BCS English (শেষ অংশ)

Word Meanings & Other Items


##Extremist: A person whose opinions, especially about religion or politics, are extreme, and who may do things that are violent, illegal etc. for what they believe, (চরমপন্থী)

##Militant: Using, or willing to use, force or strong pressure to achieve your aims, especially to achieve social or political change. (জঙ্গি)

##Anarchist: A person who believes that laws and government are not necessary. (নৈরাজ্যবাদী)

##Terrorist: A person who uses violent action in order to achieve political aims or to force a government to act. (সন্ত্রাসবাদী)

## Contagious:ছোঁয়াচে (by touch)

##Contiguous:ছোঁয়াচে (with/to sth) touching or next to sth

(Example: The countries are contiguous.)

##Nuptial: (Only before noun) connected with marriage or a wedding: nuptial bliss – বৈবাহিক সুখ।

a nuptial mass – বৈবাহিক গণ।

[Note: Marriage এর আগে a বসে না। Wedding এর আগে a বসে।]

##Succumb: not to be able to fight an attack or illness, a temptation etc.

##Disparate:অসদৃশ; অসম; গুন বা পরিমানে তুলনীয় নয় এমন। a disparate group of individuals.

##Aggrandize: (ক্ষমতা,মর্যাদা, বিত্ত ও গুরুত্বে) বৃদ্ধি করা। He is bent on personal aggrandizement.

## Typify: প্রতীক হওয়া বা প্রতিনিধিত্ব করা।

##Divergent: বিচ্যুত, অপসরণশীল।

##Meander: এদিক-ওদিক ঘুরে বেড়ানো; উদ্দেশ্যহীনভাবে কথাবলা(Wander)।

##Menace: ভীতি প্রদর্শন করা; হুমকি দেওয়া।

##Circuitous: পরোক্ষ; ঘোরানো; বৃত্তাকার।

##Forage for: অন্বেষণ করা (খাদ্য ইত্যাদির)।

##Ultra Vires: beyond your legal power or authority(Latin, law).

## Blatant: হৈ চৈ করিয়া আসিয়া পড়ে এমন।

##Overt: প্রকাশ্য, স্পষ্টত, প্রতীয়মান।

##Inimical: harmful, hostile, opposed.

##Efface: to rub out, to obliterate. (ঘষে তুলে ফেলা, নিশ্চিহ্ন করা।)

##I’m all in — I’m very tired.

##Blue chips: Industrial shares considered to be a safe investment.

##to read between the lines — to read carefully to find out any hidden meaning.

##Infringe — to violate = লঙ্ঘন করা।

## Quaint: Whimsical, Skilful.

##Delay:Expedite — Detain:Dispatch

[Note: Delay/Detain = দেরী করিয়া দেয়া।

Expedite/Dispatch = ত্বরান্বিত করা।]

## Elucidate: to expound (on)

— to make sth clearer by explaining it more fully.

##Ominous: suggesting that sth bad is going to happen in the future. (FOREBODING)

Example: She picked up the phone but there was an ominous silence at the other end.

##Sinister(adj): seeming evil or dangerous; making your think sth bad will happen.

Example: There is another, more sinister, possibility.

## Stagflation(Stagnation+Inflation): It occurs when a country’s inflation rate is high and the unemployment rate is high.

##Scuttle — Scurry: to run with quick short steps.

##Stanch — Staunch : to stop the flow of something especially blood.

##Surveillance: the act of carefully watching a person suspected of a crime or a place where a crime may be committed.(OBSERVATION)

Example: The police are keeping the suspects under constant surveillance.


##Trickle: to flow or make sth flow, slowly in a thin stream.

Example: Tears were trickling down her cheeks.

##Drip: (of liquid) to fall in small drops.

Example: She was hot and sweat dripped into her eyes.

##Exacerbate: to make sth worse, especially a disease or problem.(-AGGRAVATE)

Example: The symptoms may be exacerbated by certain drugs.

##Enter into: আলোচনা শুরু করা; Enter in:নথিভুক্ত করা; Enter on/upon: আরম্ভ করা।

##Emphasize: Emphasize on হবে না যখন emphasize transitive verb বুঝাবে।

Put/lay/press হলে emphasize on হবে।

##Angry: Angry at/with – ব্যক্তির সাথে রাগান্বিত।

Angry at/about – কোন কিছু নিয়ে রাগান্বিত।

## Stockings: হাঁটু পর্যন্ত লম্বা মোজা। #

##Proforma: (adv.) কেবল আনুষ্ঠানিক হিসেবে।

Example: A pro forma document can be used as a model.

(ওটা দেখে পরবর্তীতে form fill-up করা যায়।)

##Morbidity:বিষন্নতা, মনমরা-ভাব।

##Reverie: dreamy thinking or imagining, especially of agreeable things; fanciful musing; day dreaming.

## Forthcoming: incoming, upcoming, imminent.

##Anaesthesia: অবেদন, অসাড়করণ।

##Caterpillar: অর্থলোভী (Rapacious); শুঁয়াপোকা (Cankerworm)

##Gargantuan: (before noun) extremely large

(- ENORMOUS) a ~ appetite/meal.

##Reticent(about sth): unwilling to tell people about things (- Reserved, Uncommunicative)

Example: She was shy and reticent. He was extremely reticent about his personal life.

##Puny: small and weak. (= Feeble)

##Insipid: having almost no taste or flavour; not interesting or exciting.

##Trite: (of a remark, an opinion, etc.) dull and boring because it has been expressed so many times before; not original (= Banal)

##Sturdy: স্বাস্থ্যবান, শক্তসমর্থ।

##Girth: the measurement around something especially a person’s waist.

##Rotund(Plump): having a flat round body (Noun – Rotundity)

##Go around/round: to be enough for everyone to have one or some. Example: There are not enough chairs to go around.

##Tendril: a thin curling stem that grows from a climbing plant.

Example: A plant uses tendrils to attach itself to a wall or other support.

##Contemporancous: happening or existing at the same time (= contemporary with)

## Retainer: সম্ভ্রান্ত ব্যক্তির বিশ্বস্ত ভৃত্য বা অনুচর।

##Retinue: a group of people who travel with an important person to provide help and support.(= Entourage)

##Coven: a group or meeting of witches.

##Vassal: a country that depends on and controlled by another country.

##Suitor: a man who wants to marry a particular woman.

##gain, get, have, etc the upper hand: to gather an advantage over somebody so that you are in control of a particular situation.

##Ballad: a song or poem that tells a story; a slow popular song about love.

##Dirge: a song sung in the past at a funeral or for a dead person.

##Effigy: a statue of a famous person, a saint or a God.

##Profundity: the quality of understanding or dealing with a subject at a very serious level; the quality of being very great, serious or powerful. (- DEPTH)

Example: He lacked profundity and analytical precision. The profundity of her misery.

## Overt: done in an open way and not secretly.

##Covert: secret or hidden, making it difficult to notice.

##Intractable: very difficult to deal with.

##Conjure: to do clever tricks such as making things seem to appear or disappear as if by magic.

##T.S Eliot এর পুরো নাম— Thomas Stearns Eliot.

## As many as: a phrase used to qualify the meaning of many as a very large member, depending on what follows it.

Example: You can take as many pens as you need.

##Culpable: responsible and deserving blame for having done sth wrong.

##Culpable homicide: in some countries, the crime of killing sb illegally but not deliberately.

##Extortion: the act of making sb give you sth by threatening them,

Example: The gang extorted money from over 30 local business.

##Exasperate: to annoy or irritate sb very much. (- INFURIATE)

Noun- exasperation. A groan/look/sigh of

##Retroactive/Retrospective: thinking about or connected with sth that happened in the past.

## Perforation: a small hole in a surface, often one of a series of small holes.

##Recourse: the fact of having to, or being able to, use sth that can provide help in a difficult situation.(আশ্রয়, অবলম্বন)

## Endorse: to say publicly that you support a person, statement or course of action.

## Purloin: to steal something or to use it without permission.

## Infringe-Transgress: to break or violate a law or a rule. (+on)

## Supercilious: behaving towards other people as if you think you are better than they are. (= Superior)

##Amenable: easy to control. (+to)

##Forgo/Forego: to decide not to have or do something that you would like to have or do.

## Contentious: likely to cause disagreement between people. (a ~ issue/topic/subject)

##Imbecile: Idiot

## Imbecility: Idiocy.

##Renounce: বর্জন/পরিহার/ত্যাগ করা।

## Spatial: স্থান সংক্রান্ত।


##Crook:ব্যাঙের ডাক।

##Bray:গাধার ডাক।

##Temerity – Insolence: ধৃষ্টতা, ঔদ্ধত্য।

##Nebulous:অস্পষ্ট; আবছা।

##Vogue: Prevailing fashion.

##Vague: Uncertain or ill-defined.

## Ablution:ওজু/ধোয়া।

##Aberration – Deviation:বিচ্যুতি।

##Boisterous: Noisy/কোলাহলপূর্ণ।

##Accentuate:To emphasize/জোর দেওয়া।

##Divulge:প্রকাশ করা।

##Belittle: খর্ব করা, মূল্যহ্রাস করা, মর্যাদা হানি করা।


##Perfunctory: (of an action) done as a duty or habit, without real interest, attention or feeling. (অযত্ন বা অবহেলায় সম্পাদিত নিয়ম মাফিক)

Example: They only made a perfunctory effort.

##The Three Musketeers: A novel by Alexandre Dumas.

##Effigy: কোন ব্যক্তির পুত্তলিকা।

To burn a person in effigy — ঘৃণার প্রতীকরূপে কুশপুত্তলিকা দাহ করা।

##Dirge: অন্ত্যেষ্টিক্রিয়ার সময় গাওয়া শোকসঙ্গীত; মৃতের জন্য শোকগীতি।

##Hamlet: A very small village.

##Entrust A to B / Entrust A with B:

Entrust something to somebody.

Entrust somebody with something.

##I like almost all of them.

I almost like — এরকম হবেনা।

almost + noun/noun phrase.

##Dissent: to have or express opinions that are different from those that are officially accepted.

##To keep one’s fingers crossed: আশায় থাকা।

## Blow up — a tree

Blow out — a light

Blow off — নির্গত করা। (ধোঁয়া)

##Acquiescence: the fact of being willing to do what sb wants and to accept their opinions, even if you are not sure that they are right.

##Parthenon: The chief temple of the goddess Athena built on the acropolis at Athens.

##Pericles: Athenian leader noted for advancing democracy in Athens and for ordering the construction of the Parthenon.

##Demagogue: A political leader who tries to win support by using arguments based on emotion rather than reason.

##Sobriety: The state of being sober; the fact of being sensible and serious.

## Propriety: Moral and social behaviour that is considered to be correct and acceptable.

##Lousy: very bad; used to show that you are/feel annoyed or insulted because you don’t think that sth is worth very much.

##Straw vote/poll: An unofficial poll/voting of public opinion about a matter.

##Genesis: A beginning, a starting point.

##Imbibe: To drink in; to absorb, to assimilate.

##Plurality: The holding of more than one office at a time.

## Boot leg: To smuggle.

## Plebiscite:গণভোট।(a term related to politics)

## Archipelago: A collection of many islands.

## To meet trouble half-way: To be puzzled.

##Soft soap: Flatter for self-motives.

##Complacent: পরিতৃপ্ত, আত্ন-পরিতৃপ্ত। (self-satisfied)

##Officious:অনধিকারচর্চা, কর্তব্যপরায়ন।

##Supercilious:সবকিছুকে ঘৃণা বা তুচ্ছ করে এমন গর্বিত ও উন্নাসিক।

##Dog days: Hot weather.

##Stagflagation: Economic slowdown.

##Stanch: To put an end to.

##Belated: Tardy. (বিলম্বিত)

##Innocuous: ক্ষতি করে না এমন। (harmless)

##Compliment: A remark that expresses praise or admiration of sb.

##Compliments: a polite word or good wishes.

##Raconteur: গল্প-বলিয়ে।

##Amiable: অমায়িক।

## Amicable: বন্ধুত্বপূর্ন।

##Sedan: শিবিকা, ডুলি, পালকি, চার বা ততোধিক ব্যক্তির জন্য সম্পূর্ন আবৃত মোটরগাড়ি, সিডান।

##Hangar: বিমান-ছাউনি, বিমান-ঘর।

##Rung: মইয়ের ধাপ, সমাজের বা চাকরির সর্বোচ্চ ধাপ।

##Restive: unable to stay still or unwilling to be controlled, especially because you feel bored or not satisfied.

##Ephemeral: Short-lived.

## Vicarious: দেখে বা পড়ে নিজে না করে অনুভূত বা অভিজ্ঞতালব্ধ।

##Placate:শান্ত করা।(-Pacify)

##Cogent: প্রত্যয় উৎপাদনে সক্ষম।(- Convincing)

##Ingenuous: সহজ, সরল, অকপট।(- Naive)

##Proscribe: To say officially that sth is banned.

##Ringmaster: a person in charge of a circus performance.

##Smile on: সহায় হওয়া।

##Bring forth: উৎপাদন করা।

##Pun: the clever or humorous use of a word that has more than one meaning, or of words that have different meaning but sound that same.

Example: We’re banking on them lending us the money – no pun indeed.

##Bale: a large amount of a light material pressed tightly together and tied up(bales of hay/straw/cotton/wool etc)

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