Thank You

I really can’t even begin to learn how to express such a feeling with gratitude!
Thank you, Souvik!
Thank you so much for all the love, all the heartiest appreciation... Thank you for accepting me in the way I am, and I am not.
Thank you, Souvik, for making me laugh when I needed it most.
Now the moment is like…I can’t help laughing just thinking you as that one who means everything to me.
Thank you for making my heart overjoyed and making me feel overwhelmed by your gestures.
How I feel, what I can say, actually…I don’t know, Souvik…I really can’t put it into words how my heart feels for you.

Thanks again, Souvik, for accessing my heart and perceiving all the feelings it holds for you.
Thank you, Souvik!
Thank you for making me feel like a floating bridge over the ocean of love for you.
I never thought of the existence of such love, but here you are to show me that it does!

Thank you, Souvik!
Thank you for being my saviour.
Thank you for being my divinity.
Thank you for being my everlasting love.
I always wait for your presence.

Thank you for being my magician whose every little thing, every single word contain magic and pixie-dust!
Now I know…
My heart for you will never break.
My hope for you will never end.
My smile for you will never fade.
My love for you will never stop to spread.

Thank you, Souvik.
Thank you so much for being my perfect soulmate!
Thanks for bringing the very best out of me which was within me and I even didn’t know that!
Not every person I have met in my life is meant to see the real me, but a dream-man like you is above all my expressions!

We may not talk for so long, not meet for weeks, months or years, but our cemented bonding will never dissolve!
Thanks a lot, Souvik!
Thanks a lot for being my psychiatrist.
Thanks for being my philosopher.
Thanks for being my mentor.
Thanks for being my responsible guardian.
Thanks for being the cause of my expressing extreme gratitude.
Thanks again!

Thank you, Souvik!
Thank you for being that happy world of mine where I belong to.
Thank you for finding me when I was lost.
Thanks for bringing tears down to my face which make me understand what love means.
Thanks for making me feel safe.
It really doesn’t matter where your love leads.
Because wherever it does...I’ll be there for sure!

Thank you, Souvik!
Thank you for being my sunshine when I just needed a shade of a little lamp.
Thank you for being my unopened love-letter when I just needed a dictionary to understand what love is.
Thank you for being my poetry when I just needed a diary to write something.
Thank you for being my unending laughter when I just needed a reason for smiling.
Thank you.

Thanks, Souvik...
Thanks a lot for expanding my horizons when I had no place.
Thanks a lot for being my courage when I was done.
Thank you for being my lyrics when I had no song.
Thank you for being my trust when I lost power to believe anyone.
Thank you for being my succour when I lost my confidence.
Thank you for being my sure source of merriment when I was nowhere.
Thanks a lot!

Thank you so so much, Souvik!
Thank you for treating me respectfully though I’m a nobody.
Thank you for making me feel honoured by saying that I’m perfect though I’m not at all.
Thank you for the times you have gone out of our ways to be more sentimental just because you know that it means the world to me.
Thanks for making me feel blessed though I’m inadequate.
Now when I count my blessings...I count you twice....or even more!
My heartiest appreciation is there for you!

Sleeping beauty....white snowflakes...deep oceans...mountains...are hardly the most beautiful fairy-tales to me without you, Souvik!
Thank you, Souvik.
Thank you for being my sweet memories...

Thank you, Souvik, for everything you are, and you are not.
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