Soul to Soul

With memories rich, I take my leave,
No storm can tarnish what I retrieve.

Unforgettable moments, a treasure to perceive,
This journey, my heart will not deceive.

Friendship's tongue speaks in silent cues,
Not in mere words, but in shared views.

A sheltering tree, where hearts infuse,
Love's essence, devoid of wings' abuse.

To fathom and to be understood,
The hallmark of friendship, pure and good.

Not a lesson from textbooks, understood,
But in life's trials, where bonds withstood.

Friendship, a sacred, special kind,
Acceptance whole, flaws intertwined.

But those who falter, you will find,
Not true friends, but shadows behind.

Soul to soul, a sacred pact,
Betrayal foreign, healing exact.

Explaining it? A daunting act,
Yet God, the true friend, in fact.

In search of flawlessness, a lonesome fate,
Yet true friendship embraces every trait.

God and His universe, beyond debate,
Hold us close, in love's embrace.

In shattered images, a truth to glean,
Each shard, a friend's essence seen.

Never discard, for in-between,
Lies the bond, forever keen.
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