I do not throw stones, I collect them. They will always need something. Life is not a pain meant to die. When I give, I don't shout, "I'm being robbed!" When I take it, I don't do it secretly, and everyone sees exactly how much I have. I sign under every word I say, and necessarily, with my full name. I know how comfortable I am for the target, still, I don't bow my head---I boil it high. And my knees are hurt... not from crawling, but from steep jumps. From flights. From running with obstacles. From assaults 'on a knife', Not on a run. What stones are sent to me from all sorts of sinless sinners, I collect them all! I will build a loophole with them. And as I went to the abyss of the stars, they, with heavenly thunder, for my rest, on anyone who throws a stone, will collapse.