ভাবনা: চারশো একানব্বই
3 October 2009
you have a pure soul that has the capacity to experience the very essence and bounty of life nature and beauty.
Frineds! Thanks for commenting on my wall. It’s nice to be always in touch of friends! I feel blessed.
Your heart breaks only when you let it break, otherwise not.
3 October 2009
……feel like singing and dancing!
I feel happy, so happy! Lalalalala…..
hihihi…letz dance dada…
Yeaaahhhhh….. We shall dance, we’ll have fun, we will sing forever!
We’ll enjoy ourselves truly, deeply, madly!….. The world is beautiful.
My heart wants to sigh like a chime that flies from a church on via breeze to laugh like a brook when it trips and falls over the stones on its way to sing through the night like a lark who is learning to par. ….. Ullalalalalala…..
Dance with me, sing with me, touch the rainbow with me….. Catch the feathers, hold my hand, we’ll go up the hill where the sun kisses!
I need no reason to be happy. I’m always happy……. I always feel like singing…..
Rainbow always kisses my heart, no matter whether it rains or not!….. I can create rainbow for me. Do you wanna touch it?
3 October 2009
If anyone misunderstands you before you understand him/her, it’s a tragedy for you.
I know it better from my own experience…. It’s really miserable…. You just get what you are not supposed to get…… You’re to receive what you don’t deserve.
If you’re not caring about any matter makes you feel like caring more about it, can you deny the urge?
I don’t care about what seem true or, what don’t. I just express what I feel. If I go wrong, I happily correct myself when my friends tell me so. If I’m not, nothing on earth can make me change my opinion. I always do what I feel. @Teresa.
Sometimes avoidance makes you feel like not avoiding… If you go against your heart, it would be painful.
Friends! That was a robust discussion. I was away from this wall and so couldn’t participate in your discussion……. It is a biasedly accepted conjecture that what misunderstanding for a group, can be understanding for another group. So, the narrow gap is the contradictory portion that often creates a mess…. Better to understand a little than to misunderstand a lot…. In this context, mutual intelligibility must undergo level of agreement however might it sound…… So, it’s imperative to understand a person and also let a him/her understand you before the ultimate strike confounds you.
Hmm….. Sometimes too much understanding breeds misunderstanding also. But in that case, people generally pretend to understand and seem to ponder over contrasted ideas of a fact.
The real disaster of misunderstanding is that you’re left with an unexpected feeling that teaches you a newer form of understanding that you’re not prepared for….. You generally regret when it is too early to regret a friendship.
Be what you would seem to be – or, if you’d like it put more simply – never imagine yourself not to be otherwise than what it might appear to others that what you were or might have been was not otherwise than what you had been would have appeared to them to be otherwise…………..
…… To put simply, be what you feel like being, not what you’re supposed to be.
…. Thanks for reading my wall.
totally agree with you sushanta.as I said above. understanding too much if generally dangerous…..firstly you may realize that you are with the wrong person……and then after understanding him or her, even small unintentional omissions appear planned actions
4 October 2009
I don’t love you because I need you, but I need you because I love you.
We all have a great capacity to love. But what we must find out is how we are supposed to spend our love…… And that’s how our heart responds to it!
Love is everything it’s cracked up to be. That’s why people are so cynical about it…It really is worth fighting for, risking everything for. And the trouble is, if you don’t risk everything, you risk even more.
5 October 2009
Man loves one woman before marriage, after marriage, he usually gets another woman in her shape.
A man marries a woman with the hope that she will never change. A woman marries a man with the hope that he will change. Unfortunately, both of them are usually disappointed.
5 October 2009
Never wound a heart that loves you. Wounded hearts are like roses that never bloom.
I noticed a wonderful fact…… If you don’t love someone, but he/she loves you truly, deeply, madly, he/she can at best hate you for not loving him/her, but can never kill you.
What if a thousand hearts love me? Equal distribution of my four quadrants, my arteries, ventricles…??
If a thousand hearts love you, then probably you’re a celebrity. Then you can do whatever you like, either love them or, not love them. They will never blame you, because even if a celebrity makes any mistake, people usually think that it is their misunderstanding! Lol…
6 October 2009
Some of my friends say, I am not very caring. I also sometimes can feel it…. What should I do?
Find out what your friend should do for you…………Then do the same to them………….That is what they want………….
সেই সব বন্ধুদের কথা ভুলে যাও, দেখবে তারা আবারো বলবে, You are very caring!
…. If I do the same as they do to me, I even sometimes have to do wrong. Is it desirable?
…. Easy escape!
… Are there any parameters?
…. Thanks for the suggestion.
….. Ahem, ahem!… Sir, honestly speaking, my friends are really generous enough to take care of me selflessly… I really don’t deserve this credit!…. I can tell you this for sure, Sir!… Thanks for reminding me about this!
ভাবনা: চারশো বিরানব্বই
6 October 2009
What type of marriage is the better for a happy conjugal life: Affair Marriage? or, Arranged Marriage?
They say, a happy conjugal life comprises a deaf husband and a blind wife…. Others say, love is blind, marriage is the eye-opener…. Some say, marriage provides you an opportunity to share some problems that you would have never faced if you were single!…. Many say, affair after marriage lasts the longest…. Some opine, marriage is the main cause of divorce, so, no marriage, no hassle!… I think, conjugal life becomes happy if a husband understands every word his wife isn’t saying, and a wife understands not every word her husband is saying.
No clue? Ok lemme explain. Human nature can broadly be devided in 3 categories:- 1. Dominating 2. Moderate 3. Mild
1. If both are dominating- war. 2. If both are moderate- then also problems though occasionally. 3. If both are mild- successful 4. One is dominating & other mild- successful
In conjugal life, understanding little is better than misunderstanding a lot…. If the married couples are more worried about what they haven’t than what they have or, could have, it creates a mess…. Man proposes, woman disposes, and this conjecture is good for a happy married life. Violation of this rule may lead to conjugal chaos.
Hmm…. Dk Singh has focused on important secrets of a conjugal life…. Friends, if you love one person, and marry another one who loves you truly, does it create troubles?
A single life is better only in the sense that an escaper is happy enough to escape any time whenever he/she wants………. Friends! If we consider every aspect of our life and society, is affair marriage better than arranged marriage?…… If affair marriage is the better, should the persons who are not in love yet, necessarily fall in love immediately? Lol…..
In marriage, every sides are never equally matched…. Is it true?……. And we always have to spare at least one side, is it desirable at all?……
….Can’t ever match. Love of any human being practically doesn’t remain confined to the partner. There is love for physical needs/ own parents & relatives/ to impose own nature or liking on the other/….so many factors. Forget the bookish theory of love where in lip-to-lip contact only matters….and other worldly matters go into the backburner.
,…. Well. Which parameters should we take into consideration more and which one into less?…. That is to say, which preferences deserve more attention and which ones deserve less attention for ensuring a happy conjugal life later? …… I’d like to have a generalised viewpoint on this judgement….. Would you please give some hints for us?……
Friends! How much or less are the bookish knowledge and the filmy ideas of love correct?…. Are they biased totally?….
Is compromising a must for a happy conjugal life?….. Does marriage demand much more than we already have in our bachelor life?….. Should we be changed totally to meet those demands?
If marriage means compromising, then we must act not how we feel like, but how we should feel like….. Does it not spoil spontaneity and thus kill mental peace?…..
If arranged marriage is one type of rape, then affair marriage must be another type of blackmailed or, convinced rape…… Am I wrong?
One friend suggested marrying twice…… Should I be punished or, hanged twice for the same offence? Lol……
In modern times, I think marriages often break up, only because married couples never think that they can be parted only by DEATH….. There is another option left…. DIVORCE!!
…. In case of arranged marriage, we usually try to match some common stereotypes, which hardly work on our advantage….. Again, we perhaps define some biased criteria of a person which might lead to confusion very often…… Again, some social prejudices often worsen the situation…..
SP……Lemme give a very small example. Child at the age of 5 to 12 years….my dad is best. (2) At age 24- my dad is outdated. He is not cool. He is nothing more than an antique piece. (3) At age 40- My goodness. It’s all so messy! I don’t know how? My dad was real iron man. Only he could have managed that.
So friends, maturity comes…..but not at the age of marriage of 24-30.
….. So true! I can’t agree more!….. For that very reason, I think that in case of affair marriage, either the boy or, the girl is always the loser….. At that age, people generally shape their world on the basis of whim or, fancy or, fantasy, not on logic or, reason or, reality!…. And that is often disagreeable and disastrous!…..
SP….perfect my friend. Here you are, Anyway….I can conclude like this. This man-woman relation is very complex. You wouldn’t be able to understand the nature of women….not even in your seven lives. Even gods couldn’t succeed. More you research, more the confusion. It’s like marshy soil. More you try to get out of it, more inside you go. So the only solution is:-
Have fair number of options before you. Set a deadline. My assessment for the best period of geting married is 28-30 yrs. So that by the time you tire or retire at 60, all your children are settled. The moment you reach 28-30, choose the best option and just go for it…….. But again, friendly advice….take your parents into confidence. Otherwise, it would be a crime of the highest level. They have some unselfish…attachment!
Friends! Is it true that in affair marriage, perfect matching is never possible? Either the boy or, the girl is always loser?…… If it is true, Is love really blind?…..
…. Dada, that’s really a cool suggestion! I appreciate it…. To me, God is next to my parents… Even the when the whole world walks out, parents are by our side…… Some of my friends always tell me that I should fall in love, and it’s better to marry after continuing affair for 2 or, 3 years….. They even say, I would be incomplete if I don’t experience such life….. I got confused, and sought my friends’ suggestion here in Facebook…..
ভাবনা: চারশো তিরানব্বই
7 October 2009
Indecency cannot be judged from dress up, it is expressed through the gesture or, pose… Friends! Do you agree?
90% yes. But I would leave 10% room for dress sense too.
Yes, dress sense is important also.
worst indecency is displayed by misuse of money!
So true! Man is always tempted to show this type of indecency by nature.
Friends! Thanks a lot for reading and writing on my wall.
7 October 2009
A girl usually pretends she doesn’t know when a boy notices her…. Friends! Do you agree?
From my own experience, I’ve seen that almost always a girl notices a boy before he notices her….. But, she finds a pleasure in denying it!
Girls have another interesting trait….. They often pretend to be shy, though they are actually not so, I think……
8 October 2009
……. waiting eagerly for November2, to lit 25 candles!
8 October 2009
When Love makes a lover weep for love, then the tears become the flames of fire in his/her eyes.
Love is the only colour of passion that follows no fixed track on the canvas.
Love is the only language that teaches us to walk on the wall of darkness to reveal the heart of light.
The course of true love never goes smoothly……
Teardrops are the mightiest weapons that give love a concrete shape.
Love is the only rule that rules without rules.
8 October 2009
Hold fast to dreams….. For if dreams die….. Life is a broken-winged bird….. That cannot fly….. Hold fast to dreams….. For when dreams go….. Life is a barren field….. Frozen with snow…..
~~ Langston Hughes
I think the best way to make your dreams come true is to wake up.
What distinguishes us one from another is our dreams………….and what we do to make them come about.
So true!…. A man is as great as his dreams are.
The most pitiful among men is he who turns his dreams into silver and gold.
Dreams follow the way we feel like experiencing it!
The wisest men follow their own direction.
Call of heart!
……Dream & illusions are recipe for disaster, enjoy life only one to experience.
How you accept a phenomenon bears the aftermath you might experience. The credit or, discredit therefore, goes to you not the recipe.
9 October 2009
Love once whispered to my soul,…. I was too busy then even to listen to it….. Long long afterwards, I heard its echo,…. My heart treasured it, I felt like floating!…. Our sweetest feelings always remain untouched, I realized…..
চোর পালালে বোধশক্তি জন্মায় যে চোর এসেছিল আর বোঝার আগেই পালিয়ে গেলো। এমনই হয়! ভাইরাস অ্যাটাক করলে প্রসেসর স্লো হয়ে যাবে, এটাই স্বাভাবিক। ভাইরাস দূর করেন, দেখবেন, সব ঠিক!
…. Thanks for sparing time to read my poetry…. Love have lived in my soul since I felt the subtlety of my heart….. I nourish it for love’s sake, not for someone’s sake. That’s why, it stayed, stays and will stay forever in my soul.
আমি ভুল করে শুধু ভুল করে যাই, ভালোবাসা তবু পিছু ডেকে যায়!
10 October 2009
what do people first notice about you?
Is it?
10 October 2009
DON’T GO FAR OFF, NOT EVEN FOR A DAY… Don’t go far off, not even for a day,… because — because — I don’t know how to say it : a day is long and I will be waiting for you, as in an empty station when the trains are parked off somewhere else, asleep…… — Pablo Neruda
I will be in London, waiting for you, at waterloo station
drinking water hourly & going to loo every half hourly!
Brother!….. You’re making a good (!) use of waiting for your beloved!
Majboori ka majboori na kaho!
your beloved is yet to make appearance. train is too late & you feel shock of loneliness.
I am defining loneliness, when you are all alone, your soul cries for company, your body keeps you busy by frequent water guzzling & subsequent urinal visits!
10 October 2009
…. Love reigns, yet we’re too helpless to subdue its domination!
…… Yes, I’ve. She lives in my soul, yet I’ve never seen her. I did never touch her, just felt her existence. She comes into my dreams, but never sinks into oblivion or, leaves my mind as dreams do. I wish I could meet her only once!
11 October 2009
Are You In Love or Not?
I wish it were true!!
…… I wish your assumption were true!….. But, I can assure you that I won’t fall in love with anyone if she doesn’t deserve it! (kidding!!)
From the quizz-setter, honestly speaking! Lol…..
11 October 2009
Before falling in love with someone, you must ask yourself how far in the world will you go to be with him/her….. I firmly believe it.
…. Hold her hand even you reach the last frontier.
….. The true love demands both falling and rising, little difference is meant often!
…. Love reigns when logic fails, but often it’s misleading also!
…. It’s called honesty in love, and it’s pure love!
….. I always prefer to be funny than to be miserable in case of love!
In the path of heart, lovers always come back no matter whatsoever distance he might have crossed, finds a reason for moving and dancing over the waves of a sacred soul, and this endless love is blended with a celestial state of grace!
Birds are never afraid of flying even to the sky after the last sky only because they enjoy flying, and this is called spontaneity! The eternal flow of love never stops anywhere as the course of our heart goes on and on!
And, in true love, you need not make a promise, say ‘thank you’ or, ‘sorry’ to your beloved….. I think so.
In love… when words fail, eyes speak, when eyes fail, silence speaks. Heart always flows in its way!…. You need not think anything; thoughts will eternally flow through your soul.
Friends! A very robust discussion is going on…. I’m adding some…… Love is the essence of our life. What we do or, think is, therefore, invariably related to love. And the present shape of love is gaining such dimensions nowadays that I often become confused about this uncanny manner of love. And I often feel that it’s better to live alone than to live with a wrong person…… This creates an unhealthy and biased outlook in case of love…………. And, yet we’ve so many other topics to cast our glance on!
Love may be undefined but it is the supreme emotion
Its definition may wary from person to person and from time to time but it has remained the final destination of all relationships
Love is togetherness, companionship, friendship, acceptance, tolerance, adjustment and commitment.
Love is the best thing that can happen to a person, an experience which is sublime and eternal.
Love is beyond age, gender, class, religion or creed. It is beyond the man made social and geographic boundaries
Love is a state where the mere thought of the loved one brings immense pleasure
Love is complete in itself and needs no rules or promises
Love is erotic, sexy, orgasmic and the ultimate source of everlasting happiness
Love is life.
…… Love is the only rule that rules without rules!…… Nice interpretation, indeed! Thanks Sir!
….. Never do anything that you might have to regret later!
love is strange, Sushanta………………….it’s different for everyone…………………no guidelines, no limitations…………no rules………………just live it as you leave life………………..truely, willfully and spontaneously! I Love ,love and loving!
Spontaneity, sensibility, emotion are the elements of love that help love make its journey to eternity. Love teaches us to be passionate truly, deeply, madly. We’re too helpless to resist ourselves.
Ok. Feel it and also keep on you study besides feeling it!
love just makes us mad……..and illogical, spineless, and egoless…………………….you mind nothing…just want to love!
So, better not to be worried about it and just to react to it spontaneously when it happens to fall on us!
ভাবনা: চারশো চুরানব্বই
11 October 2009
Behind every great fortune there is a crime…….. Friends! Is it true?
Every time I read the novel Godfather or, watch that movie or, think about the thriving personalities, this often comes to my mind.
The concept of crime, be it in personal, interpersonal, social, national, international or, any level, is yet to be universally defined though its sheer impact is acutely felt in our day-to-day affairs. Thriving on others shoulders is a pre-civilization concept and we’re very well accustomed to it in our experience and practice. We can hardly be gainers without making some losers. So, the materialistic accumulation is largely based on the deprivation of others in social, political, financial even psychological dimensions in today’s highly sophisticated world. Again, exploitation is the securest form of gaining admiration. And, on this universal conjecture, I think that saying deserves attention.
We often undergo many delusions that occupy our mind and eventually we deluge in many mundane obsessions. So, hardly we feel like denying the seemingly never-ending demands that our surroundings confer upon us. That’s why, we never feel the scruples of soul in committing any heinous task. I think most of the history famous heroes are just deadly murderers. And following their footprints the heroes of modern world are desperate to institutionalize the present shape of terrorism or, crime. We’re just too habituated even to term it as a social malady!…… I also feel another fact bitterly. And it is, nowadays corruption is another form of careerism. Can we ever deny the urge of building up our career? If not, how can we shun crimes?
If we draw a sharp line of contrast between Orientalism and Western ethics, we’ll find that the shrewd strategy of disposition reflects political, social, anthropological, financial dominance in the cultural zone of the so-called third world countries. The colonialized Orient miserably experiences the overwhelming discourse of aggression in their internal matters regarding even national affairs. The newer form of Imperialism represents us as inferiors, dumbs, uncivilized bloody masses! They make us realize that life gains newer shapes with the magical (!) touch of Western blend. Is it not a pre-planned arrangement of Imperial crime? Are they not in a far far privileged status than us? The artificial glands tend to subdue our values making us psychologically blackmailed…… Friends! Do you disagree with me on this form of globally accepted silent crime?
12 October 2009
Reading ‘The Alchemist’ is like getting up at dawn and seeing the sun rise while the rest of the world still sleeps.
…. The Alchemist is like a simple, motivational, yet exciting novel that bursts with optimism; it is the kind of novel that tells us that everything is possible as long as we really want it to happen. The main message I guess that is transmitted to readers is that “when you really want something to happen, the whole universe conspires so that your wish comes true”. This is the core of the novel’s philosophy and a motif that echoes behind Coelho’s writing all through The Alchemist.
12 October 2009
It is impossible to give a clear account of the world, but art can teach us to reproduce it—just as the world reproduces itself in the course of its eternal gyrations.
What would become of the world if the condemned started to confide their heartaches to the executioners?
12 October 2009
What is Middle East? Should we call England Middle West?
Orientalism is a subtle term attributed to this region only to cripple us culturally, socially, financially, internationally, intellectually and in many aspects of our day-to-day affairs. There is a sharp contrast of lifestyle between the Oriental and Western societies. They have also created a heinous ‘third world’ concept to gag us in many international issues. And the successiveness induces many other biased conjectures and my status message bears one of them.
Not middle-west but there is place called Middlesex in UK…lol
Oh!! Greenwich is the zero line (prime meridian). If we consider 90 degree west as middle west. it passes over south Pacific Ocean—USA—-Canada. If 90-degree E is middle east, it passes over Indian ocean—Bangladesh—India—-Russia (though it is not verbally recognized, but meridians are counted from 0 to 180 degree Easterly & Westerly, so 90-degree line is the middle line of both hemisphere). Geographically “Middle East” (Gulf area) is the Western limit of Asia with Africa. So, can we call it West Asia????
….. This concept is largely based on the intention of exploitation, I think. The West created many imaginary fancies about Oriental history, people, culture, belief and later on they propagated it throughout the world. The sense of Western superiority and Oriental inferiority instigated it more. And the so-called Orientalism proclaims the Orient unfit to be directed on its now dictatorship. Thus, they destroyed the bone network of administrative confidence of the Oriental societies…. Arnab has nicely interpreted the geographical facts and I’ve started thinking seriously about ‘West Asia’ concept. Lol… ….. Dk Singh, has also provided an interesting (!) idea about the Western acceptability! I just feel like……….
13 October 2009
After reading ‘Orientalism’, I think, Edward W. Saeed helped us realize who we’re, what we should do to live as moral representatives rather than being just slaves to power.
13 October 2009
WILL YOU GO TO HELL quiz reveals I’ll go to heaven!
No!!! I don’t want to go there……… All the interesting people are missing from there!!
Heaven is a Hell-like place for living!
Facebook quiz-setters are conspiring to send me there.
You people are making fun of my ill-fate.
Now, let’s go to Hell altogether!
Right! Right!! I’m ready to do everything to go to Hell.
you are ready, but I think, which I did till now is enough to get admitted there…..
You lied in your comment. I think God would be kind enough to consider this.
May God do that if He really exists!!
And darkness is the preamble of light, we all know!
Here I want to add one of my favourite writer Humayun Azad’s comment: “Knowledge never springs from faith. It springs from doubt.”
So true! I can’t agree more…… Same theme is furnished in Gita also!
13 October 2009
The truths of God-based religion are never so well understood as by those who have lost the power of reason.
The miserably popular trendy form of religion devoid of the base of reasons of discourse!
Become atheist you will find the answer. There are NONE. Rest is waste of time. So, you have lots of reason and argument to proof they exists. World is not 10000 years old and human gene mapping is done and other work is in progress, I am confident that you would live to see the truth.
I wish I could!
ভাবনা: চারশো পঁচানব্বই
13 October 2009
As she loved me truly, deeply, madly, she really couldn’t think I was the right person for her… I admire her love!
I’m not young enough to say, I love you, to anyone.
As honest I’m morally, I can never let anyone feel what she is not supposed to feel about me.
13 October 2009
The probability of meeting someone you know increases when you are with someone you don’t want to be seen with.
Ruby’s Principle of close encounters……..
Really embarrassing!…. Night comes when you expect to enjoy twilight some more time.
13 October 2009
How is the life?… To me, the life is exactly as we think about it…. Life is beautiful only if we think it so, otherwise never it is!
Our life is always more beautiful even than what extent we can imagine it to be. We never can derive the pleasure fully from our life as transience of life never lets us do so. I often feel amazed at the subtlity of the dreams that shows our life the endless enigma of eternity.
Life is like the old magic mirror that my grandmother purchased hundred years back from a gypsy woman. I often discover my own soul-image in that mirror!
Life is a meaningless matter that teaches us how to think meaningfully. Reality of thought and matter is the duality that shapes the phases of our life……
The highest form of living is just a madness, an illusion, a shadow, a tale always untold, a sing unsung forever…. Life is a dream that adds hue to the rainbow of our existence!……. Action is the testimony to this existence.
Life is a story told by an idiot…. A song yet to be sung times immemorial…. A shadow we can hardly escape!
Life is too short to regret, too joyous to compromise!
Life is not a journey to the grave. Once you reach there, you’re not experiencing life, so what’s the use of spoiling the life thinking about grave? You need not be worried about it, Death will find you when the time comes, what you’re needed really to be worried about is how to live the life you were born to live.
14 October 2009
As soon as you sit down to a cup of hot coffee, your boss will ask you to do something which will last until the coffee is cold.
have cold coffee instead!!
That a good idea!…..
14 October 2009
True knowledge never springs from belief, but from doubt.
yes you are right SP…but these two words “true” & “never” don’t go so well…
…… Ok brother. I’m omitting ‘TRUE’. But what’s the wrong with ‘NEVER’?
never word should never be used….there is no never in this universe..cya later…party time
…… Ok buddy! Have a great party!
Skepticism is the base to answer the causes of all the physical processes. We can never admit anything as true until we perceive it through our senses. Our body and consciousness are mysteriously linked with each other. Mental automatism disallows beliefs and as our expectations are closely related to our practices or, past experiences assist us to know the world in its truest form. The laws of human cognition establish a doubt about the proof and cognizance of the natural rules. And the rules of causality fully adopt with our psychology only when our mind responds to some decisive factors of sensing.
I think, ‘Belief’ all times binds human being within a limited sector. That’s why it can ‘never’ springs new knowledge.
Yes, belief makes us feel what some people taught us to feel. We can hardly think independently, as we are afraid of newer notions or, experiences. In case of belief, we walk on the road our forefathers walked earlier and lose the power of judging whether that path is right or, wrong. It increases our ignorance and destroys potential…. The real important truths become biased when they are just personally judged. Faith stays between the gap of knowledge and experience. When a phenomenon is beyond our known interpretations, we start just believing that it happens but never try to analyze how it happens and thus superficial truths reign over profound truths.
15 October 2009
Everything is new now for me. My mind is new, the moon, the sun. The whole world looks rinsed with water, washed in the rain of I am That. Sushanta leaps and dances inside the energy that creates and sustains the universe.
That energy is in you. Just prepare your mind to accept it!…………. Happiness is a state of mind or feeling characterized by contentment, love, satisfaction, pleasure, or joy……Just feel them!! .
Happiness (also being well and doing well) is the only thing that humans desire for its own sake, unlike riches, honor, health or friendship……………….You will never be happy if you continue to search for what happiness consists of. You will never live if you are looking for the meaning of life………
A man is as great as far he can think………..Things are that they are, things will be that they will be……………..I think…realization of these two are important for happiness…………….
I think; therefore, I am…….the center of the universe… LOL
………I think therefore you can’t……….the centre of destruction………….. lolzzz……..
…………..Not every night we die, sometimes in day-time, we feel like dying also!! Ahem, ahem!
15 October 2009
Music is the soul of my life! It’s my passion, obsession!
it’s mine too!!!!!!!!passion & obsession….
Then you’re my soul-mate in this regard!…. I always listen to music. Why? I’m too helpless to resist myself!
16 October 2009
মাঝেমাঝে খুব ইচ্ছে হয়, যাদের পায়ের তলায় আছি, তাদের মাথায় চড়ে বসি!
~~ সুনীল
Translation : Sometimes I feel like subduing those who always exploit us…..
এমন উদ্ভট ইচ্ছে কেন? বানরের লক্ষণ!
দাদা, কখনো বানর হয়ে বাঘের ঘাড়ে চেপে দেখেছেন, কেমন লাগে? Try it! মনে হয়, ভালই লাগবে।
… আমার ইচ্ছেঘুড়িটা এভাবেই হাওয়ায় ওড়ে।
…… এমন যদি হতো… ওদের মাথায় চড়ে……..নাচতাম জোরে… আমি আমার মতো!
…. সত্য কথা হল, ঠিকভাবে বুঝতে পারলে কখনো দ্বিধায় পড়তে হয় না।
আমারও ত আমার মতো হতে ইচ্ছে হয়!
ইচ্ছে পূর্ণ করে ফেলো। এরপর দেখো কী হয়!
ইচ্ছে করে, মনুমেন্টের পায়ের তলায় দাঁড়িয়ে চিৎকার করে বলি, আমার কিছু ভাল লাগে না!
লাভ নেই। মনুমেন্টের হৃদয়ও ‘মনুমেন্ট ইন মিনিয়েচার’ হয়ে গেছে!
ভাবনা: চারশো ছিয়ানব্বই
16 October 2009
হ্যালো! এটা কি টুফোরফোরওয়ানওয়ানথ্রিনাইন?
স্বপ্ন এবার হয়ে যাবে বেলা সত্যি! তোমার আমার লালনীল সংসার!
… I have a sad news for you.
Bela got married long ago. She eloped with Keshto da of Dindayal bhandar. She used to meet her quite often when she used to go to the shop to buy a few things for her house.
You should have got in touch promptly after settling down with your new job. In fact, immediately after the probation period when you got confirmed, you should have married her.
The best part is, her husband has payed of all the dues you had at the small restaurant in the locality. You owed the shop the money for some odd sixty cups of tea… 20 packs of Charminar and fish cutlet of about Rs 500/- which you bought for Bela.
She is quite fine. She just got a job in primary school in Subhashgram. Her husband has expanded his Dindayal Bhandar and has Arambagh hatcheries franchisee too.
Dada….. I feel sad about your life story! Take it easy, dada! Life never stops for anybody, it goes on and on…… Lol…….. (Anyway, I must eulogize the idea of your story….. the A are you N!!)
Eyeing at other’s wealth and wife is forbidden SP. Forget Bela, find some Albela…
…. Dada, better to do something else rather than eying, ahem, ahem!…. (I owe to you for this idea!…. )
Sushanta, Read the thread carefully… it is your story which I heard when last time I went to the locality where you and Bela lived. How can it be my story… hee hee.
And yes, you are right… Bela bose is now Bela Mukherji. Now that you have not got her please don’t go and try to preach her how to be careful about her daughter. Her daughter is just 2 years old. Let it go, yaar.
dada….. 2 years! I appreciate your fantastic idea about me…. Lol……… Hmm…. I can recall…. You went to my locality for telling something to Ms. Bela. After a few days of your visit, she became Mrs. Bela… But, I wonder why she writes ‘Mukherjee’ instead of ‘Das’! (or, preferably ‘Bose’ )….. Is there another story behind it?
হাহাহাহাহা…. বেলা বোসের বাড়িতে তুমি আমি দুধওয়ালা কাগজওয়ালা সবজিওয়ালা……অনেকেই যেত………কারকার দিকে আঙুল তুলবে, বলো!
দাদা…..আসুন, আমরা একসাথেই তদন্ত করি…..কে সেই কালপ্রিট!
সে তো আমি গোড়াতেই বলেছি…কালপ্রিট হল দীন দয়াল ভাণ্ডারের কেষ্ট!
16 October 2009
আজকাল মানুষের ভিড়ে. . . . . .মানুষ খুঁজে পাওয়া দায়!
মানুষের রাজ্যে অমানুষের সাথে বিষণ্ণ বসবাস।
এই যেমন আপনার মধ্যে আপনি নেই।
…..আমি কখনোই শুধুই আমার মধ্যে পড়ে থাকি না।
মানুষের অন্বেষণে জীবন গেলো…….
প্রথম অন্বেষণ আয়নাতে…….
…….দ্বিতীয়টা নিশ্চয়ই অন্য কারো চোখে, তাই না?
না, শুধুই নিজের…….
…..সেদিন চৈত্রমাস…….
…আমার চোখে দেখেছিলে তোমার সর্বনাশ?
16 October 2009
I often pretend to know people to save myself from the embarrassment of an introduction…… Friends! Do you do it also?
I do it sometimes, hate myself for the same though…..
That’s quite embarrassing!!
Wonderfully penned!!!!!! Deep, touching, impacting write.
….. Wonderful writing often springs gracefully when it borrows the writer’s personal experience….. This holds good in my case….. Thanks for your eulogy…
16 October 2009
Chakpak Movies quiz tells Aishwariya is in love with Sushanta!
Really???…. (I feel jealous of myself!! )
I’m also!!………………. …………..I wish I could get her!!
She married Abhishek after I had refused her. What a mess!!…………She still loves me………….So do I……….. hahahaha……………
Heights friend…..today I came to know that after I refused her she came to you.
She told me this….. For this, I refused her!!
I know that you are not capable.
Are you supposed to know it?……. Ahem, ahem!!
yes came to know from the news channel and the print media that someone is changing…..lolzzzzzzz
Oh shit!!….. I just can’t tolerate those yellow journalist……. They spread more what they don’t know than what they know actually…………… Let not them befool u!!
16 October 2009
A lot of beautiful people are stupid. There’s a tremendous number of idiots who look so good. It’s frightening….. Friends! What should we do while judging a person?
বুদ্ধিদীপ্ত চেহারার দীপ্তিই আসল সৌন্দর্য! আরে, জাজ কেন করতে হবে? আমরা কি সারাক্ষণ হিসেব কষে মানুষের সাথে মিশি নাকি?
বেহিসেবে ভুল মানুষকেও অনেক সময় আপন মনে হয়………….
I just think that beautiful people don’t have it as hard, you know? They just don’t know what rejection’s like. That’s why super models aren’t good actresses, because they don’t need anything. If someone is beautiful and she’s needy, she’s probably had a terrible childhood.
…… There is another charm in being a celebrity…….. When a celebrity does anything wrong, people generally think that it is their own misunderstanding that they cannot actually (!) grasp what he/she is doing!!
I have always considered you as a beautiful person!?!?
…… ভাই, সবাই তা-ই বলে…. …. (Can you remember anything nostalgic?)
Friends!! Would you rather be good-looking and stupid, ugly and smart?
My answer: Ugly and smart!!!
I would give up every ounce of anything good looking about me to be smarter. (Of course, it’s easy for me to say, because I’ve never been really ugly……… lolz) But even good looks fade with time… intelligence lasts longer.
Besides… what can a good-looking stupid person offer the world? People will soon learn that there’s nothing inside that pretty little head, and leave. But ugly and smart, well, people can get over their initial aversion and then really get to know and like you. It would be lonely to be good looking and stupid.
I never underestimate the privilege of being self-sufficient.
SP, to address your original status…..I think when we judge others, we do not define them, we define ourselves. Our opinions are very limited to our understanding and experiences…
BTW like your stimulating status and comments.
…. Thanks for discovering the charm of my status messages and comments…… Our mind often is tempted to admit the superficial truth rather than the profound truth, which nevertheless agreeable or, not, often leads us to misjudgment and prejudiced indoctrination and stereotypical ideas. It instigates misinterpretation about some aspects of life….
….. Beauty is superficial but, it also pays whenever you possess beauty of thought as well….. I personally, emphasize a lot on outward beauty besides inner faculties… Thanks.
depends on what you are looking for???? beauty or brains.
….. I always do adore the power of brain, but, in my case, this type of adoration often follows my impression about a person’s outwardly visualizable beauty…… And, I confess, I often get disappointed!…….. Lol…… Thanks.
Absolutely agreed…. we often(if not always) judge based on superficial and primarily based on our learning’s… ….based on our (mis)judgements, we are consciously or unconsciously evolving and I mean at a material… human level…not being spiritual here, what we thought dumb or beauty or fun when we were teenagers is different than our evolved thinking now… So I am just saying our judging of people is a reflection of us…….superficial or deep depends on us and our understanding…
Nonetheless I wouldn’t say I haven’t loved Tom Cruise, Brad Pitt or any other pretty face!!!!! But I personally prefer a beautiful person INSIDE OUT
…..A beautiful person inside out!… That’s a great idea easy to admit, yet difficult to exercise…. I personally have a weakness for grace of mind but my adoration of outward beauty often precedes my biased (!) weakness about innate faculties of mind, I confess….. The outward magnificence of The Taj blurs the evidential inner significance of that edifice to me for the time being……
Who are we to Judge people……..Let’s accept them the way they come and what we cannot accept lets have the strength to bear it.
….. Yes…. But the problem is I’m not young enough to accept anyone not considering whether he/she deserves my acceptance or, not….. Hmm…. Sometimes strength also bears testimony to the feeling of ‘cannot but’! ….
SP, it is not an idea… I live by it…
yes yesteryears… I was driven by skin but I guess experiences have evolved me…
they had conducted a study where a newborn were held by a beautiful person and
not so beautiful person…..most of the babies cried out the loudest with the not
so beautiful person…so my friend you are not alone.. I’m saying… you will only
evolve….some slower than others
It’s ok to appreciate the outer beauty.. Beauty, inside or out, is god’s own handwriting my friend…..that’s where I’m in life.
Beauty and brain, uncommon, but not that rare!
Then again, beauty is perceived, not absolute.
Beauty is on the eyes of the beholders. There is hardly anything which is absolutely beautiful or, ugly. And, it might be a relief for many a person….. Lol…
Unlike absolute power, absolute beauty, if exists however, doesn’t always corrupt absolutely.
Well….. Beauty is all-pervading, nevertheless, it isn’t always abused like absolute power. It varies from person to person and depends on the outlook and scrutinization of the possessor, whereas, power doesn’t.
ডাগর চোখে দিয়ে কাজল…..আপন রূপে আপনই বিহ্বল!!!
আমি আপনারে চিনেছি তোমারই হৃদয়পটে!
আমার হৃদয়পটে যে আয়না…..তা শত খণ্ডে বিচূর্ণ…..তাতে কি নিজের প্রতিবিম্ব দেখতে পাও, সুশান্ত? বলোতো?
আমি তো খণ্ড দেখিনি! আমি যে তোমাতেই বিভোর হয়ে ছিলাম!….
ভাবনা: চারশো সাতানব্বই
17 October 2009
Friends! Life is calling! Where are you?……. Happy Diwali!
17 October 2009
The virtue of being surprised is the gateway to acquiring knowledge…… Do you agree?
When the world becomes habituated to us and we pay little attention to the age-old customs, we’re generally reclused from the amazing diversity that the universe might offer…. Faith or, belief can hardly pay in this respect….
18 October 2009
Please don’t follow me…… I’m lost!
Being lost is the easiest way to be focused. Because when you’re lost only you don’t know your whereabouts but the rest of the world knows…. If you’re lost once, you’ve no fear of being lost again and so you can go wherever you like and do whatever you like as you think nobody is noticing you….. If you’re lost and follow a person who is lost, you might discover yourself in the world which is unfamiliar to him/her but familiar to you….. Being lost has many advantages over being physically present but mentally lost (subconsciously lost! )…….
18 October 2009
……..feel like floating on a sleepy blue ocean and enjoying the colour of night……
18 October 2009
কফি হাউসের সেই আড্ডাটা আজ আর নেই……কোথায় হারিয়ে গেলো সোনালী বিকেলগুলো সেই…….আজ আর নেই………
কফি হাউসেই এক ঘণ্টা আড্ডা দিলেই তো পকেট খালি, তাই আগের মতো আড্ডা আর নেইরে ভাই! মান্না দে নিজেও মনে হয় না আজকাল আর আড্ডায় যান কফি হাউসে।
এখনকার আড্ডার ধরনটা অনেক পাল্টে গেছে। কফি হাউসেও সেই রকমভাবে আড্ডাটা আর জমে না। ওখানে এখন বেশিরভাগই কফি খেতেই যায়, আড্ডা দিতে নয়; আমি নিজে গিয়ে দেখে এসেছি।
আমার খুব দারুণ লাগছে এই ভেবে যে অন্তত একজন সুহৃদ আমার নিছক অনুভূতিগুলোকে এতটাই মনে ঠাঁই দিয়েছেন। দাদা, আপনার কোন ধরনের আলাপ সবচাইতে বেশি ভাল লাগে?
….আড্ডা অবশ্য কফি হাউসে দিয়েছিও। চমৎকার লেগেছে সবকিছুই, কেবল চারদিক থেকে আসা সিগারেটের ধোঁয়াটুকু ছাড়া!
…..আমি যা করি। কোনো রেস্টুরেন্টে খেতে বসলে ওটাকেই মনেমনে কফি হাউস বানিয়ে কফি আর কাটলেট খাই। ক্ষতি কী?….. যদি রঙধনু লাগেই ভাল, তবে মনের মাঝেই নাহয় একটা এঁকে নাও!
সেই সাতজন নেই আজ, টেবিলটা তবু আছে…..সাতটা পেয়ালা আজো খালি নেই……একই সে বাগানে আজ এসেছে নতুন কুঁড়ি, শুধু সে সেদিনের মালী নেই…….
পৌষের কাছাকাছি রোদমাখা সেই দিন ফিরে আর আসবে কি কখনো…..
মুছে যাওয়া দিনগুলি আমায় যে পিছু ডাকে, স্মৃতি যেন আমার এই হৃদয়ে বেদনার রঙেরঙে ছবি আঁকে……..
এই নাগরিক জীবনের যান্ত্রিক আবহে নস্টালজিয়াতেই আমরা আশ্রয় খুঁজে ফিরি….দুদণ্ড শান্তির আশায়….
আমি স্বপ্নের ফেরিওয়ালা, স্বপ্নের ফেরি করে বেড়াই……স্বপ্ন কিনি, স্বপ্ন বেচি….. বন্ধু, তুমি কিনে নিয়ো সেই ভুলেযাওয়া কোনো ‘স্বপ্ন’, যা তোমাকে একদিন স্বপ্ন দেখতে শিখিয়েছিল।….. স্বপ্নের দাম তুমি দিয়ে দিয়ো শুধু তোমার বন্ধুতা দিয়ে……..এইতো জীবন!
19 October 2009
Life is a Disneyland…….
You’ll get here more than you expect, even sometimes more than you deserve…..
We’re such types of puppets who willingly let others dance us…. And then we start losing the life which we were born to live…… Life cannot be a Disneyland until you feel like so, you think so……
Give a smile to life, life will give you a laughter…..
Life is a wonderful blend of unknown feelings…. It’s an ancient magic-mirror that my grandmother bought from a gypsy woman a thousands years back….. It’s a whisper after a hundred years of solitude….. It’s a raindrop in the desert….. It’s a walk in the rain….. It’s singing with the Nightingale….. It means not to regret ever….. It is to let things happen as they tend to happen…. It calls us always….. Let’s respond to it!…… It’s your life, colour it!
….. If you think that life is beautiful, you’re right. If you think that life is horrible, you’re still right…… The reward of suspicion is that you’ll get what you suspect regardless of good or, evil…. Our life is exactly how we think about it, how we shape it…..
I make my dreams happen….. I dream as I wish…. I never regret, so time can never refrain me from the wonderful careless whispers…..
You’re at your sweet will to smile or, shed tears as you wish….. Why should blame your memories?….. Memories are simply memories nothing else, our way of thinking makes them sweet or, bitter!
19 October 2009
বন্ধুরা! আমার এমন কোনো হল?….আজকাল, বিদেশি ভাষায় কথা বলার মতো সাবধানে প্রেমের প্রসঙ্গে আসি..!!!
you are fallen, gentlemen….
Huh!… I’m not in love, rather, love is in me!
আমার অনেক বন্ধুই বলে, আমি নাকি প্রেম বিষয়ক বেশি কথা বলি, যদিও এটা বলার পারফেক্ট মানুষটি আমি নই। সেই জন্যই এত ভয়ে কথা বলি…..
19 October 2009
Judge not a man by his clothes, but by his wife’s clothes!…. Friends! Is it really a proper judgement?
As long as the wife is a hot chick, it makes sense. It’s a proper judgement.
Hmm….. Does it hold good when the wife is just a housewife and the husband is the only bread-earner?
Well…how does just being a housewife stop a wife from being a hot chick.
dada, love is blind, marriage is the eye-opener… If we admit this, we must say that ‘a really hot chick wife’ usually gets more from the person other than her own husband who is in (blind) love (not in marriage-bondage) with her!……lol…. Could I make the sense clear?
Another materialistic truth : A successful man is he who can fulfil all of his wife’s demands and a successful woman is she who can find such a husband!
The dress of a woman shows her husband’s wealth and the dress of a man usually shows his wife’s choice!
Judhishir did not stop Draupadi getting disrobed. What do you think of that, Dharmaraj?
…. Judhishthir was not a worldly person. So, the materialistic wealth was of little use to him. As the clothes of his wife symbolized his wealth (in accordance with my previous comment), he was totally indifferent to the incident of Droupodi’s getting disrobed and (probably) quite happy to see that incident as he was then on the way to be fully out of materialistic wealth!…… Lol… A great man with a narrow thought!
…. Girls are those who want to discover themselves as wives. Wives are those who have once crossed the boundary of girlhood, yet like to think themselves as girls especially, while behaving with other people (preferably with males)!…….. Ziku, was it right?
Hmm….. Brother! You know, we can write better about Hell than the people who have already been there!….. (In fact, people already been in Hell never dares to write about Hell!…… Lol… )
hmm,,,I can realise this is the time to take Delhi ka laddu..!!
so no need to delay…no risk no gain,,,,,,, hahahaha Hell in a cell…..
…. Hell in a cell…. Not bad!
…. Just look at the dress up of one of your friends and at her husband’s bank balance!