
Smile...Pretend to be cheerful...
Even though it seems hopeless.
Arrest your Sadness in the closet of the Soul...
But caress it gently.

Wrap it warm...Put her to sleep somehow.
Take yourself in your hands...And show yourself...
Friends and enemies are waiting for you outside...
To look at you...Smile!

Smile...Even if it's disgusting...
Confused...Let them shut up.
Sensation! Lust! Exclusive!
Despite everything...Appear smiling.

Smile...Even...Even when your
Soul is sick with grief.
And you vengeful Sadness
in your room at night invades.

What does it cost you...It's not hard at all...
Try...Definitely...On vacation...
Who said...All your wrinkles
are always traces of past smiles.
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