Happiness is the purpose of human life. Without happiness, nothing more can be achieved, health, wealth or good relations. It is the foundation of everything, and the vast majority of rational people perceive it that way. It is therefore natural that they try to discover how to achieve happiness in their lives. Sometimes I hear a lie that no one has ever discovered a happy life manual. At the same time, there are a lot of positive and happy people in the world who are happy to tell everyone how to achieve happiness and keep it. They even write great books about it. One of these tutorials, verified by my own life in the last two years, I offer you on the following lines.
The only thing that's essential is to do what you love. Without exception. Every second you do something you don't like, you don't live, but you die. Be strong. Don't be swayed by the talk that you have some responsibilities, that you have to do something, or you should. No! Don't let yourself be manipulated and always make decisions based on your own free will. Anyone who tells you that you have to do something is trying to deprive you of your freedom and thus your happiness. Consider for yourself whether the satisfaction of some despot or your own freedom and happiness is more important to you. And choose wisely. As one wise gentleman said, "Freedom is an existential choice. It is not one of the possibilities, it is the decisive choice of man to be or not to be free. The choice of freedom is a prerequisite for any further choice. At the same time, the choice of freedom is a prerequisite for the true self of personality."
Next, remember that everything comes out of love or fear. Nothing in between. Everything that comes out of love leads to happiness, and of course vice versa. This truth can best be illustrated by how people choose their future occupations. One person chooses a field that he really enjoys, even though he is not the most prestigious one and cannot be expected to be rich, powerful and famous. And it is such people who most often succeed, wondering for themselves how this could have happened. On the contrary, the second chooses a field that he does not enjoy at all because he is afraid that he will not find employment in a field that he really wants to study. At school, he suffers, work annoys him, and in the end, as a rule, he does not get rich anyway, because those who do not like their work cannot even do it very well. A beautiful example of the victory of love over fear.
Perhaps the easiest of all methods is to surround yourself with beautiful things that will make you feel lucky. For example, now that I am writing this reflection, I am listening to a wonderful piano composition by Isaac Shepard, I am wearing a comfortable shirt, a beautiful watch on my hand, the sun is just setting outside, and I have a glass of red wine on my desk. In this environment, you can't even be unhappy, it's full of beauty.
The most beautiful thing about happiness is that when you have an excess of it yourself, you begin to feel a natural desire to pass it on to others. You start praising others more, smiling more, laughing and being full of life. One of the definitions of an intelligent person is that his behaviour benefits himself and others, as is the case with happiness. Therefore, let us be happy, intelligent, positive, free, beautiful and full of love. At his early age, my grandfather wrote a reflection on the fact that he would love the whole world if he could. And I say it's possible. Any man can be happy and have every right to be. That's why I wish you all luck and the courage to find him. Know that it's worth it.
God created the world to love Him. To help people, to help people laugh. A word came out of the idea, an act from the word; the world was created, and man liked to live here. Then the darkness came, screaming and crying, people forgot to laugh. Fighting broke out, violence and resentment, trying to steal each other's happiness.
We started to worry about everything. Slowly the world reached its bottom, He realized it wasn't right. That love is the way to heaven, and whoever finds God is no longer looking for a way back. And so comes the golden age, one is happy and full of gratitude.
He's lucky, he's healthy, he's got a lot of joy in everything. The world, nature, city and flower are perfect. And even he is the man who praises God in the world day and night and is blessed with love.