ভাবনাদেয়ালের পলেস্তারা (৭২তি অংশ)

ভাবনা: চারশো আটানব্বই

20 October 2009

People with beauty, but without brain, are often dangerous and disgusting!

My dear beautiful friends (needless to say, also gifted with brain), beauty without brain often attracts people without brain (regardless of, with or, without beauty)….. But, Facebook is a somewhat different platform. Here some people (especially girls) miserably gifted (!) with beauty but wonderfully (!) devoid of brain draw more attention of some other worshippers of beauty (usually too dumb to adore brain!)….. Just chat with a beautiful girl in the Facebook chatroom. You’ll find the fact how awfully stupid and so disgusting a beautiful dumb girl (or, a boy, too) could be!…. It is really so. Just try it!

…… But, beautiful people with brain are just marvelous….. They are most wonderful gifts of God!……. Their company is also very charming.

Dear friends!… Facebook is a wide canvas of our feelings. We paint here to express what we feel like expressing. Any fabricated thought or, idea can never give us what we usually tend to derive from Facebook…. If someone can tell exactly what he/she feels, let’s not be intolerable to him/her (also, let’s not lose our sense of humour! Lol…..)… Having patience and reverence for another’s passion and feelings is the greatest form of art we can master in inter-personal dealings (acting in the proper way to deserve it from others is also required). If we don’t like a person’s attitude, please, let’s be considerately polite in expressing our disliking…. I learn from my friends every moment, if anything ever seems objectionable (this is never an absolute notion, depends upon the receiver’s acceptability level and aptitude, I think) to me I just feel it better not to ponder over it rather than being retaliative in manner…… Come on friends! Life is beautiful, it is calling us. It’s too short to regret for anything unwarrantable when it’s too late…. Let’s be together forever…. Friends! We shall never part nor through smile nor through tears.. CHEERS!!!….

21 October 2009

Reputation is the worst sin……

If you’re reputed, the annoying (but irresistable) charm of reputation never lets you do whatever you feel like doing….. Once you’re reputed, you start doing what you’re supposed to do, not what feel like doing….. Reputation gags your throat in many cases…..

A bad reputation is worse than worst sin…. Exactly!….. There is another charm of reputation : If you’re reputed and do anything wrong, the commoners usually think that it is their misunderstanding or, fault about you. You can do any right or, wrong whatever you like, you’ll always seem right to others.

Our attitude towards anything matters…….. better to change it to change the world……..

At first learn what you should preach, then start preaching……. Most people prefer preaching to analyzing Religion because the first one is the easier and safer to practise!

21 October 2009

…. Passing some wonderful moments with friends….. What is this life if full of care…. We have no time to stand and stare!

We had joy, we had fun…… the magic of twilight touched our soul! We drank the nectar of Nature.

21 October 2009

Friends!… What is the most powerful post/department in the Government job?

The best powerful job in government job is secretary


Dear friends!… The post of a secretary is gained after many phases or, after serving a long period…. If you are asked to choose a government job for entering at a very initial stage, what would be your preferred department?…

BCS (Admin)…..in entry level

I would rather die than be pointed out by people that ‘he is a govt servant’ (which means behind me they would call me a thief.)

Dada, what about those who doesn’t own a business or, finds no other suitable private jobs worth of them?

That’s their problem. I told you about my choice. Good to see that you have picked this ‘filthy’ service as the last refuge in case one fails to make it in business or a private job.

21 October 2009

Small people have to fight even for every small thing… So, everybody wants to be ‘big’ through corruption.

Nowadays we’re passing through a stage when Corruption is another name of Careerism. So, it’s hardly possible to deny it. When corruption is the only option left for building career, how can a person be careless about his career?

22 October 2009

The road to success is always under construction…

In case of success, we can never reach a saturated state…

Multi-equilibrium is a concept largely biased by various temporal analysis factors and, I think, it never meets non-virtually feasibility. Different cognizable states contribute on a bewildering synchronization in this regard.

Again, there are also many self-contradictory conjectures to be solved and implemented in such states.

And the equilibrium appears virtually impossible as well, when there ensue several other self-generated loops contrasted to the previous concept.

the temporal factors can be analyzed in a virtual environment which may or may not point to the various neo-conjectures regarding the nearly impossible state of equilibrium as the synchronization is not feasible due to perpetual self-defeating loops.

Multi equilibrium reaches a common point very rarely. May be only in theory. And when it does, it becomes the equilibrium of Nash as we know it… Not being able to reach that elusive equilibrium may not be bad… Once we improve our production/utility functions, we soon find out something better is/was available and we make an effort to move towards it… The human race has constantly been doing so, and thus the human race has never remained stagnant!… TC

….. The several virtual states often contradict to the real or, apparently real or, pseudo-real states. And such contradictory phases blur the objectivity and thus emerges seemingly never-ending loops.

…. The equilibrium concept of Nash is rather a representative of a Utopian state, that is an objective function of various socio-economic variables. So, better to be a step ahead of the previous achievement. The acceptance of the specious results and its further modification also serves our goal of success.

… It’s too relative to bring under interpretation.

I just rearranged the words from the previous comments into a sentence and was hoping to sound intellectual….

…. I beg your pardon, Sir! I found nothing intellectual after rearranging the words in your previous comment!

Nash Equilibrium has been used to analyze conflicts, bargaining, anti-trust cases, even in evolutionary biology… And maybe that’s why a maths concept Nash introduced in 1950 won a Nobel in econ in 1994… There are many examples of practical phenomenon that can be analysed with the existence and/or non-existence of Nash Equilibrium

… That’s better, I think!

…. There are many other idealistic models such as this one, and all of them usually derive or, help to analyze many other unsolved problems, design or, frame-work, contemplating new conjectures, and so on. Especially in Economics, such ideal models are largely conjectured to make newer plans, a scheme of their implementation and further relevant analysis. The Natural phenomena though often contradict the aforesaid law, are brought to interpolation by a thorough optimization of it. The anti-trust cases are elaborated usually through various existing philosophical doctrines with a blend of this law….. And so far as I know, since 1994, several other fields regarding various scientific and philosophical demonstration are being interpreted in the subsequent years implementing this outstanding law.

yes, it is under construction but not always…in fact we only have to construct that road…then walk easy to success

….. We can never reach saturation state. As soon as one demand is met, another one comes to our mind and so goes on…..

Demand teaches us not to ever reach the last frontier at any matter…..

I feel there is no harm in demanding anything from life……only thing is one should not be sad if cannot get what demanded…

But that ‘should not be’ seldom works….

it works SP……maturity is required……that’s it….positive thinking helps…if I don’t get something…I tell myself……maybe something better is on way.

That’s true…. Something better may be on the way….

ভাবনা: চারশো নিরানব্বই

22 October 2009

Women have a wonderful passion for Mathematics. They divide their age in half, double the price of their clothes, and always add at least five years to the age of their best friend.

The most flattering words to a woman, I’ve ever found in my life are: Madam! How young and gorgeous you look! (No matter whether she looks like your grandmother or, not!)

…. Those words hold good for all woman as far as their femininity is concerned.

…. Who told you I’m a gentleman?… Lol….

…. You’re like all other women. They like mathematics only when comes the context of their husbands’ bank balance preserved for them.

SP I don’t agree on this Madam! How young and gorgeous you look! (No matter whether she looks like your grandmother or, not!)…gm cud look younger than her actual age & yes gorgeous too…but I liked your mathematics…it’s true

…. My grandmother also looks lovely and young…. I’m always in love with her, because there is no harm or, loss in it. If you tell me to consider a woman lovely just keeping in mind my grandmother’s case, then it’s ok.. Lol…

….. O dear! Almost nothing have I stated yet, let alone details…… Lol…..

sorry to disagree Sushanta on the penultimate bullet point…the fairer sex magnify pricing of clothes by a multiple of 3 to their ‘friends’ and divide by 2 while sharing the info to their ‘bitter halves’…lol…

….. Dada, are you sharing it from your personal experience?…. If so, we can only pray : God bless you!…. Lol…..

Very interesting, SP! Here is a rejoinder: women are not true to disclosing their age and men to their income.

Parents to their children: 15 years in ration card and 11 years while travelling in train or bus

….. Dada, age is passing through various dimensions based on various social variables…. Lol….

….. রাধা নাচুক, আপত্তি নেই………শুধু কৃষ্ণের রূপ ধরে আমি ছাড়া অন্য কেউ বাঁশি না বাজালেই হয়!

Age is a blessing as long as experience is concerned or, (plainly speaking,) valued…. Age is conveniently matched in conformity with the circumstances and no universal generalization is met in case of ageism yet, I think.

I too have added much seriousness to a lighthearted conversation. Reality is that what we often joke about has some injustices behind it! Laughing seems to make injustices less painful, we are all in it together, all connected!

very right Renee! Jokes are manufactured around harsh realities!!

Okay, we can think of many elder males who are respected for age & talent, but what about the women, then tell me ageism ad regards women does not exist! The facelifts fir female celebrities are necessary or their careers would end!

Very robust discussion, indeed!… I know about Oriental societies and the sentiment of people regarding age…. Western trend probably contradicts the Oriental notions regarding ageism. But, as far as the feminine psychology is concerned, an illusion (!) about age is often pervaded.

I often wonder, do the celebrities (especially female ones) get ever aged?…. Lol…

Parental affection is always self-less. Again, the charm of conjugal bondage is irresistible. That irresistibility might come from any untasted touch… A girl of a good breed and appreciable novelty might be sensible enough to retain the familial bondage with the in-laws….

Ha ha ha haaaaa…..SP, I need an answer from females! You have given a compromising diplomatic answer!!! I know this is a very very sensitive nerve! But we are here to discuss the ailing society that needs immediate cure, long overdue!!

The law of majority prevails! And the ongoing majority is very much anti-parents!!

Dada,….. The anti-parents majority are surely not even worth of their birth….. I’m sorry if I’ve sounded rude…

No you are not!! Why be afraid to say the truth? That majority is bound to get the taste of their own set rules by….. their upcoming children. Slowly and steadily it becomes a family tradition…….because a child learns family norms from his parents!!!

Dada, family norms and ethics are supposed to shape the later phases of a man’s life. If he acts otherwise, he is generally biased by the Devil inside him. His newly married wife is usually held responsible for the source of that Devil…. But I differ it this case. A person with a strong personality never remolds his aptitude and indoctrinated familial taste for a newcomer.

Ha ha haaaaa…..again SP, you are saying what I used to boast while a bachelor. Let you reach the level of where I am now…..tied to a woman. I have seen many a phantom…becoming Mickey after entering the married life.

Thanks Roz….why don’t you answer?

Lol….. I’ll inform you about the situation after my marriage… (probably 3-4 years later)

24 October 2009

….. Waiting for kissing the twilight standing on the sandy sea-beach of Cox’s Bazaar….

24 October 2009

…… walking on the street aimlessly……The Street to Hell…… Lol……

…….walking on the street to go the shore of Cox’s Bazaar……to enjoy the charming night-view of the sea…..

I wanna be lost in the sleepy blue ocean…….

Now, I just feel like floating on the blue ocean roaring before me……

24 October 2009

The waves of the ocean break the solitude of night, take me to the lap of eternity; I can see the glimpse of the world standing on the shore….

25 October 2009

Good bye Cox’s Bazaar!…. Thanks for the warm reception & entertainment…

I wish I were a carefree agent who could pass even his whole life just in travelling!

25 October 2009

…. dashing through misty darkness, listening to music…sleepless dreamy night…

Our untouched feelings are always the best… The songs yet to be sung bear the touchiest melody….

26 October 2009

Friends!… Is there any difference among ‘Life’, ‘Dream’ & ‘Hope’?

আশা আর স্বপ্ন….এই দুটো সমান্তরালে চলে গেলেই বিপদ!

এই দুইয়ের টানাপড়েন মানুষকে কাঁদায়।

ভালোবাসার ধর্মই এটা—বাসলে কাঁদতে হয়, না বেসেও পারা যায় না!

Later two are part of the first one….life!!

….. Sometimes my dreams seem better than real life and sometimes I hope not to wake up… When I find my dreams so vividly remarkable, so splendid in a moment filled with nice company of strangers in a strange place or a place I used to know…….I will never want to wake up.

I even try so hard to get back, sometimes I do, yet sometimes I can’t…

It is better than what I can experience on a busy reality, only preoccupied with somethings that should be done….. Have dreamed of other dimensionality scale of the earth, where I inexplicably found myself into an unknown cool and refreshing heavenly alps. Where there’s sparkling clear water in ponds and hearing jolliness from the voices of kids I can’t see…

The sunlight really not that as warm as it should be, but its brilliance and sparkles in rays like diamonds..

What a wonderful strange feelings…..that particular moment…… Sigh …

WOW.. is that dream or a state of meditation…. What an awesome experience!! Many, including me, will envy you for attaining this… more frequently than the rest of us

BTW loved the way you have articulated your dream/ vision (that’s what I think it is)…. fascinating!!!

I always prefer to speak just as I actually feel, not as I’m supposed to feel…… You can never dream if you’re busy at caring about what others might think about your dream, I believe…

Dreams never let me stop dreaming!!!

nah…..all three words have two vowels…

Reality can destroy the dream; why shouldn’t the dream destroy reality.

… Very good observation you’re gifted with, I must admit! Lol…

…. All of those three have a strange similarity and that is, we can never realize them until we feel them. The difference is better interpreted in the 15th comment of this comment thread. Please spare time to read it and convey your opinion about that viewpoint…

ভাবনা: পাঁচশো

27 October 2009

Friends! I can handle her very well when I’ll get her…. Bring her for me and I’ll prove it instantly!….. Lol…..

I don’t love her, but she loves me. I just show respect to her true love….

Even I sometimes envy her for the luck she got!

27 October 2009

I love my parents, because they are the only persons in the world who always put up with all of my stupidities…..

A very robust discussion going on in a pleasant way…. I was away from this discussion for a damn busy schedule…… Let me add some hue to it…. When a person realizes that his father was right, usually at that time, he has a son who also thinks that his father is wrong…. This confliction due to generation gap existed, exists and will probably exist forever…. The better solution is probably to take it easily and provide a psychological feedback to reach a convenient standpoint…. Parents hardly try to realize the psychology of their issues. And, their age-old traditional thinking is often abused due to lacking of emotional set-back… The old-homes serve in this regard, but as long as Oriental societies are concerned, vulnerability to emotional weakness arrests my logic…. A change in individual mentality and attitude towards life might be a feasible intervention.

From their unconditional love I often thought that stupidity server as a gateway to get some privileges. Later, I realized my fault when I discovered myself outside my familial cocoon too aged to be excused after showing stupidity… I lost my inborn privilege, was forced to be born once again, though my heart always longs for that yearned for indulgence…..

Love can never be justified…. You can just claim your likings and I just did it…..

Platonic or, romantic love often meets broken appointments as such promises are meant for assessing a vague subtlety!….

Again, unconditional love often undergoes some prior conditions… I think….

whatever reason love happens, it happens beyond reasoning.

Hmm…. It’s the only rule that rules without rules…..

You can never be happy unless you receive love after giving it….. Our heart can never be happy without the opportunity of both giving and receiving love……

28 October 2009

Friends!… Is it true that in case of love and marriage, a perfect matching is rarely possible?

I was never in love, but for sure, love has always been in me…….. As I’m not in love, I can feel it very well as a neutral agent…. If I had been in love with a wrong person who hardly deserves my love or, vice versa, I would have probably just sought for a support from my friends, not a suggestion… Lol….

This is true. Nothing is so perfect in life. There should be lots of adjustment on both sides.

Aren’t we all perfect… and then if we do wish to be with someone, won’t it be better if we love and accept them as they are and not because they are a perfect match with us?…

Staying together with a person who is not worth-staying in your eye, is probably the worst form of compromising…. I think…

It’s probably better to stay alone than to stay with a wrong person…..

SP you are right on staying…not only in love or marriage…we have to equally compromise in every relation of life

…. That’s the cruelest disapproving reality I’ve ever seen. Is it often inevitable in case of love and marriage?

…. Probably this is the first time I’m feeling a sort of offense for not falling in love…. Lol…..

… Your comment also seems disastrous to me!….. Would you mind explaining it more?

…. I feel hardly offended, in fact, nobody can offend me without my consent… So, please never mind. Rather, I beg apology for not being clear in my expression….. Though I myself never fell in that plunge, I saw many a person to be entrapped unconsciously into that snare of mismatch… That seems quite disapproving to me….

…. Perception often pays more than experience… Once we experience love or, marriage, we will probably have tons of excuses (often lame) working on our advantage…. An outsider always enjoys the privilege of being impartial, I think…. Please let me know about your viewpoint…

…. That depends…….

…. We’re outsiders in many aspects of our life… But our assumptions are not all-vague!

…. I wonder, were we on a battle? Or, it’s just your magnanimity!………….. Anyway, thanks for sharing…. Take care…

…. Bhai, please pardon my ignorance!… Lol….

well SP as every day has a night with it……love & marriage to have…but I feel there is nothing as heavenly as love & if a marriage can sustain same love (which is unlikely) then it is out of this world…no SP not at all……no love or marriage can go on w/o a compromise

…. We often pretend to admit our fate, yet our sensible soul seldom accepts our destiny in such a case of compromising with life…..

…. Please pardon me for my God-gifted extra-sense of humour…. Lol….

….. Time will tell everything!…..

sp if time has to tell everything the why we discuss??

…. That comment was exclusively for Antara…. Lol….. We can never have a control over the pace of time with our life but can certainly have a control over the pace of our life with time….

it’s a bit late.. but heck I’m getting on this band wagon to opine.

I think all relationships are a state of mind… happy mind = happy relations. No one should be in a stressful relation…… everyone deserves to be happy….. key is finding WHAT makes us happy.. NOW that is indeed RARE…..I TRULY believe we should not change to make others happy.. we don’t even know what we want……Let alone others desires… trying to achieve a moving target often is a source of problems / unhappiness….

I love being married. It’s so great to have that one special person you want to annoy for the rest of your life – There I found my happiness…… my perfect match …LOL …

dude this thing is perfectly right cause compromise does matter in each and everything after marriage

…. Marriage hardly demands a change, but married couples often feel an urge to change (I’m not sure of the reason, but it happens)… A man marries a woman in the hope that she will never change and a woman marries a man with the hope that he will change; usually both of them are invariably disappointed…. Again, a woman always wishes that her beloved should be changed, but when he really changes himself, she doesn’t usually like him anymore…. Hmm…. It’s good to find anyone who can annoy the rest of my life… But, it’s disastrous to find a wrong one who can make me learn to expect only annoyance from life…. Lol…. Anyway, a truly happy relationship is something that never requires three popular words, ‘SORRY, THANKS & PROMISE’…..

…. That’s quite disappointing!… If I pass whole of my life in just compromising, when should I enjoy it?

Dude it’s not about disappointing it’s the truth…….. cause love starts when der is no expectation but once love develops it starts expecting and then it sucks

….. OMG! Love sucks also!…. Then, the credit of disappointment goes to Love not to the Lovers!..!…….. Lol……

hahahahahah……….actually both………heheheheheh

….. If the credit goes to both, then who is the sucker, and who is being sucked?……. Lol….. Then, Love must suck those who’re not in Love yet!…. Lol…..

no but love sucks after developing and not in the starting.

Does it always?

yes 99% it does its ma experience

SP… I didn’t isolate marriage when I spoke of changing to please.. that works for any actually EVERY relationship …. we are ever so evolving, maturing, self-realizing.. the best relationship is when you have a companion that is traveling your same path… little ahead or little behind or by your side… but imperatively the same direction …. many breaking relationships are not because either partner was faulty but because they both were great people but not on the same path…Sure this match in not hard to find…. but we need to know our own direction first…

Compromise is not a word in my dictionary…… I don’t believe in compromising because I know today if I let go anything against my will, I truly haven’t let it go…. the ghost of it haunts and comes back magnified… … yes… if I let go … own choice… it’s different… I MADE THAT DECISION if the decision fails it’s my doing… no one else involved in my blame game 🙂

anyway… it’s getting late for me… sleep will get the best of me… and I’ll blabber on…

so, I wrap up here saying … everybody deserves to be happy …. if you are not happy GET OUT OF IT…. Find your true happiness……human life is short and indeed is very beautiful … enjoy your journey … don’t let anything side track you …. We are born with Love… We learn all the other emotions here on this realm…


…. No one ever explained the meaning of compromising to me in such a nice way…. Hats off for your interpretation….. (I can’t agree more with you…. Probably this is the first time I’m agreeing totally with a person…. Lol…)

SP LOL thanks.. its flattering!!!

…. I can flatter also! Wow!…. I’ve receive this compliment from you only… …. I used to think I’m too stupid even to flatter others…… Now, I’ve started thinking seriously to master this art….. Lol….

LOL..I think you have mastered the art already.

If you think so, then I’ve surely mastered this art.. ….. How can you think wrong?….. Lol….

oh stop now.. or my head will not go through the door.. the Halo around my head is tight already!!! LOL

How can I speak further if you feel like not letting me speak?…. If your head can’t go through the door, I’m ready to make a gate for you, madam!…. Lol…

LOL…. Speechless.. first time in my life!!!!!!!! don’t know what to say!!! 🙂 🙂 🙂

Second time in my life, agree again with you on your previous comment!….. Lol….

yes.. have to give the credit to you….

Yes, I’ve to receive that credit as you’re kindly giving it to me (though I hardly think I deserve it!)…….

very smooth!

Because you feel it!…. Credit goes to your perception…..

perfect itself is a vague word – perfect itself is relative

And this relativity often derives from your inclination, taste and aptitude…. I was telling about these three criteria about an individual…..

ভাবনা: পাঁচশো এক

29 October 2009

Necessity is the mother of nice excuses…

Necessity often makes us make some excuses which we even would haven’t thought of framing otherwise….. I can tell you this from my own personal experience… Lol….

Necessity is the mistress and guardian of Nature.

And this mistress and guardian of Nature needs no excuses to breed tons of excuses…. Lol….

Excuses aren’t enemies, they’re our best friends…… The art of showing excuses helps us escape from many situations tactfully…. It’s a bliss……

Excuses are better than lies…..

We are all manufacturers. Making good, making trouble, or making excuses.

And, for this, we feel proud of ourselves….. Lol….

Wisdom ceases to be wisdom when it becomes too proud to weep, too grave to laugh, and too selfish to seek other than itself.

And it remains merely a wisdom when it gets no scope to be truned to wit…. ….

Wit is dinner best served Raw……….lolzz!!!!!!!!!

Wisdom is wit worst showed ever!…. Lol…..

Knowing others is intelligence; knowing yourself is true wisdom. Mastering others is strength; mastering yourself is true power.

And, having wisdom and power, whenever necessary, is called fortune!

You can have power over people as long as you don’t take everything away from them. But when you’ve robbed a man of everything, he’s no longer in your power.

We can never rob everything from a person….. A person’s dignity can never be robbed without his consent…. And, for this, power can hardly be exterminated….

Necessity is the mother of invention… That’s the old idea…. The new idea is….. Necessity is the mother of intention…. Lol…

Necessity is not an absolute idea like so many other similar ideas… I wonder if there is any absolute or, universally acclaimed idea at all!…. What seems an idea to you, might apparently lose its gravity to others…..

nothing is absolute but there is a standard version for each period of time and space

And there is a group of intellectuals who always dare walk against the popular stream or, trend…. They usually hit on the threshold of a new arena…

intelligence can hide anywhere but those who thinks they are intelligent and be too proud of themselves they get lost soon near the beginning of the arena.

Intelligence is just a feeling; it’s very well manifested through the attention that it deserves……

disagree, intelligence is a quality of gaining, delivering and using any form of knowledge – don’t think it’s just a feeling.

You can never show it until you feel it and have a firm confidence on it….

1 November 2009

On this golden moment, I feel blessed to have passed the 25th spring of my life!… It’s bliss to be alive in the midst of near and dear ones… A Birthday is a second spring where every leaf is a flower….

Dear Friends….. So once in every year I approach

A day apart,

To thank my friend with this note of gratitude

In thankfulness of heart for remembering me….

………………………It’s really nice to have some friends to have heard, “Happy Birthday to You”!!

3 November 2009

468 birthday wishes!… How can an idiot like me even hope to deserve it? I wonder!… A nice start of the journey to the 26th spring of my life…

you counted em??

…. Yesterday I was occupied almost all the time of the day in replying and thanking my friends who posted birthday wishes, or sent messages in my inbox…. Today, I counted them all out of curiosity… That was a very tiresome task, I admit; but the result was just amazing!… It gave me pleasure when I discovered many of my friends who really care me… …

There was a time when meadows grove and stream, the earth and every common sight to me did seem, appareled in celestial light, …………the things I have seen before I can see no more……..

……because the sweetest song is yet to be sung……..the loveliest sight is yet to be seen….the wildest joy is yet to be perceived…

7 November 2009

When life sticks onto the definition of ‘gender’, ‘an unexpected death of human spirit’ occurs… Friends! Agree? or, Disagree?

15 November 2009

This morning I’ve realized that I’m still too young to have learnt to say ‘no’ to a young woman…

Beautiful young women are the worst flatterers… Once you’re trapped, you’re ready to lose anything she likes!… Young men can hardly deny the charm of being flattered by young women….

Hmm… To flatter a woman and to be flattered by a woman… both are equally dangerous… And I’ve seen many cases where the men (age hardly matters in such cases) can do anything shamelessly only for women… They often become ludicrous and never mind others’ laughing at them… Lol…

Sweet adversities of life…

Soft soaps seem to be softer than they actually are, when they come from young women.. lol.. …

ভাবনা: পাঁচশো দুই

15 November 2009

Women are wiser than men. Because, they know less but understand more….. James Stephens.

Ignorance is bliss…

Understanding much by knowing little has always an advantage over knowing much by understanding little… True scholars always regret of knowing what they should have not known ; not of not knowing what they should have known… lol…

Man’s life is a tale told by an idiot, full of sound and fury, signifying nothing only when that tale is told too early not to reach a woman’s heart… Lol…

SP to your original thought……God created man before woman. But then you always make a rough draft before the FINAL MASTERPIECE. Women are MUCH too wiser than men and the buck stops right there…..Yup a very BIASED opinion…..I’m not anti-men…..but pro-women!!

A very pleasant discussion going on… I can hardly resist myself from commenting….. God created man first as He wanted no advice while creating a masterpiece!…. Women remain the most unpredictable species of the world as long as men dare not predict about them….. Women do twice than men expect them not to do….. Men propose, women dispose in matters where disposals precede proposals.. Lol…. Women are the second blunder of God as a wise man (or, some wise men) innovated the concept of God… Lol… Women are not powerless, rather they could be more powerful than they’re really worthy of, as men are seen yielding to them (for some inevitable attractions!)…. Finally, after marriage, women often help men solve such problems which might have never been ensued if they hadn’t come to men’s life…..

I object…..women are not the blunder of God…….”Women abbad karte hai, Men barbad karte hai. Who kills millions every year through wars and gun n knife, crimes and through the drugs trade every year? Men! Who brings thousands of children into the world every day? Women!

Well, many wars unveil before us the presence of women behind the curtain!

Men refused by women can never comment better than women refused by men!. After all, women are by birth philosophers in such cases!… Lol…

পৃথিবীর আলো যে দেখায়, সেই মা। She is also a woman. যার স্নেহ, ভালোবাসা, sacrifice, care, affection, sleepless nights তোমাদের বড়ো করেছে, সে-ই মা, she is also a woman, dear.

Hmm… My mother often solves such problems which even don’t arise!… Lol….

Hmm… Women must rectify as they’re liable for ensued situations that require rectification!…… After all, you’ve to solve the problem that you’ve created….

With all due respect to all the male comments…. I am in agreement with Sanya….. fine….. you guys are not finger pointing the point still remains…whether or not we listen or understand as well as men… well my “humble” opinion…

God made man stronger (brute strength) but not necessarily more intelligent. God gave us women strength, intelligence, intuition and femininity and the best part he gave us the judgment when to use it all. ”She feels the softness of her hands …and muses at the strength that they possess” The strength isn’t in the weight we can lift but the burdens we can carry…That’s why the creative is feminine gender…..prime example… MOTHER earth – a monument of kindness and forgiveness, ever so evolving……listening to the needs of ever changing world… Women do it all effortlessly…. Gracefully…… and that often construed as “less”….. accused of resolving problems we create…sad… oh well…

oh mama!!…ritu I can’t less agree with u……your statement is so good……honestly, I have understood what should be from this…not more.

… A good wine needs no sauce. Lol….. I often wish I were a woman, because if I could have been, then I’d have not been needed to marry a woman!… Lol…

… Ritu hates agreeing, I know. Just disagree with her… that would be a nice compliment for her… I can tell you it, for sure!….lol…

A sweet Good Night to all… After the heavy thunderstorm has come the soothing shower of rain….

SP…..Stay away from us for a single day and see how dull the life is….LOL

Hmm…. These lovely women are the treasures to be amassed, to be felt but not ever to be tried to understand if you wanna be on the safe side!

Lol… I do always like to act in that way… not an easy trendy walk, yet too charming to avoid, I think…. Hope you know it better!

These lovely women are the treasures to be amassed…..SP get fixed with one & use this line….you’ll get the answer to your status…

Ahem, ahem… Eye treasures countlessly, yet heart treasures the reverse!… Hope now I’m on the right track!…

ভাবনা: পাঁচশো তিন

17 November 2009

A good face is the best letter of recommendation…. Friends!… Agree? or, Disagree?

Disagree because a good face isn’t symbol of good friend.

Ok friends… Let’s cast a pragmatic glance on it… A good face often attains more than it deserves… The outer countenance often prevails longer than the interior faculties at the first sight… And recommendation is largely a beauty-biased notion…. Just think about the brand ambassadors of the multi-level hierarchy-based organizations in today’s world…

if a good face is a letter of recommendation, a good heart is a letter of credit.

A letter of credit often follows a letter a recommendation as at first you’re to be employed through recommendation to earn that desired credit!

what do you mean by a good face?? Does it mean a modest look…or attractive look or just an innocent look? which 1 is da best letter of recommendation??

Well don’t you think good face lies in the eyes of the beholder? I guess more than a good face the overall personality counts, body language, manners etc..

… A face that carries no sign of offense…

… A good face tells more than it really is supposed to tell… You’ll never get a second chance to make a first impression… A first impression seldom demands a second thinking!

A good face conceals many things… At the same time, it reveals many impressive ideas that make it worthy of recommendation…. Hmm… You better look second time, but it’s often too late to think further… A total beauty package (!) is often impossible in a good face, but a widely acclaimed combination might work conveniently in this regard!…. And another idea I must include… Physical countenance doesn’t always contradict interior virtues… Lol…

define good face first because it varies person to person. And the overall personality distinguishes someone out of the crowd.

A strange and somewhat impassive physiognomy is often, perhaps, an advantage to an orator, or leader of any sort, because it helps to fix the eye and fascinate the mind.

well I agree to the status just bcoz SP used the word ”BEST”….he does not say “ONLY” letter of recommendation…well I don’t think its debatable……good face can be referred to anything…..a car, a house etc etc…..if you just keep on taking it personally….you won’t understand the real meaning behind it.

Wow! Great sense of Personification of objects!… Lol… A very safe standpoint…

Better thinking, simpler solution!… I’ve really liked it…

thanks SP..I guess all sites say something about it…something like “put a good pic to get more friends” & many people put of models rather of themselves…

… Hsssh!… Don’t arouse their conscience. Let them do it. If they stop putting the pictures of models and actors/actresses you’ll have to see those ugly faces every time you’re in Facebook!… Don’t forget it!…

lolz!! not good looking is fine with me…but why hide yourself if you really feel you are fine with your looks…(not talking about some girls…..who really need to hide the identity)…i get quite a few friends invitation…..but I don’t accept unless I read their thoughts…oh yes if he is presentable like u….instant yes.

‘Instant Yes’ is the gateway to instant friendship unlike the ‘instant noodles’ available in the markets. Lol….. And this type of friendship makes you think, then share with others whether you’re in the right track of thought or, not…. But most Facebook girls are like just readymade food staffs; once tasted, never to be tasted further if you’re intelligent enough…. Lol…

OH GOD!!! how liberal can we get…. UGLY faces!!! I agree with MB… bad taste can make better looking ugly too….

as Helen Keller said…. The best and most beautiful things in the world cannot be seen, nor touched… but are felt in the heart……. I believe how we see other is reflection of us… unfortunately enough we never think too much before passing the judgment……ironically (unconsciously) it’s on our own selves…. Well I am guilty of making judgments……. with shoes, clothes …all vain things (never humans) I will try on only those that look good… the comfort comes later…LOL

SP….”But, most Facebook girls are like just readymade food staffs; once tasted, never to be tasted further if you’re intelligent enough”. Makes me wonder who gave you the label of being Intelligent……sounds to me as being a bloody MCP….you really wouldn’t want to know how Men come across on FB. And well just coz few of people are not comfortable with pictures one need not type cast them. I got deleted by a very educated gentleman who after adding me as friend for 1 month or so thought I needed to put a picture up……which I found ridiculous. We are here on FB to make friends and not start a matrimonial site.

….. I know, the idea of beauty is yet to undergo a universally defined criterion… Often the credit goes to the beholders’ eyes rather than the beautiful persons! lol…. Just look at some married couples having an affair-marriage, you’ll get the idea… A person of a smart presentation is the rarest gift of Nature… Yet, ‘Ugly faces’ notion is largely biased by the individuals’ tastes and aptitude, I agree… Persons with beauty but without brain are really specious, disgusting and sometimes dangerous too. Lol……

… I think I’m not young enough to make a wrong choice while judging a person’s level of intelligence… And I can tell you for sure that I’m the most stupid person I’ve ever seen in my life… So, I can identify the stupid manners of a person very easily (matching with me… Lol….)

ভাবনা: পাঁচশো চার

20 November 2009

It’s very easy to be a writer in Bangladesh, because most of the readers are not serious and responsible here…

I stated it satirically….. No one objects if the writers lack proper responsibility in their writings. The readers hardly protest against wrong information in writings. The so-called first-class dailies publish the most trifling writings. The critics here are too dumb to scrutinize the writings. The Bangladeshi people seldom bother about the effectivity of a writing. A class of prejudiced readers are often seen to match the writings available, with their indoctrinated thoughts and beliefs. Writers write for the readers who are usually devoid of any sense regarding the true course of writing…… Is it not miserable?

Experimentation requires a closed process in which artificial isolation is possible. Needless to say, here the experimental methods demand good reasoning and disinterestedness of the surroundings. And such infallibility of instinctive thoughts is rarely formed in a narrow domain available around us…. That’s the irony of our fate, we can hardly escape!

If I ask a person to write my biography and he writes it accordingly, can he be called a good writer? Some of our writers write for a specific class of irresponsible readers and hence we get only some stereotypical characters from their pen…. Some writers are so easy to predict that we can tell very well what might the ending be!…… As a nation, we’re becoming prone to such intangible trap of stupidity, and more miserably, we even seem to enjoy it irresponsibly…

Now a days there are very small no. of readers, most of the people sit in front of the TV. Easy entertainment.

Some also in Facebook!

21 November 2009

I often thank God that all my prayers have not been answered…

…. because, I often regret (and sometimes suffer) more for what I’ve done rather than what I’ve not….

….. God’s allusions often appear before me as illusions…… I often bother more about what I can rather than what I can’t……

….. I never care about pessimism… But optimism in disguise threatens me every moment…. I can hardly feel the subtle existence of my soul……

Good. I appreciate.

…. Eulogy! I fear thou!…. Criticism! I adore thou!………… Please don’t appreciate me lest I should repent or, you should regret later!….

I never regret.

….. but, if I happen to repent, you must regret, I can bet!…..

Yes, you can repent. But I’ll not regret. That’s of sure.

…. You’re sure!…. Then you must have not learnt yet how to regret….

Let’s see Who regrets.

Rather tell it ‘Let me see’…. when one of us will regret, the other is only left as the beholder!……lol….

So you are repenting now!!!!! Hehehehe!!!!!!

Ok… Derive a foolish complacent from it…. I’d not object to it!

23 November 2009

If we rape the environment once , it will rape us twice or, even more…

The environment has always been big business – without the natural resources of our planet, there would be no commerce (and no life). In recent years though, the impact of human activity on our environment has become mainstream news, spurring a whole new “green” industry. With knowledge comes awareness, followed by a change of behaviour, at least for a business like ours….. Little do we realise, however, to what extent we have changed this planet.The result is an escalation of human pressure on the environment not conforming to the inter-linkage of human-climate interaction.

Could we use a more “decent” word, S?

… The term “Decent” sounds very biased to me in this case!!… Anyway, please feel free to suggest any if you want…

you can use “hurt”….. I know it does not expose the devastating impact…… but in FB, as a global platform- where the wide range of communities of different ages and classes interact, we should be tactful with terms and approaches….. anyway, thanx for the environmental concern. take care.

The sun, the moon and the stars would have disappeared long ago… had they happened to be within the reach of predatory human hands.

…. Now, I’ve understood the problem (!)………. I must use some restricted diction in case of elucidating unrestricted phenomena!!…… lolz………… (anyway, thanks for your suggestion)

….. Henry Ellis was so right in stating this, I agree….. thanks for reminding…

Any attempt to interfere with the dynamic balance of Nature never goes unpunished…

Sometimes strong words are needed to nudge people out of complacency!

That’s the point to be acknowledged here!!

24 November 2009

A girl often pretends she doesn’t know when a boy notices her… Friends!.. Agree? or, Disagree?

Friends!… Thanks for those pleasing comments… If a girl doesn’t notice a handsome boy, or, a boy takes little care about a lovely girl, both of them should undergo some sorts of psychological treatments…

A sudden unintelligible phrase, or a frightened eye upon a gracious heart is never a wrong thing to do!…. Some women, either from affectation or, so-called fashion (!) disregard the laws of natural discourse of human heart, but in a society where all women, from the worker to the elite class, comply simultaneously with similar forms of tastes, such self-contradictory rebellion becomes the greatest possible eccentricity… Thus the simplest becomes the least simple, the least coquettish the most coquettish of all, no adornment is itself an adornment!….. Sigh!…. Finding a thing too intricate to understand is not a crime, but making a simple thing too intricate to understand is suicidal to soul…

I can only understand the last line…. make a simple thing too intricate is suicidal…. what do you think you have done in the whole message my dear…. so complicated and meaningless

… I beg your pardon for your inability to understand my expression… Please let me know what portion I should interpret further to make it ‘meaningful’…

25 November 2009

Let the world change us… And then we can change the world…

if the world will change you then there wouldn’t be any reason to change the world, dude.

… Let’s learn to receive the world as it is, not as it should be… Then we can turn it to as we think it should be…

… Yes, we can’t change its course, but we can very well change the world that we’re used to shaping inside our soul!…

… Please let me know specifically at what point you differ with me….

… Just try to reshape the world inside your heart… Look through it differently unlike others are habituated to… Feel the power within your soul after you’re transformed to a newer agent…

The world always waits for a signal of change from us… Once we make the signal, the world is ours…. Before that, we must learn how to make it….. The world itself is the greatest university to teach us this art….

To be sure of what I’m doing before doing anything is another name of confidence… Confidence never comes from blindness… Those who work on faith but not on reasoning, usually work on others’ confidence, but lose their own soul forever….

…. So as I’d known, I thought I was the most stupid person that ever had been born on this earth… But, you’re trying to share the credit with me… Not fair….lol…

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