26 Ways to Forget Your Ex

 Admitting to yourself that the person you have strong feelings for doesn't love you is shattering and not easy to create. What is even more difficult, however, is how to turn off feelings for someone you don't give a shit about. Being aware that someone you would move mountains for would not lift a finger for you awakens a wide range of emotions in a person.

At first, you are angry, then you cannot help but wonder why you are not enough for him or what your lacking is, then you try to fight for his love until you finally accept the bitter truth and understand that it is your only real option is to turn off your feelings for that person in one way or another. It doesn't matter how much time you have spent with that person - whether you two have ever been in a real relationship or whether you just love them from a safe distance - the point is the same: getting someone out of your heart and out of your head kicking is never easy and always brings pain. But although you probably don't believe it now, there are effective ways to do it.

One of the most famous questions today is definitely the following: "Why can't I stop thinking about him?" He is constantly in your thoughts that you can't get out of your head and no matter how hard you try, you just can't stop thinking about him. He may be your ex, your last ex, your school crush, someone you just met or someone you knew for a short time that left a lasting impression on you and you just can't stop to think of what could have become of you two if you had given yourself a chance.

Whatever the reason, the result remains the same - you just can't stop thinking about it. Whether you want to admit it or not, that's a situation we've all been in before. To be precise, it happened to me last year and I know that if you go through something like this, you feel hopeless and helpless and don't see a way out. No matter what I did, no matter what I said, I would always come back to the starting point and think about the same sentence over and over again: "I just can't stop thinking about him."

You try everything to get it out of your head, but it just doesn't work, even though you know that it doesn't deserve your time and energy. However, your thoughts completely engulf you and your feelings grow stronger every day, despite your expectation that they will fade over time.

If he's your ex, you're probably going to review the past in your mind and the last time you saw him, thinking about every moment you spent with him and wishing that everything was the same as before. You remember the good times and suppress the bad ones. You wonder how you got there and what happened to your love.

Why did he have to change so much? Why couldn't our happiness last?

On the other hand, if it was a toxic relationship, there are a few things that still hurt you and the pain you're going through is holding you. You cannot stop thinking about him and everything he has done to you, and you cannot force yourself to forgive him, even though you know that it is right. Your resentment and resentment consume you and you love and hate this man at the same time. You blame yourself for not being able to stop thinking about him, but you also want to take revenge.

If it's someone you just met, someone you see as a possibility that never came true, or someone who left a lasting impression on you but you just can't be together for some reason, then it will be your most common thought, no matter what you are doing, no matter what time of day, and no matter how many times you say to yourself that it is pointless to think of him. You think about all the possibilities that your relationship could have had if he had only given you one chance.

You can't help but wonder why you were never good enough for this man. Why couldn't he choose you and love you? It's hard to make peace with the thought that sometimes it just shouldn't have been, and that someone you love so much simply didn't return your love or stop loving you. So, you keep thinking about "What if ...?": "What if I did things differently, maybe he would be more interested in me? What if the timing was just wrong? ”And the like.

Regardless of the scenario that occurs in your head, it can ultimately be said that brooding over your potential or past relationship lets you live in the past and keeps you from living your present. You want to stop thinking about him, but the more you try, the less you can get her out of your head.

After a while, you start to feel silly and stupid. You start asking yourself questions like, "Why am I so weak? Why can't I stop thinking about him? How long will it take until I finally get it out of my head and can continue to live my life?"

Most of us have lived through both scenarios in which you are unsure whether you are really in love with this person or just obsessed with him. It would be so much easier if you had a magic button in your head that you could use to control your thoughts and give your brain instructions on what to focus on.

Unfortunately, things just don't work that way.

I will not lie to you - it is not easy to deal with such situations. However, it is not impossible. So here are some surefire techniques you can use to get it out of your head, even if it feels like you never stop thinking about it.

1. Stop trying "not to think about him"
The more you try not to think of him, the more you do. Because when you try not to think about him, you start thinking about him and then end brooding over the fact that you can't stop thinking about him. A vicious cycle, I know.

It's like someone telling you not to think about chocolate cake --- guess what you'll be longing for all day? Chocolate cake, of course! It is in our human nature that we instinctively crave for things that we cannot have.

The same applies to our thoughts. The more we try to displace them, the less we succeed. Therefore, the best thing you can do is to direct your thoughts to something else --- think about yourself and your future, for example, and new wonderful ideas will take up your thoughts.

2. Avoid keeping an eye on him on social media
There are many good things about social media, but when it comes to getting away from someone, they are of little help.

You catch yourself scrolling down his Facebook timeline and using your detective skills to find out where he is, what he's doing, and whether he might have already fallen in love with someone else. You can barely keep yourself from writing to him, even though you know you shouldn't. So if you can't stop thinking about him, the first thing you should do is block all of his social media profiles. Don't tell him to block you, do it yourself. He won't block you. You keep stalking him, and he likes it.

I know that you have a need to know everything about him, especially since he is no longer part of your life and that is your only option, but please force yourself to take this step because you will in the long run help.

Stalking your ex only makes things worse. Resist the urge to type his name in the search bar. It will be difficult at the beginning, but you will get used to it. Believe me, the less you know about him, the better.

3. Live your life
If you discover yourself thinking about why you can't stop thinking about him, then the best cure for your subconscious mind is if you focus on your life. Redirecting your attention from him to yourself increases the likelihood of your getting your life back on track.

If this is the worst-case scenario, then I can only recommend it to you. Imagine how better and more productive your life would be if you put in all the time and energy that you wasted thinking about him. Imagine how good you would feel if you had all the love you felt for him.

Every time you catch yourself mourning your past relationship or wandering your thoughts to your ex, start doing something productive or something that makes you happy. Watching movies, listening to songs, hanging around, dancing with music, writing your thoughts on a diary, dining yourself, flirting with someone you like...anything you want to do!

Before you know it, you will work miracles and turn your life upside down --- you just have to live on and take matters into your own hands. If you have a lot of free time and energy, start exercising or try to do something else. Trust me, when your body gets tired, your thoughts will too. Soon your thoughts will have no energy left to waste on these idiots.

4. Exclude him from your daily conversations
If every time you talk to your best friend she keeps talking about him, you will have a big problem. In that case, you are obsessed with him and only make it harder for you to finally stop thinking about him all the time.

So, for the sake of your own life, just say the next time you start talking about him, "You know what? We have talked enough about him; it is pointless. We'd rather talk about ourselves and what we could do this weekend.” You will feel better since you have taken a big step.

In addition, a weekend with your best friend is the best medicine. If you feel that you just can't stop talking about him, just as you can't stop thinking about him, just ask your friends for help. Tell them you are trying to get over him and ask them to stop each time you mention him and not to allow yourself to continue chatting about him. Remember, it's for your own good.

5. Create new memories
If you're just in a long-term relationship, everything reminds you of the man you're trying to forget because you still have strong feelings for him. After all, he was someone with whom you shared your life for a long time, and it is perfectly normal for you to feel that every aspect of your existence is somehow connected to him.

Therefore, it is critical that you start creating new memories that are without him and this toxic infatuation. Whenever you feel that you can't stop thinking about him, focus on something that will help you direct your thoughts to something else.

This can be a new hobby, a work project, a course, or a volunteer job --- the main thing is something productive that keeps your hands and thoughts busy. Travel, meet new people and spend time with family and friends. Every step is a step forward. Discover the world around you instead of just focusing on that one man who probably doesn't even deserve your slightest attention.

Create stories that will last a lifetime. Don't just sit around and whine about your life. You can do better and your life urgently needs new adventures.

6. Give yourself and your life a new meaning
There is no better way to start over than to end something else. So don't dwell too long in the past. Think of the here and now.

How can you make every moment of your life unforgettable? Think about all the things that you can and want to do in the future. What is the best way to greet your single life? This is the opportunity for you to take the reins in hand and make yourself happy without compromising with anyone. You can be whoever you want to be and do whatever you want with your life if you so wish and insist, despite all the difficulties.

The only person standing in your way is you. As soon as you have decided to have your thoughts under control, you will make it.

7. Stay away from negative people
When you are surrounded by negative people, it is impossible to get rid of your negative thoughts.

That is why it is the right time to separate yourself from those who are pulling you down and to exchange them for those who have positive energy and the strength to beautify your day or to release your oxytocin.

Detach yourself from the people who always encourage you to talk about someone you actually want to forget, for example by saying: “You poor thing! How could he do this to you?" Or "Maybe there is something about you that drives him away from you."

Trust me, they are not helpful; they only make the pain worse. Listening to your negative attitude about your situation will only make it difficult for you to stop thinking about him. They probably can't help it because it's in their nature and it doesn't have to mean that these people don't mean well.

However, nobody who pulls you down deserves a place in your life. NEVER!

Avoid talking to them about difficult issues or spending time with them, at least until you're completely old again. You need a positive attitude in your life now, people who support you and don't throw you back.

8. Realize that it is far from perfect
When we miss someone or wonder how things would have gone with our almost love, we tend to idealize them and the moments we had with them. We make them perfect beings and imagine true love even though it was far from it.

And the same applies to your ex. Without even being aware of it, you forgot all his quirks and started to see your relationship through the pink glasses. That's exactly why you can't stop thinking about him --- you don't see his real self.

What you should do here is take a step back and face reality. You cannot allow the feelings you have for each other to cloud your eyes. On the other hand, if the problem is a guy you haven't really gotten to know, things look clear --- he hasn't shown you his negative side yet, so it's perfectly normal to idealize him.

9. Stop looking for explanations
We always want to get to the bottom of things. We think that if we know the real reason why something has ended, why things didn't work, why people who would have fit together perfectly, why we were treated badly, we might be able to finish with it.

But the questions are endless and there is no one who can answer us. So let's start looking for answers in our minds by rewinding past scenarios and trying to see where everything went wrong. We think too much about situations, break them up into pieces and analyze them even more. In fact, that doesn't take us anywhere.

That's exactly what is happening to you and this guy. You can't stop thinking about him because you never got an explanation of why he left you or why he never made you his girlfriend. All in all, sometimes you're better off if you don't know why a romantic relationship broke up. You think you feel better with some kind of end stroke, but that's usually not the case.

You have to accept that things have happened for a reason and getting an explanation of your breakup won't make it easier for you. You have to understand that you shouldn't waste your time looking for explanations of how a good relationship could ultimately turn into a bad relationship because there are millions of reasons for this.

Some things are good when left unexplained. You had someone in your life. You had some good memories with them. Just smile remembering those things. That's all!

10. Forgive
That applies to everything in life. If you hold on to the resentment, if you know the name of the person who is responsible for your grief, then you let that resentment take control of you.

It just piles up until it gets the best of you. It is impossible to keep yourself alive if you don't learn the art of forgiving.

Thoughts about him make you sad, angry, or disappointed, but you just can't stop thinking about him because you are unable to forgive him. If you hold on to such thoughts (also known as resentment), you enable him to be in your life because he is in your thoughts.

Always forgive those who have wronged you, including the man who has harmed you, made you jealous or something like that, because resentment is one of the reasons why you can't stop thinking about him, which is what can destroy your mental state.

Trust me to let go and focus on a new relationship with a potential romantic partner (if you already feel ready for it) is the best thing you can do for yourself. Stop thinking about revenge and let Karma do the dirty work for you.

Don't worry. The world pays back. Wait to see it.

11. Apply the “no contact” rule
Life has taught me a 90 day no contact rule that you can apply when you are trying to recover from a breakup. The name says it all: no contact or anything like that for 90 days. It helps you with the healing process and is also the easiest way to get someone out of your head. The less you see or hear about him, the sooner you will eventually lose the habit of thinking about him.

If you can't stop thinking about him, no contact is the best way. I highly recommend it, mainly because I tried it myself and it worked for me and many other people around me.

It opens up a completely new view of the person where you were unlucky enough to fall in love with them. It gives you a completely new look at your private and love life. Most importantly, it gives you the chance to discover yourself and start again.

12. Accept reality
It doesn't matter if you want to switch off your feelings for someone with whom you have had an official relationship or for someone who never really belonged to you.

When you are wondering how to fall in love with someone, the first step is always to face the truth and do your best to accept it. Whatever you had with this person has ended and they will not come back as much as you wish.

So instead of trying to win him back instead of wasting your energy trying to make her love you, keep your dignity and force yourself to recognize the signals and accept the fact that he doesn't care about you.

Don't let yourself get hopes or be content with any non-existent clues to their feelings --- this person doesn't love you and it is time that you stop keeping a place in your heart for them.

13. Admit your feelings to yourself
If you want to find out how to switch off your feelings for someone, you have to be prepared for a lot of introspection and self-questioning.

First of all, you should admit your feelings towards yourself, because self-deception will not lead you anywhere. Accept the fact that you care about this person and that your love will not be returned. Accept the fact that you are suffering and do not be ashamed of your pain. If it's easier for you, write down your emotions. Writing it all helps. This way you can visualize them better and know exactly what you are fighting.

14. But don't let them get you down
Nonetheless, that doesn't mean that you should allow your pain to define or suppress you completely. Yes, you have been in a difficult phase for some time now, but you are much more than just a heartbroken person.

Don't let yourself sink completely into pain and think about everything you go through. Don't let this negativity suck life out of you and that your heartache will transform you into a completely different person.

It is true that you are hurt, but that does not mean that you should allow these negative emotions to prevent you from being happy from time to time. Appreciate those rare moments of happiness and try to make them the ones that get the most out of you.

15. Remember that it's all part of life
As hard as it sounds, heartache is part of life and we have all experienced it before. After all, this is not the first time you are feeling this way, and I can guarantee that, not the last time.

The person you love has the right not to reciprocate your love and you cannot make them feel differently. At the same time, you don't have the right to be angry with someone because they don't bring you the emotions that you expect them to.

Although everything that you are going through is going to happen to you as the end of the world, you will survive. You will come out of this thing alive and stronger than ever. What doesn't kill you makes you stronger! Remember that powerful song?

16. Stop romanticizing the past
After a relationship ends, most of us have a habit of idealizing the person we still have feelings for and the time we have spent with them. What happens then? Suddenly our ex's mistakes seem to disappear!

We remember him as our dream partner and feel that our relationship is much better than it really was. Well, if you're wondering how to turn off feelings for someone, the first thing you have to do is stop romanticizing the past.

That doesn't mean you should talk trash about your ex-partner whenever you have a chance to spit on your entire relationship or force yourself to hate him, but you have to be realistic about it everything that happened.

You two separated for a reason, and every time you think about getting back with your ex, think about that reason instead of all the happy memories you shared because that will make you real every time reset if you are thinking of reporting to him or asking for a second chance.

Instead of floating in the clouds, think of all the moments when that person showed their indifference to you and all the moments when you tried unsuccessfully to win their love. So you will have no nostalgia and will always be firmly on the ground of the facts.

17. Break off any kind of contact
You know what people say: "Out of sight, out of mind", don't you? Well, the next and perhaps most important step you have to take if you want to forget someone you love is to break off any contact with them.

It's not that you should use the contact lock to get your ex back or make him understand how much you mean to him. You have to remove it from your life to make it easier for yourself.

This means that you have to stop any communication with the person you want to get over. Lock his social media accounts and phone number, stop stalking him, stop asking your mutual friends about him, and stop visiting places where you could meet him.

All of this may sound too drastic or even rude, but trust me, it's the only thing that helps and what you have to do if you really want to save yourself. After all, how are you going to break away from someone you're in constant contact with?

If you feel bad because you have to treat someone who just doesn't reciprocate your love and hasn't done anything else to you, it's no shame to explain the situation to them. Just ask him politely not to be part of your life anymore because you are trying to forget him and his presence hurts you. If he has a good heart, he will understand you and disappear forever.

18. Get rid of all memories
The contact lock goes hand in hand with removing everything that reminds you of the person you want to get over. It's true - when you're older, you'll probably want a little something that reminds you of someone you loved earlier, but you're looking at your old photos or videos right now, and your room is full of his stuff.

This is exactly why you have to let go of all these material things, just like you have to let go of the person who hurt you. It is time for you to stop listening to “your song” and go to places that you both visited together earlier.

19. Don't think about what should have been and what should have been
One of the biggest mistakes most people make when trying to get over someone is letting everything eat you that "could have been" and "should have been". This happens especially when you try to get over the last relationship that never became a reality.

You can't help but wonder what would have happened between you and your last Ex if he had only given you a chance. How would it have gone if he had at least tried to return your love?

Well, if you're wondering how to turn off feelings for someone, you need to get those thoughts out of your head as soon as possible. Accept the fact that everything went like this for a reason and that you can't change the past. So what does it bring you to worry about it?

20. Make a few changes in your life
Do you know how some women cut or dye their hair and how men go to the gym in the post-separation phase?

Well, it happens for a reason.

If you want to switch off your feelings for someone, one of the crucial steps you absolutely must follow is to make a few important changes in your life. It doesn't matter whether you change your hairstyle, buy new clothes, or change your surroundings and surroundings --- the goal is the same.

Each of these things will give you the illusion of a new beginning and help you to break away from everything connected to the person who broke your heart. In addition, integrating new habits and people into your life will be of great benefit to your mental health, and it is one of the fastest ways to increase your confidence and feel better.

21. Stay on your toes
Another important thing to do if you want to switch off your feelings for someone is to make sure that your schedule is as tight as possible. Sometimes boredom and too much free time give us the opportunity to think more and suffer more as a result.

That doesn't mean you have to sink into work to stay busy. It can also be an opportunity for you to do all the things you've always wanted to do --- watch your favorite series, go to the movies, listen to relaxing music, or just sleep whenever you feel like it.

It is important to do things that make you happy and satisfied. Do everything you can to keep yourself away from additional stress, because you already have enough on your ears.

22. But take your time to mourn
Nonetheless, no job can justify sweeping your emotions under the carpet. Instead of allowing your pain to be the only thing you focus on, you should set a specific time each day to mourn. During this time, you can cry, scream, and do whatever feels good.

However, when that time is over, you have to return to your commitments and your life. Another important thing is not to put too much pressure on yourself. Just let the flow go in its own way. Although this grief must come to an end and although you must not allow it to go on forever, you should not forget that we all heal at different speeds.

Instead of focusing on the duration of your emotional recovery, you should focus on its quality and on making it as successful as possible.

23. Jump back into the dating pool
If you ask others how to turn off feelings for someone, most people will advise you to start a rebound relationship as soon as possible because the best way to fill the void in your heart with someone new. However, healthy relationships do not develop if you carry a lot of emotional luggage with you and hold on to your past.

Still, what you should do is keep your options open. Just because a person from your past has not given you the love you need does not mean that everyone else will be the same.

The best thing for you is to jump back into the dating pool without any expectations. Remember, expectations kill! Date anyone you like without the least expectation. I'm not saying that you should move from one person to another --- just give yourself the chance to meet someone new without worrying about the end result.

This way you will continue to enjoy the benefits of a single life while at the same time entertaining and engaging. Just be careful not to chase away someone you like because of your previous trauma.

24. Spend time with your friends
The best medicine for broken hearts is to be with people we love and who love us no matter what. With people with whom you can be your true self without having to do anything; with people who won't use your weaknesses against you. This is exactly why you should spend as much time as possible with your friends if you want to switch off your feelings for someone.

Your friends are there to listen to you, to help you get through this crisis and to make your day sweeter. Just be careful not to blindly follow everyone's advice and suggestions, because nobody can know exactly what you're going through.

25. Think of it as a lesson
Instead of complaining about someone you obviously don't care about and seeing this heartache as the end of the world, you should try to learn something from it. Always, pain teaches. The blessed souls have received more pains than others.

Think of it as a test of your strength and inner strength, and nothing more than a life challenge that you will master. Besides that, you can learn from everything you go through that anyone who doesn't love you doesn't deserve to be important to you.

Your heartache will show you who your true friends are and who you should cut out of your life. You will see what is really important in love and you will understand that you can survive without someone without whom you could never imagine your life.

26. Concentrate on yourself
Finally, if you want to switch off your feelings for someone, the most important thing is to focus all of the energy you have wasted on that person at yourself. Now that you've gotten rid of anyone who doesn't deserve you, it's time to make yourself happy without waiting for anyone else to do it.

It's time to work on yourself and put yourself first. Now that you've stopped loving the wrong person, it's time to love yourself even more.

Final thoughts
I am sure that most of you will find some or all of the things on this list helpful. Remember not to be so hard on yourself; it takes time to get to the point where you don't care and stop remembering the following sentence: "I can't stop thinking about him."

You will definitely have a phase where you think too much about everything and drown your grief in cookies, chocolate, and ice cream and don't want to do anything other than start a series marathon with your favorite series.

Of course, you will cry your heart out of your soul from time to time. Don't stop crying. Sometimes it's good to take the weight off your heart and the blindfold that keeps us from realizing who he really is.

But don't let the phase last forever. You will see when it is enough and wallowing in self-pity will not get you anywhere. It only makes you hold onto the problem instead of going on with your life. Let go of everything that holds you back and transform yourself into a new person.

If you are caught up in the second scenario and cannot stop thinking about someone you have just met or only known for a short time, then there is no real reason to go through a grieving process.

Nothing has ever happened that could guarantee that the man you are thinking about is the right person for you. You are probably under the spell of the mysterious, which entails falling in love with a stranger. You idealize it and imagine how great you would be if you only had one chance.

This is normal, especially if you were previously in a bad relationship with the wrong man and now you see the potential of this new man. It is something new and fresh. He may have qualities that your ex didn't have or something your dream man should have.

You may even have the feeling that the chemistry is right between you, but you have to remain realistic and understand that just because something looks good on paper or mind doesn't really work in real life.

In any case, most of the things on this list will help you stop thinking about him. If you are serious about getting someone out of your head, you can do it. And no, that's not going to happen just because you are simply telling yourself to stop thinking about him, but because you have focused on yourself and the things that interest you.

Concentrating on your life to get it out of your thoughts can be beneficial to you on so many levels. As you work on yourself because of yourself, you diminish its meaning in your life. You think less of him from day today.

One day not too distant you will wake up and be proud of the person you have become. One day you will wake up and find yourself in a new relationship that is ten times healthier and happier than the previous one.

And all because you switched your focus correctly. Do not reserve space in your mind for someone who is not worth it. It is a waste of time. Throw him out because he doesn't contribute to your growth and the thought of him doesn't make you happy. Be the one who thinks of yourself and your happiness first, before that of others.

Did you fall in love overnight? If not, how can you expect to get rid of it overnight? It takes time and effort to forget someone. The hard reality is, it's even more difficult to forget the wrong person! Accept this truth. Wait patiently, things will be all right!
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