
When it rains and you feel lonely,
When the pain burns your money inside your chest,
When like an ice-knife it tears you from within and you come to scream,
When instead you cry and speak incoherently,
When you have no one to call and no one to share with,
When you think you're going crazy and you're looking for a straw to hold on to,
When you feel crushed by problems and you want to immerse yourself in the memories,
When your voice is like remaining in a desert and no one will hear you even if you shout,
When in your eternal sleep you want to fall asleep and fall asleep,
But finally you get up and you know you will continue,
When you know that you will have to overcome your grief and put out the fire in you,
When you know that the fire will smoulder and soon you will have to put it out again in tears,
When you know that you will have to grit your teeth again and resist the pain,
Then you realize that your hope sustains you,
And she won't leave you if you don't leave her!
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