ভাবনাদেয়ালের পলেস্তারা (৬২ষ্টি অংশ) (১)

ভাবনা: চারশো আটাশ


August 19, 2011

: Finally, I collected my guts to ask him for a picture……. He is the person who reminds me a lot of u……. you being more handsome of course!!!! But credit to him……. He had just gotten done with his vigorous work out

: Oh didi! I can’t understand how this person takes after me! I must request you to see some more photos of mine and you can find MUCH difference. The person of this picture is a handsome guy (maybe much more that of me) with a gym-going stout figure (unlike me), but I can hardly find the match (even after looking at this picture for 15 minutes).

Now, let me walk putting on your shoes! Well, you might have thought of the height, simplicity of look, wide face and some more ideas (which I can’t guess).

But, I’m happy to see you take this snap and post it on my wall. Your effort proves your sincere love and affection for me, no doubt about it!! I do love your love for me.

: Ah Ah! Didi!! Why should I feel I offended? You don’t know how much I do love and respect you and your thoughts!! He is a nice guy and your meeting with him with my picture is a pleasant thing to think of. He must be simple and gentle guy (he looks much of it!) ………. Please never hesitate to express your thoughts to me, no matter, whatever or however it is. I appreciated, appreciate and will appreciate; promise!!!!!

August 23, 2011

I believe that if you tell your boss what you really think of him, the truth will set you free……….. Do you believe it? If you don’t, why not give it a try?

………..মহিলা বস লাভলেটারও ধরিয়ে দিতে পারেন (আপনার চিন্তাভাবনায় মুগ্ধ হলে)………চেষ্টা করতে দোষ কী!

……….. “don’t come in front of the boss, and behind a horse” —– so nicely phrased, Sir!! Boss is really always right and I’m right or wrong (what he intends me to be). A joke told by boss is never a bad joke. (I don’t know how you make your subordinates handle things. Holding a very high position, you have to do it often, I guess) Currently unemployed, I’m just trying make sense of how things really are. I like to learn from the mistakes of others who follow my advice!! That’s why I’m sincerely trying to persuade people!!

:…..long time. Be happy and hugs!

: Wow! MV!! So nice of you to post on my wall. Hope you’re fine and everything is getting on quite well with you. Be blessed always. Love and Hugs.

Yes, I still remember. The days of flames ignited with the presence of my friends. You were always there and made me burn my passion! So dreamy days we’d! Let me make my time to see inside once again and be where I used to be. Just be with me, and I promise to be back in those days. Thank you so much.

August 26, 2011

: স্যার, কেমন আছেন? কী অবস্থা?

:…………এইতো আছি, যেমন ছিলাম। আমার অবস্থা বদলায়নি, তবে চারপাশ বদলে গেছে অনেকটুকুই; তাই আমাকেও বদলাতে হবে। আমার জন্য প্রার্থনা কোরো।

August 26, 2011

……….. Yes Sir, I’d to spend time before the mirror as I never dared to spend time before others. I don’t like to bother people.

August 30, 2011

Please make your old parents feel loved, cared, respected. They will surely be blessed with a long life. Only love can keep them happy and alive for long. We are only because they were.

………. Dear Masima, to me, you comment also conveys so much. It infuses responsibility. I’ll try to respect this.

……….স্যার, দিন যত বদলেছে, তার চেয়ে অনেক বেশি বদলে গেছি আমরা নিজেরাই। একটু ভাবুন তো, এই বদলে যাওয়া মানুষগুলোকে যদি আমাদের বাবা-মা দেখতে না চাইতেন, যদি ছুঁড়ে ফেলে দিতেন ওই আস্তাকুঁড়েতে যখন আমরা ছোট ছিলাম, অতোটা বেড়ে উঠিনি, সেয়ানা হইনি ঠিক আজকের মতো……..কী হতো তাহলে? পশু হয়ে বেড়ে উঠতে না দিয়ে মানুষ যখন ছিলাম, তখনই তো গলাটিপে মেরে ফেললেই হতো! কিন্তু সেটা তাঁরা করেননি। কীভাবেই বা করবেন? বাবা-মা তো!

………বন্ধু, শধু স্যালুট কোরো না, এই স্পিরিটটা ছড়িয়ে দাও সবার মাঝে। আমার নিজেকে খুব অসহায় মনে হয়, ওই ভাগ্য-বিড়ম্বিত মানুষগুলোকে দেখলে, চোখ জলে ভিজে যায়।

………… I put forward this message as I don’t think I’ve the least respect for those scoundrels. Friendship can’t be meaningful without mutual respect. That’s why, I just requested them to be out of my arena. Thanks.

October 10, 2011

Some people don’t have to really live forever to live forever. We’ll always miss ‘the voice’ behind many timeless ghazals. The world loses the greatest soul-provider to music. RIP, Jagjit.

Death is the only truth that never fails.

October 10, 2011

My ignorance is just as good as your knowledge.

………True, because both are infinites! If ignorance was finite, then in finite number of steps we could remove our ‘ignorance’, and thus we would know everything, which is impossible, because ‘knowledge’ is infinite.,,,…,amazing, eh?

October 12, 2011

: Busy?

: Hello didi! How are you? Long time! Not much busy. I’ve an exam tomorrow and now reading and browsing through my handset. How are you? How is Neel? Is he enjoying his new school?

I tried to send you messages on your handset many times, but probably you’ve changed your number.

October 14, 2011

Never pre-judge a girl seeing her mother, you might get disappointed later!……..

……… Sir, nothing wrong with me. It’s just a precaution! hahaha

………. Sir, Genetics fails sometimes!! Let’s screw Mendel!!!

……….. Not experience, just a precaution to avoid bad experience!

………. Don’t trust “anybody’s” mother! lol

……….. Dada, sometimes meeting even parents might prove misguiding, as Genetics says!!

ভাবনা: চারশো উনত্রিশ


October 15, 2011

Just as the Sun warms the Earth, Love warms our Lives.

Wayra – Voices of the Wind

Ritu didi, I found it on your wall. It changes! Really!! Thanks a lot for sharing. I’ll check more collections, surely.

Happy to know that my dear jijaji has such a lovely taste. Please tell him that I resemble his feelings to some extent.

Just share your favourite ones on my wall if you can. And, I appreciate his taste for ‘natural’ ones.

October 15, 2011

I’m sorry if this song makes you miss the rain or someone or even both!………. Because, I can post only the music-link. Enjoy!!

Yiruma – Kiss the Rain

heart starts transforming!!

PS………. I suggest you to listen to “Nidra___MUSIC THERAPY (Pandit Raghunath Seth)” if you can. I can bet you’ll remember my recommendation after listening to those tracks!! they’re simply wonderful. please please……… listen!!!!

October 15, 2011

It relaxes!!

Spiritual Flute: The Beauty of Nature

October 18, 2011

liked it!

Jane Birkin「L’aquoiboniste」

October 18, 2011

From Buddha Bar III comes Secret Love. Beautiful Greek Violin from master Nico Hatzopoulos!!……….. This music is making me fall apart but I can’t stop listening to it.

October 18, 2011

Timeless Moments by Lucas Thanos from Claude Challe’s Flying Carpet

Great violin. I assume it’s Greek although I believe Mr. Thanos is American born.

October 18, 2011

47-7……..স্কোরটা কিন্তু ওয়েস্ট ইন্ডিজের! Chittagong rocks!!

October 18, 2011

Yes! Another wicket!! I love you, Bangladesh!!

October 18, 2011

Yes! We can!! Chittagong welcomes West Indies!!!

October 18, 2011

Yes! All out!! I love this grand reception @ Chittagong!!

October 21, 2011

……….. have just watched ” Blood Diamond ” — a must-see political masterpiece of DiCaprio………. Nothing on earth is worth-trading for your family! Nothing!!……… The movie is just brilliant!! ভাবছি, এই মুভিটা অস্কার পেলো না কেন?

Shawshank Redemption দেখেছি। আমার খুব প্রিয় একটা মুভি। Morgan Freeman-এর একটা মুভি দেখলাম আজকে—Se7en। বেশ ভাল মুভি!………উনার Invictus-ও দারুণ! অসাধারণ মুভি!

Now watching…….. Hachi: A Dog’s Tale……. AGAIN!………It’s really awesome!!

……… Modern gentlemen are those who make others behave not like that ‘gentlemen’. Sad fact!!

……… One of my friends watched it sitting beside me for the 11th time!! Yes, the movie is worth it!! Really it is!! The old trend of stealing others’ wealth to build up our own civilization has been demonstrated in so cinematic a way in this movie. Just mind-blowing!!

……… Why after Blood Diamond? Why not Titanic? You don’t have to be in love to watch ‘Titanic’; you might be in love after watching it……….. I’m not that romantic either. I just love lovely things. You do too, don’t you?

October 22, 2011

গানটা শুনুন; ভাল লাগবে৷

Shafqat Amanat Ali (Fuzon) – Khamaj (Mora Saiyaan)

October 22, 2011

Tum Jaate Jaate Jaana

………দোস্ত, তোর ক্যাট আপু তো মাঝে-মধ্যেই আসে এখানে, থাকে আমার সাথে, খাওয়া-দাওয়াও হয়৷ বিলটাও ও-ই দেয়৷ তোরে কই নাই কখোনো? টেনশন লইস্না, নেক্সট টাইম আসলে তোরে কল দিমুনে……

হালা, ক্যাটরিনা যখন বাংলাদেশে আসল, তখনওই ছাগলটারে না পাঠাইয়া তুই তো নিজেই যাইতে পারতি! বেকুব একখান!!

………..ওহ্‌ আনুশকা? ওরে তো আমি কত আগেই ছাইড়া দিসি! বেচারি এখন একাএকা ঘুইরা বেড়ায়, ওরে একটু দেইখা রাখিস!

…….তুই হালা ক্যাট-এর লাইগা ‘বিগ’, না? ফাও কথা কস্! ক্যাটরে তুই আমার থেইক্যা বেশি দেখসস্, না?

……..আমি তো ভাল হইতেই চাই৷ তুই আর তোর আপু—এই দুই বান্দরই তো আমারে ভাল হইতে দেস্না৷

…….তোর কারে ভাল লাগে না, সেইটাই তো একটা গবেষণার বিষয়!

……….তোর ম্যাচিউরড্, এক্সপিরিয়েন্সড দরকার, এইতো? আমি থাকতে কোনো টেনশন লইস্না৷ তোর লাইগা প্রয়োজনে একাধিকবার ডিভোর্সপ্রাপ্ত ‘young-boy-caring’ মহিলা খুঁইজা আনমু৷ ব্যাপার না, আমি আছি না! দুইদিন সময় দিলি তো! আরে দোস্ত, দুইদিন তো বহুত সময়! তোর ধৈর্য আছে!

October 22, 2011

……… feel the candour!

Ajana kono golpo bole from Iti Mrinalini

October 24, 2011

…….why girls crop their photos on Facebook!! Be aware!!

October 27, 2011

…….. just watched ‘Dead Poets Society’……. The message it conveys must be followed very tactfully as not always things work in that way, I think…….. I’ve liked the tone, anyway.

Carpe Diem……… Seize the Day! You’ve just done it, man!! The day is yours! And, I believe, it’ll be ever.

Who can, does.

Who can’t, says.

I see, you already did. You see, I’m still saying!

October 28, 2011

Shutter Island —- Watch it! Just experience the movie as well as the island! Some movies aren’t ended till they’re ended! DiCaprio is simply incredible as always! Hats off boss!!

October 29, 2011

…….. watched The Rear Window, The King’s Speech & The Curious Case of Benjamin Button…….. Liked the dialogues, tones, makings. Good movies to watch, I must say.

………….Yes, they’re so lovely to watch. During the last few days, I’m just living with movies, books, music. I’m enjoying. Life’s good! Hope you’re fine with everything.

October 29, 2011

: ৩০তম বিসিএস-এর রেজাল্টের জন্য আগাম অভিনন্দন!

: Bhai…….. An unearned congratulation rather bothers, you know. Just please add me to your prayer. Nothing more have I to request……. Good Luck for you, brother.

: Inshallah you will make it, no doubt at least to me. I think you will make in a grandiloquent way however I was not a candidate in the 30th yet thanks for your good will.

: Bhai, you always have kind words for me as I often say. I feel happy to find such a genuine well-wisher. God bless you, brother.

October 29, 2011

…….. just watched Hachiko : A Dog’s Story…….. One of the most touching movies I’ve ever seen. A movie based on a true story — a story of unconditional love, loyalty…….. Only a dog can love you more than you yourself do.

হাতে সময় আছে, তাই এভাবেই সময় কাটাচ্ছি।…….. Movies, books, music…….. কী আছে আর জীবনে!

ভাবনা: চারশো ত্রিশ


October 31, 2011

……… a poorman’s blessed soul…….. always lucky…….. always humble….

Didi……… Umm…sounds great! You’re leaving for India in a few hours, huh? Good! I like travelling. It’s so Mm……mm……. What’s your plan about this tour? I need another Eat, Pray, Love from you. I mean it. Who else can write it, huh?

………কেউ কথা রাখেনি…….কেউ কথা রাখে না……..আজকাল দুদণ্ড শান্তির আশায় বনলতা সেনের কাছে না গিয়ে একটা ফ্রুটিকা খাওয়া অনেক ভাল। তোকে আগেই সাবধান করেছিলাম, সুরঞ্জনা চলে যাক, যত খুশি কথা বলুক ওই যুবকের সাথে (মোবাইল ব্যালেন্স তো আর তোর ফুরাচ্ছে না, তোর টেনশন কীসের এত?)…….তুই ওকে ফেরাস না, ও ফিরবার নয়।…….কিন্তু তুই তো শুনলি না এই অধমের কথা!…….গরীবের কথা বাসি হলে ফলে……..

November 2011

Left Job at DOVANA

November 2, 2011

Friends! Let me share a great news……. I’ve stood 1st in order of merit in Customs & Excise cadre in the 30th BCS (Bangladesh Civil Service) Exam……. Till date, it’s the greatest birthday gift I’ve received ever. I just feel like being in heaven. Heaven must not feel any better, I can bet! Now, I’m the happiest man on earth! Sweet birthday 02.11.2011!! Please pray for me.

207 friends posted on Sushanta’s timeline for his birthday.

Sushanta Paul

Birthday: November 2

…………So once in every year, I approach a day apart, to thank my friends with this note of gratitude in thankfulness of heart for remembering me. Stay happy. Be blessed. Please add me to your prayer.

: দাদা, কেমন আছেন? মাসরুফ ভাইয়ের সাথে কথা হল। আপনার কথা জানলাম। খুব ভাল লাগলো। আপনি বোধহয় ফার্স্ট হবেন কম্বাইন্ড মেরিটলিস্টে। অগ্রিম শুভেচ্ছা।

: Thanks a lot, bhai. আমার জন্য দোয়া করবেন।

November 8, 2011

……… off to Cox’s Bazar for 3 days………. feel like hearing the call of the sea beach!

……… কয়েক বছর লাগবে না, জয়েন করতে কয়েক মাস লাগবে। আমার জন্য দোয়া করবেন, ভাই। ভাল থাকবেন।

……… Thank you, bhai. I’m also eagerly awaiting that ‘dream call’. What is worth-having is worth-waiting. Please pray for me. Stay fine.

November 8, 2011

………. lovely green hill on one side, dreamy blue sea on the other side………. the road kisses them!…… on the way to Inani beach via Himchari………

: অভিনন্দন, সুশান্ত, তোমার সাফল্যের জন্য! জন্মদিনের শুভেচ্ছা নিশ্চয়ই পেয়েছ। কক্সবাজার যাচ্ছ, ভাল। চোরাবালি থেকে সাবধান। Wish you all the best.

……… Beautiful town.

………. Yes, I got it. Thank you for the greeting. So nice of you to post such a caring comment. Stay fine.

November 9, 2011

………. the soft silvery rays of the moon kiss the waves……… the roar of the sea itself creates the instrumental!……… bathing in the eternity of the dreamy evening……… the fading light of the distant boats takes my soul away………

November 11, 2011

……….. now @ Adinath Temple, Maheshkhali……….. enjoying the blend of spiritual and scenic beauty.

November 11, 2011

……….. now at National Peace Temple, Maheshkhali……….. exploring the Buddhist mystic heritage. Mind transforms here!

November 14, 2011

First learn, then earn. Don’t reverse the order. Reversal might prove suicidal for you……….. (learnt from my own life……… Thanks God, I narrowly managed to cheat the possible consequence……. :))

……….. শুধু “পথে হলো দেরী”………. এই ছোট্ট আফসোসটুকু রয়েই গেল৷ তবুও আমি খুশী!

……….. দোস্ত, এখন বুঝি, life নিয়ে experiment করা কতটা বিলাসিতা ছিল! তোরা তো জানিস, এর জন্যে আমাকে কতটা মূল্য দিতে হয়েছে!!

……….. That must be a tough proposal for the tough guys!!

………… Coming back is rather more challenging, you know, brother! I even measuring my life with this ‘coming back’! Glory happens only when it really happens. It must be justified anyhow.

I can clearly remember the days when your encouraging words stayed beside me. Friends are not always tough to recognize.

November 21, 2011

Success can buy silence. And, it often really buys.

: মিয়া, তোমার সাক্সেসের সিলসিলা দেইখা আমি ঈর্ষান্বিত! কী যে শুরু করলা! রাহী স্যারের কোর্স নিয়ে খুব মুস্কিলে আছি। প্রার্থনা কইরো তো একটু উপরওয়ালার কাছে, এইবার পাস করতে পারলে আমি জীবনেও আর কোনোদিন উনার কোনো কোর্স নিবো না।

: ………তোমার ঈর্ষার বাহার দেইখা আমি প্রীত! রাহী স্যার আমার অতি প্রিয় একজন মানুষ। উনার কোর্স কিংবা ক্লাস নিয়ে খুব একটা কিছু জানি না। তবে এইটুকু জানি যে আমিও উনারে ভালোবাসি। তোমার জন্য শুভ কামনা রইল।

November 22, 2011

Sell what you’ve learnt. Buy what you haven’t learnt. ‘Free learning’ hardly helps a learner……… And remember, not always you can buy or sell everything with money!

November 26, 2011

………A lady is she around whom a gentleman does not feel uncomfortable.

December 15, 2011

বেকার মানুষ, অলস সময় কাটাচ্ছি……….. বোধহয়, আরো দুই-আড়াই মাস এভাবেই যাবে৷ কী করা যায়, তা-ই ভাবছি৷ কী করা যায়, বলুনতো? কোনো আইডিয়া?

December 17, 2011

From right to left………. Saad Andalib (BCS Foreign Affairs–1st, 30th BCS), Mashroof Hossain (BCS Police–4th, 28th BCS; 3rd, 29th BCS) & Me (BCS Customs & Excise—1st, 30th BCS) @ Mashfi’s home…………… We had joy, we had fun. Thank you Andalib. Thank you Mashfi and your wonderful family.

December 18, 2011 · Dhaka ·

………… throat sore!……….. বিশ্রী টাইপের একটা প্রবলেম৷ কথা বলতে পারছি না; বেশ কষ্টে আছি৷ ডাক্তার বলেছেন, voice-কে rest দিতে৷ কথা না বলে থাকাটা সহজ ব্যাপার নয়৷ তাই, আমি কথা বলছি; ফেসবুকে৷

December 18, 2011 · Dhaka ·

আচ্ছা, বেশীরভাগ সুন্দরী মেয়েদের কি sense of humour একটু কম থাকে? নাকি, যেসব মেয়েদের sense of humour থাকে, তারা বেশীরভাগ ক্ষেত্রেই সুন্দরী হয় না?

…………. Yes, there are also some lovely women endowed with beauty. The problem is, most of them are either married or, engaged……….. Not all lovely girls are dumb, some are married too. It’s my pathetic observation. lol……….. And, not always beauty and brain aren’t gifted by God. Not always God is that Devil. Sometimes they co-exist. The real beauty is what lasts and charms always, forever; no matter, whether it’s outer or inner. Keep God’s sake apart. Tell me, why the Bangali girls cannot afford to have both inner & outer beauty!! Some can afford and they’re married or, engaged, unfortunately!!! Grrrrrrrr……!!! It hurts, you know………… lolzz

……….. অর্ধেক নারী তুমি, অর্ধেক কল্পনা৷………. বুঝলেন না, ভাই? কবিগুরুর শিষ্য আমি, সুন্দরের পূজারী৷

ভাবনা: চারশো একত্রিশ


December 19, 2011

Identity is more important than existence………..Others think, therefore I’m.

………. We’re not zero actually ; our existence becomes meaningless!

………. Thank you so much for liking this quote as this quote is mine. And, I’m so happy to receive such felicitation from you. I met my dream and I’m eagerly waiting to follow the path you’ve already crossed. Please add me to your prayer.

December 20, 2011

Attachments create attachment!

December 21, 2011

Please suggest one or more smart thing(s) to do during a 2/3-month vacation……… (anything you like)

December 28, 2011

Friends! As the new year closes in, how about sharing the name of the best book you’ve read this year?

December 31, 2011 ·

2011—–the year of successes for me….The greatest one is : I stood 1st in order of merit in BCS Customs & Excise cadre in the 30th BCS exam. I’m so happy for it as it has made my parents happy………. Dear friends, what is yours? (success/ happy incident/ anything worth-mentioning)……. Please share…….

………..Happy New Year 2012. Wish you a successful & gorgeous journey to this year. Be happy. Make others happy. Thanks a lot for your presence here on my wall.


Graduated from Institute of Business Administration, University of Dhaka

January 2, 2012

কৈশোরে নীলাঞ্জনা, তারুণ্যে রুবি রায়, যৌবনে বেলা বোস৷ এই নিয়েই বেশ আছি৷ প্রেম নেই, শুধুই ভালোবাসা আছে৷ স্বপ্ন আছে, তবু স্বপ্নভঙ্গের মধুর বেদনাটুকু নেই৷ তাই, ইদানীং কল্পনাগুলো বেশ সুখেই আছে! থাকবে না-ইবা কেন? ওরা তো বাস্তবতার চেয়েও অনেক বেশি বাস্তব!

‘দুঃখ-বিলাস’—এই ব্যাপারটাকে ইদানীং আর oxymoron বলে মনেই হয় না৷ সত্যিবলছি!

হায়! হালের বনলতারা এখন আর দু’দণ্ড শান্তি দেয় না৷ শুধুই অশান্তি দেয়৷ রাশিরাশি অশান্তি!

…… “soup boys” হওয়াটা একটু বেশিই সহজ! ওতে বড়জোর মন ভরে; প্রাণ ভরে না৷ গানগুলো শুনে দেখো৷ সহজ গান বটে, কিন্তু সহজদের গান নয়৷……ওরা যে কঠিনেরেই ভালোবাসে!

January 8, 2012

The worst type of helplessness is sickness. Family is the best resort when I feel all alone in these gloomy days of sickness…. Now, off to my sweet home…… The sweet faces of my mom and dad always work better than medicine. Love cures faster!

……..আমি ভাল নেই। খুব কষ্টে আছি। কিছুই ভাল লাগছে না। বাসায় ফিরছি। সামনে ভার্সিটিতে সাবজেক্ট ফাইনাল একজাম আছে; স্ট্যাটের। হয়তো দেয়া হবে না। আমার জন্য প্রার্থনা কোরো।

…..I’m now in a state of ‘No feeling’. No pain, no pleasure; just a feeling of being alive. That’s all. Sickness is making me helpless every moment. I can clearly remember how good the days were when I was well. Please pray for me.

January 15, 2012

To be a good friend, you must learn to tolerate two things of your friend: Illness & Success. Your family is your only good friend.

…….I’ve learnt this lesson from my life. Life is a great teacher.

……. Didi, friends are to be treasured. Old ones often prove this again and again. But sometimes becomes too difficult to be by the friends. Our instincts, work pressure, peer pressure and many other factors make be away from the friends. Over the past few days I’ve not updated any status on Facebook and almost nobody really cared to ask me how I’m and why I’m absent. Well it never happens in my family. The highest communication gap between me and my parents I can remember is 36 hours. My younger brother does everything unconditionally for me when I’m unable to do anything. Does any of my Facebook friends know that I’m suffering from a severe attack of jaundice? Life sometimes becomes difficult and we need someone to weep for us. Some days ago, the result of the 30th BCS exam was published and I topped in the whole country in the Bangladesh Civil Service (BCS) exam. Many of my friends just could not rejoice at my success from heart as it was hurting them (I don’t know the reason but it happened so). Well, I’ve also some fake admirers who can turn my enemies at any time!! Can a person live happily being tensed so much? Ok, they needn’t. Let them be happy with their family.

……..আমার মধ্যে একটা ব্যাপার মাঝেমধ্যে কাজ করে, সেটা হচ্ছে megalomania। এটাও কিছুকিছু কারণে ইদানিং কম কাজ করে। আপনি যা ভাবছেন, ওই ধরনের কিছু বোধহয় নয়। ওটা সাধারণত weak personality-সম্পন্ন লোকদের মধ্যে কাজ করে। আপনার মন্তব্যের জন্য ধন্যবাদ।

……. My dear sisters, well, some people matter on facebook. In the real world it’s easy to judge how much or less space they need to occupy or occupy but in a virtual world it’s never that easy to judge. I don’t judge people (even if I do, I hardly let them know my feelings) as I know I myself won’t probably give a soothing image if judged by others. I am not disappointed with anyone else as I know disappointments spring from expectations. Can or should we really expect from others? If so, how much or less can or should we do ? If anyone shows 10 reasons to be disappointed with, I know, I must have shown 100 reasons to disappoint them. Not always things are easy enough to say a Hello and we can never judge or even imagine of the scenarios that might have happened in someone else’s life. We all have our problems and it’s hardly a good idea to expect people feel for us until and unless we have done something to reach that level of expectation. A truth I’ve learnt from life is: Almost everyone else has the same expectations & feelings as we have. So, there comes the matter of some conditions, reasoning, logic and what not! We say Hello when someone says Hello! Yes, it’s natural. Life hardly lets us be in touch, be connected. And, I’m no unique, I confess. But, just think, all the logic of the world stops working when love starts reigning. No expectations, no exchanges, no hard feelings —– everything comes for granted only when love is there. The power of love makes all the languages of the world transform into only one language —- only the heart knows it well, only the soul absorbs its essence. Well, it comes only from your family. Even in the darkest night, when all the lights are gone, a candle glows and give you a reason of being alive. It’s your good friend. There is always a hand for you when you find yourself deserted in the farthest frontier. Not all can be there for you always with that soft hand. Your family can. A good friend of yours can. You don’t ever have to think of bridging the narrow gap between Life & Death!!

My dear sisters, I am very thankful to you all for your sharing as, like always, I’ve learnt a lot from your perception. I’m learning always. The way of my thinking changes and so do I. Every lesson is precious. I know so little about life. I have still miles left to go. Please do share with me. It’ll help me in my life journey. God bless you & your family. Take care.

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