Overflow Of Caresses

 I ask your forgiveness for loving you suddenly,
 Although my love is an old song in your ears
 From the hours I spent in the shadow of your gestures,
 Drinking in your mouth the scent of smiles
 From the nights I lived cherished,
 By the unspeakable grace of your steps, forever fleeing,
 I bring the sweetness of those who accept melancholy.
 And I can tell you
 that the great affection that I leave
 Does not bring you the exasperation of tears
 Nor the fascination of promises,
 Nor the mysterious words of the veils of the soul ...
 It is a peace, a temple,
 an overflow of caresses,
 And it only asks you to quiet reposes, very quiet,
 And let the warm hands of the night
 find the static look of dawn without fatality. 
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