ভাবনা: চারশো
September 15, 2010
: Hello Brother how are you doing??
: Didi, thanks a lot for saying a Hello to me. I’m doing well. How are you? How is your school going on? Take care.
: Always a pleasure to hear from you…yup, my centre is doing well too by God’s grace. Thank you. How are your studies going on? All the best for your future exams….you too take care.
: Yes, I’ve stupid exams waiting for me. “Exams and Studies”…. my two new girlfriends!! The only problem is, there is no conversation. I hate them, but can’t ignore them. After all, they’re in love with me…. Grrrrrr..
September 15, 2010
: What is the secret of success? “Right Decisions”
How do u make a right decision? “Experience”
How do u get experience? “Wrong decision”
: I have a very very very long experience in making experiences… I don’t need anymore!
Sushanta Paul
September 15, 2010
What is the best job/employment considering financial and social security? Friends, please, share your view here…
…. That’s a very good creative idea. Exploring alternative energy resources and trading time for it would be a profitable platform to reach, no doubt. There’re some problems too. Anyone intended to be engaged here must acquire an overall knowledge on how to start, where to start, why to start (vision) and finally comes the decision. There’s no one around to help or encourage. Everyone is going to suggest not to start as few started it and made it successful entrepreneurship. So, how to overcome these hurdles? Can anyone who doesn’t have financial security think seriously of getting involved in this track? Thanks.
…. That wouldn’t be a safe zone for a stupid like me, I think! Thanks.
……. I’ve liked the idea and suggestion. It’s all about agro-based business. Few people are here. And, these sectors really claim some smart entrepreneurs. I thought it earlier and also analyzed some of its prospects. I consulted with some experts regarding Dragon Fruit and Strawberry farming and they showed a keen interest in helping me. I’ve found some problems:
No one is here to accompany.
No one is eager to discover an engineer (or, an educated youth) being involved in this ‘ordinary’ (so-called) sector.
I’ve found no helping hand to associate with this task.
Society pays little values to such projects.
I’ve little financial knowledge to initiate entrepreneurship (I own a small business, though).
But finally, I’m thinking seriously again after reading your suggestion. Yes, it’s true my thoughts flow at some unusual tracks. I have the impulse, but not the courage(probably). Probably it’s time I thought more about it. The most attractive remuneration of this sector, I think, is performing the commitment to my country and country people. Thank you very much for your valuable suggestion.
……….. That’s a nice plan. I’ve been teaching for the last 9 years and I think this is a nice sector to work with. But here are some fewer rewarding things too (in our country’s perspective). Thank you for sharing your view.
……….. “Do something before you find yourself in a loop”…. excellent idea!! I wholeheartedly welcome any initiative, proposal, project-planning or any collaboration in this regard if you’re really interested. What we need most are cooperation and a sound start. If you feel like sharing any type of suggestions, please feel free to contact me. Thanks.
… Thank you, Sir, for your presence on my wall…. I wrote, that’d be a one-stop solution for my wife and it means no one has availed herself of this solution yet as this solution isn’t available due to not arising problems….lol
Now about your second comment… In my case exclusively, my personal liking drives me more than my academic qualification. I’ve not the least intention to build up my career as a computer engineer…
Now Sir, about your third comment…. Why do you suggest being a government professional? I’ve liked this idea as there is ample opportunity for serving my country and nation. Apart from this, what features make it a standalone priority?
….. Thank you, Sir, for those wonderful inspiring words. Today or tomorrow I’ll expand my working arena to agro-based and relevant sectors. I have this future plan. I’ll let you know my plans through emails. Your suggestions are highly anticipated in this regard. Thanks a lot for writing here.
…. Thank you, Sir, for your further suggestion. Before I read your suggestion, I had always been thinking about involving myself in any non-IT based sector. Yes, I’m now thinking of getting higher studies on IT, but I’m still reluctant to be on that stream professionally. I can expand my working arena to some IT sectors as an amateur basis. Thanks for making me think twice.
I’ve always thought about how to fulfill my commitment to my country, my society, my family and above all, to myself. The last one must precede the earlier ones. And, I’m now trying on this regard. I agree with you on the point that being a bureaucrat is the best gateway to access to public affairs. This surely provides ample provision for financial, social, personal, familial security and for fulfilling my commitment to my state and countrymen. And, I’m now planning to switch myself to that arena. So, far as I know, you had been serving as a doctor of military dept of Indian Govt before you retired officially. I salute your service to your state and its people. Again, being a private practitioner must have not brought the honour you’ve enjoyed and are still enjoying. Such type of service is always highly praise-worthy.
…. Thank you, madam, for writing on my wall. I must deem your comment a hearty compliment as it comes from you. I don’t know whether I have got the intellect or not, but surely, I’m not still enjoying its fruit. What I’ve shown up to this stage of my life is nothing but a bulk of stupidities. But I don’t regret. Life didn’t come to me with a user manual. So, I’ve every right to use and abuse it!!
… You’re most welcome to write, suggest, share on any topic, no matter it’s taken positively or not. Your idea on my status highly conformed to its relevance. Thank you for being with me.
ভাবনা: চারশো এক
September 16, 2010
Mahasweta Devi….I salute her spirit. She is not a worshipper of God, but of humanity. No one ever sang the eternal song of suffering humanity. I found some of her contemporaries writing on this front just having a vicarious basis. But she is unique not for that she is the only crusader but for that, she is ready for the real crusade.
September 16, 2010
An ordinary insect on a leaf had never created such an extraordinary scene in my mind before I saw this picture. A splendid snap, no doubt! Amit, I salute your artistic sense, photographic charisma.
September 17, 2010
ভালোবেসে, সখী, নিভৃতে যতনে/ আমার নামটি লিখো—তোমার/ মনের মন্দিরে। . . . . . . . (O my dear! Please keep my name secretly in the temple of your soul with the care that your love for me claims.)
গুরু, অনেক ধন্যবাদ! আমার এই ভ্রান্তিবিলাস ক্ষমা করো, আমি লজ্জিত!!…………. “temple of your soul”….. কী দেয়া যায় বলোতো! এই চমৎকার কথাগুলি কখনোই কাউকে বলা হয়নি, বলতে পারো, বলার সুযোগ হয়নি……..তাই হয়তোবা এই অধমের মাথায় আর অন্য ভাল কিছু আসেনি!!
September 21, 2010
Truth is, everybody is going to hurt you; you just have to find ones worth suffering for.
As I’ve approached the middle of my youth, I can realize it’s better to love and to be loved and so to be hurt than not to hurt and to be hurt at all…. Being hurt is compulsory but feeling hurt is optional. I’m quite good at the second option, as no one ever seemed worth suffering for. I’d rather like to leave a promise unpromised than to bear the agonies of promise. A promise in the veil is always more powerful than a promise revealed!! And, I live by this.
…. Youth can’t be always framed by age. And, in this sense, 56 can be called the end of youth. So, my youth can be said to continue 3 decades further, a great challenge with age, no doubt! I salute your spirit, Sir!
Yes, life is not always too easy to feel unhurt. The greatest attack I’ve ever felt is from within rather than from without. I myself am good enough to control such feelings. People around just add some sauce to it. It’s the crudest reality I’ve still learnt.
….. Yes, true. To wait to suffer is more painful than to suffer, I think. It’s better to suffer alone than to suffer for a wrong person. And, that’s what poets call ‘the bliss of Solitude’!
September 25, 2010
: কী খবর, সুশান্ত? কেমন আছেন আপনি? কীরকম চুপচাপ হয়ে গেলেন!
: I’m fine, just a bit disturbed with my indifference to my daily routine these days. Thank you for the wall-post. Hope you’re quite ok along with your family members. Take care. Bye.
September 25, 2010
: Understand how beautifully God keeps adding one more day to our life. Maybe not because we need it, but because someone surely needs you…Hi Sush bro! How are doing??
: Wonderfully said, didi! I’m fine. How are you? I feel a bit inattentive to everything around me these days. I’m trying to pass over this situation. Take care. Bye.
Left Job at P@ul’s Coaching Home
October 2010 — Director
Address: Jamal Khan Road (Beside Rangs-Toshiba Showroom), Chittagong, Bangladesh
Overview: A coaching centre providing academic coaching for from class VIII to Honours
October 10, 2010
: You were born with wings, why prefer to crawl through life?
: You must at first learn how to crawl before you start flying… Always good thought from you, Ritu!
… Amit, you’ve got the eye of a connoisseur of art. I highly eulogize the aesthetic value of this time-demanding post.
October 13, 2010
: শারদ শুভেচ্ছা
: My dear friend, I’m thankful to you for your friendly approach. Please accept my heartfelt compliments on this auspicious eve. Have wonderful times along with your family members. I hope, aunty has recovered from the serious ailment she experienced. Take every care of her.
October 13, 2010
: কী অবস্থা, বন্ধু? পুজোয় একসাথে ঘুরব কিন্তু! আমার এখন পুজোর ছুটি চলছে।
: দোস্ত, তোর পুজোর ছুটি চলছে, এটাই তো দারুণ খবর! শত ব্যস্ততার মাঝেও এই অবসরটা একেবারেই মিস করিস না যেন! পুজো গেলেই তো আবার শুরু হবে ক্লায়েন্ট-সমাচার; অডিটর জীবনের নিরন্তর ছোটাছুটি! দেহ থেমে যায়, তবু জীবন তো থামে না!
: জীবনমুখী কথাবার্তা! মনে হচ্ছে, নচিকেতার গান শুনছিস।
: আমার জীবনটাকে আমি আমার চোখ দিয়েই দেখি, অন্য কারো চোখ দিয়ে নয়……..
October 13, 2010
Durga Puja is the biggest religious festival of the Hindu community in Bangladesh. Although the percentage of Hindu people is low, Durga Puja along with other Hindu festivals are celebrated all throughout Bangladesh.
আমার কাছে, আপাতত, পুজোর আনন্দ… ছুটিতেই!!…. ‘অবাণিজ্যিক’ ছোটাছুটির দারুণ একটা উপলক্ষ!! থমকেযাওয়া জীবনটাকে একটা জোরসে রিস্টার্ট দেয়া!
October 14, 2010
I always enjoy the vicarious delight of visiting the places through your pictures of nature. As I’m in Bangladesh and some part of this river also flows here, such a vicarious journey, for me, is like, ‘অন্যের কাঁধে চেপে স্বদেশভ্রমণ!’
October 15, 2010
…. now enjoying the festive blend of Durga Puja at Ramakrishna Mission, Chittagong Centre.
My dear didi,
Every occasion, irrespective of religious or non-religious ones, brings some excuses to convince me to be a part of it, its flavour. My soul often sighs for my past golden days when I was to bother hardly about my material life. Gone are those days!! Time always demands much more than we’re prepared to bear.
I adore the congregation of souls on such festivals. The difference in status and dignity that society confers upon us is kept apart. Yes, I feel such a communion within, forgetting the fronts that sequester me from the world without! Yesterday, I hung around with my friends literally all day long. We sang we danced, we got lost together.
My heart awaits such a sigh of relief through the rest of the year. And, I spare no attempts to get bathed in the fountain of ecstasy as it starts flowing. To me, as far as I’m concerned, the communion of souls regarding every perspective is the greatest aspect Religion caters for us. It always blurs the spiritual offering, I think.
Have wonderful moments with your friends and family. Thank you.
…. I always appreciate your good sense of humour. Mine is not bad too, for sure!…lol…. Hugs.
… Precious people are to be treasured, not to be forgotten. How can a star that twinkles eternally, sink into oblivion?
…. I’ve no insight. I’m just ordinary. It’s your thinking about me that matters. Every extraordinary in this world was just viewed upon, not born. The credit always goes more to the viewers. Thanks.
… বড্ড অলস হয়ে যাচ্ছি ইদানিং… তাই, বলতে পারো, এটা আমার এক ধরনের, অর্থহীন, অথচ আন্তরিক বিলাসিতা।
ভাবনা: চারশো দুই
October 17, 2010
Shuvo Bijoya. It’s a day of the communion of souls… Be happy and make others happy.
Let’s make this day the start of a new journey to better days… Let’s try to make the world a better place to live in. Let’s dream of better dreams yet to come true.
Let’s not believe in imaginary heaven hereafter, rather make this world heaven-like.
Take care.
আমাদের এই অবাণিজ্যিক আন্তরিকতার শোধবোধ টিকে থাক অনন্তকাল ধরে….এই বাৎসল্য অক্ষয় হোক….
October 23, 2010
….. enjoying a journey through the heart of darkness….
….. Hello didi, how are you? I’m fine. Thank you. How are you getting on with your days? Are you now in the US? Have you any plan to visit Bangladesh? Take care.
…. I was on the train when you wrote on my wall. I fell asleep soon after updating my status, and so I couldn’t reply in time. Thank you very much for your warm hospitality especially because you dared put up with nonsense like me….lol… You’re hopefully coming here during Eid-ul-azha. Right? Hope to meet you soon. Take care. Bye.
…. Hello didi, after a long time you’re on my wall. How are you and your family members? Last night, I enjoyed a train journey and got lost in the lap of nature soon after I’d stared at the colour of night. I drank its essence to my heart’s content. The gorgeous night touched my soul and left no excuses for waiting to share my feelings with my friends. Getting lost in a forest must be a romantic experience. I can feel it vicariously and hope to have that experience too.
…. Sir, it’s always nice to see you write on my wall. Thank you.
Every light is a light of hope. We just gotta discover its appeal. The light that bears no hope is just darkness in disguise. Yes, we can hardly be prudent enough to see through this specious darkness. Doomed we’re not to have this sight!
Good Morning my dear friends. You’re always more precious to me than I can really value. You make my days every day.
October 28, 2010
Eve-teasing is the worst demonstration of a mean personality. Say a big NO to eve-teasing.
My dear Friends!
The recent terrible shape of eve-teasing in Bangladesh leaves this term as just a euphemism. It’s no more in the form of teasing, it’s no better than harassment jeopardizing our domestic life. Not only are girls victimized, but also are groaning their guardians, teachers, and friends under the pangs of this curse. Hardly is spent a day in recent time when there’s no news of eve-teasing in the mass media. I wish I could just shoot those scoundrels. They deserve no mercy, no justice; death and only death must be their destiny. Shame upon those spineless criminals!!
The recent sad deaths of a teacher and a mother expose the vulnerability of those protesting harassment of women. And so, stalking of women has taken a turn for the worse with a growing number of people being killed for trying to resist the menace. In Bangladesh, during the last nine months, at least 25 women killed themselves to escape the horror of abuse, while 9 males lost their lives for standing up against the stalkers. The existing laws and state interventions are so poorly drafted that victims get little help from the law enforcing agencies. Tougher laws must be enacted and executed on one hand to root out this social pandemic and public awareness programs against this disease should be launched on the other. The accused stalkers must be arrested immediately and brought under exemplary punishment. It’s a traumatic experience which can leave deep psychological scars and negative consequences for the greater community. We can’t avert the responsibility of those who were forced to commit suicide. Let not a promising life be doomed before it starts.
Thank you, friends, for pledging your concerted support for this time-demanding issue. Given the strict patriarchal social system, it is almost daring for a woman to protest eve teasing in public places. This is because it may further endanger her security and restrict her mobility on the one hand. And on the other hand, it is usually the girl who is inevitably held responsible by society for this type of incident. For that, one would not expect a girl fighting back against a gang of foul boys. So, there is not too much of a scope to raise a question regarding the girl’s silence. But any conscious mind should not overlook the silence of those that witnessed the whole incident. Does that indicate that we are returning to the medieval system? Does that point that we are becoming devoid of our ethical values? When that’s the scenario, should we really expect the girls to protest alone? Don’t we have any responsibility at all?
Victimized women and girls do not only get psychologically troubled but also continuously feel insecure to go outside their homes. They develop a sense of distrust and humiliation against men. In fact, within the patriarchal social fabric, eve teasing is a weapon to weaken, hurt or force women to consign to domestic affairs. It evidently restricts women’s mobility in the public sphere, which on the one hand contributes to their diminishing participation in outdoor activities and causes early marriage on the other. There is an increasing realization that eve teasing severely restricts the mobility of women and girls, which is unquestionably a threat to women’s empowerment. Altogether, though apparently invisible, the cost of eve teasing is huge at our national and individual life.
There are legal provisions to thwart the offense, but those are either very weak or deficient of a clear-cut definition, which helps the perpetrators escape trial or get away with very little penalty and discourage the victimized women seeking justice. On the other hand, no matter how weak those laws are, most people are unaware of their existence as they are hardly aware of any implementation of those. Let’s fight eve teasing to save our souls.
Some organizations working on the human right often stand on the way of smooth execution of trial. These pressure groups violate humanity in the name of safeguarding human right. I think the concept of human right should be brought under the amendment. Human right should be exclusively for humans not for beasts. Not being born with the shape of a beast doesn’t necessarily make one human. It’s something to be achieved, not to be inherited.
Human right organizations must not forget that punishing the criminals might be God’s duty, but making their appointment with God is our responsibility.
Should we avoid this responsibility?
ভাবনা: চারশো তিন
November 2010
Starts with birthday wishes…………
The ecstasy brought by your lovely birthday wish makes me sit and think about the last 26 springs of my life..… and be excited about the road ahead. But for your lovely wish, my birthday would have remained just a date! Please allow me to express my humble THANKS to you for remembering my birthday.
266 friends posted on Sushanta’s Timeline on his birthday.
November 4, 2010
…. on the way to Chittagong from Dhaka. The silent language of darkness is humming with the songs of Kishor Kumar. What a romantic blend my soul is entertained with!…. enjoying it. La la la.
…. Today I’d to appear at an interview at DU for the EMBA course. Now, I’m returning to my sweet paradise from this corporate hell.
…. The falling of night speaks to my soul. I’m just lost. I’m drinking music, bathing in the moonlight. La la la la la la….
…. I’ve no eye to see through the creation of an artist; rather, I like to create art for myself. My Utopia is self-made, no one ever resided there!….. And, you’ve always kind words for me that furnish much more than I really deserve, my humble confession.
….. I know what I don’t deserve, but I don’t know what I deserve; that’s why I’m still ordinary.
….. I’m now on a bus journey. I feel the dance of darkness, I can see the colour of night. I just feel like being transformed into a divine soul. I’m ready to trade all the wealth of the world for my soul.
….. Thank you for your cordial invitation. But Dhaka can never beat Chittagong. Dhaka demonstrates the largest exhibition of dead souls. Here all are in a constant rat-race, a race that never ends. A race that never allows you to be champion. You’re just a runner, hardly a champion. What’s the use of gaining the whole world losing your own soul? Last but not least, we all must meet this material frontier.
….. I like nearly all the songs of Kishor Kumar. His songs touch my soul the most. There’s everything a sensible soul can seek for in his songs: love, beauty, charm, melody and what not! At this moment, my heart imbibes the philosophical tone from the devotional songs of Lalon & Tagore. They’re the greatest treasures Bengal has ever discovered!!
The cool breeze, the canopy of the gleam of the queen moon, the soft melodious touch, the rhythmic journey….. What else is needed to keep the soul close to mother nature?!
…. I think a song the greatest soul-provider. But it’s we who feel the presence of soul within. The aesthetic blend is to be drunk to the core of our heart, and only then, the music touches our soul. The music and our existence are not two different essences any more, they become intermingled. It works even better than magic realism!!
November 5, 2010
: Happy Diwali… may you be showered with all you desire.. now and always.. hope you also had a fun birthday…
: Let’s celebrate the auspicious day of Diwali with fun and frolic,
May this bright day bring bountiful bliss and elation in your life,
Let’s divide the joy and see the miracle: It’ll be doubled!!
HAPPY DIWALI!! Be happy. Make others happy.
Didi, I’d a very pleasant birthday. The day brought me much more than I deserve. So blessed I was!!
I’ll tell you more through a message. I tried to write it earlier, but could hardly manage spare time.
Take care, didi.
Loving yours,
NB I sincerely appreciate this personalized wall-post. It bears the grand touch of your soulful affability. Take care.
ভাবনা: চারশো চার
November 7, 2010
I’ve stood 6th in order of merit in the Evening MBA admission test of Dhaka University… Feeling happy.
…… Didi, you always have something for me more valuable than I really deserve.
……. Dada, I also pride myself on having such precious well-wishers like you.
…… Dear friend, I feel humbled at your kind thought about me as I think, it’s not about ‘going for’; rather it’s all about ‘trying for’!! I’m thinking of trying for it. Thank you for inspiring me.
….. I wish you informed me about it earlier!! lolzz………. Brother, if the deadline of admission is before the admission test of the MBA course of IBA, I think, it’s wise to get myself admitted; otherwise, I’ll await the admission test of IBA. Thanks for writing on my wall.
……. ধন্যবাদ, দাদা। সবসময়ই, হাসিতে কান্নাই, পাশে থাকবেন— এই চাওয়াটুকু রইল। ভাল থাকবেন, সুন্দর থাকবেন।
……… Dost, I also sincerely wish you every success. Be blessed always.
……… I wish I could escape from this ‘Corporate Hell’!! Sometimes, Hell seems to be sweeter than Heaven.
…….. দিদি, আমার কোনো বোন নেই, তাই ভাইফোঁটাও পাইনি। অনেক ভাল লাগলো আপনার মতন এক দিদির কাছ থেকে এই ভালোবাসা পেয়ে। ভাল থাকবেন, সুন্দর থাকবেন।
…… Dost, I felicitate you on your standing 17th in order of merit. You always rock, we know!! Take care.
….. Thank you, my sweet, cute sister. Dear pagli, I’m always ready to throw a party. Just come to Bangladesh and make a grab at it!!
…… But for your presence on my wall, this result would have been just a piece of news rather than being a success. I feel like being on an elevated plane for your sincere wishes. Thank you for this favour. Take care.
…………….I’m gladly taking the opportunity of thanking you for those wonderful words of felicitation. It’s just what I need! I like the blend of your cordial feelings very much. No, success has any real value if there’s no one to evaluate it. I’m so lucky to have some genuine well-wishers through this giant social network. Hats off to Mark Zuckerberg!! It’s really difficult to bridge the narrow, yet seemingly never-ending gap lying between ‘what I’ve’ and ‘what I deserve’. A harmonious transition is NEVER possible but for such selfless support you’ve rendered for me. I know my achievement is SMALL but you’ve helped me in making the sense of it BIG. Only what we sense or think matters. Yes, small is beautiful and so every little thing counts. A BIG is just a SMALL in disguise!!………. “We’ll never part either in smiles or tears.” — Let’s make this a reason BIG enough to soar higher together. Be blessed always.
………To be honest, the honour that I don’t deserve embarrasses me. It’s not so great an achievement as you seem to think. I felt happy when I came to know the result (I can remember, I felt the same ecstasy when I had stood 2nd in order of merit in the admission test of my graduating engineering varsity, CUET about 8 years back) and just felt like sharing it with you. You always make me think in a different way about my life and lives around me. It’s a precious experience. It’s worth a thousand million dollars or even more, I hardly can count! Nothing can bet the incredible kindness shown by a friend, you know. It’s difficult to have a different thought, but it’s easy to think differently especially when you feel the urge within to do so. Yes, you’re those priceless persons in my life who have always made me feel more than I deserve, think more than I’m supposed to — my honest confession. Nothing is significant or insignificant until we feel or think so about it. So, it’s purely a mind-game. It obviously takes some players with beautiful minds. THANK YOU for those wonderful words woven carefully by soul, though I’m not the least worthy of it yet. In my defense, I can say, who on earth dare be indifferent to the love of a friend? No one. Because life is meaningless without love; love is meaningless without life…. I feel love, so much love that pours from you, and those closest to me, and the love that flows from me, giving me more, the more I give!
Thousands of candles can be lit from a single candle, and the life of the candle will not be shortened. Happiness never decreases by being shared. THANKS for being with me with the vision of light that fills my sight in even the darkest imprisonment of mind or on the most sun-blessed, windswept mountaintop I’ve always dreamt of.
….দাদা, আপনার অভিনন্দনের জন্য ধন্যবাদ। আমার কাছে সৌহার্দের মানে অনেক কিছুই! অনেক দিন হল একসাথে আছি, সবসময়ই থাকবো, এই আশা রাখছি। সবাইকে নিয়ে ভাল থাকুন, সুন্দর থাকুন।
….. Thank you, brother for being with me.
…. Kindness is a language that even the blind can see, the deaf can hear. You’re the supreme master of this language! I can hear the song your heart wants to sing, I can feel the compassion your soul nourishes for me. Just feel the rhythm playing within your soul, I’ll be there to entertain you forever, forever.
…. I didn’t write, I just echoed my soul, just as the same way you’re used to doing. An interpreter of souls is the greatest gift on this earth. The poetry you’ve tagged me in has touched my soul and so did my writing in your case. Singleness of two souls matters. It seconds love to make a unique blend, I think. Thank you for making me feel more about myself than I really am.
….. Thank you, buddies for your kind presence on my wall… I’ve not passed such a long way so as to make success run after me. My very ordinary status just makes me humble enough to take your wish as a compliment only. Hope you’ll see the better days that your heart wishes to see. Take care.
…. Thank you, madam, for your gorgeous presence on my wall. I sincerely feel honoured to express my humble THANKS to you.
I got chance in the Evening MBA program of the dept of Finance, conducted by the Faculty of Business Studies under DU. IBA has not yet published any circular of admission test of MBA program through media or its official website. I hope I’d take that admission test too and surely go for IBA if I can prove myself competent for it.
Take care.
I sincerely feel inspired, grateful and honoured for your dignified presence on my wall. Every aspect of pride and pleasure comes only for some priceless people like you. Please allow me to express my humble THANKS to you for being with me on this auspicious moment. Take care.
অনেক ধন্যবাদ আমাকে সহজ করে দেয়ার জন্য। তোমার ফ্রেন্ডলি অ্যাপ্রোচ আমাকে সবসময়ই মুগ্ধ করে; এবং আমি প্রায়ই ভাবতাম, তোমাকে ‘তুমি’ করে বলতে পারলে দারুণ হতো! আমি আগেই তোমার প্রোফাইলে দেখে নিয়েছিলাম যে, তুমি আমার ব্যাচমেট; তাই ওই ইচ্ছেটা ছিলই। এখন থেকে আরো ফ্রাঙ্কলি সবকিছু শেয়ার করা যাবে। আমি কাল ক্যাম্পাসে আসছি। হোপফুলি ২.৪৫টায়। সাবজেক্ট চয়েজ জানাতে হবে ফ্যাকাল্টিতে গিয়ে (খুবই পেইনফুল একটা সিস্টেম, তাই না? এই ৫ মিনিটের একটা কাজের জন্য চট্টগ্রাম থেকে ঢাকায় যাওয়া!) দেখা হবে আশা রাখছি, আরো অনেক কথা হবে। ভাল থেকো। বাই।
………….হ্যাঁ, সিস্টেমটা খুবই পেইনফুল। সাবজেক্ট সিলেকশনের দুইতিন দিন পরে আবার অ্যাডমিশনের জন্য টাকা জমা দিতে হবে। সার্টিফিকেট, মার্কশিট তো লাগবেই, সাথে চুয়েট থেকে মাইগ্রেশন সার্টিফিকেটও লাগবে।
………..ভাই, এ কী বললে! দুইদিন পর অ্যাডমিশন! তার মানে, আজকে চট্টগ্রাম ব্যাক করে দুইদিন পর আবার আসতে হবে! আচ্ছা ভাই, কত টাকা লাগবে অ্যাডমিশন নেয়ার সময়? ক্লাস কবে নাগাদ শুরু হতে পারে? সার্টিফিকেট, মার্কশিট আমার সাথেই আছে। এইগুলির মেইন কপি কি জমা দিতে হবে?
………..এবার অবশ্য মাঝখানে ঈদের ছুটির কারণে অ্যাডমিশন ঈদের পরে যেতে পারে। এক সেমিস্টারে ম্যাক্সিমাম ৪টা কোর্স নেয়া যায়। ৪টা নিলে ৪৮৩৭৫/= টাকা লাগবে। আর যদি দুইটা নাও, তাহলে ৩৩৩৭৫/= টাকা লাগবে।
ক্লাস শুরু হবে জানুয়ারিতে। মেইন সার্টিফিকেট জমা দিতে হবে না, শুধু মাইগ্রেশন সার্টিফিকেট আর ইনকাম সার্টিফিকেটের মেইন কপি জমা দিতে হবে।
ভাবনা: চারশো পাঁচ
November 11, 2010
: Sushanta, I want you will be a student of IBA. Evening MBA is good but IBA is IBA.
: I also want it… I hope the teachers of IBA would want it too…
Thank you dost for writing on my wall. Take care.
: Amit, are you from IBA?
:…. My friend Amit is not from IBA, but he wants me to study there. A good friend always wishes the best.
November 13, 2010
: There is nothing stronger than the heart of a volunteer….
: Hmm… Will-power matters!
November 16, 2010
Dear friends! Can anyone of you suggest me something worth-doing (other than reading books) during this Eid vacation?
…. Hmm… It’s always nice to be busy at nothing. I often do it. … I’m getting tired of the busy schedule of idle times. I just feel like taking a break from the break! Beach? I wish I had not to go there alone.
…. Dear sister, দারুণ বলেছ! কিন্তু প্রবলেম হচ্ছে, এইসব ব্যাপার আমার শুধু ব্যস্ততার সময়ই ভাল লাগে। এই অদ্ভুত খামখেয়ালিপনার জন্য আমি দুঃখিত!…..পারলে আরো কিছু সাজেস্ট করো।
…. I’m tired of trying to relax! New ideas? I sincerely feel my head empty these days. Believe me, almost nothing is left there! There’s been an invisible wall lying between ‘new ideas’ & ‘my scanty brain’ for the last few days! Can you suggest me how to get rid of this shortage of thoughts?
…. I spend most of the time bathing in music. It’s my soul-provider! But, during lazy times, I hardly feel like doing what I feel like doing during busy times! How to get rid of this contradictory psychology? Does everyone pass through this stage? Writing? Soul matters here, you know! The best words always come out of silence. How to be silent with such a mind full of distractions as I do have? This plight is killing me!!
…. নদী তো আছেই, প্রবলেম হচ্ছে, সেটা আবার আমার মনের ভেতরে! ঈশ্বরপ্রদত্ত নদীগুলোকে ইদানিং আর ভাল লাগে না।….আমি খুব একটা ভ্রমণবিলাসী নই, তবে এই মনটার ভাবনার খেয়ালে অনেকটাই ভবঘুরে।….এই মুহূর্তে আমার বোহেমিয়ান মনটা যাযাবর হতে চাইছে না। কী বিচ্ছিরি সমস্যা!
…. Not facebook hacking, it’s already been hacked by me! Just trying to have ideas on interesting minds of people and to escape from my stupid thoughts.
….. ভালই বলেছ, ভাই….কিন্তু প্রবলেম হল, অবসরের চাইতে ব্যস্ততার সময়ে ঘুমাতে আমার বেশি ভাল লাগে।….এই আত্মঘাতী ইন্সতিঙ্কটা আমাকে অনেক বেশি ভুগিয়েছে (তুমি এর কিছুটা বোধহয় জানো।)
…. Meditation? I’ve tried it this morning. Nothing came out of it. (Truth is, I was meditating over the contradictions! lol…. It’s my fault, I know. But, I can’t help but do it often!)…. My mind listens to nobody or nothing but me. And, I’m not good at guiding my mind.
…. I’m tired of sleeping! They say, bachelor life is the best time for sleeping, as you must regret not sleeping when it’s over!! Do you suggest sleeping for this? lol
…. Your decision has really touched my soul! In my city, I don’t know whether there’s any such old home. I often feel moved at the untold stories of those senior citizens. My heart fills with a passionate resentment whenever I think about those irresponsible sons and daughters. They trade heaven for hell thinking, this makes them happy. What a pity! I don’t know how they can even think of passing religious and social festivals keeping their old parents apart. Their flats can’t accommodate their parents but can accommodate pet dogs…. I feel like crying when these thoughts haunt me!! I salute your love for sick children. I think, we share a common soul in some aspects.
…. Hmm… Are you enjoying this now? On which channel? Or, where? You must be enjoying it very much, I guess! Enjoy your times…..lol
: আইবিএ থেকে এমবিএ করার জন্য প্রিপারেশন নিতে পারেন।…….ভ্যালু অ্যাডেড ডিগ্রি। প্রপোজালটা ভেবে দেখেন।
….তাই করছি, দিদি। এইভাবেই আমার এই আশ্চর্য বেঁচেথাকা, পথচলা!
….ভাল প্রপোজাল, সন্দেহ নেই! আমি বেশিরভাগ প্রিপারেশন নেই একেবারে ইলেভেন্থ আওয়ারে; আমার বহুদিনের বদঅভ্যেস। এই কর্পোরেট ডিগ্রিটা বড়ো বেশি ভ্যালু অ্যাড করে বলেই মনে হয়। তাই যে সাজেশনটা আপনি দিলেন, মনেমনে আমিও সেই কথাই ভাবছিলাম। … এর সাথে রয়েছে আরো কিছু বেকার-জীবনের ব্যস্ততা।….আপনার পরামর্শের জন্য অনেক ধন্যবাদ।… ভাল থাকবেন, সুন্দর থাকবেন।
…. Thank you for the invitation. That was really lovely. … I wish I could go for a long drive with you right now. Someday we’ll be lost together, I hope.
: রাখো তোমার ঘুরেবেড়ানো আর যাবতীয় সবকিছু। আইবিএ’র জন্য প্রিপারেশন নাও।
…. দোস্ত, পড়াশোনা করতে ইচ্ছে করছে না। একটা সল্যুশন দে।….এই বুড়ো বয়সে আর কত পড়া যায় (কিংবা আদৌ পড়া যায় কি না), তুইই বল!
….আপনি আমার মনের কথাটাই বলছেন। আমি এই কথাটা মেনে চলি, ‘I often talk to myself, because I like talking to only better class people.’ কথাটা আক্ষরিক অর্থে নেবেন না, প্লিজ। আমি অনেকটাই আমার মতো বলে আমার আনন্দবেদনাগুলোকে নিয়ে আমার মতোই থাকি। I’m the eleventh one out of ten you can count, I can bet!……. Eid Mubarak to you and to your family. Be happy and make others happy…. … (দাদা, আপনি বোধহয় আমাকে ‘তুমি’ করে বলার কথা ছিল, কথাটা রাখুন; আমি ওতেই অনেক খুশি হবো।)
: ভাই, তুমি একটা চমৎকার ছেলে! যে মানুষ তার জীবনের আনন্দগুলোকে খুঁজে নিতে পারে মূল্যবোধের সাথে, সে মানুষ চমৎকার হবেই! আমি তোমার কথাগুলোকে বুঝতে পেরেছি, ব্রাদার!… really you are something different! I can understand the indication of your saying – “I’m the eleventh one out of ten you can count!”…ভাল থেকো, ভাই, অনেক অনেক ভাল! তোমার ইচ্ছেপূরণে আমার আর ভুল হবে না নিশ্চয়ই! Be happy…
… I sincerely feel honoured at your eulogy. This just confers higher responsibility on my shoulder. To me, any trust means only greater commitment. I’ll try to abide by the principles throughout my life as I’m doing now. Some precious friends like you always turn my way a pleasing journey. Yes, I mean it. But for such words of kindness, my existence would have been just MEANINGLESS. I’m hardly aware of my insignificance for such approaches and so they mean a lot to me in shaping and reshaping my life. I’ve some values and I respect them. I’m never ready to lose my soul even at the cost of all the wealth of the world. You’ll surely know it someday, I hope. Someday we’ll meet and share more about what life is, why life is, how life is. Till then, Facebook is the only platform to hinge on…. Have a fabulous Eid. Take care, dada.
: বুড়ো হয়ে গেছো মানে? তোমার তো এখনো ৪০ বছর হয়নি! কী বল এইসব? স্টাডি করতে ইচ্ছে করছে না মানে? এইসব কী বল, মিয়া? সুরঞ্জিতদা এতগুলি ডিগ্রি নেয়ার পরও এই ৪৩ বছর বয়সে নাকি এইবার সিএমএ কোয়ালিফাই করার ইচ্ছে রাখেন! (উনি অলরেডি এমকম, এফসিএ, এসিসিএ, সিএফএ!) তাহলে বন্ধু, দুর্বার গতিতে এগিয়ে যাও!
….Bondhu, I heard about him. He is now at KDS group. He is genius. But, I’m a stupid. You know it better, buddy. My brain helps me little these days. I don’t know why, but it’s true. Age, age has come upon me suddenly! I sigh for my studious youth. Every day I feel than I was better yesterday. 40 years? I’m yet to see 13 more springs to reach that age. Still, I feel like retiring.
: You’re showing lame excuses, age is not a factor for you. Don’t get tensed about your age. My advice for you is Practice, Practice & Pratice. There is nothing else more.
… Ok gurudev, I’ll try to try my best.
ভাবনা: চারশো ছয়
November 17, 2010
: ঈদ মুবারক! আপনাকে ঈদের শুভেচ্ছা! আপনার ঈদ ভাল কাটুক, আনন্দে কাটুক, এই শুভ কামনা।ভাল থাকুন।
: Thank you, Sir, for the warm wish… I highly appreciate such an approach… Have a fabulous Eid along with your friends and family. Be happy and make others happy.
November 17, 2010
My brother was updating the phone software of my handset Nokia 3110C, a restart was required to finish the updating process, my mobile switched off but did not start again. Can anyone suggest a solution, please?
: আপনার ফোন জীবিত হওয়ার চান্স নেই বললেই চলে। কারণ ফোন সফটওয়ার আপডেট স্টার্ট শুরু হওয়ার আগে বলা থাকে যেন মোবাইল ফুল চার্জে থাকে।….যদি ঠিক হয়, তাহলে আপনার কপাল ভাল।
: X2 দারুণ একটা সেট। আমি চিন্তা করছি আমারটা সেল করে X2 নেবো। X2 সফটওয়ার কিন্তু সেই রকম! আর তোমার ওই 3110 সেট তো অনেক পুরনো সেট! তুমি একটা কাজ করতে পারো, এটা যদি ঠিক না হয়, তাহলে তুমি Nokia X6 নিতে পারো। এটা টাচস্ক্রিন ফিচারের যত সেট আছে, সেগুলির মধ্যে বেস্ট।
…. নসিব আমার! জানি না, ভাই, ওটা ঠিক হবে কি না। আমার অতি পণ্ডিত ছোটভাইয়ের ওই ব্যাপারটা মনে হয় জানা ছিল না।… বিশ্বাস করেন, ভাই, এই কাজটা আমি করিনি, আমার লেটেস্ট মডেলের হ্যান্ডসেট কিংবা আপডেট ফোন সফটওয়ারের ব্যাপারে আমার বিন্দুমাত্রও আগ্রহ নেই।….দেখি, ঈদের বন্ধের পর মেকানিকের কাছে নিয়ে যাবো, দেখা যাক, কী হয়….
….দোস্ত, তোর সাজেশনটার জন্য ধন্যবাদ।… আর আমার হ্যান্ডসেটটা Nokia 3110 নয়, 3110C… হুহ্!…. একটা সত্যি কথা বলি, যদি আমি নেট সার্ফিং না করতাম, তাহলে হয়তো আমি এখনো Nokia 1100 মডেলটাই ইউজ করতাম! আমার নিউ মডেলের হ্যান্ডসেটের ব্যাপারে কোনো ইন্টারেস্ট নেই।…. (এটা দুঃখবিলাস নয়, দারিদ্র!…. হাহাহা)
November 20, 2010
: If I can stop one heart from breaking, I shall not live in vain……….. for you SP…..my eternal romantic!
: You surely haven’t lived in vain. Our heart shatters only when it finds no other heart worth shattering for. My heart stop aching long before aches could invite the end only as you’d taught it how to live with the rhythm of love. You’re such a great healer!!
: Wow!! Just….. MATCHLESS!! It’s not easy to be convinced that this place is in our mother Bangladesh……….. Nothing can bet the beauty unseen……
Thanks for sharing…………..
November 25, 2010
When someone loves me whom I don’t/can’t love, a sense of guilt fills my heart. My heart says to me, ‘Congratulations! You’ve successfully hurt the girl who really loves you.’… Is it natural?
Dear friends, I don’t know why it hurts, but it really hurts. And, to be honest, I never promise anything which I might have to break. Does it mean that honesty of relationship develops a sense of guilt sometimes?
…. I’m happy that I’m not alone to possess this type of feeling.
… I’m fine. Thank you. How are you?
… Whatever happens, I always listen to my soul. So, what’s the use of living with a person who can’t be a soul-provider for me?
…. Hmm… I think I must be iron-hearted. Not everyone deserves your love,and, the reverse is also true. But, it’s not easy to let such a feeling go untouched.
… Sir, I don’t know whether such a feeling springs from any exaggerated belief about my worth or power, but honestly, I do feel it…. Dear doctor, could you please suggest any effective remedy?
: False hope of matrimony should not be allowed to rise in tender hearts of vulnerable & docile Bengali Balikas who are eagerly waiting for their sirs’ blinking eyes for approval.
…. I agree, Sir. But heart sometimes follows a way not be followed. And, in this case, childlike thoughts try to convince heart, I can guess. To be hanged for a murder you’re not guilty for, is more dangerous than the murder itself. Better to feel blamed than to be blamed — I try to convince myself by saying this. A heart that loves but is hurt is like a rose that never blooms. And, I know I didn’t plant the plant or did never water it. MA… Heart is too stubborn to be controlled!
…. Sir, the language of heart is the toughest language to understand. We’re never too intelligent to escape the chance of misunderstanding and being misunderstood.
…. Yes Sir, that’s why, they say that every great poetry is never finished, and I often leave it unfinished at the point of convincing her, ‘Poetry, not to be read by heart but by brain’… And, so far as the rule goes on, greatest is the reader who places poetry in heart, not in brain. Worst is the writer who makes no such readers….. I don’t know how to escape as I don’t want to escape. Megalomaniac patient I’m!! AG…. Hats off to such a Shylock!! Really a BIG deal you’ve taught me, Sir! I’ll try to pass this on.
…. Not everyone lets it go so… Not everyone adds meaning to a thing to make it meaningful…. Not everything gets meaning from someone worthy of making the sense of that meaning…. And, that’s the mystery of life revealed never.
…. Not that it veils me, I just feel veiled. It’s difficult to unveil something that doesn’t veil at all. Flowing with life surely needs something worth flowing for.
: যত্তসব ফিলসফি মার্কা কথাবার্তা! আরে মিয়া, জীবনে তো একটাও প্রেম করলি না! এত হৃদয় হৃদয় করিস কেন? তোর হার্টে কোনো সমস্যা আছে নাকি? থাকলে বল, বাংলাদেশের হোক, ইন্ডিয়ার হোক, সব ফেমাস কার্ডিওলজিস্টদের আমার চেনা আছে। যোগাযোগ করবো নাকি?
…. Dost, mend your own shoes before mending mine.
November 26, 2010
Bapu in a computer exam…
Examiner asked, “What is Microsoft Excel?”
Bapu: It is like Surf Excel to clean computer…!
: Didi, my name is Bappy and I’m an accidental computer engineer. I hope time would come when there’d be such Excels so that I might not have to think much on such questions. …lol