ভাবনাদেয়ালের পলেস্তারা (৭৪তি অংশ)

ভাবনা: পাঁচশো বারো


14 February 2010

Valentine’s Day: “I’m back again! “… Solitude: “Never say GOODBYE! “… Sushanta : “Grrrrrrrrrr……

Nature is teaching me the bliss of solitude… I think I’ve been taught enough!….

I once heard, “You must say GOODBYE for a nice meeting again”…. For this very reason, I think I can’t say GOODBYE to Solitude…..lol….

… No pace of great love ever went smoothly… Feel love from your heart within…

you sure know your words….and you always win a way with them. happy Valentine’s Day dear!!

….. Live the life you love, love the life you live. Don’t care about what others say… Happy Valentine’s Day!

16 February 2010

I was born a genius, education ruined me…

Absolutely incorrect!!Education can’t ruin anyone….

… I’m not anyone…. I’m the eleventh one out of ten!

See the brighter side of everything…..Today’s software engineer SP is the gift of education only…….

…. I’m not an engineer. People know me as an engineer… I hope you can guess what I’m saying!

A genius remains a genius irrespective…

… Our education system is yet to blur the gap between ‘education’ and ‘learning’… Being educated not being learned can never usher a way to be a genius… Watch the movie ‘3 IDIOTS’… And, we’ll find how a genius is killed every moment everywhere.

… We usually study what we are supposed to study, not what we feel the instinct to study. This never paves the way of true learning….

… The main problem with reality is that there is no ‘readymade setup’ here… You can struggle only when you find a minimum excuse worth of struggling!

What’s the use of marrying a person being in love with someone else?… Being pleased is more important than making others pleased in this regard.

… Let’s change before seeking for a change…

I never bother about the next generation. I think they would be clever enough at planning for themselves. There are so many other things worthy of being bothered….

We try to change the world throughout our life being unchanged ourselves. The world remains unchanged, as we’re not aliens…..lol….. Let’s be the dream what we often dream of!

The problem lying with our education system is that, it deliberately lets schooling interfere with our education, more precisely, learning… And, we’re ruined without any objection!

18 February 2010

You can never call it a fortune until you reach the final destination. Nothing can beat the audacity of misfortune.

… Things are that they are and things will be that they will be. You can never make or unmake anything; you just speak of things as they appear before you. You experience as you are lotted to experience most of the time. Life is a box of chocolates; you never know what you are going to get. But, there always happens something beyond our cognizance. We experience it with no power to escape, no matter whether we deserve it or not. I often wonder how many roads must a man pass before he meets a fortune! What is a destination? How far a must dove fly before it reaches a happy nest? There was a new moon at last I thought, others said actually I saw the moon for the first time. I often catch some rainbows, after catching, I discover that most of them are colourless; the colour I saw was just an illusion. I propose, ‘something’ disposes. What is that ‘something’? How can I change my destination when I have not chosen one yet? I can hardly end up, rather I often discover myself helplessly ended up!

just had one…very true…

Wow SP, you write with such poetic fervor!!!!! Although it is fascinating to read your post every time, however, have seen this passion after very long time.. I am immersed in your writing to that extent that I can’t think of any way to respond to it… “There was a new moon at last I thought, others said actually I saw the moon for the first time. I often catch some rainbows, after catching, I discover that most of them are colourless; the colour I saw was just an illusion. I propose, ‘something’ disposes. What is that ‘something’? How can I change my destination when I have not chosen one yet? I can hardly end up, rather I often discover myself helplessly ended up”

pensive…I’m speechless (for now)..just for now :))))

… Truth is something that matches with our experience or that is worth-experiencing.

… The moon is appealing to only those who are gifted with a sensitive mind. Beauty is on the eye of the beholder. So, you deserve the credit as it is something earned only by others… A thought veiled in mist emerges only when it sees a touch of love in darkness.

20 February 2010

We can get whatever we want, but we cannot want whatever we want.

There is a narrow gap lying between what we deserve and what we want. The gap is simple, yet difficult to admit. We propose what isn’t worth-proposing, God disposes what isn’t worth-disposing.

Right things should be at right places, but you might miss the right place if you fail to choose the right thing. God places the right things only for the right persons, and the fact is, we think for getting what we think about, but we should not think about what is beyond our reach or missing the right place for us….. The tragedy with thinking is that we fail to think what we should think. So, we think to hope what we’re not supposed to hope to think.

Sushanta, you do a lot of thinking!!!!!!!

… Thank you for thinking about my thinking. I think but often don’t think what I should think. I hardly do all of what I think, but I always think what I do. I think only when my friends like you think that I should really think.

21 February 2010

How many roads must a man walk down before you can call him a man?

One of my most favourite songs and I heard it in the movie titled, ‘Forest Gump’.

does walking the roads, anyway come in the definition of man or manhood

how will a man be if he doesn’t walk by himself? Holding hands doesn’t work for those few who develops instincts, pursues dreams , and heads high with some morality on their waxed wings…..which does singe when the heat becomes a bit more…….at least I feel that way……

… Yea, I’ve heard the Bengali version…… Bob Dylan rocks!

… Lol… Yes, walking matters considering whether you’re walking alone or not!

… There’re also some persons who are out of the ten ones you can count! I’m the 11th person out of ten ones you can meet or count!

Well you can call him a man at the first sign of resistance to ask directions when he is lost… lol…

A man usually gets lost when a woman finds her way….lol…

Sometimes happens the opposite case also, but in that case, both the man and the woman get lost!

………..best is to find a path where both can walk together.

We must walk alone firstly to be sure that we can walk with another one also!

The answer my friend is blowing in the wind.

Let’s catch it if we can!

liking the way the discussion is unfolding……….


one should learn to walk………choose the path and then take a partner with whom can walk to the goal together, even if on different roads.

SG… You’ve unfolded it at last!

SK…. Different roads… I’d like to walk on the same road.

oh dear SP…………………..was waiting for that comment on my comment……………………road and path are different………………hope you get the difference and what I mean

being on different roads at times, is a more meaningful walk, then walking together on the same road

Thank you Sir for this thoughtful staff… I’ll let you know my view on it later.

ভাবনা: পাঁচশো তেরো


22 February 2010

Sometimes I myself become impatient seeing my over-patience!

Sometimes patience is not a virtue, rather an idiocy… Being an idiot may be wholesome in the eye of others not mine…

Stupidity never cares about any limit… Patience beyond limit makes us stupid… An idiot is always an idiot because he is an idiot.

Being patient is not ‘not being impatient’, rather it is showing your helplessness of not being able to show impatience.

We were taught at schools that he laughs last who deserves the best. But I think, he laughs last who understands the slowest! Similarly, patience is sometimes an indicator of idiocy also….. In my case, I often procrastinate in doing every important task and make others convinced that I’m patient enough to wait for long to see the result…. In such cases, patience can work on your advantage also!

23 February 2010 ·

Most of the beautiful girls are very smart at making an unsmart conversation…

so you started now…lol

… So you’re planning of turning it unsmart. Not fair, dear!….lol…

We are excitedly waiting for getting your marriage invitation…

… Marrying does not necessarily mean a destiny…. Huh!

… Have you watched the movie titled ‘Love Story’ or read the book of the same title written by Eric Segal? I’m just looking for such a type of girl as the heroine of that movie or novel. If you can find such a girl, I promise to give you whatever you want…lol…

… Most of the beautiful girls lack the sense of humour. They’re awfully busy to make up their outer flaws ignoring the existing inner ones!

……since it is impossible to find an ‘all in one’ piece, what combination should a promising groom like you be looking into a girl:

1. Beauty

2. Figure

3. Sexy………..all above need not be in same category.

4. Intelligent

5. Educated

6. Smart…………here again these all are not in the same category. But ‘ego’ takes over if a girl is blessed with any or combination of above 6 qualities. More ego/ proud means, more clashes.

7. Simplicity

8. Mutual understanding/ caring

9. Family background/ traditions/ life values (sanskaar)

10. Working/ housewife

11. Wealthy

Can you assign weightage/ marks to each category? Or you have few more categories not included above. I find that majority, now-a-days, is looking at sl nos 1 & 5 & 10.

Sadly FB is blocked in my Delhi office…..and I got to leave for office……hence shall not be able to reply for further discussions shortly.

Friends! Smart is what smart does, but unsmart is not what unsmart does, rather it is what smart doesn’t! (or simply, can’t do)

… It’s better to be beautiful than to be good, but it’s better to be good than to be ugly. A beautiful face is the best letter of recommendation only when it deserves that recommendation. Sir, I think, beauty and brain are not hostile of each other, rather we’re too foolish to have learnt to avoid this seeming hostility!

… Dada, girls are smart at speaking ill of others (especially, of other girls) only because we, the boys, pretend to be interested in that uninteresting topic. They are, after all, very good at Math. They divide their age into a half, multiply the price of their cloths with two and add at least 10 years to the age of other girls around them!…lol

… You said a lot without saying anything and it’s politics. Dear sister, are you preparing yourself to be involved in politics these days?

… What is this ‘No’ for? For me? Or, For just you felt like saying ‘No’?…lol…

…. It’s my great pleasure to find you here in my wall again. I highly welcome your coming back, dear brother……..Now, about your comment…. I think the points that you stated here are the most pivotal ones that a smart boy seriously ponders over always……. However, I think, another virtue I always expect from a girl is ‘The Sense of Humour’. Most of the girls seem dumb to me for the lack of this sense, it’s acquired not inherited though!!…….. Yes, even a smart girl can spoil her smartness by a foe to her conscience and it is Egoism. I think egoism is not demonstrating one’s ego, rather it’s being indifferent to others’ ego while demonstrating it……. A total package of all the virtues is never possible, I’m afraid, but a beautiful mind can work to anyone’s advantage to help her to combine all of these……….The 9th point you stated doesn’t refer to Prejudice, I hope. It’s the last refuge for the persons devoid of logic or afraid of choosing their own way, I think…………..Simplicity is the greatest treasure to be treasured, so true!……… The 11th point is not very essential point for me. What is the gaining the whole world losing your own soul? I wonder!………….Anyway, after a long time you’re writing on my wall and I’m sincerely hungry for your comment for sharing my views and to have a touch of your insight……..

….. You’re beautiful only when you stand before the mirror with no one around you (You’re standing before the mirror, I can guess)……lolzzz……..After all, you’re here and I’m enjoying your charming presence. How beautifully you can show your beauty is probably more important than how beautiful you’re!!

based on your initial I ABSOLUTELY DISAGREE with this generalized statement…. statement I’d say they are smart to act unsmart to avoid any nincompoop around them… however if you firmly believe in your statement what is your premise for this statement …. It’s like saying all cars are black cause I have seen only black cars in my garage.. Limited perspective don’t you think? likewise do you even know how many girls are out there..

… Do ‘Most of’ and ‘All’ mean the same? My perspectives are not biased, they’re just as they’re around me. I beg pardon for my limitation… Now, an interesting fact to share… It’s interesting for me to notice that I often discover many seemingly smart girls act most unsmart while making a conversation. I don’t whether it’s their natural instinct to act dumb or I make them act dumb. (Hope I don’t sound funny!) And, another fact about beautiful girls… Most of them lack the sense of humour and the intelligibility to grasp sense of any sensitive topic. It may be my misfortune but God seems to enjoy this… I can bet to fool any girl who isn’t foolish at all. It may be the girl’s pretention, but pretending all the time makes you exactly what you pretend, I think!

SP, you are correct “All” and “most” are not the same…yes it was my oversight however, MOST is still too large a number to generalize negatively… I think MOST girls are far too intelligent and know their way out of a situation… whatever it is.. however it was created, repulsion, intimidation or just pure boredom LOL 🙂 having said that I can’t really speak for the cluster girls that lead you to your statement…..whether they acted unsmart or they were…you have to understand that many times the norms of society prompts a certain guidelines of accepted girl behavior.. I know our older generation girls were made to behave coy , shy, act “nice”…and unsmart in front of the suitor so they won’t intimidate the boys….LOL

Also, pretending and not really believing it will not make you what you pretend to be sure it will tire you from the acting.

… Hmm… Then it’s my fate, after all, I can’t but admit. Ok leave my context….. Dear sister, I’ve seen many a girl who dreams only to dream and dreads the day when the dream is over. What’s the use of acting smart when I’m not even smart at acting? Yes, I admit that today’s girls are smart enough, but the problem is, they can hardly show this smartness smartly…. Repulsion, intimidation or pure boredom as you stated, are not unique creations of boys only…lol… The fact is, some stupid smart boys let the girls use the advantage of their stupidity and enjoys remaining an idiot forever, though not all of them really stupid, however…. Girls are bound to act coy, shy or, unsmart before the suitors… So true! I wish they really were so!… Girls intimidate the boys!…lol.. Boys are also smart at pretending to be intimidated, I see!… A really smart boy can easily trace his way through the pretention of a girl while conversation and smiles to himself. The tragedy is, a smarter boy also starts pretending to be foolish enough to smile to her overlooking her pretention…lol…

… Buddy! Silence is the most powerful word and a silent smile is more powerful than even the most powerful word… And it’s called diplomacy!… Anyway, I’ve liked to read your smile…lol…

… Yes, I’m now thinking about your thinking!

They can say the same for handsome boys.

……….they may co-exist……but much of this depends on the second person…if you love a person, then even her dumb talk sounds interesting and if someone is intelligent then you may love her for her brains.

we don’t fall in love with beautiful people…….but people become beautiful when we love them.

… Sir, surely, they can. But, are such so-called handsome boys really handsome? Handsome is what handsome does. If what a person does is not handsome, we must be handsome enough not to call them handsome!

That’s why they are seems smart…..

… So true Sir! Our beloved persons are beautiful only because we love them… But, I’m probably not referring to love. A blind love doesn’t remain blind forever. At the end of the day, intelligence pays the most. Love can be blind but marriage is the eye-opener. Love that doesn’t end in marriage is probably something else other than love. Lastly but not the leastly, comes the context of fate or destiny. Nothing can bet it. But, as long as the fate is at my fist, I’d like to blow the world by storm at my feet. Thank you, Sir, for your comment.

… They never seem smart, rather some boys are not smart enough to judge such an unsmart approach and foolishly give them the opportunity of acting smart.

To judge a man regarding his/her smartness you should take at least 3 years!!! As you didn’t do that; that’s why I did use the word ‘seems’… You need not justify all… Let them do whatever they like.. Remember: ” Life is your, live it your way”…

… Surely everyone must live the life he/she likes and like the life he/she lives. I think I’m not young enough to know everything. So, I’ve forwarded my thought here in Facebook to seek for all of my friends’ suggestions. I sincerely welcome any comment to judge myself not to judge others. After all, I’m too stupid to judge myself let alone others! If you kindly spare time to read my previous comments, you’ll surely feel what I feel like expressing here. Thank you for reading me.

smartness and being handsome doesn’t come by looks alone…………………..but by intelligence, general awareness, aptitude and above all inter and intra personal relationship.

very true, Sushant………………….intelligence or rather functional smartness is mandatory…………….but I was talking in Indian context too, where arranged marriages are still the norm……………………we accept the spouse as we accept parents and siblings……………………fall in love with them and then they become beautifully acceptable and close to our hearts.

There matters another thing also and it’s the sense of humour.

…. We like to explore. We explore, explore and explore. And the problem is, we often fail to discover which we explore for. Love comes to us by chance, not we chance love. I know, it’s meaningful but we can hardly approach it meaningfully. Oriental societies have successfully adopted this norm as an indoctrinated thought, hard to accept, however difficult to uproot once rooted!

ভাবনা: পাঁচশো চৌদ্দ


26 February 2010

… now on the way to Saint Martin’s Island…across the river Naaf….. Yahoo….

… This matchless sight reminds me of the sweet memories of Allahabad where the three rivers Ganges, Jamuna & Saraswati meet together at a point and amazingly, you can notice three different colours of the aforesaid three rivers there!

wow….that’s great buddy…i really like that place so much…it’s a great spot for couples specially…by the way….who is there with you to accompany u….any lady there?….ahem..ahem….lolz

…. I’m accompanied by a few ‘couples’ of friends, relatives and younger ones! Lady? Of course! My mother and my elder sister…. Grrrrrrr…

Dear friends!… Really nothing mundane can beat the gifts of Nature… The waves of the ocean are kissing my feet… The sun is about to set in… The crimson red on the western sky touches my eye-lids…. My heart feels like dancing… The green corals dazzling like rubies…. I feel just spell-bound…. All the poetic frenzies are too weak to describe this beauty… This is only to be felt… Our sweetest feelings remain always beyond words…

26 February 2010

… enjoying the crimson red colour of sunset scattered on the dreamy green corals….the sun playing hide and seek with the blue ocean… waves kissing my feet…breeze touching my soul…. Saint Martin’s Island… A masterpiece of God!

… Thank you. But, the beauty of this celestial masterpiece is really beyond description…

… tranquility bathed in the music of silence…

… Imagination blended with experience is the keyword…

… That’s a better joining… Imagination is bliss, after all…

buddy, you are becoming romantic day by day….yeah kis ka side effect hain?…. poetic & romantic verse….great!!!!

… Buddy, the fact is, I remained undiscovered to you for a long time. Thank you for discovering me…lol… (Thanks for the eulogy)

27 February 2010

….on a journey to Chera Dwip by boat across the crystal-clear green water…la la la

27 February 2010

… now in Chera Dwip, the last southern border of Bangladesh, an isolated coral-island… walking on green corals peeping through crystal-clear water…sweet sunlight scattered on dreamy waves. Nature’s masterpiece!.. Seeing is believing!

Tons of pictures to upload… Now enjoying fried crabs and lobsters… It’s amazing!

… I’m waiting eagerly to share some pictures as soon as I can…

… Thank you for this information…

Goodbye, Chera Dwip… You’re so good a host… Nothing can beat your beauty, I can bet!

… You’ve a long journey to make yet… I started taking trips after passing many couple of springs in my life…

27 February 2010

Goodbye Saint Martin’s Island, the beauty spot of the Bay!… I’ll miss the murmuring of endless waves, tranquil beauty of the live corals…

28 February 2010

It’s very difficult to deal with lower-class people. They always try to draw you down to their level.

… Everyone has the right to live the life they want. But, some miserable fellows never feel scruples at heart even if they’re unfair in their dealings with others. No one can ever have the right to live the life he wants causing inconvenience to others.

… But the reality is, you can’t avoid this crude reality.

… It’s not aristocracy, it’s what I often feel about people around me while corresponding to them… Aristocracy is aristocracy, neither shameful nor prestigious. No matter how you look upon it, it is as it is…

… Thank you for sharing your view… Now about your comment… In the developed countries, students enjoy the right to choose their career deliberately since they hardly feel the urge to gain financial security in context with social set-up. But the picture is different in our country. Most parents and students cannot deny the indoctrinated thought being a doctor or an engineer to ensure a so-called secured life as our socio-economic infrastructure is not liberal yet. Just watch the movie titled ‘3 Idiots’ and you can feel how horrible the real picture is. We’re becoming solvent after completing our graduation from a university but can’t become what we’re supposed to become. Such go the stories of our life, obtaining degrees for which we’re never entitled!… Miserable, pathetic… Now your point of mentality… We’re what we think. We behave according to our thoughts and through our dealings with others our entity gets revealed. So, people with lower mentality naturally deserve lower-class, as their lower way of thinking shapes the world, they live in….

… The ever-widening gap between the developing and developed countries is unwarranted yet, undeniable… I can suggest a measure to avoid conflicts arisen in context of career… A thoroughly revised aptitude test (not admission test, it can come at the later phase) can be introduced to be undergone as mandatory by every candidate opting to choose careers after passing the HSC exam.

… You’re confusing aristocracy with narrow aristocracy. Narrow aristocracy is suicidal while aristocracy uplifts your sense of dignity. Hitler was not aristocratic. He took aristocracy as the last refuge like a scoundrel. This is never aristocracy. Aristocracy never teaches you to live not letting others live… A higher class never means a higher plane to live in, rather it means a higher thought to live with…

… Dada, I’ve probably failed to convey my thought to you… I never humiliate anyone, actually how can a sensible person do it, I wonder! I always try to pay due tribute to all people around me. I just said here that it’s very difficult to keep pace with people with a lower mentality as they can hardly prepare themselves for keeping pace with your mentality.

… We were not born as doctors or engineers. Circumstances made us so… Put apart the designation. Have a closer look on you and persons around you. Feel what you experience. Think what you feel. Be in the class where you feel like being, put others in the class where you don’t. Shape your world with the colour of your thought, think as your heart sincerely suggest. Then, you can certainly feel what I feel (it’s not an isolated thought). Keep the rat-race aside. Just keep in mind that even if you win in that race, you’re still a rat. Let’s not pretend that we’re aliens in our homeland!.. Thanks…

… I’m sorry for your misunderstanding…

… Being in a higher class never means being on a higher plane, rather it means being in a higher thought. A beautiful mind is the best payment of education, I think!

… Categorization is not classification; it’s just getting a rough idea about the place you deserve. Later on, while you’re on the way to a final placement, I think you can never feel like being in the category (as Mr. Rajib seems to claim) of others who don’t even deserve that place. Everyone has the right to live in the way he likes, but this right is rightful only when he learns how to show others the tolerance they need to live in their way. So, I agree with you on your previous comment….. Thanks!

… Thank you for your comment. I’d like to welcome your view on my previous comments.

… A person is as great as he can think. So, here thought matters and not his breeding, status and others relevant factors. But, how can we get through his thinking? Well, a manifestation of his insight is surely a gateway to access his personality. If this manifestation gets revealed in a lower way (no matter whether he is supposed to or not belong to that way) , is he not entitled to a lower class? After all, attitude is not what our attitude really is, rather how our attitude gets expressed… Thank you Sir for your comment.

… Attitude formed by knowledge makes a person humble, whereas knowledge formed by attitude makes a person a real Devil (often). A situation is worthy of handling only when we can feel its worth, to put it simply, only when it’s worth-feeling. Thanks!

… Brother, I didn’t face, actually I couldn’t but…the harsh reality of life…

… I know dost! Sometimes I’m so complicated that even I can’t understand myself!

… After a long time, you’re here to rock my wall… Welcome back!… Hope you’re quite ok…

Now about your comment… I’d humbly like to inform you that I belong to the middle-class (it’s just a vague guess, I’m afraid I might haven’t reached that class yet)… So I always remain tensed of being displaced of my present middle-track. I can hardly go freely along with the people belonging to lower status. They often try to make you behave as they do and once you start following their track, you can hardly deny the charm of being lower! I’m too young in context of mind-rigidity too avoid that undeniable charm!…my honest confession!…… Thanks for reminding my helpless limitation…

… I always try to keep my eyes ‘wide shut’! I walk on the walls of darkness, yet darkness can hardly touch my soul. I dare whisper to my soul in deafening silence, yet silence never breaks up. I sometimes enjoy a new moon, though perhaps twilight remains in my heart forever!… I know the limit of my limitations, so I can’t let others make them limitless! I fear not my inabilities, rather I fear their further augmentation…. Thank you, friend, for your nice comment….

ভাবনা: পাঁচশো পনেরো


2 March 2010

We’re good when we claim we’re good. We’re worse when we claim we’re better. We’re the worst when we claim we’re the best… Friends! Do you agree?

… To put it simply…. I wanted to say…. We’re worse than better when we claim we’re not better than worse. We’re better than the worst when we claim we’re worse than good. We’re worse than worse when we claim we’re better than better…lol

… Then you’re always the best, dear!…lol…. By the way, RD is a wonderful companion.

… Read the first part of the fifth comment again and again. It’ll be clear to you…lol

… I know, dear. I’m the bird of the same feather with a different colour!

… To put it into your mind to get through it, just follow two simple steps…

i. Read thoroughly the first part of the fifth comment.

ii. Repeat the first step if you still don’t understand it… …lol

my mind has been junked, so I can’t understand what you have written in your status…

… I’m so clever that even I don’t often understand a single word I’m saying!……lol… Ok, I’m helping you… Try to make the fifth comment more complicated than it seems to you. I think, then you can easily get over this riddle!..

… I hate mentioning myself… Others do it for me… Huh!

… We’re the greatest when our claim is the greatest and people supporting our claim enjoy the bliss of prudence too great even to be approved of!… Sigh……

… I’m an invincible man with an invincible ignorance… …. I’m always better than worse… You can never beat me in this regard as long as I enjoy this God-gifted bliss of ignorance, I can bet!…. You can never keep me in any category as I’m always the eleventh one out of ten you can imagine… Huh!

আজকাল আমার মাথা আর কাজ করে না, আগে আধাপাগল ছিলাম, এখন মনে হয়, পুরো পাগল হয়েছি। ওহ্‌…….সরি, পাগল না, পাগলি!

… That’s a nice advantage. Congratulation! You can tell anything you like; others will never mind at it… We’re all mad about many things. Some reveal it, some don’t. So, never think that you’re all alone in this journey…

… Could you please put some evidences of your craziness here, madam? Or, you’ve already put?…lol

… Past has been passed. Future is yet to come, even might not come to your life. What you’ve at this moment, is your present. It’s a gift, and so it’s called ‘Present’. Enjoy this gift and live every moment you can.

.. You’re Albatross, I see! Is it your real name or, you use is allegorically as an emblem of punishment or, redemption as did the sailors to the ancient mariner?…lol

… I don’t know whether you’re best or even better than the best (I sincerely wonder about the second one), but your presence on my wall is simply the one of the best gifts for me… Welcome back!…. The fact is, we’re the best when our claim is the best and people around us supporting our claim enjoy the bliss of prudence best in all respects just apart from approval!…lol… Anyway, I put forward this status message here satirically to allude our strange helplessness to know how we’re or, what we’re or, what we should be… We can never see our backs that others see. We feel the best when others around us feel better. I never think I don’t have a very pleasing face when I stand in front of the mirror. So goes the case. Knowing is not enough; we must apply. Willing is not enough; we must do. We might know a lot and have an immense will-power but remain the frogs in a narrow well forever unless we dare reach a greater platform to combat with some worthy of that combat…. I think I’ve already started babbling (I just can’t help when I talk to you), I must stop….

5 March 2010

Bertrand Russell….. one of the most difficult writers to disagree with I’ve ever read…

mine is OSHO…

… I also do adore his thoughts on the relationship between life inside and outside….

Osho is very convincing…

… So true dear friend… His words of wisdom always remind me ‘magic realism’… the most invincible part of art approved in the most convinced way, I think!…. (I apologize for my ignorance of understanding Hindi. Could you please not write in Hindi?)

… Persons who don’t understand his writings must be tolerant of their ignorance….lol

… Do you want that I start commenting in Hebrew or Greek? If you want, I can try to learn…lol.. (Please stop writing in Hindi.)

Maybe…but it is easy when we are in prosperity to give advice to the afflicted…

… Ok, I’ve accepted your comment as an advice…lol

To me… he is a sage Sushanta Paul…

….. Madam, if we explore the avenues of his thought, we’ll find that in his exemplary style, Russell illuminates the ways in which we’re capable of knowledge: perception, memory, learning and linguistic abilities. He discusses the physical world and how humanity sees itself, and he wittily considers the great philosophers of the past investigating behaviorism, what it can tell us about knowledge, and where its limits lie. Most importantly, I think, he assesses the role that philosophy will continue to play in our quest for knowledge.

Oh Paul, what a hard talk you guys discussing man?! Come on, cool…..!

… Tough men are supposed to be used in tough talks. I suppose I’m not a tough man…lol

ভাবনা: পাঁচশো ষোলো


6 March 2010

Most of the beautiful and powerful persons don’t have enough sense of humour… Friends! Do you agree?

Awwww… Paul you’re getting philosopher gradually, I see…!

most beautiful e.g.?? There are so many……powerful. So many.. How do you know they don’t have sense of humor?

… Why are you so tensed? You must have some sense of humour beyond all senses not to be sensed ever by another witty person…lol… I’m not young enough to tell everything that I experience!

… You see what you must not see, I see!… You better see a bit less to see a bit more…

Btw, curious knowing, how many celebrates did you meet, is there nothing instance enough getting you much sensible about them?

hehehee….buddha mil gaya

… Don’t stand before the mirror, move from there!…

he himself is a celebrity. and not having sense of humour

… Celebrities? I never feel the urge of meeting idiots. I’m already stupid enough…

Basically sense of humor doesn’t depends on persons behaviour, sometimes it growth from our social situation…but beauty is ever beauty specially girls, such my little sister, and I always feel proud for my cute sis…I am always like a beautiful person for remove my eyes hungry…I think I am also a beautiful guy…now what your opinion about me???

Ohh!!For your kind information you looking is so gorgeous too…

… I look gorgeous? I hoped you would tell me something that others never tell, but you haven’t!…..lol…. We all are beautiful when we stand alone before a mirror…

whether you are lying here or in your info Sushant. There is a long list of your favrt Hindi movie and music.

… Should you necessarily know a language to enjoy a movie of that language or listen to a melodious song of that language? I’m sorry to say that you’re probably missing many classic movies of foreign languages for not knowing about the availability of those movies with English subtitles… You should give me a thanks for providing you with this information…

… Buddy! How are you? Hope you’re quite fine… Now about your comment… You probably missed the phrase ‘Most of the’, and so you took my status message as a biased generalized view… The wittiest writer I’ve ever read is Oscar Wilde and he is one of the most beautiful writers I’ve ever seen…

… Sensible crazy! Sounds great, dear friend… Would you please make your sense clear in a less unclear way? I apologize for my ignorance!

Every dumb or blind has his own language to get others or to make getting despite being autistic. Here I can keep instance as a name of Helen Keller, how did you treat her, on which category would you keep her!

b4 updating your status think twice thrice Sushant

Experience is the good school, but the fees are high….

what is beautiful is good and who is good will soon also be beautiful…

.. Power makes blind only those who are afraid of seeing…

… Helen Keller could see more than an eyed man can. Her sixth sense was a rare gift ever gifted by Nature… But I can’t understand how this likens or contrasts to my thought!

… Keep on writing whatever you like, I won’t mind. Because I’ve read the worse also.

you can’t get my sense of humor yet, what I done despite reflecting my name b4 your eyes?! 😮 OH, MY LORD…! At least you should ask what’s the logic behind my new image?! If did, I did have you the answer of my each and every changing! That made you about my sensible craziness. Moreover, it’s not a time of 1 second or minute making you get about myself, the man or woman, who always by me my stepping, are eligible to get enough about the measurement of my sensibility and craziness both.

Wicked man obey from fear; good men, from love…..

hey don’t be so serious the most talented writer of fb………. I love 2 pull your legs

That’s my point, isn’t Helen treated as one of the most powerful personas?! Despite being autistic she proved herself to the world people what she’s. So, here’s my question raised again WHICH SENCE MADE you GET THAT WORDS you SOUND ON STATUS!? hope you got me.

I didn’t wanna contradict, if I wanted I could. just wanna enjoy and smile with friends.

I think Appelsinpiken is the More beautiful Character than Helen….though I haven’t read the story of Helen yet…

Here I mentioned Helen as a powerful lady not for beauty.

… You’re always mad about being a mad, I see! Being crazy is really harder than acting crazy. You’re on the way to it. Congrats!… My head is still in the cloud regarding your thought. Persons gifted with talent and persons gifted with the sense of humour are the travellers on the same avenue with different instincts. Where does the point lie to link between those two groups?

… A scoundrel never bothers about the person, he just cares about the respect earned from demonstrating power in the most disgraceful way…

… I highly suggest you to meet more people on Facebook! You’ll discover me one of the most stupid guys you’ve ever met, I can bet!

so honest confession!!

You fool man, what you say is nothing but an idiocy! if you knew about my life details you never utter that, ok? Making comment about a man without knowing or getting anything is your characteristic! If I got crazy that will be by other not by me just mind it!

… How can I know about your life? You’re my virtual friend, and what I know about you is never more than I’m supposed to. I can learn about you just to the extent you let me know by your comments or something else as shown by you. I request you to read your previous comments and you can understand very well what makes me write so. Anyway, if you feel offended at any of my comments, I apologize to you. I’m fond of making fun with friends and so did I with you after reading your comments. Sorry, if you’ve felt hurt.

Well, I know myself very well to tell me a sensible crazy, is it not enough?!

Okay…..you are right…Vaiya!!!

but it still a fact that who are right in a point, between you & me???

you should research about human behavior. & I am sure you will be mad. So, please oil your own machine & try to keep your mind fresh.

it’s a sad that a comment on sense humor has taken such serious turn

… I fear not your intelligence, rather I fear my stupidity…

… Ok, it’s enough. You must know yourself better than I do. Hope there’s someone who knows it better than you do. You better ask him/her.

… Is it a question or, a request for a support?

… If it is an experienced comment, then I’m sorry for you! If it is not, then you must not be sorry for me…

… Many of us are fond of ‘keeping our eyes wide shut’ in case of attacking others through words. It’s too tough a basic instinct to ignore!

… I’m fine. I hate not being fine. Thank you, dear. Hope you’re also gorgeously fine. You should be, as you’re my friend…

Well, just leave it all done. cuz I forgot all.

… Do the same as the hero did in the movie titled, Memento…

ভাবনা: পাঁচশো সতেরো


7 March 2010

My soul sighs for my studious youth..

Time appears before me as an Old Gypsy Man going on and on leaving me in the eternal longing for regaining my bold youth….. My helplessness has reached a height worthy enough of lamenting….. The solitude of my lonely soul turns into ache in every moment….. The fury of indomitable youth still drives me crazy, reminds me of my sinking into fathomless oblivion about the wisest thoughts around I once was used to….. Bygone verve of youth makes me sigh in a seemingly never-ending odyssey of stupidity…..

My shadows betray my memories trying to kill my dreams and leave me in a treacherous glory of the past….. The greatest tragedy of life, I think!!

I find nothing more dreadful than that my actions are not subjects to the will of my thought… To uproot the roots of such a contradiction, I often try to explore into the sublimity of beautiful thoughts, yet I can elicit no response from the empirical things around…. My thoughts and the world around remain far apart forever….

8 March 2010

The easiest way to remember a girl’s name is trying to forget it…

…. I’ve a very wonderful memory for forgetting names, especially girls’ names… I know it’s not memory’s task to forget….. So, I must have an extraordinary memory….. Later on, I tried to assign the task of forgetting to my memory… My plan worked miserably well, now I can remember the names most boring girls I’ve ever met….. Grrrrrrr…..

……forgetting proper nouns is a sign of ageing….careful….lol

…. I know I’m not young enough to think I’m young!…. My memory is good at forgetting other nouns too… common, collective, material, abstract… But the interesting fact is, it works only when I try to forget what I don’t want to remember, I mean I want to remember. It might be for that I’m an aged young man… lol

never mind. My dear friend Sohel is fully ready to give you a golden chance. (He has said that your chance is still ON) Don’t miss it. Grab it as early as possible before it’s too late. You’re really very lucky. He is one of the best persons I’ve ever seen in my life…… Wish you and Sohel a happy dating….

….. Who can tell it better than you, brother?…..lol

so better you go 4 dating with your friend. hopeless!!

… Please read my comments on this status message, you’ll get the meaning…

…. My dear friend has driven you crazy, I see!… Cool down, he is a better guy than you can even think of, I can guarantee…. Tell me if I can be of your help…. You don’t know who he is, so you’re commenting so rubbishly about a wonderful person….. Please don’t pretend that you don’t like the colours of the rainbow when you’ve created the rainbow in your heart….. Happy dating!!

I dun wanna know who he is. SP if you say a single word abt dating and all this rubbish I’ll stop talking 2u 4eva.m serious and stop smiling stupid.

O Khan Shaheb! Where are you hiding? Please appease her. She gonna turn mad , none but you can handle this situation…. Sanya , why are you so angry? Who told you to go for a dating? I think Sohel is silent here, mind it. He is too polite to make a rude comment. I’m just kidding and you’re so serious. Come on Sanya , our life is too short to be so serious. Imagine a life without any fun , I know that would not be a funny thing to do! Let’s be smart enough to handle such things smartly.. Happy… (O sorry! I must not say anything again , after all I like your friendship… )

….. Sir, I can’t understand what you’re saying… Would you mind being a bit more clear?

It’s ok. For your kind information I was not angry with your friend, was angry with you, idiot! Don’t try to be over smart!

….. I hate trying something I’m not supposed to try….

WOW!…Good that you forgetting me Sushanta…lolzzz…

….. You’re not supposed to be tried to be forgotten, I think…. …. I wish it were a proposal…

yeah you are an oversmar boy. and oversmart ppl can do nothing.

….. What do you want me to do for you, madam? If you want something that a so-called oversmart guy can do for you, you better seek for another one…..

nw you are crossing your limit SP. plz stop here.

repaying me with the same coin? Good bt I think this is enough.

…. I’m not supposed to know any limit, am I? And, you’re not the right one to define the limit, are you?

lolzzzzzz….first the lake and boat…

…. I think we’ll need some more things other than these two only…..lol

Yeah….Paul…We will need the Lunchbox!

…. Sure! We’ll need it to keep something else….

hahhahaha……U are Mind is a good Brewer!…

…. Tell me something that I don’t know…

Frieda pinto is the next bond Babe…lol

…. I never thought of you for the role… I must not be supposed to think it ever……

Lolzzzzz….I thot you didn’t know this ……Mr. Bond is not my type.

…. Mrs. Bond is surely not of your type too, I suppose…. You must hope for something better than worse….lol

hahhaha…I had Hopes from Bangladesh but cant Hep it now…India Took Over Me!

…… Man proposes, woman disposes…. Sometimes it also happens that both propose, distance disposes….

Sushanta you hv 2 learn whr 2 stop. This is not a battle that every time you hv 2 win. YOU WON. happy?

Sanya…. I hope and know your comment is not a blowing of the last whistle, rather an unwarranted surrender….

you dnt hv ny wrk in the off or at hm? do sm wrk othr dan arguing.

….. If it is a request, I can act kind…. After all, I hate arguing with someone not worthy of arguing….

I hv a lot of wrk 2do.bye

… I don’t think that I could have understood it if you had not mentioned it!…. Being busy at easy works is not bad to feel, I can better tell you it….

öööóòöööffff!!!!!! m tired of arguing with you. I know you love 2 spend time with Sanya by ny means.Bt nw I hv 2 go dear. Plz gimmi permission

….. Am I supposed to give you permission? I never think so. I’m sorry if you feel disheartened at this…

ভাবনা: পাঁচশো আঠারো


9 March 2010

I think, therefore I’m single….

Friends!…. Solitude is a bliss but the problem is, there is no conversation. I often think that it’s better to live alone than to live with a wrong person , and the fact is , I could never find a Miss Right! (I rather found many who often Miss Right! )… Life is a Disneyland, and most of the girls I’ve ever met are just the Mickey Mouses. I never felt like spending my whole life with a Mickey Mouse (Life never seems something to me to be spent in just compromising)… And, I often talk to myself as I prefer to talk to only better class people , but I know very well that hardly remains convincible deal always…. I feel I’m the eleventh one out of ten you can count. Alone with in the midst of crowd not worthy of breaking my solitary state…. We can get whatever we want, but the problem is, we can never want whatever we want…. Solitude is not always a good companion, after all….

Susu, this one is another great delivery from you…… I’m just being more dedicated fan of you…

Wow……….. that’s a small price to pay for your independence.

মিনিমাউস হবে, সুশান্ত; মিকিমাউসের গার্লফ্রেন্ড। আরেহ্‌! হতাশ হওয়ার কিছু নেই। তিনি আসবেন। তবে, এটা বলতে পারি, যতক্ষণ পর্যন্ত একা আছেন, ভাল আছেন।

SUSU…. lol like it…. tusi great hooo …

… ভাল নেই, ভাই। চলে যায় বসন্তের দিন একাকী। আমি ইদানিং আর দিন গুনি না, দিনগুলি আমার একাকীত্বের প্রহর গুনে চলে যায়।

… Something often goes wrong , perhaps I let it go wrong…. I don’t know , but it goes. I can’t go wrong with it, and so it goes wrong..

…. I have friends who say, ‘Good Twilight!’…. But, I miss someone who can say, ‘It’s Twilight!’.. I often make a mess, I feel there should be someone to make or unmake this mess for me….

… I find many already born, so keep on looking for someone to be born yet. That’s not an easy deal, I know, but I like to be stupid in indulging myself into this audacity of hope….

How many roads must a man walk down… Before you can call him a man?…. Yes, and how many seas must the white dove sail… Before she sleeps in the sand?…. Yes, and how many times… Must the cannonballs fly… Before they’re forever banned?

it takes two to tango sweetheart!

….. I don’t think I’ve found anyone worthy of even being thought for a tango! I mean a moon new only when it’s really a new moon , not for that I’ve seen it for the first time…

well…………….don’t agree totally……………..if you think after being paired up………………u will make a happy double.

being single is so very perfect outside the house……….lolz

…. Hmm…. After being paired, not before that! Being paired isn’t easy, I think (Oops! I’ve started thinking again!)….

….. So true! But the problem is, such perfection is not for perfect men. I hate being perfect, but still can’t love (I actually fear) being imperfect…

agree now………………getting paired is not easy, but grt………………so one maust think and get paired and then keep thinking to stay paired

getting paired is I guess to lose all your freedom man b single b happy…..lolz

getting paired is I guess to loose all your freedom man b single b happy…..lolz

…. Getting paired might curb your freedom, but there is the need of something else other than freedom you can’t deny…. I feel that I must be free at enjoying freedom of any type….lol

I don’t have an earning source, therefore I am single.

… I’m single though I’ve many spending sectors….lol

you r mistaken SP……………….being paired gives you the biggest freedom………………….to be yrself with somone else

so don’t delay. just get married soon. didn’t you see kamal sir’s photo in kayes sir’s album? a happy couple? so why are you waiting for? dr humayun azad said, love increases the ability of thinking…………

…. Love increases the power of thinking decreasing the power of reasoning. I’d rather die than be devoid of reasoning… Thinking is not enough if you lose the power of thinking what you should and should not think…..

10 March 2010

A flatterer always finds an idiot to flatter…..

Avoid flatterers, for they are thieves in disguise.

… Flattery is an art only when done in a non-flattering way… A good flatterer is always in disguise…

… An idiot always finds another stupid to flatter him…. I don’t think I’m a good flatterer or good at being flattered…..

Not an idiot… lots of them… they made Facebook their FlattererBook…

Facebook is a wide platform of revealing art in different forms. Flattery is an art best in appeal worst in demonstration. Most of the boys are the artists , girls are the connoisseurs of this great art. The artists perform this art for art’s sake , the connoisseurs eulogize the performance for performers’ sake (often as a convincible excuse for their ignorance….lol)… A charming idiocy is a charming fruit of flattery….

Girls pretend that they’re stupid enough to trace the flattery of the boys. Pretending what you’re not is hard, but pretending what you already are is always harder… So, there comes the real disaster , tough tasks must be meant for tough persons only!…. Worst is the boy best at such flattery…

People used to being flattered are always in quest of people used to flattering… An idiot is never stupid at finding another stupid…

That’s the culture of our national politics… Cultural politics needs to introduced instead of political culture to breathe a sigh of relief….

13 March 2010

Rush hour…. Always… Dhaka City… A city of never-ending noise and crowd… A better city for career, a worse one for living…

I’ve been here only since yesterday… I wonder how people dream of living here!… People always engaged in a never-ending rat-race… Some win, but the fact is, they remain still rats forever planning for the next race!

Dear friends!… I think people living in the capitals are always on an endless journey to a destination never reachable… A never-ending battle not worthy of winning. If we win, we’re never crowned as the battle is never over… Life experienced not from life’s perspective, viewed not as it is, but as it is supposed to be in the eye of others…. People here live a life not they love, but a life that they pretend to love…. What’s the use of gaining the whole world losing our own soul?…. Where will we go after we reach the last frontier?…. When will we enjoy life if we pass the whole of it in just compromising?…. What is this life if full of care? We’ve no time to stand and stare…. Twilight never comes twice for the losers…. What’s the use of spending our whole life to fetch a rainbow that we can never touch?… What’s the use of dreaming of a Utopia from which we’d be banished?… What’s the use of ending the odyssey if we’re ended up at the end?… Is life too long to be so serious?…. We’re the rats engaged in a rat-race always planning for the next race when a race is over. At the end of the day, we’re still the rats…. Life is never easy unless we let it be easy…

People here draw a very handsome amount of salary but have little scope of enjoying their life with this salary, opportunities for enjoying life is inversely proportional to the amount of salary companies offer.. Smiling faces are not always happy ones. Happiness is not what people here smile for, rather what people here want to smile for… We can get whatever we want, but we can’t want whatever we want, very interestingly, people here want what they get, and they can never get what they should get…

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