ভাবনাদেয়ালের পলেস্তারা (৭৩তি অংশ)

ভাবনা: পাঁচশো পাঁচ

26 November 2009

Girls like an intelligent young man who is well-read and groomed but who is more interested in them than in books… what a paradox!!

Friends!! I’m back…. So far as I’ve experienced, most of the girls suffer from an ethical dilemma and create a complex situation often involving an apparent mental conflict between moral imperatives, in which they usually obey one resulting in transgressing the others…. Such an ethical admonition to is not always just in contrast with, yet sometimes in contradiction to degrade the moral spirit actively trying to kill their soul, heart or, the said poor young man’s thinking….. They often have the conflict between a moral injunction and a duty that cannot be fulfilled without violating that injunction…. lolzz…

Oooof!! an essay!!!! Substance I ‘ve understood…..LOLzzzz

… To put simply, most of the young girls make a mess between ‘the art of living’ & ‘the art of loving’… Intellect is a tasty thing for them not to be tasted ever!!…. They like to be in an illusion that allusively becomes their destiny….

I think you are trying to draw them as hypocrite…we should never mix up between sacrifice and hypocrisy…

…. I’d suggest you to kindly read my previous comments more carefully… I’m afraid I couldn’t convey you what I intended to express….

SP, have you read the Ramayana?

… Hmm… The tragedy of Ram cloaked in so-called Heroism (apparent)……..

SP, as always, I am late bloomer in your comments.. I think it’s critical to find a balance between love of books and love of your life…. books are great companion but then we can suffer from “no dialogue” syndrome :)…The difference between art of living and art of loving is apparent… just one word; Living has “I” = ego; Loving has “O” oneness…. this hold for all with egos… and I think you take the lead there, SP!!! LOL!!! making statements about women “intellect is tasty…”

…” Living has “I” = ego; Loving has “O” oneness “…. The best and simplest idea I’ve received ever in this regard!!… too simple to be messed also!!. lol… Intellect is tasty only for those who lack this intellect too much to sit idly for questing it more, (lolzzzz….)… but most of the beautiful girls are intellectual enough not to seek for it further, I wonder!!…. lolz…. Hmm…. “no dialogue” problem is one of the reasons for which I often feel like sharing my thoughts with someone who deserves this sharing….

27 November 2009

Never obey anyone’s command unless it is coming from within you also…. There is no God other than life itself. — Osho.

To become a nothingness is the door to truth. Nothingness itself is the means, the goal and attainment.

Die each moment so that you can be new each moment.

Do not search. That which is, is. Stop and see.

“Let this truth go as deep in you as possible: that life is already here, arrived. You are standing on the goal. Don’t ask about the path.”

… Things are that they are, and things will be that they will be… The law of nature that we can never violate…

one should definitely believe in what he or she is going to follow.

Sanjay… We’re what we think, not we think what we’re…

“A little foolishness, enough to enjoy life, and a little wisdom to avoid the errors, that will do.”

… I’ve the first one more than I require, the second one less than I deserve… Will that do??

I disagree with the second half of your last comment…….you deserve and have enough wisdom.

… All of us have enough wisdom, but not enough intellect to discover it…

and to use it judiciously!

Yes, be a leader and not a follower Sushanta!

SP my response to you is what you responded to Sanjay “We’re what we think, not we think what we’re ” should help you with the dilemma you have… what profound moment of “your answer lies in your question” LOL

… I must learn how to follow before learning how to lead… So, I’m trying consciously to follow the commandments of others…

.. Hmm… The answers to all of our questions usually lie in the contexts of our questions… So true…

… Please don’t crown a person before he becomes the king…. lol…

well there are many desiring kings………………….who never make it to the throne

often people teach that they need to learn the most.

…..Sometimes to be crowned means to be dethroned…..

27 November 2009

I know what I don’t want, but I don’t know what I want!!… Serious psychological problem!…

I do often suffer from such confusions or crisis myself….but don’t worry, you’ll survive it…like the way I do

your name is so nice, it means eye of a deer, right? My baby niece is called so. Sorry SP. who’s facing such serious problem? you? Immediately meditate. It’ll help you to solve this problem.

… I can feel it a problem as I always like the way I follow…. But, as far as the world around me is concerned, such a mental weakness is never a bliss….

… That Hamletian Complexity haunts the brain of almost everyone….

… You’re a step ahead…. Congrats…!!…

Nowadays it is very clear even 2a child that what does he/she want. why adults are facing sch prob? bizarre!!

…… It’s a good sign……you are gonna b a scientist…. and the next your nobel prize winner will b u… and the reason of your winning will be “to find the answer of a question: what I want?”. Don’t worry bro… I’m just kidding….

…. I never take things complicatedly; I take things as exactly as they appear before me… If I’m wrong, you can blame my ignorance… I never try to make the simple things complicated, and the complicated things simple… But I confess that sometimes I’m too stupid to evaluate things correctly…

…. আমিও তা-ই বিশ্বাস করি, কিন্তু আমি অনেক ব্যাপারেই বেশconfused!… I often feel like doing things that I’m not supposed to do….

One should know what he/she wants and should also know the way to get it. It’s very easy, only the intention should be clear.

…. We can talk about it hours after hours, but hardly can get rid of the seemingly never-ending Hamletian Complexity track!

ভাবনা: পাঁচশো ছয়

4 December 2009

In case of love, knowledge is silvery, experience is golden… I’ve an ocean of the 1st one, yet not even a single drop of the second one!…

then how do you come to know experience is golden??

… Dear friend, the persons who commit suicide always know less about it than the persons who don’t!…. lol…

knowing more creates more thinking…thinking more creates more paradox….let we try 2 know nothing…

… Ignorance is bliss as long as you’re ignorant about your ignorance. Sometimes being ignorant about our ignorance really becomes difficult!…

Don’t think about love – you’ll kill it. Let it happen and let it flow…

how much you can know…?? you can never less your ocean of ignorance…

… Love can never be killed!

… The more I know, the more I fear my ignorance…

It can fade away for some time. Only to bloom again, that is.

… Nothing fades away in this world, everything just takes another shape. It’s natural. Our way of thinking makes it so!

Not even a drop!

… I’m telling about Platonic Love (I mean ‘affair’)….

Platonic or Socratic love can be so many types SP!

… The course of love is too simple a thing to understand!… Types of it just add some spices to it, but never changes the course…

SP do you really understand it?

… We can never understand anything really, just can improve our view on it eliminating some of our previous follies….

SP disagree..

… I like disagreement… Just tell me your view that makes you disagree with me…

SP and I like to disagree with you!

… I respect your likings! lol… My friends tell me that I’m one of the most difficult persons to disagree with!…

I agree to disagree with your friends……..I have disagreed with you numerous times…

… I never mind at your disagreement as you agree to disagree with me only for disagreement’s sake, not for any other purpose else!… lol…

… কেমন আছেন? জীবনগাড়ি কেমন চলছে?

…ভাবুন তো একবার, যাদের জীবনগাড়ি থমকে গেছে সময়ের আবর্তে, তাদের চাইতে কত বেশি সুখী আপনি!

SP, I disagree because our trains of thought go to different stations!

SA… Sometimes the trains also reach the wrong stations…

Admitting, yours is wrong…

Admit it, Sushanta…

SA… In case of love, the train of my life reaches the station I want… And I’m not young enough to make the train reach any wrong station, I can tell it for sure…

Oh really!! SP!

I need to think now!!! SP…


Just when I thought you were lost…I love this quote…may I copy it?

SA… Didi, what should you think now? I couldn’t understand it.

.. ‘Just when I thought you were lost’… what does it mean?…. Anyway, if my words seem treasurable to you, please feel free to treasure them. I’d rather feel honoured to have a friend who likes to share the common feeling with me…

Lost in the sense…….haven’t seen you around especially with your love quotes..!! And yes, few of your quotes are awesome! Hugs

By Jove, he does not get it!

… I stopped posting love quotes as just I wanted to let my thoughts flow towards some other streams as well… …. Thanks for your appreciation… Anyway, did you treasure any of my previous words posted as my status messages? If you did, it would be a great pleasure to collect them from you… Hugs!!

SA… I’m not young enough to get every word! Please, help me get it…

I am younger SP!

SA… Your thoughts make you feel younger than you actually are…

16 December 2009

সবকটা জানালা খুলে দাও না……চোখ থেকে মুছে ফেলো অশ্রুটুকু, এমন খুশির দিনে কাঁদতে নেই…..

…হরিষে বিষাদ…

Greetings to everyone on the 37th anniversary of the Victory day in Bangladesh.

…এত দূর থেকে আপনার উষ্ণ শুভেচ্ছা এক অদ্ভুত ভাললাগায় ভরিয়ে দিলো এই মনপ্রাণ….আপনাকে অনেক ধন্যবাদ…

ভাই সুশান্ত, দূরে আছি ঠিকই, কিন্তু মনটা পড়ে সবসময়ই দেশের জন্য আর দেশের মানুষগুলোর জন্য…………..আজ বাঙালির অহংকার ‘বিজয় দিবস’। বীর মুক্তিযোদ্ধাদের রক্তস্রোত, স্বামী-সন্তানহারা নারীর অশ্রুধারা, দেশের শ্রেষ্ঠ সন্তান বুদ্ধিজীবীদের লাশ আর অসংখ্য মা-বোনের ইজ্জতের বিনিময়ে নয় মাসের হুদ্ধ শেষে আমরা পেয়েছি এই মহান ‘বিজয় দিবস’। এই দিন আমাদের বিজয়ের দিন, গৌরবের দিন আর অহংকারের দিন।

তোমাকে ধন্যবাদ। তুমি আমার শুভেচ্ছা গ্রহণ করেছ মুক্তমনে আর সুন্দর স্বীকৃতিমূলক বার্তা পাঠিয়েছ। ভাল থেকো। যোগাযোগ থাকবে সবসময়ই।

This is the best compliment I’ve ever get.

……. The excellence of a compliment always depends on the way we receive it. So, the credit often goes to the receiver!… Thanks for the sincerity…

To be trusted is a greater compliment than being loved.

Both of them are the most yearned for treasure!

আজ কোনো র‍্যালি বের হয়নি তোমার কোচিং থেকে?

আমি বিজয় দিবসে র‍্যালি বের করি না, একুশে ফেব্রুয়ারিতে করার ইচ্ছে আছে।

ভাবনা: পাঁচশো সাত

19 December 2009

Miserably, most beautiful girls are not intelligent, and most intelligent girls are not beautiful… Friends! Do you agree? or, Not?

Usually, meritorious girls are not lovely and lovely girls are not meritorious in most cases…

I met many intelligent girls in my life, but sadly enough, I could hardly look on them other than my younger sisters!…. …. That’s why I’m still ‘Alone, alone, all alone in the grey ocean of my life’….

Again, I met many lovely girls too charmingly (!) dumb to even think about!….

Hmm…. There are some exceptions, but I strongly believe that most of those precious exceptional girls fall victims to matrimony-mismatch case, I mean, they hardly meet matched deserving precious exceptional boys….. Tragedy of mismatch in marriage mostly occurs in such cases…. Quite DISAPPROVING!!

Well SP said in Jest that makes sense……where the man is dumb and that is the case most of the times and the next gen is brought up by the woman…But frankly I am disappointed to the core about your view…….or maybe it’s just that no girl finds you appealing enough and it’s a case of sour grapes.

…. ‘Educated Illiterate!’ Too charming a compliment even to regret!….. Anyway, sorry, I’m still on the way to be ‘educated’….. ‘Illiterate?’ Okay, fine. Literacy is optional for me, rather consciousness about things around me is mandatory….

…. I firmly believe that boys and girls shouldn’t be such tasty foods to be appealing…. There are other ways as well to judge a person…. It’s better to live alone than to live with a wrong person….

actually, beauty doesn’t have anything to do with intelligence……….but the good-looking ones get carried away, and do un intelligent things. and try to encash on beauty rather than brains

And who is to judge the wrong from right? And all of us need to understand that we can’t have all the best in one person. There are few good and few bad things about us that makes us human

….. By the way, smart look of the dumb girls can miserably make the handsome boys dumb…. The vice versa case happens rarely…

…. Hmm… We need not judge the persons… Every person is already a masterpiece…… But, let not a clash among the God-gifted masterpieces spoil the discourse of thought. Proper Judgement highly sought for!….. lol…

The average woman would rather have beauty than brains, because the average man can see better than he can think….

হুম, ঠিকই বলেছিস। নিজেকে সান্ত্বনা দেয়ার জন্য কত কিছু বলতে হয়!

…. Dost, I hardly say what I’m supposed to say, rather what I feel like saying, you know it better!…

… The fact is, most of the girls make most of the boys be average!…lol… Anyway, we hardly walk the rest of our life with someone whom we can see only, not think about. So, let the girls be smartly presentable in all respects.. ……

In case of girls, beauty is often seen to have to do little with brain… But brain is often found to do much for beauty…. Please, be acknowledged that I’m referring to the total aspect of beauty…

…. Thanks for acknowledging the dumbness of some women!…lol… Men like to dumb in such cases, you know…

…. I wonder whether you don’t belong to that so-called intelligent ‘ladies-group’!… After all, honestly speaking, I’m enjoying your company in the midst of this inanity of mine!….lol…

…. Ahem, ahem! I’m ready to meet death even long before reaching that cerebral orgasmic stage (!), if I find some Aishwariya as my life partner!….lol…

.. Little Extra!…. Lies even sound sweeter when told sweetly!… :)… Proved once again!

Sushant: If men like to be dumb, that’s because they can’t opt for anything above that level…. BEWARE!!! you are already on that brink… LOL

Huh….MB? nah MV….it is!! Well I was just trying to be modest SP and well no harm in that!

…. Hmm… You’re a woman and so, if you like me to be on that brink, I’ve no problem, I’ll be there….. But, just don’t fall a victim to my pretense-trap!…lol… Could I make it clear?

…. Ok Meena, let it be ‘MV’! Thanks God, there’s no ‘T’ in the middle!…. Lol….just kidding!… BTW, why should you try to be something if you’re already it?….lol…

Not agreed. Example- Aishwarya rai…….

…. She married Avishek not marrying me…. How can she still be called intelligent?…lol…

Yawn…right! SP.. the one Man that is God’s Gift to the poor women kind!

…………….there is nothing like having sex with a matured intelligent beautiful woman.

… That’s utopian scheme is hardly accessible, yet highly adorable!…. If you have this already, I salute you, Sir!

I am the lucky and the fortunate one Sushanta

SK… Even the Gods will envy you!

am humbles…………………………..hope you aren’t making fun of me

SK….. How can I dare, Sir? I congratulate you on your fortune….

thanks a ton Sushanta……………………plz pray for us.

Best of the rest of your conjugal life… .

thanks Sushanta……completed 25…………………25 to go.

Your conjugal life. Let it extend over 25!

….. If someone considers a person ‘a God’s gift’, that’s the person’s fortune… If the person doesn’t consider the same, that’s the someone’s misfortune! I can tell you this from my personal experience…. BTW, was your previous comment a generalization, or something conforming to our discussion? None can ever regret your company, honestly!

21 December 2009

It’s a great fun to scold the girls over phone…

Can’t agree with the above statement!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

… The above statement is rather sarcastic; not to be regarded seriously, however. I just shared the tribulations that I’ve undergoing for the last few days. Don’t take it otherwise, please… But, I can tell you for sure that girls could be awfully disgusting, my own experience. They even sometimes try to extort love! Isn’t it miserable?

I think it’s a revenge, isn’t it?

… Revenge comes only after the chance of being vindictive, doesn’t it? I’m dumb enough to miss the chance….lol…

21 December 2009

Stupidity is not my inheritance, it’s my acquisition. So, how can it leave my ‘masterpiece brain’ so easily? It makes me enjoy things what I’m not supposed to!

STUPID (Smart Talented Unique Person In Demand) is also a gift of God.

… Stupidity is always a celestial bliss….. Let’s not be too stupid to blur this acquisition….lol…

Friends!…… By the way, I can tell you all for sure that I never regret my stupidity, I enjoy every bit of it…

to me “where is stupidity there is creativity”

and if you observe you’ll see that maximum creative people in the world were & are stupid. And it’s a matter of great sorrow that Bangladesh lacks creative people.

So…..be creative…..be stupid & enjoy your own world.

A good man can be stupid and still be good. But a bad man must have brains. ~ Maxim Gorky.

…. Stupidity is a wonderful thing. It reveals your worth before you when you lose something that you deserve. It pays most enabling you learn how to stumble and seek for the right path. I’m learning these from my life. It is showing me the light that I should’ve discovered long before in my life… Let there be light, let there prevail stupidity!

Every man is like a coin with two facets of stupidity & brilliance!

…. Not every man, some remain too stupid to reveal their light of thought, I mean brilliance….and gradually start enjoying their charming (!) stupidity….

Stupidity can be perished away very easily when you can arrange a chronological ordering of evil deeds inside you and notice how complicated list has been made. Man, whatever his mentality is, never longs for complexity. And simplicity never consists of stupidity.

…. Dear brother, I’m clever enough (I mean, stupid enough) to make simple things complicated, and complicated things better than the worst they could be!… lol… I tried many times to categorize my deeds as good or, evil, but hardly could make my attempts see the light of hope as I found nothing worth of designating as ‘evil’…. The problem is, I often suffer from Hamletian Complexity and for that very reason, I often fail to delineate a comparative picturesque between good and evil!…. A major Psychological Problem I often get tempted to undergo!….lol…

our own acts are never evil or good in our imagination & judgement!

it is our friend’s assessment that makes our acts evil or good!

…. Sir, is there anything called ‘good’ or, ‘evil’ in the view of absolutism, I wonder… Everything is reshaped in perspective of our inclination and thought… Here brain is the workshop, I firmly believe it…

you are right! nothing is good or evil! Someone’s food may be poison for other.

Drinking blood may be necessity & an act of kindness for Drakula, yet this act may look evil to you & me!

Now, the problem is, the ongoing phenomena often break the norms of relativity and tend to adopt absolutism. Here we’re often too hapless to deny what we don’t feel like accepting…..

ভাবনা: পাঁচশো আট

1 January 2010

Friends! Believe it or not, it’s true!… I went to bed in 2009 and amazingly woke up in 2010… I slept for just 19 years less than Rip Van Winkle did!… The Rip Van Winkle of the present time wishes you a gorgeous 2010 ahead!!

Hello dear friends!… Thanks a lot for your nice comments…. Let’s be happy and make others happy…. Let’s have joy, let’s have fun…. Let’s sing together the song that has yet remained unsung…. Let’s speak for those who can’t speak…. Let’s see for those who fear to see…. Let’s dream of the world that nobody could ever dream of…. Cheers!!….

12 January 2010

Friends! Do you think that nowadays Corruption has become another name of Careerism?

Dear fiends! Thank you very much for expressing your personal views on my status message…… In the existing socio-economic set-up, where the worth of a person is largely measured by the materialistic achievement, even the question of being ethical in case of career is regarded redundant. Yet, such type of demoralization degrades the individual’s personality and is fatal to the mobilizing of the development wheels of the country… I firmly think that the financial security of the high officials should be ensured at first in conformity with the eligibility scale. And then the sense of self-respect needs to be uplifted with a clear conscience of obligation and responsibility towards the society… If a person isn’t valued properly on the basis of the status he really deserves, Corruption can never be stopped… Some ideal models of national policy-making should be introduced also.

13 January 2010

I think… It’s better to be a first-class citizen of a second-class country than to be a second-class citizen of a first-class country… Friends! Do you agree? or, Not?

Dear friends! I value highly all of your precious comments and honestly speaking, I got some crystal-clear ideas to be more committed to uplift the fame of our country…

But I must mention here that probably some of you grasped the point wrongly (or, I confess, I’ve failed to make it precise to you). I just tried to convey that…

…. It is better to reign in Hell than to serve in Heaven… ( And I’ve the firm conviction that our life is too short to pass it in just compromising rather than living the life what we were born for)… Have I been able to make the sense clear now?…. (I beg apology if I’ve infused Orientalism or, anti-orientalism conflict into your thought)… Please let me know if you’ve any further queries about my standpoint… Thank you…

Let’s not go by the words of this sentence written by SP. The meaning is very clear and we should not be swept by emotions. Why only second class….the whole world calls them ‘third world countries’….so they don’t come even in the second class category. And this categorization is done on the basis of ‘par capita income’ or ‘advancement made by those countries’…..and not by the emotions of people.

I fully agree with what SP has written. Emotions apart, we all go to foreign countries of ‘1st world’ for our ownself to earn money or better living and not to help our country. I personally have visited over 2-dozen countries and in 90% of cases, I can safely say that yes….outsiders are never welcome for longer stay. We go there and eat their jobs….work at low salary etc. Or in middle east nations where they recognise all blacks as laborers. For same job a white skin gets 3-times than the blacks.

Yes…I prefer to stay in my ‘3rd world India’ than going to ‘1st world. A tiger in jungle struggling for each meal is happier than the one caged in zoo getting everything without least effort……. But the prob is I don’t get what I like. Just for money and company compulsion, I am forced to take my foreign assignments.

Congratulations, Sushanta, for your courageous and fresh thinking. I am not getting into an academic debate on what is the standard by which a country is judged to be first, second or third class and which country can morally be called a first-class country. The principle behind your comment, however, should be universally valid – one should be a first-class citizen of one’s own country.

One sad reality is, however, undeniable. Many people from the so-called third-class countries take up citizenship of the so-called first-class countries mostly for personal gains. Gains may be interpreted in many different ways and nothing derogatory about that! but what is derogatory is that most of these people remain content to be second class citizens of these so-called first-class countries for selfish reasons!

…. I salute both of you for providing us with a such clear vision. Here the first-class or, second-class designation is something that was imposed on our shoulders by the Colonial Masters who reigned this sub-continental region and subsequently thrived upon stealing our intellectual and material resources and gained the present status. History bears this testimony. And I never deem it a proper commitment to my motherland that I take everything from here that I need to serve a foreign country. It’s often self-denial and most often suicidal (though some others might term it as a better deal for a so-called better life-style). The intentionally created Orientalism notion is just to exploit us by taking advantage from the pool of cheap labour. The strategy of globalization sounds soothing, yet it always promises high return to the capitalist countries. The rich get richer, the poor poorer.

… A lion striving for survival in the jungle is far happier than the lion in the cage getting everything ready without the least effort….so true!….

…. I think people who claim to be contented are foolishly complacent as they just try to compromise with their life and pretend to be contented….

What’s the use to convincing the West about our worthwhile it’s already proved in our own country? I don’t know whether I sound offensive. But, to be honest, I always think that it is agreeable that we go abroad for a better exposure and a greater professional orientation, then we must serve the nation to fulfil our solemn commitment to our motherland to which we owe a lot. A lion never welcomes another lion (little matters even if the second one is mightier) …. So, it’s better to reign in a so-called Hell than to serve in a seemingly Heaven! Thank you.

ভাবনা: পাঁচশো নয়


20 January 2010

Even an idiot has his own excuses to be an idiot!

You can never bet the excuses of an idiot unless you’re an idiot or, pretend to be an idiot… I can tell you this from my personal experience.

Sony… Hmm… There exists a close relationship between stupidity and knowledge. Both of them have no limit. I’m sure of the first one, but not fully sure of the second one…

… That’s great! I hardly need to pretend, it comes spontaneously in my case!…lol..

SP where is the love gone?

what’s wrong with you now?


An idiot is an idiot just because he always looks for excuses to be stupid!

if one can be stupid deliberately, then he or she is real STREET SMART

… Don’t use the word ‘seem’ here, it’s rather confusing! They’re really stupid….lol…

… Love is in my heart, can’t you find it? Love is the most approving stupidity!

… I’m too difficult a person to be upset, I can bet! Feeling upset is often compulsory, being upset is rather optional.

… Hmm.. He is very clever at being an idiot!

… Just to be an idiot, buddy!

স্টুপিড নিয়ে আলোচনা করা বড়ো স্টুপিডের কাজ।

… Thank you for joining the discussion. Take care… (hahahahaha….)

… There lies a charm in being an idiot deliberately. A smart stupid often seeks for stupid excuses to be smart!…lol…

কয়দিন পরপর খালি ভুংভাং!

… ওই যে ভাই, বলে না, “An empty vessel sounds….”

……firstly welcome back. we were mising you……………………..yes being dump and acting stupid is great at times, at home, with kids and with friends……………………but acting stupid smartly is a double crime!!

…. Thanks a lot for your note of welcome…. DOUBLE CRIME!!….. Very well-said…. But, in this case, I’d like to mention that a crime isn’t a crime at all until others find it disapproving… So, it’s found very easy to play that DOUBLE GAME!! (I mean DOUBLE CRIME)…. Hahahahaha.

smart acting dumb………and dumb acting smart…………………both unwanted situations.

…… I think, the fact is, dumb persons often act smart only because they are dumb, while smart persons often act dumb only because they are smart…

23 January 2010

If you miss the train I’m on, you will know that I’m gone….. You can hear the whistle blow a hundred miles……

I am five hundred miles from my home.

… No problem, go back 500 miles, you’ll be at your home again! (where are you now?)

In real. I’m in train right now

… After a long time, I’m hearing from you. Have a nice journey by train..

Thank you dear. btw where were you gone? I was missing u a lot

…. I feel very fortunate to hear that I’ve my friends who miss me a lot. … Take care…

Soma Robin Me too. I mean, missed you a lot. where have you been?

… How can the train move forward if I’m not on? I’m just showing my sweetheart a destination to reach… A path to walk on… …. Thanks for your sweet note…. Take care.

… I can never go away, you know. I’m always in your heart…. You can feel the pleasure of missing of someone only when he/she is away….

25 January 2010

Never show your talent to a person with power but without brain. He might abuse his power to utilize your talent… Pity for such a person!!

Friends! I can tell you this for sure from my personal experience…

talented ones are not such foolish I think!

… Sometimes circumstances compel you to be foolish. You have no options left!

you are right paul bro…

… They are just the worms of Hell!

If every door of your hope closes, then open the windows of mind and help get some fresh air in. It will bring some new anticipation, new dreams to live. For me, it is nothing but expectation that keeps me still alive…..while walking, I often look at the star twinkling or the sun shining. Looking at the ground reminds me where I am! But Suman Chaterjee sang- hal cherona bondhu, borong kontho charo jore, dekha hobe tomay amay onontokal pore…

… Tribulations that you don’t deserve are often a type of tyrannical traps.

… It’s not a crime if you’ve no power of thinking. It’s a crime if you compel a person to think for you….. Your words came to me as some raindrops in a desert-land…. It’s very difficult to pretend to be ordinary for conducting with an ordinary person. An ordinary person can hardly tolerate an extraordinary person.

I agree with the above-mentioned sentences.

… I’ve learnt these from my own life… Such manners really hurt…

…u have company here…I have been a prey to such exploitation myself too!!

Buddy, such unjust happens every time. and we had nothing to do against those crack-heads.

… A fight between a dull-headed powerful person and a meritorious humble is really very miserable. But the fact is, the powerful stupid persons often compel you fight only to show their pitiable power…. It’s nothing but weakness in the guise of power!!

SP, to your original thought. even if the powerful brainless person takes away your idea.. the fact still remains that you are intelligent and he is not….. yes……. he may win the short race… but he is of no substance and will fall…….he needs you more than you need him 🙂 you on the other hand will raise in every occasion by being effortlessly talented. Every encounter in life teaches you a lesson so don’t pity that person……..he is placed in your life to teach you……..Learn don’t judge. This attitude will change everything around you…that is my experience in life and trust me it got me exactly where I wanted to be in the corporate ladder and in ladder of life…

……. “he needs you more than you need him”….. “Learn don’t judge”…… some really precious gifts in the guise of some wonderful words I must treasure…. I confess, I couldn’t even think so… I’m just speechless at your magical positive thinking!! Really thoughts show the way we are in………..

….. disastrous talent is hardly approving…. what’s the use of the talent that fails to create the charm it should?…………….Thanks…..

29 January 2010

I walked on the wall of darkness,… Love made its journey to my soul,… I wonder I hardly noticed its pace,… Only discovered its essence in the silent music of darkness!

These lines have been adopted from my poetry titled, ‘Broken Appointments of Love’…

… This poetry is available in the ‘notes’ section. Please access it from there if you consider it worthy of reading… Thank you!

love can neither be seen nor heard…….it can just b felt.

hey hi buddy.. how you doing?? long time.. btw, nice poetry!! 🙂 🙂

… I’m fine, buddy! How are you, dear friend? Thanks a lot for the eulogy… Take care….

Feeling love is seeing or, hearing it! Thanks.

I recognized it… These are my fav… Nice share…

… Dear sister, I feel very honoured to know that you’ve read my poetry and happy to hear that these lines are your favourite… I also like these ones the most of all the lines of ‘Broken Appointments of Love’… Thank you very much…

ভাবনা: পাঁচশো দশ


3 February 2010

The parents and the university teachers should watch the movie ‘3 Idiots’… They often forget that Dreaming is never Compromising.

Most of us are ordinary only because we once compromised with our dream… I still can hardly believe that I’m a Computer Engineer.

Most of the parents think that a good student of Science stream must be a doctor or, an engineer. How silly and funny!

But what did you want to be??

I wanted to study Literature. And, I can bet my parents would never have regretted if they had not killed my dream!

But you can still study literature on your own at home and write books ,make blogs……

It’s not a big deal Sushanta…..you can follow your dream:)

education minister of India should watch it too

He has watched and didn’t give importance….ministers are like that only.

… For this very reason, I think, most of us lead a prestigious ordinary (!) life…

… That’s true, more than it is daunting our traditional society that values a certificate more than the certificate-holder!

… Our policy-makers either don’t have brain or, lack the power to use their brain!

We friends are exceptional Sushanta….we value our friends whether they have any certificate or not….Only they should understand the language of friendship:)

… When some people become exceptional, others often follow them and exceptionality gets lost!….lol…

Friends! I think, you can only marry but can never place anyone in your heart if you’re in love with someone else…

… I adore your fortune. My dreams shattered into pieces long before flying…

YES SP, follow your dreams and success HAS to follow… trick is the honesty and commitment to your dream… 3 idiots was made in the same tone as of Steve Jobs 2005 commencement speech at Stanford university… I can’t hear enough of it……every time I hear it I’m inspired and MORE COMMITTED TO MY DREAMS.. Dreams are not just during youth…..it’s never too late to dream… dream… dream…. dream enough and its reality…. make it your reality….and ONLY YOU CAN MAKE IT… SO, DREAM!!!!!!!!!!!!

………আমার স্বপ্নের বালুচরে যে রোদ্দুর আমাকে ডাক দিয়ে যায়, তবু ধরা দেয় না……..সেই অহংকারী রোদ্দুর তোমাদের ছায়ায় যেন খেলা করে, আমায় আশায় ভোলায়………..

… You always speak far far better than I even dare dream, I confess my limitations honestly! Nevertheless, whenever I go through your comments or emails, I sincerely feel the urge to learn to dream, I’m too humble even to dream in that way though. Now, I must strive to materialize my dreams (after all, I must try to do this if I want to pay the least tribute to your suggestion). I watched the clip you sent me and to be honest, I just can’t tolerate my helplessness anymore, perhaps I deserve the better as your beloved younger brother. I must touch that rainbow of dream that you explored once if you’re by my side..

… Sir, pessimistically enough, the Government strategy is almost the same in this sub-continent! We need to rise ourselves to bathe in the light on the other side of the tunnel…

… I’m very fortunate as I’ve friends who always show me the golden line of a dreamy cloud that I even don’t deserve to touch, let alone float…..

… Hahaha… You’ve made me feel for the first time the value of my molecular (!) poetries (or, rhymes?)!!…lol…

SP… I am firmly by your side… Dream brother… honestly and with total commitment… We have our thoughts / dreams।……..these are far more powerful than anything we can think of…Am ahead of you to show you direction… Besides you to give you company… Behind you to push you when you feel like giving up…dive in bro…

… It’s a great advantage to discover a pioneer to follow, a rare fortune to hear a promise of unconditional mental support. Giving up hopes is really difficult for me if you’re by my side… I never felt in the way you showed me, I’ll ever remember your words of experience; too tough for me to abide by, even though….my honest confession….

but these multiple boards, different teaching patterns, pressure and the stress on entrance exams is having the kids real royally.

….. Sir, being at top in the merit list doesn’t necessarily place anyone at the top status regarding lifestyle. People are still too ignorant to realize…. ‘France was saved by her idlers’… We just read this saying for the sake of reading, hardly dare grasp its inner meaning….

totally agree….students just don’t study for 10, 11 and 12…they only do coaching fo entrance exams….foundation and application I so poor

ভাবনা: পাঁচশো এগারো


6 February 2010

To Love and to be Loved are the most wonderful lessons that we can learn from Nature…

What’s a true love? Well, I can get a number of answers, yet most of them aren’t worth-mentioning, in my consideration… I can cite only one answer that pleased me most… True love never demands two words: Thank you and Sorry (collected from…. ‘Love Story’ by Eric Segal… the most touching romantic novel I’ve ever read)….. I might be wrong as I don’t have any personal experience, so I’d sincerely welcome your suggestion in this regard….lol…

8 February 2010

It is better to be beautiful than to be good, but it is better to be good than to be ugly.

Few more days to Valentine’s why not pen some love poems…..rather than have mind twisting stuff.

… You can never be a good Valentine if you lack the sense of humour… So, let’s say YES to presence of mind…

SP……if all the valentines the males were to say this to their Valentines………I don’t think we would be celebrating this day with Pink and red……..more with black and blue.

You are in the queue, Please wait…you are in the queue please wait….a standard recorded nasal voice heard. Jokes apart……..give me a reason for accepting you.

… Hmm… The main difference is, others tell it to me to pour a shower in my desert of solitude… You tell it as you can’t see the desert, so, just can show me the mirage…

One of my favorite “Oscar Wilde” quote! Thanks for sharing, though.

… Oscar Wilde is the wittiest author I’ve ever read….

… I like most his short stories… ‘The importance of being earnest’ is one of his writings that I must recommend here…

I think…what is beautiful is good and who is good will soon also be beautiful.

… A thing of beauty is good only because it’s beautiful…. (How are you? How’s your preparation going on?)

SP that is utter nonsense…about a thing of beauty is good only if it’s beautiful….on wht basis do you draw such inane conclusion? Please…..we have enough divides on race, gender, color nationality etc..

… I like your seriousness about my nonsense comment… … I like your beautiful mind, more than your beautiful face….

Well Now you are my Valentine…Will you come here to serenade me? Mind is what matters SP looks can be created by the help of cosmetics or good Doctor’s. Hugs…will wait to be serenaded.

… Hmm… If I serenade, you must be alone in a dark room lit with a candle… I’ll be there to offer you a candle-light dinner… Perhaps, I’ve started dreaming (or, have made you dream!)…. Leave it, dear!… The crude reality is, another solitary Valentine’s Day is awaiting me……… I should look forward to discovering some reasons to find heavenly bliss in solitude!…. Friends! Can you show me some reasons to be happy alone?

Oh that was absolute sweet and I don’t mean it as cliched. For all that you know I am gonna be alone since my Soul may travel…..I will pamper myself. And SP go on by yourself to the Beach…I heard your country has some lovely Beaches…And there is bliss in all the states…All in the Mind.

Show me the meaning of being lonely…. I often hum this song of Backstreet Boys these days whenever I helplessly imagine another solitary Valentine’s Day…..

awwwwwwwwwwwwww….SP…can feel the craving in you. Don’t worry…I will keep you busy with crazy stuff on Feb 14..

… My country has an exquisitely touching beach… Cox’s Bazar…the longest sea-beach in the world….. My soul also travels even faster than I let it do!… That’s a rare gift I’m blessed with, I adore this celestial light….. Better to live alone than to live with a wrong person…. I always strongly abide by some strong principles and that’s why, springs of my life go on and on leaving me in a seemingly never-ending queue…..which ends only in eternity!

… Being really busy is more enjoyable than pretending to be busy (especially in this regard!)…. Anyway, thanks for your promise.

… I think beauty comprises a wide range of faculties… Mind… Brain.. Appearance. And, unlike popularly believed, I firmly oppose to the idea of counterbalancing of the above-stated three notions….. A good face is always the best passport of recommendation…

I actually don’t agree, when people say that beauty is skein deep……….yes, the inner actual beauty is skin deep, but to reach it, appearance and looks or external beauty are important. If we have to start a conversation with two unknown people, one will naturally choose the better looking one……………………….but yes, beauty is a complex blend of looks, nature, character and above all the attitude of the person towards you and the cerebral synergy!

….. Thanks for disagreeing, but I humbly and sincerely would like to inform you that what you’ve stated in your previous comment coincides with my thought… A good face is the best letter of recommendation, I repeat, Sir!…. Our appearance always pays firstly to draw the first impression, to stand high in midst of the overwhelming crowd….

10 February 2010

Better being sad than being happy when you are not ready to feel happiness…

We can never be happy or, sad in the truest sense. It’s our feeling that works here…

What’s happiness? Let’s not define it… What’s sorrow? Let’s not define it… Let’s feel them from within to see the result without!

Being sad can be our destiny, but feeling it or not is our choice… …

The Secret of Happiness is not to seek it… You might seek happiness in a Walk in the Rain, yet feel it in Dancing in the Twilight (which might remain unknown to you in your whole life)… In my case, I might discover its touch in the first one, this depends on our mind set-up… No universal definition could ever reveal any clue to it….

Unlike as popularly believed, I think Sorrow and Happiness are never the opposite sides of the same coin… They’re just two different feelings… What we like to feel, it’s upon us… Neither of them are obligatory…

but we are forced to wear a mask most of the time.

… None can force us unless we feel forced!… A mask can hardly hide the person if the person is reluctant to hide himself… That’s the way in which others find ‘the you’ within you!

…. And the way you’re travelling in is the Secret to be happy… What’s the use of being happy selfishly not caring for others?… Making others happy is the most acclaimed rule to bring individual happiness… It’s better to see some smiling faces around than just to see yours in the mirror…

…. That’s the Secret of happiness everyone should follow… Being clustered by small incidents of happiness leads to a great feeling of happiness within… 🙂

life is like path of sand. and these happy moments are the silver grains in the sand, that make it beautiful.

The secret of a happy life!

11 February 2010

To tell a lie is not a sin, but to tell a lie without mastering how to tell a lie is a sin…

These days I’m trying to master the art of telling lies… Friends! Believe me… It’s an amazingly funny experience, once you learn one, ten more is learnt for free!…

I’ve also started learning some lies in new forms…

Old form: Honesty is the best policy.

New form: Honesty is the best policy only when there is money in it…

There is not much difference between Truth and Lie…… Actually, most of the truths are refined lies….. So, if you’re truthful, you’re in most cases, a smart liar!!….

A smart liar is more agreeable than a dumb truthful person….. All the interesting persons of the world are missing from Heaven, only because all of them were smart liars in their lifetime… So, I honestly want to go to Hell…

A genius in a style… Flawless lie!!…… Really alluring words!…..lol…

Truth is like a grain in the sand. but the lie……..is the sand.!!!!!!

Let’s hide the grain adding sand to it…

13 February 2010

Goodbye Winter… Welcome Spring… Spring teaches me every time the bliss of solitude… I think I’ve been taught enough!

Dear friends……….Long long ago, I once heard, ‘You must learn how to say GOODBYE to enjoy the meeting again’……….I never felt like enjoying again the meeting with SOLITUDE………..and for this very reason, I think, I couldn’t bid a farewell to SOLITUDE………..lolzzzzzz…………..

never bid goodbye to solitude….hug her, hold her….its a bliss….

I wish I couldn’t!!……..

………….Socrates said to young people, “By all means, MARRY. Because, if you marry a good woman; you’ll be happy. If you marry a bad one, you’ll be a philosopher.”…….It’s to be noted here that Xanthippe was the wife of Socrates and she was the most cantankerous woman history had ever seen!!………I hope you have got the answer…….lolzzz

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