Good People

The good people leave early,
and the bad ones stay at the banquet.
Life is a lottery with prizes,
but who is the winning ticket?

Good people are forever lonely,
and the wicked live in herds.
One gets used to being reluctant
to say "no" when one thinks "yes."

Good people suffer from neurosis,
and bad people have nerves from a rope.
Hamlet has long ago solved the question---
be a villain, so you do not feel bad!
The good people fall first in battle,
and the bad ones in the back shout, "Hurray!"

Good people sing sad songs,
and bad people sing solemn songs.
Life is wonderful, but not easy,
when you do not have a sure guarantor...

Good people believe in the Good,
and the bad ones rely on luck.
But today about the victory over evil
it is not enough to be a lazy poet!

They say that the good will disappear,
killed by his goodness.
But I live with sincere hope---
Good outlives death!
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