When Things Fall Apart

- Just accept it. And keep going.
- How is the end of something good accepted?
- It is necessary.
- You break my wings. You’re just leaving.
- Please don’t dramatize. You make things even more complicated. It hurts me too, but we have to finish. Why do we have to cause it and dig? You will pass.
- I’m tired of people I have to ‘pass’! Have you heard that shoes are tried on, not people? I’m not an expert! You can’t throw everything in the corner and leave. With ‘thank you for having you’?
- We can’t go on.
- Who said that?! Do you? Do you only see close? Is it tight in your chest? When you love, you are capable of everything.
- It’s not about love...
- And what is it for? You are my whole world. You deny something sacred, which nowadays is difficult to find because of your stubbornness.
You turn your back on your love. I can’t accept it. I can’t and I don’t want to. I won’t allow it to happen when you have entered my life.
You want me to let my happiness go with you. No! You see, no! I fought with all my strength and perseverance and I got here and I will not give up until I see love in you.
- You will see it in another.
- You don’t seem to understand! I can’t rub all the memories of ours with one click of your fingers. You can do these things. You cannot refuse me. Understand it!
I went out of my skin. It was a war of stubbornness and adoration! It blew me up. To see love and to be suppressed. To cross out something that is only written. To kill my feelings...Alone...
No, I can’t go against myself.
Even if he finishes me...
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