ভাবনাদেয়ালের পলেস্তারা (৬৫ষ্টি অংশ)

ভাবনা: চারশো উনপঞ্চাশ


1 July 2009

O Rain! Please go away…………..My sweetheart will come when the sun shines……..

Ok friends, I’m sending raindrops to your heart. Just try to catch them within your receptive soul. Then your sweetheart will naturally emerge in the core of your heart!

1 July 2009

‘Gloomy Rain’ outside my soul . . . . . . . . but inside it . . . there is ‘Eternal Sunshine’. . . . . forever. . . . . . . .

Huh. . . . . . . . . . No matter the sun shines or not, I can make the sun shine within my soul. Whatever the situation is, my day starts with the sunshine.

Sweets are the uses of raindrops only when the sunshine makes them sparkle like pearls!

1 July 2009

Friends, is there anyone who wants to sing and dance with me in rain?

Dancing and singing in the rain is a wonderful idea, because if we dance in the rain, we’ll enjoy ourselves and others will also enjoy our dance. So, we can make others happy by it!

1 July 2009

The evening has come in our city of joy from a distant place. The birds are flying; but they are not returning to their nests. Can you tell me which unknown land they are flying to?

Our way of thinking can make a place peaceful or not.

1 July 2009

I sometimes feel gloomy thinking why I hardly feel gloomy! Friends, can you give me a solution, please?

1 July 2009

Sometimes love comes in the guise of hatred. Please never let it go away!

Sometimes too much love results in hatred and too much hatred in love!

What is ‘love’ to an ardent lover, may be ‘hatred’ for others!

1 July 2009

The glimpses of moonlight invite my heart to be under her shadow. Friends! Good Night! I’m going there. Who want to accompany me?

My beloved lives in the core of my soul. She has no physical existence, but I know she exists within my heart!

2 July 2009

Friends! Cloudy Good Morning! Start your day with a dream!

2 July 2009

জানলা খোলা দেখে থমকে দাঁড়ালো. . . . . .দুষ্টু হাওয়ায় ওড়া এলোমেলো সুর. . . . . . . . . . . (কে যেন আজ হাতছানি দিয়ে ডেকে নিয়ে যায় আমায় দূর. . . . . .বহুদূর. . . . . . . . )

Translation: . . . . . . .Finding the window of my mind open. . . . .the rambling melody floating on the wind of my soul stopped all at once. . . . . . . .

(I wonder that melody beckons my heart and takes it away to the distant land, I’ve never gone throughout the short span of my life!)

2 July 2009

এই ঝলমলে রোদেলা বিকেল. . . . . . . .মনে করিয়ে দেয় সেই স্মৃতিটুকু . . . . . . . . .যে স্মৃতি বুকে নিয়ে এই পৃথিবীতে বেঁচে থাকতে ইচ্ছে করে অনন্তকাল . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

2 July 2009

মেঘলা বিকেল. . . . . . .ইচ্ছে করছে………..পাখিদের নীড়ে ফেরা দেখে মনে হচ্ছে যেন ওরা দলবেঁধে মেঘের দেশে বেড়াতে যাচ্ছে. . . . . . . .

2 July 2009

আমার ইঞ্জিনিয়ার হওয়ার কোনো ইচ্ছেই ছিল না। যা-ই হোক. . . . অ্যাকাডেমিক্যালি হয়েছি. . . . .আমি ইঞ্জিনিয়ার. . . . . . .এই ব্যাপারটা হয়তো মেনে নিয়েছি. . . . .কিন্তু এখনো মন থেকে নিতে পারিনি. . . . . .কখনো নিতে পারব কি না জানি না. . . . . .আমার ভেতরটা কেউই ধরতে পারে না, এমনকি আমিও না!

: কবি এবং ইঞ্জিনিয়ার হবার মধ্যে বিরোধটা কোথায়? ভাল কবিতা কিংবা ভাল ইঞ্জিনিয়ারিং ডিজাইন, দুটোর জন্যই লাগে কল্পনা শক্তি………..

: দারুণ! Really your comment is too tough to disagree! কিন্তু দাদা, প্রেক্ষাপট অন্য কথা বলে! আমাদের চেনা চারপাশে তাকিয়ে দেখুন, এই দুটো সত্তার মধ্যে কম্বিনেশন নেই বললেই চলে! তবু আমি চেষ্টা করেছিলাম সমন্বয় করতে. . . . . .এর ফলাফল যা হল, তা হচ্ছে. . . . . . . .আমার কল্পনার রাজ্যে ইঞ্জিনিয়ারের কল্পনা একেবারেই ফেইল মারল. . . . .টিকে রইল শুধু কাব্য. . . . . এই ব্যর্থতা আমি খুশিমনে মাথা পেতে নিচ্ছি!. . . . . . . .

2 July 2009

The cool night breeze takes me to that remote village where my solitary soul once danced in the midst of daffodils tossing the air. Friends, will you go with me?

2 July 2009

The silvery canopy of the moon is gesturing me to the blue star-studded sky! . . . . . So, . . . . . Friends! Good Night!

3 July 2009

Start your day with smile! Start your day with a dream. Sunny Good Morning Friends!

Let the clouds of nature and our mind dispel forever by the blazing sunshine this morning!

I wish I floated like clouds in the realm of my imagination!

3 July 2009

নাম রেখেছি বনলতা যখন দেখেছি. . . . . . . . .হয়তোবা সেই ক্ষণেই তোমায় ভালোবেসেছি. . . . . . . .বনলতা. . . . .কও কথা. . . . .হয়ো নাগো কুণ্ঠিতা. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Sushanta Paul Translation: O dear! When I saw thee the first time, my heart named you Bonolota. . . I wonder I fell in love with you at that very moment! O Bonolota! Let me hear your sweet voice. Don’t be shy!

3 July 2009

বৃষ্টিতে যদি হৃদয়ে হয় ক্ষরণ,

তবে আমি সব দুঃখ পারি করতে বরণ,

যদি বৃষ্টি ঝরে কোনো মাহেন্দ্রক্ষণে,

যেন তোমায় আমার পড়ছে মনে!

3 July 2009

I haven’t yet seen the loveliest days in my life; I haven’t yet uttered the sweetest words that I dream of uttering.

Love is what I feel. It gets perfection when I can make others feel so.

3 July 2009

Brother, I don’t know! I also searching that lucky person who can make me also fortunate.

3 July 2009

If we’re cured, we often don’t even remember the doctor; but if we aren’t cured we can never forget the doctor throughout our life!

We should never forget a doctor, because it is all the same for him whether we remember him or not. But if he remembers and misses us so much that we need to go to his chamber frequently, our life will be a hell!

ভাবনা: চারশো পঞ্চাশ


4 July 2009

Dear Friends! Let the sunshine pass through your soul. Good Morning!

4 July 2009 ·

Those who are bored at having extreme happiness, might try to make friendship with Bush.

4 July 2009

What a life paradox of a Bangalee! He can’t go to office relaxed eating the rice for which he is doing the job!

4 July 2009

Love is a mysterious simplicity woven in complexity!

4 July 2009

. . . . . . . .well-done! A good friend really works as the mirror of thought. No matter whether I’m here or not my soul-image speaks whenever and wherever necessary! 🙂

আমি তো হারিয়েই রয়েছি . . . . . . . . .মাঝেমাঝে ফিরে আসি. . . . . . .যখন সময় ক্ষণিকের জন্য থমকে দাঁড়ায়. . . . . . . . . . . . .

4 July 2009

O night birds! Please cease singing. My sweetheart is sleeping. Please whisper to my ear! Friends! Now it’s time to listen to the night birds! So, Good Night! Have a sweet dream!

5 July 2009 ·

Let the warmth of this morning touch your heart! Good Morning Friends!

5 July 2009

যে গান আমার সময়ের সাথে মিলে যায়. . . . . .সেই সময়, অর্থাৎ কালের বিচারে সেই গানটাই আমার জন্য কালজয়ী . . . . . আমি এটাই মনে করি. . . . . . তাই কালজয়ী গানের কোনো সুনির্দিষ্ট ব্যাকরণ আমার কাছে নেই।

5 July 2009

ডায়রির পাতাগুলো ছিঁড়ে ফেলেছি. . . . . . . .যেখানে লেখা ছিল তোমার কথা . . . . . . পারিনি ছিঁড়তে আমি মনের খাতা. . . . . . .যেখানে জমে আছে হাজার ব্যথা . . . . . . . . . . .

আহা, সেই ছোটবেলার গান!

5 July 2009

What will we gain if lose our own soul and gain the whole world?

Whatever may we gain is not felt from our soul. . . . . . .just seeks an outlet in the impulse! What’s the use of this fruitless gaining?

A person is what his instinct urges him to do. Instinct is something based on the interrogation of the soul. If the soul is dead a person is nothing but a living corpse!

Soul is the only thing that flies swiftly to answer for the right even when all other aspects of life is conquered illegally!

5 July 2009

I love her as I hate to hate her. How long will such a relationship last?

I think this depends upon the nature of hatred. The hatred may be of two types: either spontaneous or impulsive. The result will follow differently in each case!

5 July 2009

Dear Night! This world’s defeat; . . . . . . . The stop to busy fools. . . . . . A dazzling darkness to face the moon. . . . . . . . . Friends! Good Night!

6 July 2009

A man is as free as he can think.

Women are as free as the way man makes them think for the sake of both of men & women…………..

6 July 2009

She was playing with the twilight. Seeing this, the moon felt jealous and came soon! Friends, do you know who she is?

I’m pretty bad at helping in solving riddles!

6 July 2009

I want to dedicate the clouds of this noon to someone special. . . . . . . . . . . . .

How can I proceed? It’s raining from the clouds!

I can only give her clouds. . . . .but not the raindrops. . . ! huh. . .

6 July 2009 ·

I’m walking in the rain. Nobody but sweet raindrops accompany me!

6 July 2009

গোধূলি লগন . . . .নয় থাকলেই বা আর কিছুক্ষণ. . . . . . . . . . . .যেয়ো চলে. . . . . . .আমায় ছেড়ে. . . . .সন্ধ্যা নামবে যখন. . . . . . . . . .

লোকে যা-ই বলুক, হৃদয়ের কথা. . . .সে কি বন্ধ হয় কখনো?

6 July 2009

Most of us just fall in love, but cannot feel it in real sense!

Love is language of our mind, when our thoughts flow towards eternity.

6 July 2009

The song of the nightingale, the innocence of night breeze, the shadow of the queen-moon . . . . . all these invite my soul to the eternal night-paradise! Good Night Friends!

7 July 2009

Happiness lies between the gap of desire and fulfilment.

It is a state of well-being characterized by emotions ranging from contentment to intense joy ……………….

7 July 2009

Work, work and work! Isn’t there any other way to procure money?

Oh no! I still have to work in robbery also.

Huh! . . . . . My conscience says that it is already safe and even would be safer if I could get a shortcut to procuring money! Marriage to the daughter of a rich man? Why should I marry such a girl who has already been refused so many times only because people never even dare to see her face twice?! Rather, it’s a good idea to procure a money-making machine. But, could anyone please tell me where I can buy it from?

7 July 2009

Alas! How powerful I’m! I can make the sky cry as soon as I get out of home! (DISGUSTING RAIN!)

I like Mr. Rain and even all his relatives when I’m at home. I then start to write poems. . . .either already written or not by any romantic person sitting at home. . . . . . . .

7 July 2009

Enjoying the innocence of the raindrops. . . . . . . . . . . . .

The innocent parts of nature teach us to feel that we are here on earth to live and let others live harmoniously!

7 July 2009

The sun sets only to bring the ‘Royal Evening’.

7 July 2009

The cow doesn’t give us milk; rather we collect milk from it.

We cannot get any achievement readymade, rather we must raise ourselves to make it ready for us. Wind doesn’t change its direction, rather we make arrangement to change it as we need.

8 July 2009 ·

For every scoundrel, there is a hero.

8 July 2009

The sun is peeping through the clouds. . . . . . . . Enjoying the ‘CLOUDY WARMTH’ of the morning . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

ভাবনা: চারশো একান্ন


8 July 2009 ·

Sweet day, so cool, so calm, so bright!. . . . . . . . . . Why must we but weep for past days that won’t never come?

Sure, I treasure my thoughts not only for myself, but also for my friends.

8 July 2009

O Destiny! Why have you kept me under the same sky with her if I had to pass the past 25 springs of my life in solitude?

Irony of fate! Game of God! I wonder whether destiny always means destination!

8 July 2009 ·

. . . . . . . . . . . .enjoying the light and shade of the twilight. . . . . . . . .

8 July 2009 ·

. . . . . . .enjoying ‘the colour of the night’. . . . . . . . .

Feeling the aesthetic aspect of night!

8 July 2009

I think the colour of love and hate is same. It appears differently to differently persons.

8 July 2009 ·

Love lives beyond. . . . . .the tomb, the earth, the flowers and dew. . . . . .love dwells with her. . . . . .in the charm of night. . . . . .when I close my eyes. . . . . . . . Friends! Good Night!

9 July 2009 ·

. . . . . . . . . . Now reading the poetries by William Butler Yeats.

9 July 2009

. . . . . .now drawing her portrait with the hue of the clouds. . . . . . . . . .

9 July 2009

O raindrops! Please don’t fall on my eye-lids . . . . . . . let her see my tears and feel my passion for her ! . . . . . . .

Huh. . . . . .never do I. . . . . . I just wanna show my passion. . . . . .

Hope I’ll show it better. . . . .after I pass amateur stage. . . .and can teach others. . . .

O Sweet Rain! Please don’t touch my eye-lids so that my sweetheart can also feel how much my heart feels and yearns for her seeing tear drops on my eyes. . . . . .

9 July 2009

O dear! Please cast the glance once again that you cast on my soul the time when you saw me firstly!

9 July 2009

Politics is the art of convincing others of a matter of which they are already convinced.

. . . . . . . Thanks. I’m fine. It seems that the commoners generally wait for to be convinced. So it’s an easy task to convince them. . . . . Anyway, how are you?

In perspective Bangladesh!

We, the Bangladeshi people, have suffered the most for it also!

We’re too helpless to free ourselves from this vicious cycle of Bangladeshi politics!

I also hope let there be light. . . .

9 July 2009 ·

Why should we call Arab ‘Middle East’? Do we call England ‘Middle West’?

No first world country, no second world country or no third world country. . . . . . . Such so-called division only extends the ever-widening gap between wealth and poverty.

. . . . . Thanks a lot brother! I have been wondering about that for the past few days. Was England not used in such a way?

Thanks for informative comment. Then there so first, second or third world complexity! Happy to learn that!

If second world doesn’t exist, how comes the third world? Actually, third world concept is a strategy of exploiting the poorer countries.

9 July 2009

I am the self-consumer of my woes. . . . . . . Some songs remain unsung forever. . . . . Who knows!

My woes rise and vanish in oblivious host. . . . . . .

9 July 2009

Tonight both my soul and my poor house do equally desire your company. . . . . Not I’m worthy of your love. . . . . . .but your love will make me feel the liberty that will inspire me to be free even in the shackles…….

10 July 2009

I’ve learnt shedding tears from the rain. . . . . . . . . O dear! What’s the use of frightening me to make me weep for you?. . . . . . . . I’ve learnt flaming my soul from the volcano. . . . . . . . How can you burn my soul more than that?

10 July 2009 ·

A bed of roses without a sweetheart is no better than a bed of thorns!

When you think you enjoy something, you start enjoying it. It’s a psychological matter. No matter whether it is enjoyable to others or not! So, friend, you’re right in your thought.

10 July 2009

What should I do if someone doesn’t understand that I don’t love her?

. . . . If she turns a deaf ear to thousands of reasons . . . . .then what should I do?

I’ve already thought thousand times! She is a pest for me. Please pardon me if I’m rude.

. . . . . . . Isn’t love a feeling that spring spontaneously? Why should a person urge another that he must love her? In addition, I never promised her anything like that. If one builds a castle of love without the consent of other, the castle should collapse!

Now, a light joke comes to my mind! I loved Aishwarya very dearly and even dreamt of marrying her. . . . . . . . . . .

Is love something that ‘I SHOULD’ or something that ‘I CANNOT BUT’?

Love is actually a feeling that comes spontaneously. What’s the use of being convinced about loving someone whom you cannot accept from you soul?

ভাবনা: চারশো বায়ান্ন


10 July 2009

If you don’t love someone, do you think that he/she has the right to hate you?

But, many think that they’ve the fullest right!

. . . . Why should I borrow if I can afford myself?

Nowadays, creativity is the art of concealing the source of an idea tactfully, while spontaneity always passes through some universal traits which often haunts your brain. I think in my case, spontaneity works which is largely based on originality:) . . . . . . . Anyway, to generate a product-idea of DOVANA I must treasure some more ideas which others can use also.

. . . . . . I wonder whether the writers whose words we read, also face the same question! LOL

I’ve probably failed to make my viewpoint clear to you. I asked if I refuse someone in case of love, has she any right to show hatred towards me?

10 July 2009

Love is best felt by those who try to get it but fail in their attempt!

I wonder whether there is any person but fell in love in their whole life. But few can achieve it in the truest sense!

The feeling of love is yet to be defined universally. However, spontaneity is the fountain that flows it to eternity. What is love to a person may be utter hatred to another. The dimensions of it make it more enigmatic than it really is. Those who try and fail in solving it, optimist or pessimist may they be, can feel what they failed to gift their soul!

10 July 2009

Night, the black rainy reason, simplifies her smells . . . . . . into a village; she assumes the impenetrable . . . . . . . musk of the negro, grows secret as sweat, . . . . . . her alleys odorous with sucked oyster shells, . . . . . . . coals of gold o

Some simple words can say more than they really imply. . . . .if expressed in some more words. . . . . .

11 July 2009

The sky feels like weeping, but doesn’t weep so that I can wish a Good Morning to my friends!

11 July 2009

Even an impolite person cannot tolerate another impolite person!

11 July 2009

“It is better to reign in Hell than to serve in Heaven.”

It’s not so argumentative as you seem to think. I’ve tried here to present a simile. Metaphorically, it is referring to another state having some similar traits. Friends, have you got my point?

. . . . . Please try to understand the allegory.

11 July 2009

Thou gave me leave to kiss. . . . . . . Thou gave me leave to woo. . . . . . . Thou made me think, by this. . . . . . . . And that, thou loved me to. . . . . .

12 July 2009

What a mystery! It’s equally delicious to love or hate you!

Huh! DELICIOUS sounds delicious.

12 July 2009

What a weather! The sun is peering through the cloud.

12 July 2009

It’s not fair! My friends say that I don’t use internet; rather I use facebook!

12 July 2009 ·

Little you know the subtle electric fire that for your sake is playing within me.

13 July 2009

A critic is free from all anxieties; because he doesn’t have to create anything. He can only criticize.

Criticism is the art of valuing and often devaluing others for a work that is hardly possible for the critic.

13 July 2009

If the holy books stand on the way to be a real man, they should be set on fire.

I just expressed my personal feeling here, similarly as you’ve. Thanks for your comment.

I’ve read many holy books of different religions. From my study, I’ve felt the urge to alter or update many existing thoughts that hinder the our psychological, individual and overall social development. We should never follow blindly any verdict of those books, because some of our ancestors wrote those. They might have their own follies.

I take care of my perception treasured from my study, and at the same time I also respect the perception of others treasured from only their familial social tradition not from self-cognizance!

14 July 2009

I saw my ruin in your eyes. But I just cannot help staring at your eyes!

14 July 2009

Remember me from day to day, . . . . . . . . Remember me when far away, . . . . . . . . . AND . . . . . . When a grave should be my bed, . . . . .. And remember me when I am dead . . . . . .

14 July 2009

Being confused is a good thing, because it will from doing anything, either right or wrong!

14 July 2009

Wounded hearts are like roses that never bloom. So, friends, please never wound the heart that loves you.

14 July 2009

. . . . . . . . .enjoying the charming light and breeze of twilight.

14 July 2009 ·

. . . . . . . .appeal of golden evening has fallen on my soul. . . . . . . .

O dear! How can I untie the bond that you’ve created in my soul this evening?

14 July 2009

O dear! If you don’t come, I can invite Death in thousand ways. I hope, Death will not refuse me cruelly like you!

Death is milder than my sweetheart!

Friend, probably you’re writing a letter to an unborn child, yet to see the light of the world!

15 July 2009

The world is now suffering from a deep malady, yet we are indebted to the world.

15 July 2009

Never give your heart to a teen-ager; she may lose it fancifully. Preserve it, give it to her when she is matured enough to receive it.

A teen-aged girl can’t usually develop the fullest sense about which heart to treasure and which heart to deny. So, what she dreams is merely a fancy of love not the real love in the truest sense. Why should we impose a responsibility on the shoulder that is not prepared to shoulder it yet?

It’s very natural that a teen-aged girl devalues a receptive heart. But a matured one must not be too silly to treasure a heart which can show her the way like an evening-star.

Yea. . . . . . .in this case, most of them make serious blunders that sometimes give her pain all through her whole life.

ভাবনা: চারশো তেপান্ন


15 July 2009

When the text-book committee prescribes text-books, it actually tells the students indirectly that they shouldn’t read those books if they want to get pleasure from reading!

15 July 2009

. . . . . . . .enjoying the illusive shadow of the evening. . . . . .

15 July 2009

In the ocean of love there is no shore.

As there is no shore, a lover must never seek for a pause; the more he crosses, the more way is left to cross yet. . . . . . . . . .

The more one tries to escape, the more one ties himself!

15 July 2009

My tear-drops are flooding me, yet my soul is burning for you. Oh! The palace is burning to ashes in the heavy shower of rain! . . . . . . . . . Good Night, Friends!

16 July 2009

বৃষ্টিভেজা রোদ্দুর হঠাৎ মনে করিয়ে দিল, কাল রাতে আমরা একসাথে বৃষ্টি ছুঁয়েছিলাম।

16 July 2009

Who wanna dance with me in the romantic twilight?

Nothing has happened yet. If I can dance with someone, something might happen.

16 July 2009

. . . . . . . . . . .waiting for the night-birds to please my sweetheart !

16 July 2009

Love for love’s sake or, Love for heart’s sake? Friends, which one is the more important?

If you love someone, you may suffer. If you don’t you must suffer. Better to love and be loved!

Why should experience it personally? Rather, like me you can also perceive it from cognizance of your friends!

16 July 2009 ·

When a lover sheds tears for the sake of love, then his tear-drops become blazes of fire in his eyes.

Sighs don’t always breed tears. Mountains covered with snow all around assume a majestic look, what matters if miss the original beauty? Tears tell most when speeches fail. They raze the heart of a lover and only then the sparks flow to eternity. It can turn you to ashes in the twinkling of your eye.

The more minds, the more viewpoints! No problem!

. . . . . . I think this psychology works equally in both cases.

17 July 2009

প্রিয়ার চিবুকে রোদ্দুরের লুকোচুরি খেলা দেখে ঘুম ভাঙল।. . . . . . . . . . . .বন্ধুরা, মেঘরোদ্দুর সুপ্রভাত!

তবু জেনে রেখো, আমি আছি . . . . . . এইতো তুমি আছো. . . . . . .শুধু হাতটা বাড়িয়ে ডেকে নাও. . . . . .

17 July 2009

শুধু কবিতার জন্যই আরো দীর্ঘকাল বেঁচে থাকতে বড়ো লোভ হয়. . . . . . . . . . . .

17 July 2009

আজকাল মানুষের ভিড়ে. . . . . .মানুষ খুঁজে পাওয়া দায়!

মানুষের রাজ্যে অমানুষের সাথে বিষণ্ণ বসবাস।

17 July 2009 ·

একটাই তো কবিতা! . . . . . . .লিখে যাচ্ছি. . . . .লিখে যাবো . . . . . . . সারাটা জীবন ধরে. . . . . . . . .

যে কবিতার সুর নিত্য নাচে জীবনের ছন্দে! যে কবিতার সবটুকু লেখা হয়ে গেলেও. . . . .বাকি থেকে যায় অনেকটুকুই!

আমার কবিতার পঙক্তিমালা যে আমার হৃদয়েই খেলা করে অনুক্ষণ! অনুভূতির ক্যানভাসে মিশে থাকে সারাক্ষণ!

17 July 2009

ইদানিং. . . . তুমি পাশে থাকলে বরং . . . . আরো বেশি একাএকা লাগে. . . . . .

17 July 2009

আমি এখন কবিতার হাতে বন্দি এক করুণ শিকার…………..

17 July 2009

My only wish throughout my life was: ‘Someone will wait for me.’ But I passed whole of my life wishing for someone, but nobody came!

life seems to me a dew-drop………that falls in an unpredictable manner!

I’m marvelous only when my friends can feel my thoughts with their marvelous contemplative instinct!

……….your wonderful words woven in the charm of celestial benediction make my way to destination not a weary but a charismatic one!!!

17 July 2009 ·

My ‘Love’ always lives in my soul; he is never born, never dies!

18 July 2009

Friends! May today’s dreamy sunshine start your day. Good Morning!

18 July 2009 ·

প্রতিটি ব্যর্থ প্রেমই প্রেমিককে দেয় এক ধরনের অহংকার. . . . . . . . . .

19 July 2009

Start your day with smile, start your day with a dream! Good Morning Friends!

19 July 2009

ভার্সিটি ক্যান্টিনের আড্ডাটা আজ আর নেই . . . . .আজ আর নেই. . . . . . . . . .

19 July 2009

এই গোধূলিলগন . . . . . .থাক আরো কিছুক্ষণ. . . . . . . . .

O twilight! Please stay a little more!

I’m quite ok. I’m not in love, rather love is in me!

19 July 2009 ·

. . . . . . . . . . .enjoying the dangerous beauty of the dark evening!

অন্ধকারকে শরৎচন্দ্র বলতেন ভয়ংকর সুন্দর!

Beauty in its most extreme form!

20 July 2009

How wonderfully the sunshine entered through my soul this morning! Good Morning, Friends!

20 July 2009

My dreamgirl lives in my soul. She assimilates a concrete shape only in the bosom of my heart! She perhaps has no physical existence!

20 July 2009

I can feel how the down-trodden feel when we try to impose our bogus majesty upon them. A too tough a misery to withstand, indeed!

20 July 2009

I spent my whole life chasing after ‘beauty’. ‘Beauty’ was inside my soul. You discovered it for the first time. Now, I’ve gained a rebirth!

20 July 2009

My tears have extinguished the fire that you’ve flamed in my soul. But who will extinguish the flame in my soul that was caused by my tears?

21 July 2009

What’s the punishment of keeping two wives at a time? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Getting two mothers-in-law at a time! . . . . . . . . . . . . . Friends, keep smiling! Good Morning!

21 July 2009

After marriage ….. The newly married ugly bride: Before whom should I come in veil? . . . . . . . . Bridegroom: Only before me, no one else!

21 July 2009 ·

. . . . . . . .now reading ‘Chobir Deshe Kobitar Deshe’ by Sunil Ganguli. . . . . .for the third time. . . . . . . . JOSSSSS!!!

Sushanta Paul Two thumbs up! Another awesome such type of book is ‘Pothe Probase’ by Annadasankar Roy.

ভাবনা: চারশো চুয়ান্ন


21 July 2009

তোমাকে যখন দেখি, তার চাইতে বেশি দেখি, যখন দেখি না।

21 July 2009

The decision of marrying second time after the death of the first wife is the victory of desire over experience!

Conquer of desire over experience, bitter experience! Drinking Hemlock smilingly once again!

First marriage is called “accident”, but second marriange considered as ‘Suicide”…..

Suicide. . . . . . .to be continued. . . . . . . .

22 July 2009

. . . . . . . .enjoying a cool atmosphere after the solar eclipse

22 July 2009

. . . . . . . . .suffering from Hamletian Complexity. . . . . . . . . . . To be or not to be: that is the question.

Now the problem is, when I close my eyes, I dream that life is beauty, but when I open my eyes, I feel that life is nothing but duty.

22 July 2009

Misery begets Misfortune, or Misfortune begets Misery?

22 July 2009

We should never show the audacity of being attacked with such a disease of which we can’t defray the medical cost.

23 July 2009

প্রতিদিন পথচলা কি পথের বুকে পদাঘাত?

23 July 2009

. . . . . . .enjoying the rhythm of twilight.

23 July 2009 ·

O birds! Please stay some more moment, sing with me. Don’t return nests now. . . .

23 July 2009 ·

সব পাখি নীড়ে ফিরে গেছে. . . . . . .রেখে গেছে এই সুন্দর স্বর্ণালি সন্ধ্যা. . . . . .শুধুই তোমার জন্যে।

23 July 2009

Love is a flame. It ignites only when our mind responds spontaneously.

24 July 2009

I think Socrates would not hesitate to drink Hemlock if his wife Xanthippe were lovely and offered him that cup of deadly poison.

. . . . . . . I can do what I said, because I dare do it! It’s a promise, mind it!

. . . . . I earnestly wish it really happened!

If I am in your position, I would rather quit drink any liquids…and I will eat food also outside…HeHeHe….

Good joke, but I wonder whether it works practically!

24 July 2009

Friends, which one is the sweeter? ‘Memories based on Love’ or, ‘Love based on Memories’?

Memories based on love chases the heart of a true lover throughout his/her whole life. Again, love based on memories dominates over the mundane pleasures. So, both the concepts are powerful enough to make a sensible heart nostalgic.

25 July 2009

যে যা-ই বলুক . . . .আমি আমার পাগলামোগুলো নিয়ে খুব সুখে আছি!

25 July 2009

Nature is the best cook.

25 July 2009

O dear! Please don’t leave me. I promise I’ll never seek you but only your golden love.

26 July 2009

Make-up is an art, but the better art is the trick to conceal it from others.

26 July 2009

When I find a bird lying dead on the street, my sensible soul tries to compose a verse for it. But why does the thought of burying it not come in my mind?

This is a message, whatever the height it flies, but it has to get grounded after death….so many people will realize it, whenever they see the bird lying dead in the floor…so just leave it…and move forward….

Really a nice interpretation, I must admit!

26 July 2009

Gratitude about internationalism is a very rare thing.

26 July 2009

The greatest heroes of history are actually famous murderers.

লাইনটা সস্তা মনে হতে পারে, কিন্তু লাইনটার সিগনিফিকেন্স আমার কাছে বিভিন্ন দিক থেকেই ইম্পরট্যান্ট। আমি সেইসব মহারথীদের কথা বলছি, যারা সো-কল্ড ইম্পেরিয়ালিজিমের মোহে অন্ধ হয়ে হিউমানিজমের চরম হিউমালিয়েশন করেছিলেন। আমার প্রায় সময়ই মনে হয়, হিরো—এই কনসেপ্টটা অনেকবেশি রিলেটিভ, এমনকি অনেক ক্ষেত্রেই প্রিজুডাইসড; হিস্ট্রির পাতা উল্টে অন্তত আমার তা-ই মনে হয়েছে।

The history that students of a particular region read is very much biased. Generally, we are taught that the national heroes (may or may not have the international acceptance) are seldom wrong-doers. Rather, the so-called heroes of other regions that stand on our way were bloody scoundrels. Sometimes patriotism breeds superstition.

Then, you’re admitting that some of them might be (rather should be) called rascals. Well, I also claimed this type of unbiased attitude.

27 July 2009

The story that is difficult to drag to the end, should rather be left in the middle-part with a pleasing turn.

27 July 2009 ·

Loan haunts us 24 hours. It causes anxiety at night and humiliation by day.

Hmm. . . . . . . Good thought, as I thought it also. Loan always deducts money. The more loan, the more liability, the less wealth, the weaker friendship.

So, don’t borrow loan from friends…instead borrow from Banks….

Good idea. Bank will never break up friendship with you.

27 July 2009

If you want to spoil your whole day you can start your day quarreling with your wife. . . . . Give it a try, it really works!

I just suggested one of the most effective (!) ways.

I experienced it practically and very closely from many of my closer ones!

27 July 2009

Sometimes I think that you would better be a poetry so that I could recite you again again not to forget you.

28 July 2009

Sunset bathed in raindrops. . . . . . .tears of sun (!)

28 July 2009

The word ‘LOVE’ is one of the mostly used but leastly understood words in the world.

What about couple love?

Because “Talking” is easy, but “Practicing” is tough, and Follow & Understand is toughest….

Good…………..Constructive thought!

28 July 2009

সমুদ্রের গর্জন শুনতে ইচ্ছে করছে . . . . . . .

28 July 2009

Coming to this earth is a risky task. So, there is no way of escaping this risk after coming here.

We can run throughout our life in the same endless track of this earth!

Mr. Doctor, how many have you brought to earth so far? Hahaha.

Neither we brought anything to this world, and Nor we are going to take anything from this world….in between….some of us enjoy this world, some of us ruin this world….

depends on…………the attitude!

29 July 2009

Love happens only once, the rest is just Life. . . . . . . .

Your statement may be true, if you see “Love” and “Life” as two separate things. But, if you beleive both are same, then how will accept your statement???

If both were the same……….the statement would delete………….the words…………ONCE…………REST……….

Thnx for ur disagreement! Brother I’m referring here to “Love at first sight” concept…………..A pure, spiritual affection, subsisting between persons of opposite sex, unmixed with carnal desires, and regarding the mind only and its excellence………….PLATONIC LOVE……….(ঠিক আছে?)

ভাবনা: চারশো পঞ্চান্ন


29 July 2009

যখন রূপকথা শুনিয়ে যায় সোনালী ডানার গাঙচিল. . . . . . . . . . . .তখন তোমায় ভাবতে থাকি. . . . . . . .কল্পলোকের সিঁড়ি বেয়ে উঠতে থাকি. . . . . . . .ভাবি. . . . . .পথ এখনো অনেক বাকি . . . . . . . .

29 July 2009

Never put flowers on the bed, because it’s the symbol of last farewell to a departed soul.

Then I should also think more about it later. lol

29 July 2009

O dear! Don’t leave me alone. I’d rather you’d not in unless you must. I shan’t catch the whole world, if you catch my hand!

29 July 2009

Which prevails against all the odds? Love for love’s sake? or, Love for heart’s sake?

29 July 2009

I just want to kiss the evening breeze that danced on the tuft of her hair some moments ago.

“Love at first sight” concept…………..A pure, spiritual affection, subsisting between persons of opposite sex, unmixed with carnal desires, and regarding the mind only and its excellence………….PLATONIC LOVE…………blows a storm of passion in my soul

29 July 2009

When I owned a boat, I wasn’t worried about the shore, as I could reach it whenever I wished. Now, my boat is broken. Still I’m not worried about the shore, as I’ll never be able to reach it, even if I try my best.

30 July 2009

Hospital is a depressed home of the depressed world.

And you people are the heroes of that depressed world! Still agreed? lol. . . . . . .

For every hero there is a rascal. Who are the rascals for you, brother?

30 July 2009 ·

আমি ভালোবাসা হারিয়ে ফেলার ভয় করি না. . . . . .কারণ আমার ভালোবাসার কোনো জন্ম হয় না, মৃত্যু হয় না।

আমারই হৃদয়ের নিভৃতে আমারই সাথে তার সহবাস!

The dreamers often lose their dreams in reality. I would rather wanna wander with her on the clouds of my dreams in my fairyland.

Dada, the dreamgirls always live in dream. If we want to get them in reality, we often become frustrated.

30 July 2009

It’s better to feel love than to fall in love.

We stop analyzing love as soon as we fall in it.

1 August 2009

কেউ কথা রাখেনি. . . . . . . . .তবু আমি এখনো ‘মানুষকে অবিশ্বাস করা পাপ’ এই অমোঘ সত্যের বাঁধনে বাঁধা. . . . . . . . . . .

আমার স্বপ্নের পৃথিবীতে সবাই কথা রাখে…..তাই ‘বরুণার বুকে আজ শুধুই আতরের গন্ধ’……….

বন্ধু, তোমার স্বপ্নের পৃথিবীতে আমি নিভৃতচারী হয়ে থাকতে চাই। প্রেমহীন মায়ার ধুম্রজাল ছিন্ন করে চোখে এঁকে নিতে চাই স্বপ্নিল মোহ।

1 August 2009

“A thing of beauty is a joy forever.” I would like to say, “A person of beauty is a joy forever.” So, let’s be beautiful!

1 August 2009

I was born genius, education destroyed me.

Our formal education system often limits our vision, instead of creating newer boundaries for us.

I feel flattered! Anyway, for your kind information I would like to inform you that I was more genius earlier! lol. . . .

1 August 2009 ·

An idiot’s praise is more harmful than his/her criticism.

1 August 2009

What can I do when the only person who can make me stop crying is the person who made me cry? . . . . . Dear Friend, you are that worthy person. . . . . . . . Happy Friendship Day!

2 August 2009

Passed some golden moments with some of my bosom friends.

3 August 2009

Bank transaction. . . . . . . .troublesome task!

3 August 2009

An artist is the person who can see and show the excellence of his soul.

3 August 2009 ·

Some government officials act like rascals. Some act just like beggars. What a pity! BUREAUCRATIC IDIOCY!

3 August 2009

I try to tolerate the rude people, because they are the majority.

Selfishness is the mother of stupidity. A stupid fellow knows about himself better than about others.

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