Well, we want to find someone beautiful, intelligent and witty, someone, who is not too displayed or too shallow, who can introduce a captivating chat. But what if you kiss badly? There's no way. You have to kiss well.
When I hear someone saying that so-and-so kisses well and Robin kisses badly, I almost believe the stories of some good kisses. Kiss is the luck of two mouths entering a communion. Can a Saif kiss a Rima and create a volcanic explosion, and the same Saif kiss a Rina and create an unpleasant encounter? The persons involved matter much in a kiss! People do not kiss well or badly, couples kiss well or badly. There's always two involved.
The definition of a good kiss may be questionable, but those in the middle of it have some heavenly feeling.
A good kiss is a decided kiss, even if the decision is to take it slowly in the distance. A good kiss is a wet kiss, in which kissers donate everything, an absolute delivery of peace. A good kiss is an unhurried kiss, deep and passionate, which is not condemned by the hands of the clock, which is lost in dark mazes since it is good to remember, we keep eyes closed. A good kiss is a kiss you can't interrupt even if you want to. A good kiss is a kiss that does not allow your thought to take shape and fly to another place. And finally, a good kiss is the kiss being given on the person for whom you are completely in love.
Is there a bad kiss? Yes, it exists. Soulless kiss, too polite kiss, careful kiss, short kiss, dry kiss. But one thing is for sure: it takes two to make it cold or hot. Everyone can kiss well, just our mouth decides with whom it is to be experienced.