ভাবনা: সাতশো চৌষট্টি ……………………………………………………… এক। People leave their motherland not because they get a better country to live in, but because they get some better people to live with. A country is how its citizens are. A smart people makes a smart country, thereby a smart lifestyle. ALWAYS! Mentality and mindset do matter! The punishment of walking on the ground when you can soar is being judged and tortured by the people who walk on the ground as they can't soar. People who can soar always seem small to the people who can't. দুই। I swore that this time this writing would not be about you, but I need to say, even knowing that like the other times, this time you would not read it either, I could not ignore the urge of keeping you in my head. I remember repeating myself several times that it was the end, but it was just you, coming back, and I surrendered. Furthermore, I don't know if it was the mysterious look or your smile I couldn't resist. All in me, I wish you would be selfish not to admit that my body missed your eyes on me, and so far, the shiver in my skin writing this: it's always been great to have you here. It has brought me peace, taught me to stop looking back, and if today I allow myself to follow it, it is by learning from you that I should not hold myself in anything that takes me away from the inner me. I went instantly and every second you've been here just to show me that I'm much better without you. This is the real end I can't accept. তিন। The butterfly represents the transformation and the act of renewing itself. Often there will be changes in your life that will cause fear. However, like a butterfly, you must spread your wings and exit the cocoon, that is, from your comfort zone. During the process, you will encounter difficulties that will make you stronger, also like the caterpillar, which needs to undergo several survival tests to continue with your life mission. Every process, change and phase you need to go through will become an apprenticeship. So, I suggest you, don't be discouraged. As transient, it is the phase you're going through, don't give up, there's a lot you see out there, and I guarantee that all the happiness in the world will one day be by your side. Strengthen yourself in the subtleties of life, on that open-sun morning from which you reassure the core of life. Whether in music or silence, fortify your soul, let your light pass through the entire continent of this universe. The greatest commitment to ourselves is to be true, without fear, fear or any counterpoint that distances us from our own roots. Believe that you may be at your greatest greatness, that it is your home and be that peace that so many people find in you, you can see bliss in the mirror. Between the caterpillar and the butterfly for a long time; between two distinct moments, there is healing, there is love, goodness and certainty. Believe me, everything's going to be all right, anyway, only if you can manage to keep yourself alive. চার। That's my vibe, close your eyes, and just feel it! The wind beating in the face, the warmth of an embrace of the air, the positive vibe in the air, the winter breeze, the exaltation of love, a simple touch of the loved one, the power of a look! Feel your life deep in your heart, enjoy the lightness of life satisfaction, pour the positive mentally and run into your imaginary garden, live with the desire to want to be the best person you can be in the world, face the difficulties calmly, develop patience and wait for the right moment to act, feel your determination looking at yourself in the mirror. If you think, expose yourself, feel, imagine you in a field far from the city where only you and nature are, feel the emotions with a firm will, do not block your own vibe, transmit your emotions in playful words, do simple things that convey to you the feeling of being on top of a mountain or in a house in winter synchronizing the direction with the moon, love as if you were on an endless road and keep running even if you get tired. At the same time, know your limit in love, get to know yourself through your dreams and thoughts, taste your own pleasure. Have positivity, seek to have a more positive look at seeing the present, because no beauty is beautiful at all if we do not give her due attention. Nothing shines more than the vibe of your soul. Be insane, impulsive, true, intense. Cultivate life in your own way, make places special to you, appreciate essential elements in your day-to-day life, feel inner peace and energy, smile and do everything again tirelessly, just fly on the unlikely limit. Always dream, life is free, that's why you need to live your own way, be really happy in the authenticity and praise the ones who speak what they feel, because they themselves will be the only ones to get what they really want because they do not fear the future and value the present. That is my vibe and how I live. ভাবনা: সাতশো পঁয়ষট্টি ……………………………………………………… এক। The truth is, I feel like my best friend left me the moment I needed her most... Because being a friend isn't just a title, it's a practice. Your friend is the one who stands by you, listens to you and dries your tears, whatever time it is. A friend is the one who always takes a little time to cheer you up or give you a tight hug. For those who do not want your friendship, there will never be a shortage of excuses... The day my best friend abandoned me, I learned to dry my tears and calm my heart alone. It's really bad when everyone walks away all of a sudden and you realize that your best friend has left you to please other people... Still life moves on! Depend only on yourself, many friendships will come your way if you don't lock your heart! My best friend left me for some people she had just met. At first, I thought it meant I had no value. Then I realized it had nothing to do with me, rather it was some instinct she already had that I had never noticed earlier. If your best friend has left you for someone else, I want you to know that you're not alone. Unfortunately, there are a lot of good people in this world who trust people who have never deserved any trust... The lesson is difficult, but over time you learn to think twice before handing your pure heart into the hand of someone who is not rooting for your happiness. Cultivate self-love and always repeat to the mirror: "You are amazing!" Being aware of our defects is not enough; we also need to recognize our qualities and talents to use them. Love yourself, defend yourself and twist for yourself! A friend is someone who decides to be by your side actively, no matter whatever the situation is when the rest of the world decides to leave you alone. You will be in more troubles not because of the voice of your enemies, but because of the silence of your friends. The world suffers only for the silence of good people. A friend silent in need is not a friend indeed. দুই। ভালোবাসার সবচাইতে বড়ো সীমাবদ্ধতা হচ্ছে, আপনি কাউকে আপনার সবটুকু দিয়ে ভালোবাসলেও, তার মনের মধ্যে কী ঘটে চলেছে, তা কখনওই জানতে পারবেন না। এমনও হতে পারে, সে মানুষটা দিনের পর দিন কোনও একটা ব্যাপার নিয়ে কষ্ট পেয়ে যাচ্ছেন, অথচ আপনি চোখের সামনে তা দেখেও কিছুই করতে পারছেন না। আপনার চোখের সামনেই আপনার ভালোবাসার মানুষটা ক্রমেই শেষ হয়ে যাচ্ছেন, প্রতিটি মুহূর্তে এটা দেখে দেখে বেঁচে থাকার চাইতে যন্ত্রণার আর কী আছে! এমন নয় যে মানুষটা আপনার সাথে তাঁর মনের কথা শেয়ার করছেন না। করছেন, কিন্তু আপনি তাঁর দুঃখটুকু তাঁর মতো করে বুঝতে পারছেন না, কিংবা বুঝলেও সেখান থেকে তাঁকে বের করে আনার রাস্তাটা খুঁজে পাচ্ছেন না। অনেক অনেক সময় ধরে ভালোবাসার বাঁধনে একসাথে থেকেও দুজন মানুষ পরস্পরকে বুঝতে পারে না। তীব্র ভালোবাসা এমন কিছু অসহায়ত্বের জন্ম দেয়। ভালোবাসার মানুষটাকে বুঝতে না পারলে মনের মধ্যে একধরনের গভীর অসুখের সৃষ্টি হয়। সেই অসুখের দিকে তাকালে নিজেকে শেষ করে দিতে ইচ্ছে করে। আমি তোমাকে ভালোবাসি, এর চেয়ে বহুগুণে স্বস্তিদায়ক অনুভূতি হলো, আমি তোমাকে বুঝতে পারি। তিন। It's not that I want to die. Deep down, I wish I could live. The truth is, I'm just tired of being me---someone who can't get anything of value, who can't do anything right,---someone who tries to wake up to face a new day, but that day only comes to add more pain, disappointment and a gigantic emptiness,---an individual who could have done much more, but who fell into a spiral of self-adversary, self-sabotage and self-denial. I say so much that I want to die and this could be my mantra, but I know it's just an abbreviation to want to be special, be necessary, be important, be desired. And stop staying below those expectations of me and the expectations of others. I wanted to look at myself and see something beyond a deformed figure in fears and hopelessness. But. probably, that's not going to happen. So, I keep saying I want to die. চার। I want to love you like a poem Written on the skin that covers the soul. Your warm arms ... Arms that cover my nakedness Made of desires and tenderness ... Like a climax of my madness ... Tattoo done on body and soul ...!! পাঁচ। I don't understand. This feeling is so vast that it goes beyond any understanding. Understanding is always limited. But not understanding may have no boundaries. I feel like I'm much more complete when I don't understand. Not understanding, the way I speak, is a gift---not to understand, but not as a simple spirit. The good thing is to be smart and not understand. It's a strange blessing, like having madness without being crazy. It's a meek disinterest, it's a sweetness of stupidity. Only every once in a while, comes the restlessness: I want to understand a little. Not too much, but at least I understand that I don't understand. ছয়। বেশি ডিপ্রেশনে থাকলে আমরা হয় ভাত খাই, নতুবা বিসিএস পরীক্ষা দিই। সাত। I don't love you anymore. It'd be lying to say that I still want you as I always did. I'm sure that nothing was in vain. I feel inside that you mean nothing. I could never say that it is a great love. I feel more and more that I've already forgotten you! And I will never use the phrase I love you! I'm sorry, but I have to tell the truth It's too late ... (Now read it from bottom to up. This text has two different interpretations according to the flow of the reading.) ভাবনা: সাতশো ছেষট্টি ……………………………………………………… এক। Today is the time to be happy! Life is the fruit of the decision of every moment. Perhaps that's why the idea of planting is so revealing about the art of living. To live is to plant. It is an attitude of constant sowing, of dropping into the land of our existence the most diverse forms of seeds. Each choice, however small, is a form of seed that we cast on the flowerbed we are. One day, everything we now silently plant or let plant in us will be planting that can be seen from afar... For every day, your commitment matters. Under heaven, there is a time for everything! Today, in this time that is yours, the very thing being planted determines the future. The choices you seek, the friends you cultivate, the readings you make, the values you embrace, the loves you love, everything will be decisive for future harvesting. Happiness perhaps is this: joy of gathering from the earth we are, fruits that are pleasing to the eye! Unhappiness, maybe it's the other way around. What we can't lose sight of is that life isn't real outside cultivation. It's always time to throw seeds... It's always time to gather fruit. All at the same time. Yesterday's seeds, today's fruits. Today's seeds, tomorrow's fruits! So don't lose sight of what you've been choosing to drop on your land. Watch out for the sowers who don't love you. They have the power to spoil the outcome of many things. Watch out for the sowers you don't know. There's a lot of evil hidden in seductive smiles... Beware of those who drop anything on you, after all, you deserve so much more than anything. Beware of the passenger-loves... they usually leave painful marks that do not pass away... Watch out for the invaders in your body... they don't usually come back to help fix the clutter... Watch out for the looks of those who don't know how to love you... they usually make you forget that you're worth it... Watch out for the lying words that see you around... they usually spoil our reference to the truth... Beware of the voices that insist on reminding you of your shortcomings...they often impair your view about yourself. Don't be afraid to look in the mirror. It is in this naughty face that you have, that God has decided to express once again the love He has for the world. Don't be discouraged from inside, even if today's harvest isn't too happy. Don't put an end to your hopes. There's still a lot to do, there's still a lot to plant, and a lot to love in this life. Instead of standing still on what you did wrong, look ahead, and see what can still be done... Life isn't over yet. And the poet said, "Those dreams don't get old...". You go ahead. With smiles on the face and being firmness in decisions. God decided to reform the world, and chose your heart to begin this reformation. It proves that He still believes in you. And if He still believes, who am I to doubt...! দুই। I have friends who don't know how much they are my friends. They do not realize the love I devote to them and the absolute need I have from them... I could bear, though not without pain, that all my loves had died, but I would go crazy if all my friends died!---Even those who do not realize how much my friends are to me and how much my life depends on their existence... From some of them I do not seek anything, just know that they exist. This mere condition encourages me to move on with my life. Because I don't look for them assiduously, I can't tell you how much I love them! Even they wouldn't believe it! Many of them are reading this chronicle and do not know that they are included in the sacred thought of my friendship, but it is delicious that I know and feel that I love them, although I do not declare it and do not seek them. Sometimes, when I look for them, I see that they have no idea about how necessary I am, about how indispensable they are to my vital balance because they are part of the world that I truly built once and have become the foundation of all my charms for life. If one of them dies, I'll be left to one side. If they all die, I'll collapse! That is why, without letting them know, I pray for their lives and I feel ashamed when my prayer is, in short, directed to my well-being. I am perhaps the fruit of my selfishness. Sometimes I dive into thought about some of them. When I travel and stand before wonderful places, I get some tears for not being near myself, for not sharing that pleasure... If something consumes me and ages me, it is that the furious wheel of life does not allow me to have my friends by my side, living with me, talking to me. Most of my friends, especially those who sometimes suspect me, will never know that they are my dear friends. ভাবনা: সাতশো সাতষট্টি ……………………………………………………… এক। The contrary of beautiful is ugly, rich is poor, black is white, this is learned before entering school. If you take a poll among children, you will also hear that the opposite of love is hate. They're wrong. Take a poll among adults and find the right answer: the opposite of love is not hate, it is indifference. What would be preferable, the person you love would hate you or would be totally indifferent to you? To lose your sleep imagining ways to make yourself fall ill or sleep like an angel all night, completely forgetting about your existence? Hate is also a way of being with someone. Indifference does not accept statements or complaints: its name is no longer on the register. To hate someone, we need to recognize that someone exists and that it causes us sensations, no worse. To hate someone, we need a heart, even if cold, and reasoning, even if sick. To hate someone we spend energy, neurons and time. Hating gives us white strands in the hair, wrinkles on the face and anguish in the chest. To hate, we need the object of hatred, we need it even if it is to devour to someone our resentment, our wrath, our little wisdom to understand them and little humor to put up with them. Hate, if it had a color, would be red, just like the color of love. To be indifferent to someone, what do we need? There’s no deal. The person in question can win several medals, attend top universities, get a gorgeous life or a life sentence, we don't give it a fuck. We don't judge their deeds, we don't observe their manners, we don't witness their existence. It does not require our eyes, mouth, heart, brain---our body ignores its presence, let alone realizing its absence. We don't have the phone number of the people we don’t call. Indifference, if it had a color, would be water color, air color, color of nothing. A child has never experienced this feeling: either it is much loved, or criticized for what it does. A child is always at one end of the seesaw, worship or complaints, but is never ignored. Only much later, when you need attention other than maternal or paternal, will you discover that love and hate inhabit the same universe, while indifference is an exile in the desert. দুই। Worse than a voice that shuts, Is a silence that speaks. Simple. Immediately comes to my mind the situations in which silence told me terrible truths, for you know, silence is not given to lies. A dumb phone. An e-mail. These are not enough. A date when you do not open your mouth. Silences that talk about disinterest, forgetfulness, refusals. How many things are said in stillness after an argument? Forgiveness does not come, neither a kiss, nor a laugh to end the atmosphere of tension. Only he remains unchanging,---the silence,---the remains of the end. It is a thousand times preferable to a voice that says things that we do not want to hear, because at least the words that are said indicate an attempt at understanding. Functioning vocal cords articulate arguments, expose their grievances, play fair or unfair. Already silence architects the plans that are not shared. When nothing is said, nothing is agreed. How many times, in a hysterical argument, we hear one of them shout, "Say something, say you don't love me anymore, but don't just stand there looking at me."! It's the silence of one sending bad news to the other's despair. Of course, there are many situations where silence is welcome. For a guy who works in a noisy factory, silence is a balm. For the teacher of a daycare center, silence is a gift. For the security guard of a bank-booth, silence is a relief. Even in love, when the relationship is solid and mature, the silence between two does not bother, for it is the silence of peace. The only silence that disturbs is the one that speaks. And speaks loudly. That's when no one knocks on our door, there are no messages in our inbox and yet we get the message. তিন। When we do everything to make them love us and we can't, we have one last resort: doing nothing more. For this reason, I say, when we do not obtain the love, affection or tenderness that we had requested, it is better to give up and look further for the feelings that have been denied. Do not make useless efforts, because love is born, or not, spontaneously, but never by force of imposition. Sometimes it is useless to try too hard, nothing is achieved; other times, we give nothing and love surrenders at our feet. The feelings are always a surprise. It has never been a begging charity, a compassion or a favor granted. We almost always love those who love us badly, and we despise those who want us best. So, I repeat, when we have done everything to get a love, and failed, we have only one way ... that of nothing else to do. ভাবনা: সাতশো আটষট্টি ……………………………………………………… এক। Who does not assist, opens competition. You are a modern man, you have been constantly surprised by the intellectual, cultural and, mainly, "liberal" level of your wife, girlfriend, etc. Sometimes she doesn't even know how to act, and deep down she has that fear of being betrayed --- or in the usual terms: "horned". Know something ... this risk is imminent, the probability of this happening is very high, and it's only up to you, and no one else, to prevent it from happening, or else to take your "horn", loud and clear. You must be asking why I would spend my precious time talking about it. However, male distress in the face of betrayal has been calling my attention for some time. But what would a "modern woman" be? At first, she would be the one who loves herself above all, who does not waste (and does not even have) time with/for trivia, is the one who works because she thinks that work grows, that she is emotionally independent of others, that is a courageous, friendly, confidant lover... She is the one who sometimes has a crisis of jealousy but who is not ashamed to admit that she is wrong ... She is the one who manages to be both strong and sweet, messy and beautiful ... Anyway, the modern woman is one who is not afraid of anything or anyone, looks life in the face, speaks what she thinks and feels, she hurts whoever hurts her ... So, after an "investigative" process with these "modern women", I could see the worst: - Never leave a "modern woman" unsafe. They used to cry. Today, they simply cheat, without pity or with pity. - Don't think she has "divining" powers. She has to know --- from your mouth --- how much you like her. Any doubt in this regard may lead to the consequences of setting her free. - Do not think it is normal to go out with friends (whether to do shopping or to have some gossiping ...) more than twice a week, three times maximum, so sign a "horned" certificate. The "modern women" are hardly involved with this phenomenon, however, they are categorically "full of love to give" and need the "male presence". If it's not your friend ... well ... it's her friend. - When you say you're going to call, call, - Satisfy her sexually. But don't pretend to satisfy. Make her feel what you feel. "Modern women" have an absurd bias about sex and, especially from 20 to 38 years old, they think about --- and want --- to have sex every day (amazingly, but it is the truth) ... well, you don't even need to say that if it is not with you ... - Give her attention. But mostly make her realize it. Bad (or well-intentioned) stallions always exist, and when they want, they are experts in taking a woman to the clouds. So, take it with you, after all, is it yours or not??? Don't even think about causing empty "jealousies". As I was able to verify, an insecure woman is a horn-putting machine. - Under no circumstances let her suspect the fact that you are seeing someone else. This mere assumption on their part gives rise to a "horn" so resounding that when you wake up, my friend, there will already be someone MUCH MORE "eater" than you ... only the main course, well ... this time it is your woman. You know that handsome guy who, you know, would go out with your wife anytime. Well ... suddenly the reciprocal can also be true. Just for a second, she just thinks you deserve it ... When you notice ... it's gone. No worries. Not everything is over. Relax. - Try to be less "tired". The "modern woman" also works all day and, probably, still has the breath to --- as the men of old times used to say --- "give one", then turn to the side and simply sleep. - Do things again from the beginning of the relationship. If, when they started to leave, they lived crossing each other in "parties", "making out" in unusual places, exchanging e-mails or spicy phone calls, the chance of her enjoying these things is very great, and the chance of missing it is immense. The "modern woman" cannot miss these things ... otherwise ... Well, friends, finally, the so-called "who does not assist, opens competition", applies. So, if you are next to a woman you like and are fully aware that, currently, the market is not for fish (let's talk about quality), think carefully before taking any of these "blunders" ... protect her, love her, and most of all, let her know that. She'll think a million times before she gives a shit about that "handsome guy" who keeps filling her with glances ... and she will, without a doubt, continue looking only at you! দুই। পুরুষের ঘৃণা ভয়ংকর। তার চাইতে অনেক বেশি ভয়ংকর হচ্ছে নারীর ভালোবাসা। পুরুষের ঘৃণা সহ্য করে বাঁচা কঠিন, আর নারীর ভালোবাসা থেকে পালিয়ে মরে যাওয়াও অসম্ভব! যাকে সত্যিই সহ্য করতে পারো না, যদি তাকে একটু একটু করে মৃত্যুর দিকে ঠেলে দিতে চাও, তবে তাকে ঘৃণা না করে বরং এমন কোনও নারীকে তাকে ভালোবাসতে প্রলুব্ধ করো, যে নারীটিকে সে কিছুতেই ভালোবাসায় বাঁধতে পারে না। তোমার ঘৃণা হয়তো তাকে মুহূর্তের মধ্যেই খুন করে ফেলবে, কিন্তু সেই নারীর ভালোবাসা তাকে খুন করতে থাকবে প্রতিটি মুহূর্তে! ভাবনা: সাতশো ঊনসত্তর ……………………………………………………… এক। I am a person from the inside out. My beauty is in my essence and in my character. I believe in dreams, not utopia. But when I dream, I dream big. I'm here to live, fall, learn, get up and move on. I am that today ... tomorrow. I have reinvented myself. I reinvent myself whenever life asks for a little more from me. I am complex, I am a mixture, I am a man with the face of a boy ... And vice versa. I get lost, look for me and I find myself. And when necessary, I go crazy and let it go ... I don't give in half, I'm not your half-friend or your almost love. I am either everything or I am nothing. I can't stand half terms. I'm silly, but I'm not stupid. Naive, but not holy. I am a person of easy laughter ... and I cry too! দুই। In order to steal a heart, it must be very skilful, it has to be done slowly, in disguise, it does not arrive with haste, it does not reach someone's heart in a hurry. You have to approach it in half-words, gently, take it slowly, carefully. You cannot let them know that it will be stolen, in fact, you will have to steal it, sweetly. Winning a real heart takes effort, requires patience, it's like weaving a quilt, applying lace on a dress, tending a garden, taking care of a child. It is necessary that it be dexterously, with will, with charm, affection and sincerity. To win a heart you definitely have to have the will and cleverness, but I am not talking about that cleverness that everyone knows, I am talking about the cleverness of feelings, that which is kept in the soul at all times. When one really wants to win a heart, it is necessary that before we have already managed to win ours, that it has already been explored in the smallest details, that it has already been able to know each corner, understand each filled space and accept each vacant space. ... and then, when that heart is finally won, when we have seized it, there will be a part of someone that will follow us. A half of someone which will be guided by us and our heart will start to beat because of that other heart. They will suffer ups and downs, yes, but there will surely be moments, thousands of moments of joy. You will be knocked unevenly many times and you know why? Half of that someone will be missing which is not yet with us. Until one day, tired of being divided in half, that heart will call its other party and someone willingly, without having to steal it or hide it, will give us the missing half. ... and that's how you steal a heart. Easy, isn't it? Well, we only need to steal one half, the other will come in our hand and a theft will be detected then! And that's just why we meet so many people out there that they say they will never get to love someone again ... it's simple ... it's because they don't have a heart anymore, it was stolen, pulled out of their chest, great love ... they will have a new heart, after all, hearts are to be shared, and surely this great love will share its with you. তিন। It is difficult to make someone happy, just as it is easy to make someone sad. It is difficult to say I love you, just as it is easy to say nothing. It is difficult to value love, just as it is easy to lose it forever. It is difficult to thank for today, just as it is easy to live another day. It is difficult to see what good life brings, just as it is easy to close your eyes and cross the street. It is difficult to convince yourself that you are happy, just as it is easy to think that something is always missing. It is difficult to make someone smile, just as it is easy to make them cry. It is difficult to put yourself in someone's shoes, just as it is easy to judge anyone without knowing the truth. If you made a mistake, apologize ... Is it difficult to ask for forgiveness? But who said it is easy to be forgiven? If someone was wrong to you, forgive him ... Is it hard to forgive? But who said it is easy to repent? If you feel something, say ... Is it difficult to open your heart? But who says it's easy to find someone who wants to listen? If someone complains about you, listen ... Is it difficult to hear certain things? But who said it is easy to listen to you? If someone loves you, love him ... Is it hard to give yourself up? But who said it's easy to be happy? Not everything in life is easy ... But, of course, nothing is impossible. We need to believe, have faith and fight so that we not only dream, but also make all these wishes come true! ভাবনা: সাতশো সত্তর ……………………………………………………… এক। Love is not begged, is not asked for, is not expected ... Love whether you live or not. Jealousy is a useless feeling. It does not make anyone loyal to you. Animals are angels in disguise, sent to earth by God to show man what faithfulness is. Children learn from what you do, not what you say. People who talk to you about others will talk about you to others. Forgiving and forgetting make us younger. Water is a holy medicine. God invented crying for man not to explode. Absence of rules, is a rule that depends on commonsense. There is no bad food, there is only digestible food. Creativity goes together with the lack of money. Being authentic is the best and only way to please. Real friends never leave you. Affection is the best weapon against hate. The differences make life more beautiful and colorful. There is poetry in all divine creation, God is the greatest poet of all times. Music is the dessert of life. Believing without hurting others does not make anyone a fool. Children are rare gifts. Of all, what remains is your name and memories about your actions. Thank you, sorry, please. These are magic words, keys that open doors to a better life. Love ... Ah, love ... Love breaks barriers, unites factions, destroys prejudices, cures diseases ... There is no decent life without love! And it is certain, who loves, is very loveable. দুই। Today I got up early thinking about what I have to do before the clock strikes midnight. It's my job to choose what kind of day I'm going to have today. I can complain because it is raining or thank the waters for washing away the pollution. I can be sad that I have no money or feel encouraged to manage my finances, avoiding waste. I can complain about my health or give thanks for being alive. I can complain about my parents for not giving me everything I wanted or I can be grateful for being born. I can complain about having to go to work or thank God for having a job. I can feel bored with housework or thank God for having a home. I can regret disappointments with friends or get excited about the possibility of making new friends. If things didn't go as planned, I can be happy to have today to start over. The day is ahead of me waiting to be anything I want. And here I am, the sculptor who can shape it. It all depends on me. তিন। Some rise by seeing themselves rise. Some rise by seeing others fall.