
Ah, these wonderful moments...
The time is set for me...
In the night that slowly fades,
and lights the next day.

Among old files...Lost...
Forgot who I am...And where...
And hating...Stupid...Smart...In love...
And hidden behind the thick curtain...

The computer...A box...
Silent...Boring...Short clicks!
And it lights up! And what a magic!
What an amazing moment!

Hey, you...Opposite...Anonymous...
A loner like me...And naked...
Hi...I don't want your name...

It is enough for me that in this
nocturnal, fragile, short hour
you stand---smiling and serious,
in front of me in profile and full face...

I don't see you, but I feel
that you are also infinitely alone.
Hello! What a chance of meeting...
And give me...Ask! I will give you!

Person? Man?...Moment...You're disappearing...
Among the billions of billions...
Forever! In that abyss...
In the divine star-swarm...

And the morning...The tram thunders...
And the bells ring again...
Off...They shouldn't know...
Delete...And remove everything...

But know...Remember...You are not alone...
Although expiring.
And tomorrow again...For a moment...Attraction...
And a rehearsal for God...
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