contradict the surroundings where we have been grown up. This confusion never goes unpunished.

Again, some people think that all classics should not be approved for some censorial reasons. They classify some movies as disapproving. Should such a prejudiced segregation be imposed in case of classifying movies?

5 September 2009

Love is the only truth that rules reasonably without any reason.

I’ve not yet told those best words I can tell you, haven’t sung the loveliest song you wanted to listen!

An untouched heart is the loveliest flower yet to bloom.

6 September 2009

People never salute you; they just salute your position. What’s the use of you but for your position?

Here I’ve referred to any type of social, familial and personal status that is gained by our talent, contribution or, even with money. I severely disdain the bureaucratic show-down as they actually enjoy the power of their position and have no right to abuse it.

I’ve no antipathy for them. I just object to the attitude they tend to show. (No offence meant)

What’s the use of a position without that?

ভাবনা: চারশো আশি


6 September 2009

In most cases, handsome boys aren’t married to lovely girls and lovely girls aren’t married to handsome boys. Friends! Is this tragic paradox true? or, not?

When I attend in affair-marriage parties, I often recall that love is blind!

Again in case of arranged marriage, I also often find unwarrantable mismatch that is never agreeable. I personally can never approve this type of marriage.

Not always destroys, nevertheless this type of marriage shouldn’t be approved, should it?

Hmm…… Handsome guys and lovely gals can make a social campaign against this injustice of God. Who are with me? lolz……

6 September 2009

Friends! Which is the best ornament of a man: Beauty? Brain? Money? Status? or, Anything else?

Beauty is only skin-deep. Brain often fails to attract firstly without beauty. Money is the second God. Status gives us a position that is often fake or, biased. Again, personality is hardly gained without brain and money. Hmm……. Now, what about being a such stupid who cannot even understand that nobody is caring about him/her? Lol. Ignorance is bliss!

Brain, money, position would be ornament of one’s when one know how to utilize those.

So, better to be an idiot. No tension of utilizing any inner faculty!

What about self-confidence……the magic that lies within us?

Very few people can tell about ones self-confidence with courageous, coz confidence is a very both hard and heavy word. But it’s the most important also.

I differ. I think self-confidence is a psychological matter which can be attained only when you think you’ve attained otherwise not. Thanks.

Sorry to say that I’ve failed to make the sense clear. I just want to tell that self-confidence is a psychological faculty. If you think you’re self-confident, then you’re self-confident and it’s the secret of success. Thanks.

Is there anything called fate and Almighty? We get reward of what we do and deserve………… A person can never fail, he can just be delayed in reaching his/her goal….

if you believe that you have no self-confidence, it’s true. if you believe you have that, it’s also true

Money holds the supreme power that can pervade all others virtues materially, yet many points remain unanswered.

Getting a blend of all the above-mentioned virtues is next to impossible.

Hmm….. For attracting a woman physically, a robust physical set-up is essential. But anyone can build up it easily.

But, personality never builds up harmonically without brain, money and vision. Or, it can be surely said that personality without those treasures has little value as it fails to attract others’ attention.

7 September 2009

Friends! Which is the best novel you have ever read?

হাজার বছর ধরে

very difficult to name one…….but yes, Atlas shrugged, Fountain head, We the people and Anthem.


Would have to be atlas shrugged, fountain head and on the opposite end of the spectrum, bridges of Madison county………All so intense in their varied emotions.

War And Peace

All quiet on the western front.

প্রথম আলো

Catch 22

এপিটাফ, দূরবীন, পথের পাঁচালী

আমার প্রিয় নভেল ‘চাঁদের পাহাড়’। মা ছোটবেলায় শোনাতেন আর আমরা তিন ভাইবোন বিভোর হয়ে শুনতাম। পরে আরো অনেকবার পড়েছি। প্রতিবারই যেন উপন্যাসটাকে নতুন করে পেয়েছি। বড়ো হয়ে বাংলাতে মাস্টার্স করার সময় আরণ্যক খুব ভাল লাগলো। তাও ‘চাঁদের’ পাহাড়’ আমার পড়া শ্রেষ্ঠ নভেল।

The Good Earth

Its real hard 2 name just 1! impossible 4 me. কবি, the outsider, জননী, পদ্মা নদীর মাঝি, বিষবৃক্ষ, সেই সময়, জ্যোৎস্না ও জননীর গল্প, একজন দুর্বল মানুষ, কাচ সমুদ্র

চিতা বহ্নিমান, চরিত্রহীন, পুতুলনাচের ইতিকথা

Will just name a few- as I remember……The One (Richard Bach)-it’s my fav, Secret Garden, Jane Eyre, Gone with the wind, War and Peace, The Hunchback of Notredame ( I cried reading this), The Citadel, Ayn Rand’s The Fountainhead (a very unique character- Howard Roark) and We The Living, Animal Farm (hilarious as well, lol), Dracula(lol)no I mean it.., Around the world in 80 days (ooph, the determination and perseverance of Mr.Fogg)..Pride and Prejudice, Harry Potter all series…..Narnia series……Outer Banks by Ann Rivers Siddons..the list will go on as I think more.so better stop here.


the fountainhead, les miserables

the Holes

অশনি সংকেত, Godfather, প্রথম আলো

Harry Potter…………

Sivaji Roy Alchemist

can’t say only one – there are so many – but from recent reading The first and the Last men (Olaf Stapledon), Hitchhiker’s guide to the galaxy (Douglas Adams), most of Pushkin’s novels

the kite runner, thorn birds, 75 park avenue

The old man & the sea, Three comrades and A farewell to arms, The adventures of Tom Saywer and Huckleberry Fin, La miserable, The da vinci code, Godfather.

Dear Friends! I’m very happy to find some book-maniacs like me. Now it’s my turn. Too many to mention…. Anyway, some of them are:

Animal farm, Crime & punishment, Gone with the wind, Lord of flies, Love Story, Mother, One hundred years of solitude, Pride & prejudice, Sons & lovers, The da vinci code, The old man and the sea, The Picture of Dorian Gray, Ulysses, War & peace, Withering Heights, Huckleberry Finn, Brick Lane, The kite runner, Les Miserables, গোরা, অপরাজিত, চরিত্রহীন, কবি, প্রথম আলো……. and many others

ভোলগা থেকে গঙ্গা, ছাপান্ন হাজার বর্গমাইল, শুভব্রত ও তৎসম্পর্কিত সুসমাচার, প্রথম আলো, সেই সময়, চাপরাশ

Freedom at Midnight

East of Eden- Steinbeck, all books written by Enid Bylton, Nancy Drew’s, Alchemist, Fountainhead- Ayn Rand, Essays -B.Russel, Da Vinci Code- Dan Brown, all books written by Judith Mcnaught, R.l Stevenson, The Prophet– Khalil Gibran, Kite Runner, Pride and Prejudice, Withering Heights…Twilight Series, all of Sidney Sheldon, Jeffery Archer, Mills and Boon, few of Danielle Steel……….

If you like real life stories about read Infectious Greed: How Deceit and Risk Corrupted the Financial Markets it is about the fin scams.

8 September 2009

When I find none worthy of talking, I rather like talking to myself because I like talking to better class of people.

Better to dream than to start losing it!

While talking to myself I never bother about that. Nothing great comes out deliberately!

Better class involves the class I talk to. (Friends! I’m now talking to you! )

ভাবনা: চারশো একাশি


8 September 2009

Formal education contributes little to attitude-building. Friends! Agree? or, Disagree?

I think in attitude-building, self-education or, self-cognizance is also an important factor.

I often recall a line…….one of my most favourites…….. ‘I was born genius, education ruined me!’

Actually, the more I think about the utility of formal education to become a complete man, the more its insignificance appears before me.

I think, most of the greenhorns of the country who are leading us to a disaster are just academically educated, but are illiterate in the truest sense. Companies want to see the academic background of the candidates. But does it play any role in overall performance at all?

Attitude is, to me, a commonsense about how to think, what to think and scrutinize through the persons around us and this is very uncommon for the common people. Most of us ignore it, as we’re afraid of the change. Education makes us more or less conservative, we need to cast a further glance on the truth of life.

The true course of education must involve the enlightenment of the individuals, not only a means to attain a certificate to avail a so-called prestigious job. As long as getting a job not becomes the by-product of formal education, this crisis will remain the same.

But our biased moral or, religious education often spoils the psychological spontaneity and we become slave to some traditional ethics.

Well…education helps in confidence to large degree…lets acknowledge that knowing to speak, read and write a language helps and as I have mentioned parental support goes a long way…reading books inculcates knowledge and that helps in confidence…the key to me is confidence and good self-esteem goes a long way

Nice interpretation, indeed! Our social maladies often take a serious shape as psychologically untrained, uneducated or, semi-educated persons hold the positions where they’re not supposed to be.

Well Sushanta all of us are mad to some degree!! and psychological problems can affect even after holding office after some time…we are talking two different things here…but if we are talking about people holding higher offices then I guess the blame lies squarely on people who are educated and in all respects smart enough to know the Quality of people they have helped to attain such offices

Anyway, just to summarize……formal education equips you with a tool and moral education governs the brain control room….how to use this tool.

……. Human Bondage is largely biased and indoctrinated. Our childhood indoctrination often deteriorates our power of free-thinking. Idealism is yet to universally defined and even defined requires further redefinition. It’s never a standard or, ideal idea.

Moral education helps you so far as you use this tool morally, I’d add, with a commonsense being free from the influence of traditionalism.

Good reading….. One of the notions that suffers from utilitarian view and has thousands of dimensional aspects to be argued.

Another pivotal factor works here which is enthusiasm to retain performance.

Our performance is improved when we like what we perform. We can do everything for our beloved as we’re in love. Similar is the case in between performance and vision. Sometimes formal education retards our psychological growth when we learn what we don’t like. Think of an indoctrinated family, where parents want their son/daughter to be a doctor/engineer whereas that son/daughter has a passion for literature. The result is fatal and obvious. The inner faculties and aptitude meet a premature death.

This is another story altogether…lets stick to Attitude and education…

Oh! Sorry! Actually, this is the story of my life. I just couldn’t resist the urge. Ok leave it!

Human mind receives what it gets spontaneously. The surroundings can so, contribute in this respect. But, what about the persons with a praise-worthy attitude but born of a very humble origin?

besides the two major components, highlighted by most, formal education, and moral values…..there is a third mandatory aspect too………….general awareness and your conduct, your ability to hold a conversation, to interact, to exchange views, to accept things, to make others believe u, and art of inter and intrapersonal realtionship………….IQ is passed, EQ and MQ is the in thing

So true. And, I firmly believe this aspect always pays much more than formal education.

The influence exerted by formal education often instigates conservatism.

Good Morning. Formal education often binds us in some circles from which we hardly dare escape.

And this is called proper attitude shown when it is supposed to.

8 September 2009

……..enjoying the sound of darkness. Friends! Good Night!

9 September 2009

A conservative is the person who doesn’t want to do anything for the first time.

A conservative person conserve what his/her forefathers used to conserve. A liberal person conserves something which worth-conserving to him/her.

A DIEHARD conservative never take initiative, including active participation in Facebook

Then we can presume that all Facebook users are liberal! Lol.

Let the heart not ache when it isn’t supposed to ache, let’s explore in quest of truth.

But, conservatives aren’t conservative while marrying for the first time. Lol.

9 September 2009

Friends! Which is the best option for passing time? Boyfriend/ Girlfriend? or, Facebook? or, Alone? or, Anything else?

When I’m alone, the person inside me starts chatting with me. So, I can never be all alone….. Music is a cool option, but it works better while chatting with myself! ….. Friends, books, movies are cooler…. But the coolest is……. WHAT???………. Friends! Can you suggest any other?

Roam Around…

Lonely or with someone?

I’d say….some good music or maybe a walk in the wild!!!

Lost in wilderness!

Books, books & books.

Hmm…… What about reciting poetries walking by the riverside?

But, nowadays I’m discovering Facebook as my constant girlfriend!

Boy friend/ Girl Friend = 1/2, Facebook = Uncountable friends, Alone = You and your soul, Anything else = Maybe something maybe nothing.

ভাবনা: চারশো বিরাশি


10 September 2009

Things are that they are and things will be that they will be.

Our thoughts can only give things another concrete shape.

Our feelings flow spontaneously as they are supposed to. There is hardly any coincidence. We usually take those incidents for coincidences which are not supposed to occur at that moment in our view or, judgement or, even intelligibility.

Right! And these occurrences of coincidences whose probability is least likely, make us orthodox. And we start relating them with past acts, for their recurrence in future on similar lines.

And then some fertile (!) brains start making suicidal superstitions.

Our thoughts even do not truly belong to us, they come via the ether & we choose right or wrong, to act on them!

Feelings are important to observe! They are our guidance mechanism!

I don’t wish to conclude anywhere…. but just to pull on the thought process, lemme go a little further. Unlike the 3 co-ordinates on which lies the entire astronomy, there is a 4th co-ordinate called ‘time’ propagated by none other than all-time great scientist Einstein. I donno the background of Renee but Sushanta may be aware of the famous theory of relativity of Albert. Under this if any physical particle travels with the speed of light, time factor becomes ‘0’; and if it exceeds light-speed, ‘time’ becomes -ve. And that’s what the astrology is…..to know what lies under the secret of future ‘time’ factor. On this Albert’s theory there has been not less than millions acquiring PhD, for or against, to approve or disprove…. Time becomes -ve means, if we start our journey today, we would have reached yesterday. We know it doesn’t make sense. But anything supernatural when stablished through proven logic, becomes natural. I don’t wish to advocate for ‘superstitions’, just a thought

Nice interpretation! I’d like to add…………….we generally act on strong impulses and our impulses instigate us on some common theories mostly ensued from our previous experience. Hence, we generally dare not be out of our traditionalism. But if we have an independent view on the way of life and can explore in the avenues that are self-created, we can find the real truth of life. Being a master of one’s soul is a must in this case. Otherwise we miserably become a slave to indoctrinated thoughts.

The present God-based Religions are largely biased! Let build up the impulse to accept Religion for Man’s sake instead of Religion for God’s/Religion’s sake.

If you possess a mind of good reasoning, then spontaneity itself replaces the place of spirituality. No need of extra cognizance, just make your mind obey what your sixth sense orders, let the world say whatever it likes.

By nourishing our inner faculties, by self-motivation and by a good reasoning.

And people often wait to be victimized by them as people take on pains so investigate through the truth of life. The so-called preachers mislead people who often willingly yield to their destiny determined by those hypocrites. In this case, reviving our power of mind is a must not to be entrapped. We are actually what or, how we think and react to the surroundings accordingly. Our mind or, brain is the control-room here.

Experiencing is something which varies largely from person to person and it is based on a person’s knowledge. Acceptance level is not at an equilibrium condition for all and no standardized labelling is meant in this regard. Good or, bad is totally biased by how or, what we response to a phenomenon according to our psychological setup. If I don’t bother about spirituality and be on the right point in my work and attitude, what is the use of spiritual aspect?

10 September 2009

Friends! What is the sweetest taste of sin and you do even if you know it’s wrong?

ভাবনা: চারশো তিরাশি


11 September 2009

Man proposes, woman disposes!

God created Adam first. Why? Was this act discriminatory?……. Hmm… No…… He created Eve later as He wanted no suggestion! Right?

Thanks, friends, for your nice comments……….. Hmm…….. Jokes are getting serious shape nowadays; it is itself a good joke…. Maybe it’s not a truly a joke, then I must say that what I said is true! Hehehehe…….. I think women are fortunate not because that they’re women, but because that they don’t have to marry women……. I never wanna make Facebook a workshop, if it becomes, it’s merely coincidental! Lol……. Hmm…. Women help men in overcoming many miseries, I agree; at the same time, I also agree that most of those miseries would haven’t arisen if women hadn’t been involved into it!……. Making women was God’s second blunder, the first one was probably self-contradictory to God Himself (thanks God for the first one! Lol)……..

Man also shares the credit!

sure…unfortunately it is the woman who carries the child for 9 months…and goes through the process of child birth……or will you argue this too?

No, I won’t. God hasn’t given man that assignment!

Proposing or, disposing is the two sides of the same coin. It’s upon you how you mean it and like to judge the point. When a view is seen from two opposite sides it might seem uncanny to a group. Can proper consciousness be always held responsible for deeming a proposal? I think here the key factor is intelligibility. Thanks.

11 September 2009

Friends! If you love a person, does it mean that he/she should love you also? Is one-sided love agreeable in your view?

Friends! Some desperate followers (!) of one-sided love often turns the feeling of love to a painful experience. They just adhere to the persons they love like ‘super glue’ and never seem to bother about those persons’ feeling. Is this attitude wholesome at all?

Hmm……. I’ve heard of a famous poet who even wrote a classic epic after being refused!

Huh! I’m not young enough to flirt for just enjoyment. I know what is being dumped, but not from a first-hand experience, honestly. Lol…… This is because probably I never believe in just merry-making in the guise of love.

The main problem of one-sided feelings is that we often have no control over the way we approach to the evils involved in it and ultimately, we dive.

yes define love Sushanta – love just happens, you don’t have control on it anyways, why do you worry about being out of control or whatever, just let yourself go a bit and express yourself if you couldn’t say it to her yet.

……. I’m here telling mostly about Platonic love. If love finds its destination in love only is it not disappointing? I never care about such type of love….. Well, to attain unconditional love from someone, you must fulfil some conditions firstly…….. Finally, I can suggest you to rise in love also, just not to fall in it.

…….. To me love is, not a collection of transitory dreams given over false hearts and broken vows, rather a miraculous treasure whose images are kept in soul not by memory alone.

…… God loves only those who make Him do so. What about the atheists?

Love can never be equal………does it mean one-sided love? It means only bondage of love stronger in one side than the other side.

what abt when a girl & a boy likes each other…& be together as a couple…& one day girl says that she loves the boy..& the boy refuses, that he doesn’t…then can you imagine the pathetic situation of that girl…!?!then what the girl should do…& how a guy can do something like that!!!???

Shame upon that spineless boy. Here a point must also be noted that the girl’s emotion was turned to stupidity. But, after all, the boy must be put to condemn in this case.

Actually, this is not love, rather a kind of deception. The instincts which work here are not derived from love but from Freudian instinct.

Similar is the story of thousands of couples throughout the world through ages. And, sometimes deception is associated with such cases. Tragic love stories often end up before the starting, you know!

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