I Lived

I often suffer from my straightforwardness.
And they say I'm cutting and evil.
I stumbled, I fell,
but I'm getting up...I'm leaving. And I'm walking...

And my path is overgrown with thorns...
Insidiousness, malice---I meet every day.
I do not give up. And with last strength,
I am smiling. I know, the power is in me!

It is in the heart, giving a handful of love,
but there is both pain and sadness...
Still, we need so little to be able to
to be happy with the little things...

Smiling, I greet every sunrise.
At sunset, I wave with sadness.
I strongly believe that goodness exists
in a smile and with a friendly hand...

In spring, summer, autumn and winter
I was giving away. And with myself I was...
If I look back over the years,
I will only say---I really lived...
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