Never underestimate the power of a beautiful lady to be rigorous!
I learnt it just yesterday. Trust me, Beauty with Brain is a LETHAL combination! Reread it. Yes, it’s LETHAL!! She is such a gorgeous lady! She is one of our faculties at IBA. Until and unless she opens her mouth, I’ve every reason to suggest you to give it a second thought before you decide to do what you’re tempted to decide to do as soon as you open your eyes to see her. She is an admirable lady with aristocracy, novelty and charm. She sounds to have a good soul. You’ll love her beauty as long as you’re not close enough to fear her beauty. Looking at her soothes, thinking about her scares! Distant beauty charms the most—True!
I completed all my courses at IBA successfully (‘successfully’ means just I’ve never got an F but all the other 4 ones followed by a plus or a minus sign alphabetically starting from A as per rules of IBA. I stopped still crying for 1 obtaining even 99 marks long since I’d stopped being a kid.) and our Internship Orientation Session was held yesterday. I’d really bitter experience about thesis or project work during my Hons days and my supervisor made it a nightmare experience for me. Today I think, thankfully, he did. In life, you need to meet wounds to welcome injuries. All your wounds and injuries welcome all the feathers to your crown. To me, academic life is all about obtaining a degree. I’ve always been so commercial in that type of learning process. I studied only to forget as soon as the exam is over. Learning is something left after you forget all the useless junks you’re taught at your university. That’s why, I’ve enjoyed my stay at IBA. I learnt what not to learn much more than I learnt what to learn. It matters! The best thing about IBA is, here good grades don’t necessarily mean good learning. Thank you, IBA!
Two of our faculties conducted yesterday’s session followed by the welcome speech of our honourable Director Sir. Of those two, the male one is popular among us for his witty remarks and friendly approach. He’s intelligent not because he’s intelligent, he’s intelligent because he knows the ways of being intelligent, when to start being so, when to stop being so. Listening to an IBA faculty leaves you either with useful experience or with useful sleep; it’s always useful, anyway!
Now, let me share some interesting points I enjoyed in yesterday’s session and can still remember to rephrase in my own words……..
# Maybe you’re important, but never make your boss think you to be more important than himself.
# If you’re busy, your boss must be busier.
# We’re proud of what you’re, how far you’ve come. Organizations feel pride when you do your internship with them. It’s our pride. If you make us lose it, you’ll pay its price as we really can’t afford that much cost. Sorry, anyway!
# Last year, a student wrote the objectives of his work on the 12th page of his internship report. Well, it was the smallest mistake he made!! I feel too embarrassed to mention the bigger ones!
# প্রেজেন্টেশনের আগে ভাল মতো পড়াশোনা করে আসবেন, কারণ আপনার প্রেজেন্টেশনের সময় বোর্ড আপনাকে অপমান করলে আপনি লজ্জা না পেলেও আমি লজ্জা পাবো। আপনার লজ্জাশরম না থাকলেও আমার তো আছে। নিজের জন্যে না হোক, অন্তত আমার কথা ভেবে হলেও দয়া করে একটু পড়াশোনা করে আসবেন।
# The rule of report-writing: Follow the tactic most of the good-looking girls follow…… Make yourself look attractive, no matter, you really are or aren’t!
# আপনার প্রজেক্ট সুপারভাইজারকে আপনি পাত্তা দেন বা না দেন, দেখাতে হবে যে, অনেক পাত্তা দিচ্ছেন!
# গতবারের একটা এক্সপেরিয়েন্স শেয়ার করি। সরকারি চাকরি করে, এরকম এক স্টুডেন্ট সরকারের একটা প্রজেক্ট নিয়ে কাজ করেছিলেন। ডিফেন্সের সময় উনাকে জিজ্ঞেস করা হলো, আপনার এই কাজের ফলে সরকারের কী লাভ হয়েছে? উনি এর কোনো উত্তর দিতে পারছিলেন না। এই সময়ে এক সিনিয়র স্যার বলে উঠলেন, এতে সরকারের যে লাভটা হয়েছে সেটা হলো, সরকারের এক কর্মচারির এমবিএ ডিগ্রিটা কমপ্লিট হয়েছে! হাসির রোল পড়লো। Sense of humour helps! Be in good humour and keep others around you in good humour!
# Sometimes when you can’t shoot your aim, what you’ve to do is to just shoot an object and make it an aim later. Only getting things done matters!
# Before you decide to be sincere enough, be sure that you do own every capability to pay every price of your sincerity as you make others miss the opportunity of being insincere even when they want to be so for you!
# Don’t invite troubles if you can’t afford to pay the price they have.
# Before you assume you’re smart, never forget to assume your project supervisor is the smarter.
Yes, this is what IBA is! Fact is, here every faculty is smart. Problem is, they can outsmart any student, no matter, however the Hell damn smart he or she is! So, even just being here helps! You’ll find your peers smarter than you. You’ll have to ‘prove’ your teachers smarter than yourself. Well, surely you aren’t dumb, even you’re sometimes luckily smart if not smarter, but never the smartest one! You’ll have to pay really high price for it! Often, IBA is more a place for experiencing than a place for learning! It taught me how to enjoy laziness by teaching me how to get a job done in the shortest possible time and spend the time left in my own way. Its weight has always been much more than I can contain. Its height has always been much more than I can reach. Thank you, IBA for what you’re and for what you aren’t!
Quiz….. What’s the difference between an extraordinary and an ordinary person?
Answer……. Chetan Bhagat wrote Five Point Someone writing his own experience at IIT which was adapted into the film 3 Idiots later. Sushanta Paul narrowly managed to write a Facebook post after he’d attended a 2 hour Internship Orientation Session at IBA.