ভাবনাদেয়ালের পলেস্তারা (৬৬ষ্টি অংশ)

ভাবনা: চারশো ছাপান্ন


3 August 2009

আমি মেঘের বাড়ি যাবো, মেঘের রঙে নাহয় ভাগ বসাবো খানিকটা! বন্ধু, তুমি হাতটা ধরো!

3 August 2009

We always trust in promises. When promises are broken, we are given some sympathy.

Better exemplified by Rabindranath, in his short story ‘Haimonti’. . . . .

3 August 2009

An intelligent enemy is better than a stupid friend. We can learn something from the first one, while the second one makes us forget even what we know!

3 August 2009

I’ve got a very good memory for forgetting names!

4 August 2009

Friends! Let’s eat right, exercise, die healthy.

Hmm. . . . . . . We must live healthy for ourselves and for others also.

A good thought for myself as well as for someone also!

4 August 2009

The fear of God-based Religion is the start of ignorance.

Men made God in his own way. Long before the advent of God-based Religion, instituted the basis of humane feeling and that is the innate nature of a human being. So-called Religion is now passing through a critical dimension only for the irritable differences that were created and shaped by men. God exists only in imagination but lacks any concrete logic.

Few men dare to stand against the unpopular trend of society and to advocate for preaching the quest of the real truth of life!

Nowadays, the world is experiencing a wider integration of some self-made notions and these so-called approved norms are strangling the smooth pace of our civilization. Now, it’s time to demolish the dilapidated infrastructure of the God-based religion and call for a constructive change for the betterment of our soul. Let there be light!

4 August 2009

Waiting for the twilight!

4 August 2009

Astrology is the study of turning the wheels of fortune of the astrologers!

4 August 2009

Man proposes, woman disposes.

When man proposes, woman gets flattered. When man refuses, woman gets confused!

That is to say, Love often derives from Confusion!

4 August 2009

Wise men talk when they have something to say, but idiots talk when they think they have to say something.

I have something to say now that, perhaps u think u have to say something at every hour at FB….Now according to u, who is wise and who is an idiot? ha ha ha… anyway, don’t take it otherwise … I enjoy ur quotes……

. . . . . Thanks for your comment. After reading all of my status messages, if you think that I write them only because I have to say something like an idiot, I’m sorry to say that I’ve failed to convey the meaning of my messages to you. Sorry, for my failure! Actually, most of us have become accustomed to reading the meaningless status messages of some of our friends. That’s why we sometimes fail to differentiate between the meaningful and meaningless ones! Take care.

5 August 2009

If we feel lonely in the midst of friends, friendship becomes meaningless.

5 August 2009

Women are mysterious. Love is more mysterious. But the most mysterious thing is the love of a woman!

. . . . . Women’s love is too great to conceive! That’s why, it’s enigmatic!

5 August 2009

Religion is a very good business.

Hmm. . . . . You play a game best when you have the weapon of human-sentiment!

Friends! I’m interpreting this topic in my way. Well, what cost does religion have? Very little. In order to sell religion, all it takes for a person to do is receive a period of theological training. After he finishes the training, he can call himself a “priest” (or pastor or monk or imam or rabbi) and start selling religion for a living. A more diabolical and yet more direct way to sell religion for a living is to suddenly become crazy and start exhibiting a lunatic mindset and behavior. What cost does it entail for a person to suddenly become crazy and enter a self-proclaimed state of delirium and start selling God in exchange for money? Nothing. Anyone can do it, as long as he has the “guts” to exhibit a schizophrenic trait before the audience and there are people who are willing to give him money in exchange for the act. Thus reasoned, religion has a very low cost indeed, and that’s the first excellence of religion as a business.

Finally, an important reason that makes religion such an attractive business and something that few other businesses have is the “agnostic” nature of religion. That is, what religion sells is only a belief, a concept, a way of thinking that is about this thing called “God” whose existence you can neither prove nor disprove. This “can’t-prove-and-yet-can’t-disprove” nature of religion is the most beautiful thing about it, because this way, it can forever remain in the middle, in the “limbo” between provability and improvability, and thus it is permanent and can never be destroyed.

5 August 2009

Give a man a fish, and you’ll feed him for a day; give him a religion, and he’ll starve to death while praying for a fish.

The poor miserably suffer a lot under the oppression by the name of so-called Religion!

5 August 2009

The best advice I have ever found is to ignore advice. Life is too short to be distracted by the opinions of others.

5 August 2009

By the time a man realizes that maybe his father was right, he usually has a son who thinks he’s wrong.

5 August 2009

If two philosophers agree on a point, be sure that one of them is not a philosopher. If two saints disagree on a point, be sure that one of them is not a saint.

6 August 2009

In case of money, all in the world have the same Religion!

Most of the common features match with very few exceptions.

The monetary matters are invariably true in most cases.

The language of money was universalized shortly after the introduction of money. Since then very time it has still remained unchanged.

The language of love too doesn’t follow any universal trait and undergoes a bewildering variation. What is hatred to a person may be ardent love to another. But the language of money is nearly invariable in most sophisticated cases.

Love and hate are just two opposite parts of the same coin. None can predict it before tossing. You can like any part of that coin. What comes to you is merely a coincidence! Now got it?

ভাবনা: চারশো সাতান্ন


6 August 2009

The main problem of an atheist is that when he becomes really thankful, he finds none to offer his thanks.

Atheists are in most cases self-satisfied. They know what they do and do what they think they should. Actually, I wrote it satirically.

Friends, courtesy costs nothing but buys everything. But for some, courtesy costs too much to show in their dealings. Let’s pray to their God for saving His children from the hard track of ill-behaviour!

6 August 2009

” Before marriage, a man is incomplete. After marriage, he is finished! “

What can be an alternative to marriage?

Smart man + smart woman = romance

Smart man + dumb woman = affair

Dumb man + smart woman = marriage

Dumb man + dumb woman = pregnancy

. . . . . Wow brother! Hats off!

. . . . . . .but what he wrote. . . . . . .must be admitted! We can’t but. . . . .

. . . . . I’ve decided that I wouldn’t let my wife use fb. Huh!

Before marriage a man lives in the heaven. But if you don’t go to hell, how can you realize how comfortable(!) heaven is?

Friends! Love is blind. Marriage is the eye-opener!

Now I’m telling you my friend’s experience. . . . . He has troubles with his both wives. The first one left him. . . . . . He felt relieved. Now the problem is. . . . . The second one hasn’t left him yet!

Some charming idiots say that. . . . . . A girl is lovely as long as she is your girlfriend. When she becomes your wife, you can’t forget the charm of your girlfriend and so seek another. Is it true?

An intelligent boyfriend is better than an idiot husband. . . 🙂 sounds. . . . . . .

A war ends, when it does not create healthy environment. But here we started it for not giving it a finish!

I must say here that either you or your wife is great. Or others are making you great. My salute to you!

6 August 2009

” Art is a lie that helps us realize the truth. “

To me, the purest form of art is the perfect blending of blunder and truth. When a person imposes his excellence, its enigmatic nature might appear uncanny to others. With the passage of subtle time that so-called ‘uncanny’ might become a part of the spontaneity of human soul. This is the unparallel supremacy of Art.

6 August 2009

Which is the most precious? Beauty? Brain? or, Money?

In today’s world, the packing is more important that the content. The cover of the book is more important the book itself. The cast of the movie attracts the audiences to theatres than the storyline.

Just like that, when you meet a human being, the very first thing that you notice is the way he looks. It’s very natural, nothing wrong about that. More often than not, a person’s talent is ignored just because he/she happens to look … well, plain. Be it in the professional or the personal life, a man / woman needs to have a good personality to climb that ladder of success.

Or, not? Why do you need to look beautiful to be successful? Except of course in the glam-world of movies/modelling. It is raw talent and your ability to talk your way through challenging situations that makes you meet success face-to-face!

Again……. I believe in money, power, and respect. First you get the money. Then you get the power. After you get the power, people will respect you…………..here brain or beauty has often little value!

…………do u know what u said?

I think every woman should have courage to confess the truth like u!

6 August 2009

The great question – which I have not yet been able to answer – is, “What does a woman want?”

Women are…. in most cases…. super human-being!

a man may be a superman……….but a woman………..can only be a super human-being! lol……………..

6 August 2009

Men never do evil so completely and cheerfully as when they do it from a religious conviction.

In today’s world, the Religion serves as the chief weapon of exploitation.

6 August 2009

Most men’s anger about religion is as if two men should quarrel for a lady whom they neither of them care for.

7 August 2009

I heard that the other day you went to touch the blue horizon

riding the waves

I heard that the other day, you walked along the salty shores

for miles and miles

I have never seen the sea

never glided on blues

never caught a glimpse of the seagull’s wings

Next time, when you’ll go to the sea

will you take me along?

Will you?

……………….. Have u understood now?

I heard that the other day, you, you and you

in an ensemble, discussed many complex conundrums

and unspoken words.

Why this eternal rat-race?

Why endless series of monologues?

Living on, this self-centered life

if there is no love

only empty loneliness

Where can I get a dollop of peace?

Where can I?

I have heard that you still dream

still write stories, and

chant music from bottom of your soul

The Saga of human existence

still makes you think

Love still blossom like a rose in your heart.

Today I am here at your doorstep

with this faithless soul, open arms

and bending knees…

Only emptiness in deep of my eyes,

there are no dreams in my nights

To dream I opened my eyes

to dream I opened my arms

towards you. . . . . . . .

7 August 2009

We don’t love a woman truly because she is beautiful to us, but she is beautiful to us because we love her.

it is applicable in case of a man also!

both!…………especially external!………….LOVE AT FIRST SIGHT ……..concept!

she knocks at our heart…………..

but that havoc often breeds love after all, doesn’t it?

7 August 2009

Ugliness is superior to beauty in the sense that it lasts longer than beauty.

7 August 2009

Love makes the time pass. Time makes love pass.

Life without love is like a tree without blossoms or fruit.

ভাবনা: চারশো আটান্ন


7 August 2009

Friendship often ends in love; but love in friendship — never. Agree? or, Disagree?

all end in love………….but vice versa is not possible.

friendship could be a transformer of love, but love can transform only more love. The reversal procedure is so uncanny here

8 August 2009

You fill up my senses/ like a night in the forest/ like the mountains in springtime, / like a walk in the rain/ like a storm in the desert, / like a sleepy blue ocean/ you fill up my senses, / come fill me again. . . . . . . . .

“Annie’s Song” was written as an ode to Denver’s then-wife, Annie Denver (née Martell). Denver “wrote this song in about ten-and-a-half minutes one day on a ski lift” to the top of Bell Mountain in Aspen, Colorado, as the physical exhilaration of having “just skied down a very difficult run” and the feeling of total immersion in the beauty of the colors and sounds that filled all senses inspired him to think about his wife. The song has since become a wedding standard and an expression of love for many people, due to its grand imagery and the fact it could apply to anyone (Annie is not mentioned by name in any part of the song).

8 August 2009

Some moments are to remember forever, some are to forget forever, some are to share, some to keep in the bosom of soul.

8 August 2009

Mistakes are minimized by experience and experience is maximized by mistakes

8 August 2009

Friendship between a man and a woman often breaks up when anyone of them tries to turn friendship to love. Agree? or, Disagree?

Friendship only for love’s sake is often harmful!

Miserably true! Miserable is the life of such a person! Sorry for that one!

I said often. After all, friendship should not have such a tragic end.

Why should a person suffer if another misinterprets ‘friendship’ foolishly? It’s not fair!

Hell them! They rest in peace or not! What right have they got to spoil some persons’ peace?

9 August 2009

They asked an atheist whether he was against the Catholics or the Protestants!

Narrowness of the theists!

9 August 2009

Man cannot create a single worm but he can create gods by dozen!

Man makes the concept of God in his own form.

Miserable fate of human race!

Why should man create God once again? He has already created it in conformity with his own taste, vision and notion.

9 August 2009

“I know everything about nothing! “

Man acts as a journalist by nature.

Ahem! Ahem! Honestly speaking, I’m ‘nobody’ who knows everything!

: One fine morning somebody met nobody & said everything about nothing but everybody said to somebody that something is better than nothing so doesn’t go for everything. In the meantime, nobody was crying for nothing & everybody said that nobody can get something so somebody decided to give something to everybody but at the end nobody got nothing……

9 August 2009

A journalist is the person who knows everything about nothing.

Nothing is totally unknown to us… so no1 knows everything abt this… Both r easily comparable with light n dark… The velocity of light is huge but imaginable… But what about the darkness… Light can ever pass through it? My answer is ‘simply never’… U may oppose (Aniket & Sushanta). Light can only pass where itz absent bt not darkness. Just think about Black Hole, u’ll be clear… Light fails to cross it with its gigantic speed.

. . . . . Simply cool comment! I think some aspects of nature are dark as they are enjoyable in that preview.

9 August 2009

To a man, a girl seems to be intelligent as long as she is his girlfriend. When she becomes his wife, she seems to be an idiot.

Ahem, ahem! An intelligent girlfriend is better than an idiot wife.

grass seen greener from the other side of fence…

So, here fence is the main culprit! Let’s break the fence! lol.

. . . . You know, to the girls, a smart boyfriend is more enjoyable than a stupid husband. It’s such a paradox of human nature that we can hardly deny.

. . . . . Housemate? Ahem, ahem. What a great(!) choice of your hubby!

ahem, ahem! no one is absolutely intelligent or idiot in this world. our way of thinking about person makes it so. thinking generally undergoes differently in the pre-marital and post-marital stages of a person. Ms. Ayesha have u got it now?

A lady actually doesn’t become an idiot, her husband’s way of thinking makes her seem to be so.

10 August 2009

It is better to be hated for what we are than to be loved for what we are not.

In modular (human life) circle, electron (negative thinking) seems more active but in fact proton (positive thinking) governs that all the way…

10 August 2009

When a lovely woman moans sitting beside a grave then Death seems to me the most blessed matter in the world.

And you know, a woman’s love becomes meaningful with the golden touch of a man’s love.

আজকাল আর কেউ বারান্দাতে দাঁড়িয়ে থাকে না, ওই সময়টাতে বয়ফ্রেন্ডের সাথে গল্প করে।

It’s our duty to make the lady who comes in our life, ready for this. Our unconditional love is required in this case.

আজ দাঁড়িয়ে থাকার কেউ নেই বলে………..

10 August 2009

The fear of God is the beginning of ignorance.

… According to Motaher Hossain Chowdhury ‘সংস্কৃতি হল শিক্ষিত মানুষের ধর্ম, আর ধর্ম হল মূর্খ মানুষের সংস্কৃতি।’…

sorry…I disagree… ignorance ছিল… যার থেকে জন্ম নিল ‘GOD’

The holy books teach us the fear of God, that often stand on the way to be a complete man. In this case, they should be set on fire.

10 August 2009

Money is the second God.

You can induce even holy sense among a group of people by dint of money.

Money rules the whole materialistic world. All the mundane matter are monetary matters. Our chain of pragmatic life is fully governed through it.

Dear friends, those who disagree with my status message, could you please clarify the reason of your disagreement? It would be better for us to have a lucid view on it.

Love can be recruited as the second God after the retirement of money. Mr. Money is performing his duty with full pleasure. Lol.

ভাবনা: চারশো উনষাট


10 August 2009

Which one is true? Man is God’s blunder? or, God is man’s blunder?

First of all, man didn’t created god so god can’t be man’s blunder & second thing is that god created man but man himself became blunder. so, there is no fault of god. If you want me to explain then I can assure you you will spend your whole life reading it & i will spend my whole life writing it for you.

very well-said !…………..I liked your interpretation !

But here is a point. As man created God in his own way, blunder if may it be, should be on the shoulder of man, not on God!

10 August 2009

Girls have an unfair advantage over men: if they can’t get what they want by being smart, they can get it by being dumb.

hehehehehe…finally one man understands it.

Don’t say like that, rather say, finally one man dares to reveal the unspoken truth!

And every moment we are to tolerate this idiocy miserably!

We, the man, often enjoy behaving stupidly when a woman shows idiocy. They’re often very clever at flattering and gratifying their means at any cost.

I think ur very anxious in female gender.What’s ur problem? Why r u not interested in woman nature. Actually, u describe the woman nature but all woman is not equal. In our society we have a mother as like as Mother Teresa.

. . . . Mind it, Mother Teresa remained unmarried throughout her life. I’ve little interest in this kinda women. lol

11 August 2009

Marriage is a romance in which the heroine dies in the first chapter.

. . . . A smart girlfriend is better than a dumb wife. . . . . . I hope you’ll find now some meaning!

The next chapters are quite unpredictable, varies from person to person.

No problem! I will kill the hero accordingly, and everyone see the next chapter they will come with a fabulous song ” Om Shaanti Om…..

In a world of fantasy!

11 August 2009.

Poorest is the man who has got all the wealth of the world but lost his own soul.

Excellence of Soul is the highest stage of wealth that we can treasure for the art. But for this wealth our existence is nothing but dragging our life as we are to do it. Life is just a misery.

11 August 2009

Before receiving unconditional love from someone, we must fulfil some conditions.

Those conditions have no universalized definition. So, there are largely biased in inter-personal and intra-personal affairs!

conditional unconditional love…..

. . . . . Diplomatic thought! Strategic Aniket!

Being an intelligent person why are u roaming around in the philosophical world? Think positive and be positive in ur life. Come with some other witty subject which will show ur brilliance.

. . . . . I’m tremendously positive in my thought and act. You know, a matter remains philosophy only when it is accepted largely without much evidence. I think my status message implies a psychology already proved. How can it be a philosophy? Again, to witty matters are not born, they are created from our sense of humour. Brilliance? How can I dare to show something that I don’t have? Thanks for your comment. Anyway, I’d be highly obliged if you kindly suggest me some witty matters that are discussion-worthy.

11 August 2009.

‘Smile’: it’s the second-best thing that we can do with our lips.

lol. . . . Try to understand it. Also, you can suggest some. If you can tell what I meant, it would be better.

Actually, it varies from person to person, according to tastes and views.

11 August 2009

Music is the only medicine that we must take, no matter whether we feel sick or not.

12 August 2009

Eternal Sunshine through my soul. . . . . . Good Morning, Friends

12 August 2009

The nearer to the church, the further from God.

In ur religious views wrote that u r an atheist, an atheist has no faith on God, so what is the base of ur comment?

. . . . . . Thanks for your question. A person becomes a vegetarian only when he finds no interest in meat or knows about the health hazards of taking meat. Is it his fault if he brings the result of his research to light for making others aware of that? I hope you’ve got the point the now. Thanks again for your nice comment.


The easy answers are not easy to be given easily.

12 August 2009

The phrase ‘Love at first sight’ should be changed to ‘Passion at first sight’. . . . . . Agree? or, Disagree?

Any confusion between love and lust never goes unpunished.

12 August 2009

When words fail, eyes speak. When eyes fail, silence speaks.

. . . . . অন্ধকার তখনই ভয়ংকর সুন্দর হয়ে ওঠে, যখন নীরবতা নীরবে কথা বলে। নীরবতার পক্ষে ভয়ংকর হয়ে ওঠাটাই ভয়ংকর।

. . . . . . When heart stops beating . . . . .then?

…….’সুন্দর’ কীকরে ভয়ংকর হয়? এই কথাটা একমাত্র হুমায়ূন আহমেদকেই ব্যবহার করতে দেখেছি।…….আর কেউ দেখেছেন?

. . . . .হুমায়ূন সাহেব যেমনি করে ডায়লগের স্টাইল কিছুটা ধার করেছিলেন মানিক বাবু থেকে, ঠিক তেমনি করে সুন্দরের ওই রূপটা উনি দেখেছিলেন শরৎ বাবুর চোখ দিয়ে। আর আমার দেখাটা অনেকটাই স্বউপলব্ধিজাত।

. . . .আপনি আলোর মানুষ, অন্ধকারে অ্যালার্জি থাকলে আলোর স্বাদ নেবেন কীকরে?

আসলে সুন্দরকে যে যেভাবে দেখতে জানে, সুন্দর তার কাছে ঠিক তেমনই!

কারো আবেগভরা কণ্ঠে ‘ভালোবাসি তোমায়’ শুনে অনেককেই তো বলেন, ‘মাগো! কী ভয়ংকর কথা গো!’ তাই না?

. . . . .ঠিক তাই! আবার অনেকসময়ই কারো চোখে যেটা ঘৃণা, অন্য কারো চোখে দেতা পরম ভালোবাসাও হতে পারে। পুরো ব্যাপারটাই অনেকাংশে আপেক্ষিক।

. . . . . Again, solitude-based silence makes our life a celestial bliss!

When Silence fail body language speaks.

When body language fails, we meet psychological death.

12 August 2009

Often, I find my mind a nice thing to mess with!

ভাবনা: চারশো ষাট


12 August 2009

Life is more beautiful than we can imagine.

Life really becomes beautiful only when we start meeting it so.

. . . . . . .Life gives us its charm fully only when we’re prepared to receive the charm from our soul. Just receive it, friend!

. . . . Life is more beautiful than you can imagine, I repeat.

What’s the problem in imagining and facing life beautifully as we’ve no way to escape from it? I never feel bothered at the course of my life.

Every real comes out of the result of imagination. Ur thoughts abt life ending or having a lot of viewings r nt ur imagination? U’d already seen a lot I agree but more than million times r left than u saw.

Life is not difficult, it is not easy. Life is like life. Our thinking makes it easy or difficult.

Hahaha. . . . . Same problem most of us have! Lack of precision!

13 August 2009

Let’s touch the rainbow. Cloudy Good Morning!

13 August 2009

When you are in real love you slowly go insane.

yeah, it’s called slow torture.

Always not torture. Sometimes also a pleasure.

Love is such a disease which can be cured only by more love.

13 August 2009

I think, the words that can soothe a broken heart are the best words ever spoken.

13 August 2009

Love . . . . . . . it’s hard to find real love but it’s harder to maintain it if once found.

Love is what a lover does. Real love is what a passionate lover does.

I’m telling about Platonic Love.

I’d like to add. . . . . Love is a whim which lasts a little longer than the feeling of love, yet the second one pays the better.

13 August 2009

Confusion of ‘love’ with ‘like’ never goes unpunished.

13 August 2009·

If you confuse friendship with love, it’s better for you not to make friendship. Friendship isn’t for you.

14 August 2009

Why did you promise to stay forever if you now have to say goodbye?

Broken promises are like fire in ashes, never get extinguished rather torment us as long as our soul is dead!

I do enjoy always. I just try to analyze human traits. I was never worried, not am now, can guarantee you I’ll never be.

14 August 2009

Love is a whim that stays a bit longer than the feeling of love, yet the second one pays the better.

14 August 2009

I was born genius, education ruined me.

The more I received formal education, the more I realized that I wasted my time and I should not receive more. Only for this realization, I’m grateful to it, nothing else.

Our ignorance remains hidden, formal education brings it to light!

Nothing can ruin our sensibility and intelligibility more successfully than formal education can.

Formal education closes doors of knowledge before you but at the same time shuts all the windows. You get suffocated, meet psychological death.

I strongly hold the belief that every well-educated man is self-educated. What hell can formal education do for us but for giving a foolish job?

Unfortunately, our education system has, with full pleasure, taken that shape and burdened that on our shoulder in a disgusting manner giving it a universal sweet-sounding name ‘formal education!’

That’s very true … the education system is rubbish but I don’t think that ruined you because you have the realization!

Yea! I said it earlier. The only thing that drinking poison taught me is that it always causes death! Well, for this I’m grateful to a cup of pure poison! Got it now?

You sound frustrated? It’s not all that bad?! Education is like a tool, society gives you one type of education … you can always shape it in your own way with your own realization and thoughts …

I can shape it, but our institutions interfere with it. No matter whether we like it or not, we are compelled to read tons of rubbish, most of which are reduced to mere dust in our memory. Think about Tomas Alba Edison, a blaring example of self-educated in a non-institutional methodical approach.

In my engineering course of study I was taught Sociology. Well, you can tell me that it taught me how to behave myself in the society. But I can assure you that Sociology is not such a great teacher to behave according to the norms of the society if I lack the aptitude and basic instinct to adopt them. We learn mainly from Nature, education stimulates only 5% of our learning process.

What was my fault?

15 August 2009

We study in schools, colleges, universities so that we can become solvent by making a person rich after completing study.

15 August 2009

If two philosophers agree, one is not a philosopher. . . . If two saints disagree, one is not a saint.

A philosopher always disagrees, a saint always agrees. The only similarity between them is that both of them do it without understanding anything.

15 August 2009

Things are that they are. Things will be that they will be. They just appear differently.

15 August 2009

All of us like success, but most of us don’t like the successful persons.

Most of us feel jealous of the successful persons but seldom think about the hard labour they had undergone for their success.

I would also like to add that behind every successful man there is a woman and behind every unsuccessful man there are two

Partially True.

15 August 2009

Those who cannot speak, we must speak for them.

15 August 2009

When I do anything good, I feel good. When I do anything bad, I feel bad. And this is my Religion.

Religion is the state of mind that governs our attitude towards the aspects of life. To me, Religion of Man is superior to all other man-made divisions of Religion.

Thanks a lot for discussing my status message. If we explore the origin and development of Religions, we’ll find that they actually emerged in different tribes or groups to conform to the norms and biased beliefs (or often in accordance with the different catastrophes) of a particular group. Hence, man created gods by dozen to worship just to contemplate in his own way. Then came philosophy. When the philosophical notions got proved, finally emerged science. If we want the smooth pace of life, it’s better to exercise the statement. No God-based religion is required, in this regard.

Is it offensive if anyone intends to paraphrase an idea to interpret it further? Anyway, thanks for your nice comments

ভাবনা: চারশো একষট্টি


16 August 2009

I either want less corruption, or more chance to participate in it.

Careerism==Corruption! So, who dares to destroy his career?

16 August 2009

I have a very good memory for forgetting names.

Let’s introduce a new system of greeting persons in such a way where we need not remember their names.

16 August 2009

Life would have become more enjoyable if we had started our study life from Ph.D. level and ended in nursery level.

Then we have to start life from grave n end to womb… D reverse cycle of life!

Hope other phenomena of our life cycle would happen reversely (except death)!

17 August 2009

Salute to Bangladeshi cricket team. Praise for their team-work. Tribute to our victory against Zimbabwe.

Sushanta Paul We can if we want to make it happen!

17 August 2009

‘Life is Beautiful’. . . . . . . . the best movie I’ve ever seen in my life.

Life is really more beautiful than we can ever imagine!

17 August 2009

One’s dignity can be assaulted, vandalized and cruelly mocked, but it cannot be taken away unless it is surrendered.

The ultimate end of all revolutionary social change is to establish the sanctity of human life, the dignity of man, the right of every human being to liberty and well-being embedded in that strong sense of dignity. Once it is surrendered, the entity of a human being is reduced to dust.

17 August 2009

Friendship is unnecessary like philosophy, like art . . . . . It has no survival value, rather it is one of those things that give value to survival.

Well, it went over my head and I think I agree with only the very last bit. But how come philosophy, art, friendship – unnecessary?

Art, philosophy might seem unnecessary to the materialistic people, who measure the world in terms of money. But those are such assets but for which our life would become worthless, similarly goes the case with money.

That’s just a perfect explanation! you can see, how unmaterialistic I am that it went over my head.

Friends, I beg pardon to say that perhaps I failed to make my sense clear through my statement. I stated here that friendship is the locomotive which wheels the total life-cycle of a human being and holds more supremacy than philosophy or art. Life would just become meaningless if we lose any of those three and failure of realization of those three factors makes us survive just bodily but psychologically, we become nothing but corpses.

I hope I’ve managed to interpret my idea by now. Thanks.

18 August 2009

Friends! Let’s live for everyday in our life. Good Morning!

our every moment is as colourful as we make it!

18 August 2009

Never love such a person who does not love himself/herself.

It’s the real truth which matches with my thought.

I am the one I have been looking for. . . . . . I firmly believe in it.

Remember that love is not a feeling, it is a choice! Make the choice to love yourself. After all, who deserves it more? The more loving you are to yourself, the more loving you will be able to be to everyone around you. Family and friends will especially benefit from this. Make a choice to come from a place of love for yourself and for everyone who is important in your life.

18 August 2009

I am the one I have been looking for.

When I can know myself, I can manage to know the whole world. If I love myself, I can love others from the core of my soul. If I lose my existence, the whole world becomes meaningless.

good only if you are looking for yourselves and not the cops.

Huh! Firstly, I must look for myself. If I’m lost, what the foolish cops can do?

Return u back 2 home

Sushanta Paul What home can you return if the world betrays with you? You just become homeless when you lose yourself.

18 August 2009

Never marry a person whom you love only. Marry a person who loves you also.

Friends, I firmly believe that love should never be one-sided only. If this happens, your ‘happy life’ ends before it starts. So, it’s better to regret before it’s too late.

Sometimes some rascals marry only because they love. They never try to understand that marriage is not a contract, rather a communion of two souls. Sorry, if I’m rude. I just can’t tolerate this stupidity. RUBBISH!

I just hate those scoundrels who try to encroach someone’s heart, even no sense of offense they have! What a pity!

Only when our hearts speak uniquely just as a sole heart speak! 🙂

I think, those love for love’s sake are selfish. Those who love for heart’s sake are crowned with a true love in return.

Really, it’s nice that what your friend stated 26 minutes ago, the same idea crossed across my mind about 2 hours ago. Sometimes, it so happens that coincidentally our thoughts match in various dimensions! . . . . . . . @Soma.

Even more important to take care and respect of the person with whom we’ve resolved to pass the rest of the whole of our life.

18 August 2009

Your future depends on your dreams. So, friends, let’s put off work and go to sleep! . . . . . Good Night!

19 August 2009

Love is composed of a single soul inhabiting two bodies.

19 August 2009

The course of true love does never go smoothly.

19 August 2009

আমি আগের ঠিকানায় আছি. . . . . . .সময় করে এসো একদিন. . . .দুজনে কিছুক্ষণ বসে পাশাপাশি. . . . . . . . .

……….হারিয়ে যাবো ওই অজানায়. . . .নীল সীমানার পাশে,

কল্পলোকের তরণী বেয়ে . . . . .শিশির যেথায় হাসে।

. . . . Translation: O dear! I’ve not changed my address only for you. Wouldn’t you come to visit my abode only once? We’ll pass some golden moments together sitting side by side.

ভাবনা: চারশো বাষট্টি


19 August 2009

What is bitter hatred to a person, may be ardent love to another. In this case, how can we identify love?

19 August 2009

“It is better to reign in Hell than to serve in Heaven.”

MMMMM….. I really think that if you are able to serve here in Earth, then you will reign in Heaven!!! and i think it’s the right way to be…. 🙂

Sushanta Paul Diplomatic thought!

………don’t lose the heaven. the hell is the full of strenuous………….so there is no difference between king and progeny……….

Sometimes Hell is also enjoyable when I’m habituated to staying there. Heaven is sometimes too enigmatic to live.

You needn’t imagine, brother. You can learn from many of your friends who have came back to Hell from that so-called Heaven.

19 August 2009

It’s better to feel love than to fall in it. Love is blind only when you fall in it.

How can I make an already complicated term complicated? Since the dawn of civilization, this term has always been confusing. No need to make it more. 😛

I don’t think love was complicated since dawn of civilization … sometimes too much of philosophical analysis can make things more complicated than it is. Besides, I think we make things complicated by nature.

And here. . . . .in case of things which are already complicated. . . . . . Mashallah!

20 August 2009

Rain, rain, rain. . . . . . .

Would that I could stay at home and enjoy such a romantic weather!

No mtr whr u r, d imp thing is how u r! Y thinking abt a ltl home… The whole universe is ur home…

Yeah! The whole universe is my home. Now make a roof on my head!

D ttl sky is ur roof n ur feelings to b a universal is ur umbrlla… So d drops of rain wash only d upper side of ur umbrella n u’ll b sure dt ur thinking will remain saved…

Ok. I’ll enjoy your virtual roof and umbrella. 😛

20 August 2009

Why forgetting things is easier than remembering things? Is it partiality of human brain in favour of forgetting?

Yeah! Forgetting things is even harder if you wanna remember another thing for it! @Nabila

Yeah! Human beings are a psychologically biased species! Hahaha.

20 August 2009

“Come to the edge,” He said. They said, “We’re afraid.” “Come to the edge,” He again said. They came. He pushed them. . . . . . .and they flew.

Then is another story . . . . . . .

Sometimes new stories begin early before the deaths of the old ones. Then it breeds a better result. 🙂

Death is not passing away, it is the lack of existence.

20 August 2009

Could anyone please tell me what’s the value of an academic certificate other than getting a job?

An academic certificate often serves as a gateway to get a job, but seldom provides fruitfully to be a complete man. ‘To be educated’ and ‘to be learned’ is never synonymous.

In quest of truth. . . . . .

But it works as a gateway. After getting the job, it can work only 5% to your advantage.

20 August 2009

The three W’s : Women, Wine, Wealth are the root of all evils. Friends, Agree? or, Disagree?

Personally, I’m sure of the first and second one, yet not sure of the third one.

Hmm. . . . . . . . Women pass through two stages in their life. One when they’re only ‘WOMEN’ and the other when they turn to ‘MOTHER’. You know, Anthropological evidences also show the same matter. So, you must not make a mess in this regard.

Here is another Anthropological interpretation: A mother generally keeps herself far away from the common entity of a woman. If such phenomenon does not occur, it’s an erroneous exception.

. . . . . God Himself made mistakes while dealing in case of women. The study of women psychology is even impossible for God. Me. . . . . ?

. . . . . . God Himself faced this problem. Should I solve the problem of my Boss? Hahaha.

Because if you know to handle them properly, you can derive immense pleasure even to think of this question.

Yeah! I do agree. But the problem is such type of pleasure often breeds another P. . . . . . Problem, over which we often no control as it breeds spontaneously.

Yeah! I do agree. Now the problem is after being blessed he always wants MORE. Instinctively man is always inquisitive to harmful aspects of life. Hehehe.

The word “Evil” is not absolute. Wine can make an occasion colourful, how could that be evil at that time. If someone doesn’t know how to drive one’s life (that is stupid, not evil). “Wealth” is also not absolute. If you have wealth more than you need, you always can decide what to do with it. Now come to the point of woman. At the very beginning of humanity, there were no Gods. Woman were thought to be powerful and considered Goddess. There are arguments how the idea of God took over Goddess. (REf book: The Alphabet versus the goddess)

We’ve come far away from the dawn of civilization. So, it’s better to consider the present perspective. Well, the first ‘W’ can make a life sometimes blessed and most often a blessed one cursed. The desire for the second one is irresistible, and hence we can’t but go through the cave of death consciously. Finally, the third one is blessed as long as we control it not controlled by it.

Thanks for your interpretation.

That heart is an evil heart which misuses not only 3 W’s but any form of blessings .

Well, let’s find out. When a heart is formed, it’s just a heart, not evil or blessed. The things the heart receive or prompted to receive make the heart according to the appeal of those ones.

ahh … first thing is that “your statement” states that woman is a thing (heartless/lifeless).

There will be many things around, not that everything appeals everyone … how a person deals with it is the main thing and probably that depends on the persons overall upbringing … so probably it would be correct if we say “the influence of evil upbringing”

Hey! You’re misinterpreting the word ‘THING’. Please keep in mind that the person who stated the status message is me myself. So, why the question of upbringing comes here?

yeah, if you think WOMAN are THINGS, cause that is what it implies from that statement … I am a woman, according to your statment, I am a meaningless thing with evil power, isn’t it wonderful to hear.

How a matter appears depends on how you receive it, whatsoever the matter is.

I beg to differ on this / Let us not fall into what i call a morality trap / Have you really gone through your set of values and checked out how these values got ingrained in you / is it by design or are these default values

. . . . Well. Ethically and psychology I’m too strong to fall into a mortality trap. I’ve a deep fancy for allegory and so I often state my thoughts satirically. So, never comes any humiliating values through my mind by default. Again, my mental strength is too high to be infused by any prejudicial values whatsoever it be.

Hope you’ve got the point. Thanks for your nice comment.

. . . . পৃথিবীর কোনোকিছুই গুড কিংবা ইভিল নয়। আমরাই কোনো ব্যাপারকে গুড কিংবা ইভিল বানাই। এটা পুরোপুরিই রিলেটিভ।

I wonder whether you know or can find the source of this statement or myth for men.

Ok, Suraiya. Now it’s up to you to reproduce a similar statement for men, I mean males. I’m waiting.

ahh, I don’t need to produce one … we don’t need any statement to show woman power (he he he..) the book I mentioned earlier, that explains how male/female brains are complementary and exists in any form of human. So, I am not really bothered to fight who is better.

You needn’t bother. Already many men bothered about it and wondered how women could survive with an amazingly little amount of brain. Really men should learn this lesson of survival from women.

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