ভাবনা: পাঁচশো সাতচল্লিশ
11 March 2011
এই ফ্রাইডেতে বাসায় আছি; মনে হচ্ছে, এত দারুণ হলিডে আর হয় না। মায়ের হাতের রান্না খাচ্ছি, বাবার সাথে আড্ডা চলছে; সব কিছু মিলিয়ে জীবনটাই যেন অদ্ভুত সুন্দর হয়ে উঠেছে! এইতো দুইদিন মাত্র! এরপর আবার ফিরে যাবো ঢাকায়, কোলাহলের শহরে। ইসস্! যদি সেই ছোটবেলায় ফিরে যাওয়া যেত! ……… বয়স বাড়ছে……বাড়ুক! কিন্তু সাথে কেনো বাড়ছে দীর্ঘশ্বাস? কেউ বলতে পারো?
ঢাকায় আমি যে বাসাটায় ভাড়ায় থাকি, সেটাকেও মনে হয়, অন্য কারুর বাসা, আমি যেন ওখানে বেড়াতে এসেছি! সবকিছুকেই কেমন জানি মেনে নিচ্ছি ইদানিং, কোনোকিছুকেই মন থেকে নিতে পারছি না।
… Thank you Sir for your presence on my wall. I’m regularly on my wall and update my status these days. Somehow you happen to miss it, I guess. I truly feel honoured to have you here on my wall.
…. That’s the problem, brother. I’m always so bad a player.
….. ভাই, তোমার লেখা পড়ে মনে হল, বাংলা বুঝি সবেমাত্র শিখলাম! বিশ্বাস করো, আমি সেই অনেকদিন আগে থেকেই, যখন তোমার জন্মই হয়নি, তখন থেকেই এই বাংলাতেই কথা বলি, লিখি।
16 March 2011
চট্টগ্রামে নাকি গুঁড়িগুঁড়ি বৃষ্টি হচ্ছে, মা ফোন করে বলল। ঠাণ্ডাঠাণ্ডা হাওয়াও বইছে। উফফ্! কী ভীষণ সুন্দর!! …… ঢাকায় হচ্ছে না কেনো? ধূসর একটা শহর! …… সত্যিই খুব মিস করছি আমার শহরটাকে! ইচ্ছে হচ্ছে, ওই নবধারা জলে একটু ভিজি, স্নান করি! কেউ কি যাবেন আমার সাথে ছায়াবীথিতলে, নীপবনে?
…….. ছেলেবেলার কথা খুব মনে পড়ছে; যখন আমি এবং আমার ছোটভাই বাসার ছাদে গিয়ে ইচ্ছেমত বৃষ্টিতে ভিজতাম; মা যতক্ষণ না বকত, ততক্ষণই ভিজতাম! কী ভীষণ সুন্দর সেই দিনগুলি কোথায় যেন হারিয়ে গেলো! এখন রবি ঠাকুরের বর্ষার গান শুনে রোমাঞ্চ অনুভব করছি, এই শিহরণও তো কম পাওয়া নয়! তবুও যে বাকি থেকে যায়………বারান্দায় গিয়ে বৃষ্টিকে ছোঁয়া, ঠোঁট ভেজানো! ইসসস্!…………আনন্দধারা বহিছে ভুবনে…………..এসো নীপবনে, ছায়াবীথিতলে এসো………..উফফফ্ কী অদ্ভুত অনুরণন যে হচ্ছে, তা বলে বোঝাতে পারব না! আমার স্বপ্নের শহরটাকে যেন চোখের সামনে দেখতে পাচ্ছি, সেই ছেলেবেলায় ফিরে যাচ্ছি, এই কল্পনা যেন বাস্তবের চাইতেও আরো বেশি বাস্তব!
……. Que sera, que sera!! (What will be, will be!!)………. জাপানের খুব মন খারাপকরা খবরটা গত দুইদিন ধরে মাথায় ঘুরপাক খাচ্ছে।…….. কী অনিশ্চয়তায়ই না আছে ওরা! আমার কেবলই প্রার্থনা করা ছাড়া আর কিছুই করবার নেই ওদের জন্য! আমরা প্রকৃতির কাছে কতই না অসহায়! Nuclear burst-এর কথা আমি জেনেছি……তবে আমরা বোধহয় ততটা শঙ্কার মধ্যে নেই। রেডিয়েশনের এফেক্টের খবরটা ওভাররেটেড ছিল বলেই মনে হয়েছে আমার………..যা-ই বলুন ভাই, আমি বাসায় থাকলে কিন্তু রিয়েলি খুব এনজয় করতাম………ইলিশ মাছ ভাজা আর ভুনা খিচুড়ি খেতাম……….কী যে ভীষণ মিস করছি আমার বাসা আর শহরটাকে, বলে বোঝাতে পারব না!
…….. অনেকদিন পর! তুমি জানো ভাল করেই, আমার মত (অ)কবিদের অভাববোধ থাকে কবিতার নয়, ‘অন্য’কিছুর।………..হাহাহাহাহা………….
………….বন্ধু, রঙ তো সেই কবে থেকেই লেগে আছে মনে, এখন আবার আস্তেআস্তে ফ্যাকাসেও হয়ে যাচ্ছে। কী হবে এই রঙ দিয়ে, যদি কেউ না ছুঁতেই পারল?
17 March 2011
স্বপ্নযাত্রা দীর্ঘ হওয়া মানেই তো আর স্বপ্নভঙ্গ হওয়া নয়! কেন এতটা ভেঙে পড়ছি আমরা?
জানি, এখন হিসেবটা একটু জটিল হয়ে গেছে। তবুও আমরা এগিয়ে যাবো,
হিসেবের লাভ কিংবা ক্ষতি,
যা-ই হোক না কেন,
আমাদের ভাগ্যকে এখন আমাদের নিজ হাতেই গড়তে হবে। যুদ্ধজয়ে কষ্ট আছে, জানি। কিন্তু এর আনন্দও তো কম পাওয়া নয়!
অদ্ভুত ব্যাপারগুলো সবসময়ই ঘটে না, আজকেও ঘটেনি, ব্যাপারগুলো এমনই অদ্ভুত!
এর মানে এমনও নয় যে সামনেও কখনোই ঘটবে না।…. দেখা যাক, কী হয়! আমাদের সবার শুভ কামনা থাকবে তাদের সাথে।
…… And, be prepared for the worst!
সত্যি বলছি, মেজাজ আমারও চরম খারাপ হয়ে আছে। দুর্ভাগ্য সহ্য করা যায়, কিন্তু মেনে নেয়া যায় না। আবার যদি সৌভাগ্যটা হয়ে থাকে অনায়াসলব্ধ, তাহলে তো আর কথাই নেই! আমাদের ব্যাঘ্রশাবকদল গর্জে উঠুক আরো একবার, এইটুকু চাওয়া ছাড়া আর কিছুই করার নেই এখন। আহা, আমাদের পরম বন্ধু মহোদয়গণ যদি আমাদের অসুবিধের দিকটার কথা একবার একটু ভাবত!
19 March 2011
নাহ্! আজ কোনো প্রার্থনাই কাজে লাগছে না বোধহয়।
God says, “First deserve, then pray.”….
আমরাই কেন উপেক্ষিত? ওরা নয় কেন?
19 March 2011
এভাবেই আমাদের স্বপ্নগুলো খুন হয়ে যায়, তবুও আমরা আশায় বেঁচে থাকি। কী অদ্ভুত! কী বিষণ্ণ এই স্বপ্নের সাথে সহবাস! অনেক বেশি কষ্ট পেলাম….
জিতে গেলে হিপহিপ হুররে বলবে সবাই, হেরে গেলে, শেইম! শেইম!!….. ইটস অ্যা গেইম!
19 March 2011
I wanna go back to time when happiness meant toffees & biscuits (not my country’s WIN), victory meant finishing my plate first (not BEATing opposition), safety meant being in my mom’s arms (not reaching TARGET score), the only things broken were my toys (not my HEART), goodbye only meant till tomorrow (not till next World Cup). I wish I could go back… We’ll miss you dear Bangladesh in Quarter Finals.
But life is never so easy as not have to say Goodbye.
Thank you didi… Let me add more…
…. when dad’s shoulders were the highest place on earth and touching the roof in his strong arms meant high above the sky (not being the World Champion)….when I loved everybody and everyone loved me as well….. I wanna be back to those days of innocence.
22 March 2011
Dear friends, I want to sell my giftshop “DOVANA” situated at Chawk Bazar, Chittagong… This offer includes: the products, decoration, trade license, goodwill, brand value and other necessary equipment. If anyone of you are genuinely interested in accepting the offer, please don’t hesitate to contact me for any inquiries… Thanks.
23 March 2011
The small details of our lives are what really matter in a relationship. It is not the mansion, the car, property, the money in the bank. These create an environment conducive for happiness but cannot give happiness in themselves. So, let’s find time to be our families’ friends and do those little things for each other that build intimacy. Let’s have really happy families!
Ironically enough, we often spend time teaching others how to manage their familial ties ignoring ours.
I also have one…. Happy family, happy faces…
…… Usually we try to develop relationship with others ignoring our own families. The persons who deserve the most attention receive the least. At the time when we need care and mental support, only our family stands sincerely beside us. Think about our parents and siblings. They’re the gods on earth, I think. But we often fail to choose priorities for ourselves. We can feel it most when we’re sick and our family is not beside us.
24 March 2011
….. looking forward to a BIG India vs Pakistan match…. Go India! GO!!
India vs Pakistan match means something different. It never fails to entertain!!
Yes, the god of cricket comes!!
24 March 2011
Australian Era in cricket ends finally!! Goodbye Australia!! The World Cup must not be a unique possession!!
…..looking forward to March 29.
The BIG match comes!!
Nobody salutes the setting sun, though it once rose to shine!…. I’d rather salute the pauper who is wearing the crown than the prince who has lost it!!
24 March 2011
Nobody salutes the setting sun, though it once rose to shine!…. I’d rather salute the pauper who is wearing the crown than the prince who has lost it!!
Winners always write the history…….. Now, let the lion write the history as it has learnt how to write!! The hunter is OUT!!
25 March 2011
March 25, 1971… the day that ended in the darkest night of the history… Blood marked the walk to FREEDOM, the search of IDENTITY….. A BIG salute to the greatest sons of our soil.
ভাবনা: পাঁচশো আটচল্লিশ
25 March 2011
It’s too late… And… Now I can realize… My father was right… I’m sorry, baba. Illusions are illusions, always…
Life is but a tale told by an idiot… My life is so far a plot to be made story… And, I’m the biggest IDIOT and have always had a bad imagination…. Parents are never wrong… They’ve seen the stories we even can never imagine…
I’ve realized it paying the highest price more worth than the untold story…
…. Bhai, what you can see is the good part of my life… What you or I can’t see is the worse one… What both of us can’t see is the worst one… And, my father saw it when I couldn’t even imagine of it…. But I told him that he lacked vision… Idiots get their punishment much more than their stupidity could give… And that’s what I’m getting now…
… Things are turning wrong. They’re falling apart long before I could gather them….
…. Now, I wonder what’s not wrong… The right thing misses the right place. The right place misses the right person. The right person misses the right vision…. All that pervades was said to be centred. The centre even got vanished. But the circle has not! The road not taken remains illusory, yet I know I’ve to travel. The illusions are at the distance where I even dare not reach!! Is not an irony?…. Life is never fair, dost, life is never fair!!
…. Don’t be confused. I don’t want you to second me! It hurts!!
Self-admiration and complacency are the two daughters of IGNORANCE and I married their mother… Such a marriage never goes unpunished, NEVER!!…
Dear Sunny bhai……. I’ve always dreamt of bridging the narrow (yet seemingly never-ending) gap lying between fantasy & reality…… Dream remained a dream. And, I dreamt only for dream’s sake!!…… Anyway, what will be, will be.
….. Reinvention of wheel has been proved in my case with the sheer derision, as I’ve applied it reflexively, possibly to indicate that although my activities might be perceived as merely reinventing the wheel, they actually possess nearly no additional values.
……. Dost, most of you have got problems created, I’ve created them for myself. I can’t escape the consequences. I’m facing them every moment. My father proves to be right every second. Not so happens that we reach Utopia easily. I’ve started taking care of the things already taken care of!! That’s horrible, brother!! I’m now observing things, though I was not supposed to merely an observant. When others around me will get the chance?? Will I be observing forever?!!…….. ~~ SIGH ~~…………. take care, brother.
The wonderful person that I used to dream to be,
That person no longer exists in me or in my father’s eyes.
Wandering aimless, without direction,
Just hoping to find my way.
If Only my heart would give me permission to carve on its walls
“I’m Sorry”, with deep, carefully etched letters
That could never be erased
They only wish for my happiness in all my tomorrows,
And peace in the memories of my yesterdays…if only…….. ~~ SIGH ~~
And every time you trace those words you will feel
Of my remorse and sincerity and finally realize how stupid I’ve been!!!
…. You’re right, brother. We start realizing every word of our parents as we grow older and as we stay not beside them.
25 March 2011
And… Another pillar of world cricket falls!! History repeats itself for South Africa!! Cricket talks!!
It seems… History is not good for you. You’ve to make a new one for yourself.
New Zealand have presented a royal game today… Excellence wins!!
And… New Zealand got whitewashed by Bangladesh a few days back!! Yes! We did it!! It feels great!! Just the feeling matters here, though….
……….. Performance beats Aristocracy!!
…… Quite miserable, yet desirable.
26 March 2011
Stay stupid, stay happy.
Better were those days when we were innocent.
Innocence and stupidity are sisters. I wish I could marry anyone of them.
…. It’s not easy to marry innocence without falling in love with stupidity….lol
…. Most welcome… Wish you an idiot-safe life.
…. So true, Sir! I tried a lot to stay stupid, rather I’ve always stayed a sheer idiot making a confusion between stupidity and idiocy… Such a confusion never goes unpunished, you know!
…. Cheers! Never is it so, I know dear!! You’ve never been so… Make it a choice and feel better. Happy Stupid Life.
…. OMG!! Who dares being guided by an idiot?…. Huh! I’ve every confidence in my worth being able to be an idiot… And, if you’re beside me, we both will be masterpiece idiots…. Any doubt?….lol
Hahahaha, we can surely take over the world then
…. Just sum up all our ‘pokes’ and give the sum-total to the world. And, wait and see what happens… Why should we bother for that?….lol
It would be impossible for anyone or anything to challenge that.. I think we are surely in the lead…
Winners are always idiots… Idiots are happy… And so, winners are idiots… Happy Fighting, Zelda.
Being an idiot was never so precious before this status, I guess!!
…. Hahaha… So true! Who dares to say we lose? The fight between an idiot and an idiot isn’t easy to challenge and it’s always difficult to judge! After all, people around must not be that ‘blessed’ idiots!
…. Masima, that’s why they say, Sushanta’s brain is a masterpiece. There is nothing right in its right portion and nothing is left in the left one…. Hmm…
…. There’s two limitless entities : The universe and A girl’s stupidity…. Scientists are working on the first one, and they have happily decided to leave the second unexperimented!….lol
…. So true, Sir! And, the irony is, this bliss can’t be enjoyed forever…
… Yes, it’s the truth almost impossible to meet!
Without stupidity no jokes won’t be created……
…. Dear brother, now the problem is, the jokes I created, have started mocking at my life.
27 March 2011
Never think it compulsory to attend a program or a party where your presence might be considered optional… Anyone disagree?
…… no question poll, dost….. just a sharing of thoughts. )
………. দোস্ত, এই ধরনের situation handle করা বেশ difficult এবং challenging……. আমি জানি তা খুব ভাল করেই…… I better not join those parties.
……… That’s great, bhai!! I wish I were in Dhaka and join with you. I’m surely going to miss a nice program!! Have fun.
………দোস্তো, পালানোর দরকার নেই, অ্যাটেন্ড কর। আমি বুঝতে পারছি তোর সিচ্যুয়েশনটা আমি বুঝতে পারছি। you are surely a tougher man to do this tough task.
…… Brother, if it’s official, nobody is going to take your presence personally. And, in such cases, usually the program is organized maintaining a highly sophisticated decorum. Almost all the official programs have little attention to the guests. And, if you are not a guest, rather the program is yours, I think, it’s better not to tolerate any type of gesture that is meant for setting you aside!!!
…দোস্ত, আমি এখনো বেকার মানুষ, তাই ব্যস্ততা আর কী, তার পুরোটা এখনো বুঝি না। তবে, তোর কথাটা ঠিক….. ভাল থাকিস, দোয়া করিস যেন ভাল থাকতে পারি।
….. That’s a good idea, Sir… When you plan of drawing a picture, and you find the picture already drawn frowning your ability to draw it, do you deserve such an insult? It hurts, Sir. Art for art’s sake is purely individual initially. But when an artist doesn’t know or is not let know how much better or how much worse his own creation is, should he visit the art exhibition? You’ve no right to underestimate a person’s power. If you do it, you’re only demonstrating your own weakness in a most disgracing way. Only the person with a very low personality, tries to set aside his contemporaries to conceal his own weakness. I might accept or reject what you say, but till my death I’ll try to defend your right to say it. When I fear to face you, I’m just proving myself miserable…. Thanks.
…. Yes, that’s what personality demands…
…. Yes Sir, now I understand what you meant actually. I also attend such parties or programs. But I usually avoid attending the occasions where humiliation might be just a foregone conclusion… Thanks.
ভাবনা: পাঁচশো উনপঞ্চাশ
30 March 2011
And… “The Battle” is over!! Good Luck India!! The BIG crown waits for You!! Just GO and WIN!! And, the History waits for “The Century of Centuries”!!!
Yes friends, it’s really tough to beat the present Sri Lankan team… Bangladesh are not playing in that BIG match. So, it’s all the same for me whether India win or lose, the cups comes to Asia finally!…. Let’s wait and see what happens….
… Life’s going on in its own pace. I’m just a beholder here…. Not awfully busy, a bit engaged occasionally, though… Take care, brother.
Nicer to see you here on my wall…. You’re always most welcome, brother.
Brother… And yet… The irony is, it’s the most Convincing Hell ever created…
31 March 2011
Dear friends, what is the single most influential book you’ve ever read that you can recommend?… Please share….
the mother by maxim gorki.
never eat alone/ keith ferrazzi
the two books Gorvodarini & Sat-kahon, by Somresh Mujumdar,
Hundred year of solitude –Marquez
Atlas shrugged
Shock doctrine- Naomi Klein
Bible and gita and quran
I can’t mention just one. They are so many. But if you wanna know about the most influential book I ever read, I would like to mention 3 books that change my life and my living style.
These 3 books are:
1. Business School by Robert T. Kiyosaki
2. Rich Dad vs Poor Dad by Robert T. Kiyosaki
3. Questions are the Answers by Allan Peaz
A Monk who sold his ferrari by Robin Sharma… A book of Wisdom
An autobiography of Indian Yogi..have profound influence on me…
In The Line of Fire—- By Parvez Mosharaaf……
A letter to my Daughter—- Barak Obama
Johura by mojammel hoque.
Ten Days that Shook the World- John Reed.
Mother-Maxim Gorky
atlas shrugged and fountain head.
1 April 2011
I never thought of study as employment. I’ve never asked myself why I’m devoting several years of my life to my studies. Is it the likely reason that I’m poorly directed and still far away from what I deserve?
Study for study’s sake is probably a suicidal idea and very silly from the materialistic approach. In this sense, I’ve always been an emotional fool. They say, study pays. My study has not yet paid me much. And, I’m doubtful of any future benefit derived from my studies. What I know, isn’t what I’m supposed to know. So miserable, if everything is taken into consideration. Does everyone else live in such a Utopia? Academic pessimism kills me every moment…
…. Buy a compass before you buy a clock!… That’s what we often reverse and there’s a constant fight with time. Never are there moments of happiness with time. Enough is never enough.
….. Study has paid, it’s true, Sir. What’s truer is, I’d to pay even more. My academic life and my passion often met in contradiction. And, I’ve always been proved a bad negotiator, so far. I was never a learner of what I studied, I was never a student of what I learnt. And you know Sir, such a mismatch hardly goes unpunished.
….. Sir, I’ve not seen life much and what I’ve seen so far was not worth-seeing. My life has always been but a tale told by an idiot. The script was better, the story-teller was worse. I know, the game isn’t over yet; it could be, though…. The greatest tragedy with desire is, we often desire less than we deserve. Sadly enough, the gap between the two is rarely found ‘bridged’. My problem was not that I desired more than I deserved, rather I desired less than I deserved… And, the good news is, I’ve moved away from what I foolishly desired once.
…. Thank you, madam, for your inspiring words. You’re always such a guiding star for me! …… Every gun has its tone. We can never change the tone unless we change the gun. I’m trying to make that ‘change’. Not an easy deal it is; neither a trifling one to quit, however. I don’t know how much or less I’ll be able to soar high enough to reach my dreams. But you know madam, at the end of the day, only dreams talk! I often sigh for my smoky years of illusions. I failed to plan and so, I planned to fail!… I’ve never learnt to manage my life, I’ve never even tried to negotiate. How silly I used to be! And so, nothing stood for me, I stood for nothing. Real life achievements are even farther from my dreams, and I’m solely responsible for it!…. Anyway, I’m learning to be in love with both my learning and studying. What will be, will be. And, I’m trying my best to turn things better for myself and for my well-wishers.
…… But Sir, BIG companies aren’t surely going to recruit monkeys!!
Education is very important especially higher level technical and managerial education. People are not after top schools for nothing. Top business schools produce great talents which is the basic input for growth engine. Think about our garment sector. All big houses had to hire Indians, Pakistanis and Sri Lankan for their marketing and production. Why? Bangladesh do not have technical people. Let me add more: GM, IBM etc were called corporate America because of their contribution in building America. It is the original and innovative products and services of great corporations everywhere that made the world what it is today! Many have little idea how the corporate people work. It’s always a war situation. you have to perform every day, retain your market and key people, grab new markets. We build an organization from scratch… day by day month by month year by year by our hard labor. You see the products services, flashy corporate buildings, cars, fat salaries, power lunches and huge profit. But we see challenges every day and think about our survival every second. And yes! One needs higher level of education, skills, wisdom and intelligence to survive in such fiercely competitive situation and grow!
….. Very nicely interpreted, madam. Corporate world is never so relaxed as people around seem to think about it. Greater privileges always mean greater responsibilities. I was really surprised when I found you constantly engaged and hectic in your office, ensuring every inch of commitment to your corporate customers. I’ll always remember our first meeting. That was my first introduction to a highly sophisticated banking environment. I could never even imagine such a friendly welcome that you offered……. Thank you so much for kindly making every point clearer in your previous comment. Looking forward to learning from you more….. Take care.
2 April 2011
Victory is just THERE!!
2 April 2011
Yes!! ’83 is back!! And… The Cup goes to India!! Hats off to the new World Champions!! Thank you, India & Sri Lanka, for making the match spectacular!! Cricket talks aloud!!
Little master! You’ve missed it 6 times, and it happens finally!!
The grand Farewell to Tendulkar!!
In all practicality, cricket is the national game of India…….people say it’s a religion….. above all other religions uniting everybody. So winning world-cup was overdue. In 83, we stopped winning-spree of west indies and thereafter they never won…….now Aussies chariot has been halted. This win is bound to have long repercussions in the days to come.
…… Very well said, Sir………. “In 83, we stopped winning-spree of west indies and thereafter they never won”…….. So nicely observed!! But Sri Lanka are too tough a team to be so vulnerable, I think………. And, really nothing binds so closely like cricket & Football. I think, now it’s time to declare cricket as the national game of India.
No, I am not referring to Sri Lanka. I said the chariot of Australia has been put to a halt…..who had been sweeping the world cup consecutively. Just imagine they never lost to any team for the last 22 matches in the world cup…..before getting defeated this time.
Yes, it’s true. The first team to defeat them was Pakistan, and later on, India defeated both Australia and Pakistan.
ভাবনা: পাঁচশো পঞ্চাশ
4 April 2011
I think, I’m not good enough at English… I’m no good at thinking straight (even if sometimes I’m, I can’t write clearly what I think), I can’t speak better, I’m no good at being myself…. Dear friends, could you please suggest me how to speak better, write better, express better in English? Any kind of help would be appreciated.
….. Dear friend, I often can’t connect my thoughts while writing and speaking. Any suggestions?
…..স্যার, আমি খুব ভাল লিখতে কিংবা বলতে পারি না, ভাল করে বাংলাও বোধহয় পারি না। অনেকেই তো পারে, তাই আমারও খুব ইচ্ছে করে, ওদের মতো না হোক, অন্তত কাছাকাছি যেন পারি। কোনো পরামর্শ দিলে বাধিত হবো।
…. Masima, no no, nobody has been rude to me (How they could be, I’m enough of it, I think!!) I’m happy knowing that you hold a positive idea about me. Like others, I also try to learn more through reading. And, it makes me really worried thinking about my inability to write as lucidly as the writers do.
….. Let’s see what our friends suggest us to do.
……….আপনার পরামর্শের জন্য ধন্যবাদ। আমি এই ব্যাপারটিতে প্রায়ই তালগোল পাকিয়ে ফেলি। চেষ্টা করে দেখেছি, তবুও সুন্দরভাবে অল্প কথায় লিখতে পারি না। আরো চেষ্টা করতে হবে বোধহয়।
………. আমি ঠিক বুঝতে পারলাম না, আপনার কথাটায় কোন শ্লেষ ছিল কি না। যদি থাকে, তাহলে হয়তো তা আমার প্রাপ্য। যদি না থাকে, তাহলে ধরে নেবো, ওটা আপনার ঔদার্য। ধন্যবাদ।
……….দোস্তো, তুইও দেখি আমার দলে! একজন সঙ্গী পেয়ে বড়ই আনন্দ পেলাম। দেখি, অন্য বন্ধুরা কী বলে…..
……… Thank you, didi, for your compliment. (Hope, what you thought is how I’m took it……….. But honestly, didi, I feel so helpless about my incapability of connecting my thoughts. The writers I read make me think and believe more of it.)
……….ঠিকই বলেছ, ভাই! আর আমিও ঠিক ওভাবেই জিজ্ঞেস করেছি।
……… ভাই, আমি শুধু ওইটুকুই পারি, স্ট্যাটাস আপডেট করা (আর কমেন্ট করা) পর্যন্তই!
………. Brother, knowing how cheat weakness is a great virtue. Please share some cheat-codes. I also want to win the game.
………কীরে! কী বলছিস এইসব! তুই আমাকে এত ভুল একটা কারণে ভয় পাস কেন রে? আজকে তো জেনেই গেলি, আর ভয় পাস-নে, ভাই!
……….আপু, তোমার প্রথম কথাটা পুরোপুরি সত্যি, পরের কথাগুলো নয়। আমি কতদূর এসেছি বলে তোমার মনে হয়, জানি না, তবে এইটুকু জোর দিয়ে বলতে পারি, তুমি ঠিক ভাবছ না। আর আমার কাছ থেকে শেখার চেষ্টা করছ, ভাল কথা। তবে সাবধানে শেখো, আমি খুব বেশি কিছু শিখিনি।
…… A very good and suicidal suggestion, Sir!! I’ve no problem to have an English girlfriend, if she hasn’t! And, humbly speaking, she can’t drain anything that I don’t have; she better drain away my father’s….lol…………… “to know English well is hallmark of educated & to speak half cooked mother tongue is high grade patriotism!”…… so poignant & ironic!! The better educated, the worse learned. Anything half-cooked could be digestible, but…. Mother-tongue?! God bless them!!
……. Dada, my status was not actually meant for my weakness, it’s already proved!! I just asked for some platform of strength. Thanks.
…. Yes madam, you’ve got it right!! Now, let me say two things to make my point clear….. First, for many of my friends Bengali is a not non-native language. And, I sincerely needed their suggestion as well…….. Second, two of the very few things I can do in English are: updating status messages and commenting on Facebook. Thank you for your nice comment.
…….. Dear Sir, I’m neither a lawyer nor a doctor. What’s the use of making my friends into my “mokkels (clients)”? Thank you for kindly reading my comments.
……. Brother, being filled with water is not enough when everyone else (both friends and strangers) can’t see it filled.
….. Ok Sir, I’ve taken your last words as compliment. Take care.
…. So nice of you, brother. I could guess it earlier and I never hold any idea that might make me think of you in the way that you’re not really.
…. Madam, it’s pleasant for me to see you here. I want to make you sure that I’m not joking; rather people here are making fun of my request, you see… I’m sorry to say that I couldn’t understand the later part of your comment. Could you please tell about it more? I sincerely want to have some tips from you based on your experience as a writer. Any recommendations would be welcomed. Thanks.
… Thank you madam for your kind suggestion. I think, it’s not easy for me to do all the three things all the time in a country where English is non-native. But I’ll try to follow your advice and do it most of the time.
…. I’m not fluent in spoken English, due to lack of practice, I think. Such weakness is often embarrassing, you know. My writing skill is not after my satisfaction, some very kind-hearted (like you) persons think it to be, though. They kind to my faults only because they’re affectionate to me, but I must make exactly what makes sense. That’s what why I asked for my friends’ help. Thanks.
…. Yes, I didn’t know the idiom earlier. Thanks for adding it to my stock. I can guess (a little, though) about your extensive reading habit. And, I like the style you often follow in your writings… Everyone can write, but (good) writers can do it differently, and they do. I just wanted to learn the difference, and adopt it in my own way. I’ve problems to bridge between my thoughts and writings. My thoughts always beat my writings, not a nice matter to be complacent of. Could you please suggest me some books (you think,) I should read (better, through my message inbox)? Thank you once again for not writing so kind words for me, but for believing in my ability. Take care.
….. You’ve a long first-hand experience of making the correct sense of different accents as you’ve been in London for 4 years. I’ve almost no idea about it. My speaking and listening skill are just ‘horrible’. Sadly enough, I’m losing my confidence every moment whenever I try to connect with what I say or what others say. That’s a BIG problem, you know. My writing style is also largely immature. What I write makes sense, but not a good sense….. Thank you, brother, once again for your presence on my wall. Take care.
……. Sir, I never thought I’m supposed to be ‘that’ humble & modest when the aftermath just seemed to be a foregone conclusion. (Yes, I confess, our performance deserved no better) Truth is, you can’t cheat your destiny all the time. (Not, always the cheating-codes were all about ‘dream-gained’)….. I think, Bangladesh Cricket team is not experienced enough to be felt humiliated for. Maybe we, the Bangladeshi people, don’t have enough experience of feeling humiliated, however!!…..lol
…… Yes Sir, thoughts don’t need any language, but it does, to be developed further, as nourishment of it is never possible without interpersonal communication. I more I think, the more I realize the limitation of my depth, the more urge I do feel to make it better; and that’s why I’m here with you all. Your presence is precious for me, and to make it for you as well, I must learn the language essential for communicating with what I think as well as what I don’t.
…… Better people, better thoughts.
…… Sir, before I read your comment, I always had thought that Oscar Wilde had the best sense of humour of all the people who had ever lived. And, you proved me was wrong……. But truly speaking, I’ve always liked the witty way you often use in expressing your thoughts; succinct yet very powerful!! And so, I just can’t help clicking the ‘like’ button whenever I come across them. Being simple while writing is the toughest task, I think. I’m no good at making a good sense in my writing. Often, my thoughts make me feel better than my writings……. Reading you has always been a great pleasure, Sir.
….. Masima, yes, learning never seemed like ‘ reinventing the wheel’ to me before this discussion.
….. Sir, praise is always healthier than chicken soup. And, please consider this as a treat on the very special arrival of a new angel to your world. Please accept my heartiest congratulations on your being a grandpa!! God bless you & your family.
…… Thank you, Sir, for the nice wish. Hope it will remain as divine as it’s now, thereafter.
Dada, there’s already another one. Thanks.
ভাবনা: পাঁচশো একান্ন
5 April 2011
Praise is always healthier than chicken soup.
Chicken soup is healthy for body, praise is healthy for soul. Nourishment of soul is much more important than that of body. A three pack soul is stronger than a six pack body.
And that’s why, it’s always better to make a person feel entertained than to entertain him/her. Use words, save money, feel and be felt better.
বৃদ্ধ, বার্ধক্য, শেষ বয়স, আর যতদিন বাঁচা……..আরে ভাই, এত ভাবতে বলছ কেন? It’s life, yaar, let’s live it!……..তবে যা-ই বল, গুরু, মনটাকে বোধহয় আর চিরহরিৎ রাখা যাচ্ছে না! যতই গলা ফাটাও না কেন, বয়স তো আর কানে তুলো গুঁজে বসে থাকছে না!………আমার ছোটভাইরা যখন গার্লফ্রেন্ড লইয়া, আমার চোখের সামনে দিয়া, রঙ্গ কইরা হাঁইট্টা যায়, ফাইট্টা যায়, বুকটা ফাইট্টা যায়!
…. Life is not getting any more complicated, it’s not getting any simpler either. It’s getting exactly what it’s supposed to be. We’re making it what we’re assuming it to be. Humans are the only creatures who can hope for hope’s sake. It’s why we’re here, it’s how we’re here…. No sighs please. The more you pay for them, the less you receive from them.
…….. “সব কিছুই বুঝে নেবো, তবুও কিছুই মানবো না।”……… প্রেম নিয়ে এই অদ্ভুত স্ববিরোধীতা মানুষের স্বভাবজাত। মানুষ বড়ই স্ববিরোধী প্রাণী, আমরা তো ভিন্ন কিছু নই, ভাই!
‘এত শঠতা, এত যে ব্যথা, তবু যেন তা মধুতে মাখা!’ দিল্লিকা লাড্ডু খেলেও পস্তাবো, না খেলেও পস্তাবো!……..নাহয় খেয়েই পস্তাই! কী আছে আর জীবনে? একজন মানুষ এক জীবনে আর কতটুকুই বা পায়!
…. You seem to answer all the questions of your girlfriends. That’s great! Carry on, buddy! I really appreciate it.
You’ll be soon famous when she writes a book titled: “আমার ইয়ে সব জানে”… Or, “My best boyfriend who could answer all the unanswerable questions of mine”….lol
….. What’s the use of fearing to be suffocated when you’re enough of it? Breaths come from within making a better without. That’s all about life and love…..
But to some extent, it’s true that….. LOVE IS OFTEN OVERRATED!!
And, the most part of it we never meet. Thanks.
…. Never be convinced that you were born for sufferings. You’re entitled to all the pleasurers of the world. It’s your choice to be within or to be without it. Buddhism just teaches you to be under Nirvana, a spiritual detachment from all mundane attachments, making a greater journey to love and passion about your within and without. That’s the different stream.
….. Criticism is better only when it makes you feel better, otherwise it hurts. Good criticism is really better than ‘just good’.
….. And nothing else can beat their combination. It’s just superb, pleasing both body & soul.
……. Dada, entertain my sweet didi with that healthier soup and see the miracle.
……. It’s all about being entertained and entertaining. Anything that serves the purpose is good.
…… So nicely said! I wish our superstores offered this very special soup! It sometimes becomes too costly to afford to buy. But if bought and served properly, it can do miracle, and it does.
….. Let me start from your PS (“No philosophical answer please…!!!!!”)……. Not all philosophers are the liars, not all without girlfriends are philosophers. I’ve every right to seem to be a nerd philosopher and still without any girlfriend…….. Once you used to be too, I know.
I typed the word ‘girlfriends’ just mistakenly (2:30 am was not a good time for good typing, you know!)….. And, later I wanted to remove that comment this morning and retype that comment again; but my laziness prevented me from doing so, and AMAZINGLY enough, I just did the right thing!! (Your comment proves it to be)……. God bless your life-partner!!
And, about relationship……. Your comment sounds something like confessing before the father of a church without the least hope of being pardoned!! It’s not easy for a youth of 26+ (like me) not to confide that ‘secret’ to his friends, you know; it was not easy for you either (your comment makes it clearer than it is)!!!)………..
……. I’m surprised too……. How could you think that I don’t know!! I’m not an idiot, you know!! I’m intelligent enough to judge a man (not a woman, dosto)………
Yes, I’ve a heart BIG enough to accommodate blessings for all of my friends’ girlfriends (details of it, when we’ll meet)……. And… the father of the church?? Go to a church and find him there.
A youth beyond a human??……. OMG!! You’re missing your “beyond a human” state, I’m sure!! Never mind dost. Just being beyond a human is not everything in life, there’s something else to be “happy” for!!……….
Ok, that’s a nice deal. I’ll bring that medicine provided that you’ll give that chotpoti party! We can also go to Love Lane for that party. Hope you can remember the day of our looooong conversation.
6 April 2011
Why your stupid boss is overpaid? Why you’re not, though you’re smarter?
Dear friends….. He himself is not smart but he can make you act even smarter. Is he overpaid for it? Maybe, he is.
It’s natural. The boss of your boss is also stupid. Ask him, and he’ll surely prove that he is smarter than his boss…. And if so is, you’re, no doubt, the smartest!! Enjoy this super smartness till the time you become the BOSS.
So, the bottom line is…….. It’s not easy to be an idiot!!
Who dares to disagree with the stupid (I mean, boss)!!…………….. Ouch!!
Being an idiot was never such a pleasant matter, I can bet!!……. hahahahaha
7 April 2011
Where have the beautiful girls gone? Have all of them gone to Heaven? No, some have gone to their in-laws’ houses too, and some others are taking preparation to go… Not fair!!
…….. দাদা সত্যি কথাই বলেছে! হাসবি না, একদম হাসবি না বলছি…….এমনিতেই মেজাজ খারাপ হয়ে আছে!
…. Masima, just as the same way as you mean.
…. No Sir, I’m on the search to be one.
…. Dada, you see her?! OMG!! Show me, please!! I’ll be ever grateful!!… Hahahaha… Happy Weekend, Dada!
…. God Bless You, dear. Surely, I’ll arrange a party for you if your words come true.
…. Surely, you’re beautiful! Some fortunate person did find you for this very reason.
…. She really doesn’t have to wait. I’m already waiting here to relieve her of that ‘painful wait’….lol
…. So blessed you’re! I wish you a lifelong stay with her in your sweet home.
…….. আরে বাবা! বানিয়ে দেয়াও যায় নাকি? জানতাম নাতো! যদি সত্যিসত্যি যায়, তবে বানিয়ে দিলে বড়ই কৃতার্থ হই!……… হাহাহা
…. Everything you’re thinking about!
…. Then… The party-time is surely knocking just at your door!!
ভাবনা: পাঁচশো বায়ান্ন
8 April 2011
All my bags are packed I’m ready to go / I’m standin’ here outside your door / I hate to wake you up to say goodbye /… Tell me you’ll wait for me / Hold me like you’ll never let me go…
It’s taken from “Leaving on a Jet Plane”, a song written by John Denver, expressing not so much from feeling that way for someone, but from the longing of having someone to love, conjuring up emotions.
Guess I don’t know what’s, left to say
But hear me out
All of the dreams of, yesterday
Keep breaking me down
What’s on the outside, can you say
Or am I getting carried away
It’s in your mind
It’s in your eyes
So, it’s goodbye again
It’s way past time
For one last try
So, it’s goodbye again
Goodbye… again
Close your eyes and rest your weary mind
I promise I will stay right here beside you
Today our lives were joined, became entwined
I wish THAT you could know how much I love you
Lady, are you happy, do you feel the way I do?
Are there meanings that you’ve never seen before?
Lady, my sweet lady, I just can’t believe it’s true
And it’s like I’ve never ever loved before
All my bags are packed I’m ready to go
I’m standin’ here outside your door
I hate to wake you up to say goodbye
But the dawn is breakin’ it’s early morn
The taxi’s waitin’ he’s blowin’ his horn
Already I’m so lonesome I could die
There’re so many times I’ve let you down
So many times, I’ve played around
I tell you now, they don’t mean a thing
Every place I go, I’ll think of you
Every song I sing, I’ll sing for you
When I come back, I’ll bring your wedding ring
And I’m walking here beside you
In the early evening chill
A thing we’ve always loved to do
I know we always will
We have so much in common
So many things we share
That I can’t believe my heart
When it implies that you’re not there
Love is why I came here in the first place
Love is now the reason I must go
Love is all I ever hoped to find here
Love is still the only dream I know
So, I don’t know how to tell you
It’s difficult to say
I never in my wildest dreams
Imagined it this way
But sometimes I just don’t know you
There’s a stranger in our home
When I’m lying right beside you
Is when I’m most alone.
Oh, it’s been a long time since I’ve listened
Still longer since I’ve walked with you
For the first time I know what I’m missing
Some answers are no longer true
So, I question the course that I follow
I’m doubtful and deep in despair
My heart is full of impossible notions
Can it be you no longer care?
How can I leave you again?
I must be clear out of my mind
Lost in a storm I’ve gone blind
Oh, how can I leave you again
John Denver, one of the Legend Singer/Composer of Country Song. Obviously, he is one of the top20 singers of the last century. He is my all-time favourites. I have collected almost 200 songs of John Denver. you may collect from me. Believe me buddy. I couldn’t delete even a single song of Denver. All of those songs touch my soul. My most favorite songs are:
2.Annie’s Song
3.Country Road Take me home
4.Goodbye again
5.Somedays are diamonds
6.Leaving on a jet plane
7.Sweet surrender
8.Thank God I’m a country boy
and a lot more…
কোনটা বাদ দিয়ে কোনটার কথা বলি! এরকম শিল্পী ১০০০ বছরে একজন পাওয়া যায়!
Chris de Burg এর গানগুলোও অসাধারণ! They are real and raw musician. Hats off to them!
…….. Thank you dost for your valuable suggestion. I know very well that you’re quite a professional listener of those wonderful tracks. Once you were just always with those treasures, and I also got some inspiration from our conversation about music. I can still remember your passion, your composition, and sheer sense of music appreciation! I’ll collect all those tracks of Denver when I meet you. He is just fabulous! And, Burg also shares some common mastery with Denver. I didn’t listen to him much, but I’ll as you’ve suggested to do so. Take care.
11 April 2011
It’s not easy to resist the temptation of being the best in the easiest tasks. And, it’s what kills us…. (shared from my personal experience)
What if we don’t find others already experienced? Or, we neglect walking in other people’s shoes? I walked, and I suffered. I knew sufferings teach. And, the lesson is always wonderful.
Not a single moment is useless when we enjoy and smile. Even if it’s, we’re always sure of having useful ones in future.
14 April 2011
আজ সারাটা দিন বাসায় ছিলাম। নাহ্! একা ছিলাম না মোটেও, সাথে সারাক্ষণ ফেসবুক ছিল, আর ছিল কিছু কবিতার বই। কী অদ্ভুত সঙ্গী আমার! কখনোই ছেড়ে চলে যায় না! বাবা-মা’কে ছোটভাইকে মিস করেছি ভীষণভাবে! বছরের এই দিনটাতে কখনো একা থাকা হয় না, তাই একটু কষ্টই হয়েছে! এই কি শুরু?…. বন্ধুরা, কেমন কাটল পহেলা বৈশাখ?… শুভ নববর্ষ ১৪১৮!
দাদা, আপনার সাথে কফি এনজয় করবো—এ তো আমার পরম সৌভাগ্য! জানি, একদিন নিশ্চয়ই সেই সুন্দর দিনটার দেখা আমি পাবো……… কয়েকটা অ্যান্থলজি ছিল পাশে, সেইগুলোর পাতাগুলো উল্টে দেখছিলাম। আমার সাথে ছিলেন কিটস, আর্নল্ড, নেরুদা, ড্রাইডেন……..সুনীল, বিষ্ণু দে, শক্তি, জীবনানন্দ, সুধীন্দ্রনাথ……..আর কয়েকটা অনুবাদ কবিতা (এই কালেকশনটা অসাধারণ!)…….. খুব খারাপ লাগে যখন ভাবি, রিডিং হ্যাবিটটা কমে যাচ্ছে, তখন পুরনো দিনগুলিকে মিস করি ভীষণভাবে, প্রিয় মানুষেরা স্মৃতির দরোজায় কড়া নেড়ে যায়……..আবার কখনোবা মনে হয়, এইতো জীবন!
ভাল থাকবেন, দাদা।
….. Shuvo Noboborsho 1418. It’s nice to see you on my wall. Hope you’re fine along with your family. Thank you for remembering me on the eve of this Bangla New Year. Take care.
15 April 2011
Have we ever thought that when we tell someone, “You don’t have the ability to do it”, and he/she really fails to do it, we also share some responsibility of his/her failure? Do we have the right to do so?
Who am I to discourage a person if I can’t help him/her? Either be nice to him/her, or just leave him/her to his/her own destiny. Sushanta Paul My experiment with the truth tells me so. Whenever we hold down the spirit of someone, he can hardly take care of what he does. It’s better to do nothing for someone than to do bad to him. When we insult someone’s worth, we actually show our inability to find out his worth. A man with a good personality can never do this, I think.
encouragement is a grt help in itself.
…. So true, Sir… Nothing encourages like encouragement.
18 April 2011
A man threw his wife to a pond full of crocodiles. Now, he has been sent to the court and he is on trial for being cruel towards animals.
…….. নারীপ্রীতি? সে আবার কী? তুই তো জানিস দোস্ত, I hate girls and they hate me…lol…. তবু ব্যাপার হচ্ছে, আমি কারো মনে কষ্ট দিই না, কারণ……. A heart that has been hurt is like a rose that never blooms!…….আমার হৃদয়ের বিশালতা নিয়ে তো তোর কোনো সন্দেহ থাকার কথা নয়! তারপরও যদি থাকে, তবে তোর জন্য আমার সাজেশন হলো, তোর প্রিয় গার্লফ্রেন্ডদের সাথে কথা বলে দেখ। আর যদি তাতেও কাজ না হয়, তবে অন্তত তোর বিলাভডের সাথে কথা বল। আমি জানি, ও তোর সাথে মিথ্যে বলে না!……..আর……..হ্যাঁ ব্যাটা, তোরে আমি শ্রদ্ধা করি…….তুই জানতি না? (তোর বৌ আর শালীরেও আমি অনেক শ্রদ্ধা করবো, আশা করি; শালা, তখন দেখবি চোখে জল আসা কারে কয়!!)
….দোস্তো, চল আমরা বিয়ে করার পর সবাই মিলে একটা ‘চিরকুমার সভা’ গঠন করি। আমাদের কাজ হবে মানুষের সামনে বিয়ে করার ভয়ংকর দিকগুলি তুলে ধরা। তুই হবি সভাপতি। গুরু, বিয়ে না করেই তুই যে অগাধ জ্ঞান অর্জন করেছিস, তাতে আমার মনে হয়, তোকে ‘Most ineligible bachelor of the year’ এই অ্যাওয়ার্ড দেয়া উচিত। তোর মতো দেবর ঘরেঘরে জন্ম নিক…
18 April 2011
পরশু আমার ম্যানেজমেন্ট একজাম, আর আজকে আমি বসেবসে পুরনো দিনের বিরহের বাংলা গান শুনছি। শুনতে বেশ লাগছে। কিন্তু কেন? তা তো জানি না! কেউ কি বলতে পারেন, কেন?….হে ধরণী, দ্বিধা হও, আমি গাছে উঠি…
…. If love is your only payment, I’m always ready to pay you highly.
20 April 2011
I couldn’t understand what not to read for a Management exam till I sat for it today. Well, it was not that monster I’d thought it to be. Yet, I was eaten up. Whom to blame now?
ভাবনা: পাঁচশো তিপান্ন
20 April 2011
Half the trees in the world are cut down to make up books for me, yet I’ve always been that stupid I was ever. Can you blame me for it?
21 April 2011
What’s the best thing, you think, you can buy or do with your money? Friends, please share….
A many servile flatterers.
Sai Ram. I have done many things good and bad, but whenever I helped some one really in need, I felt best.
…. Right you’re! What an irony! People praise us sincerely when we have little money. They just become flatterers when we’ve enough of it. They kill us every moment by being much more loyal than they really need to be. And, foolishly enough, we like rather to be flattered than to be praised. No matter, we do good or bad, they just keep flattering.
…. So nicely stated, Sir! Helping others is the nicest thing to do. Whenever we help others, we actually serve the purpose for which we were sent to this earth. It’s a great feeling! Nothing can beat such a feeling. Being kind to others brings the best gift for us. Life itself is a gift. The more we give, the more we receive. Every work of kindness has its own reward.
…… I hope you’ll be just THERE just at the GAME time!!
……. Nice plan, really!! It’s be great to imagine and must be even greater to have and feel!!
….. Very good idea!! My all-time favourite decision!!
…… Didi, let me sum up in this way……….. You buy furniture. You tell yourself, “This is the last sofa I will ever need in my life.” Buy the sofa, then for a couple years you’re satisfied that no matter what goes wrong, at least you’ve got your sofa issue handled. Then the right set of dishes. Then the perfect bed. The drapes. The rug. Then you’re trapped in your lovely nest and the things you used to own, now they own you……….. Yes, it’s what really happen!!
We don’t really know what we want —- it’s a great problem. I think, the greater one is, we can’t always want what we really want…. Look at me. You’ll never find a better example, I can bet!! hahahaha………
……. So nicely observed and written, Sir! We often forget there is no pocket in a piece of ‘kafan’, yet we go on amassing wealth like a HELL!! Do we really need so many things as our cultures make us think and believe? What’s the use of gaining the whole world losing our own souls? Have we ever wondered who will cry when we die? What have we done for them? Can money buy the love of my mother? Can money buy the strength of my father & brother? How much do we really need to have a meaningful reach to grave? These things often haunt my mind and I’m very happy finding you my soul-mate………. Yes, there’s one thing I’m really crazy for and that’s —- books!! They make my heaven and my family & friends make it worth-living!!
…. You’re probably thinking of buying love with money. Oh No! It can never be done!! Love can neither be sold nor be bought!
….. Why are you so tired? Is life not a gift you’re entitled to? It’s a gift whereupon peace rests. Look within your soul, it’s just there! Do something you never did, be out of that circle you used to be in. Peace must be your sole property as no one else can enjoy your peace on your behalf. It’s there! Just go for it. God bless you.
21 April 2011
Hello, is it me you’re looking for? /
I can see it in your eyes /
I can see it in your smile /
You’re all I’ve ever wanted, (and) my arms are open wide /
And I want to tell you so much, I love you… /…….
Are you somewhere feeling lonely, or is someone loving you?………. (I just crazily feel like telling these lines to someone whenever I listen to this song!! Hats off, Richie!!)
……. It’s important to tell nice lines to someone when you crazily feel like telling, but it’s more important that she really cares for those wonderful lines. It’s better to live alone than to feel miserable for someone else or to make someone else feel miserable.
……. My heart just goes on and on whenever I bathe in such wonderful tracks!!
….. Masima, I don’t know whether it really matters or not. What matters is what I care for or I’m cared for. Even if it takes my whole life to know that truth, I’ll wait. But I won’t die before I know. I believe, the end must be worth it!
….. Such songs are written not with words but with heart. Yes, nothing ever stirred the soul more. How much more I need to love someone to say such a wonderful Hello to her? I want to that master of soul. What more is there in life? What’s the use of living if I don’t find someone to die for?…… S I G H…..
….. You’ve seen the harsh sides and so you’re safe from seeing more. You’ve got that experience. It’s great. Right? What’s life for if we fail to live it? It’s life. Let’s live it! Let’s measure our life with the sips of coffee. Let’s drink and enjoy every drop of the cup.
22 April 2011
If you love someone and they leave you forever, set them free, they weren’t yours. But if they come back, just set them on fire!…
…. Nothing can warm your heart more than the fire of your words if cast properly on the person by whom you were dumped once, you know!
…. Definitely it is! Even the ice of married life is more dangerous than the fire of love! Breaking the ice is much more difficult than extinguishing the fire, always, literally or figuratively!! And, in case of marriage?…. God Bless!!
…. Living in hell must be easier than the fire of words! If someone makes you feel like hell, just offer them a visit to the Eden(!) of your wrath. They’ll always seek for even hell as the better place to be in, to be out of there!
Warning: Don’t try this at home. Your hubby will never make the same mistake of marrying again! Not always emotion wins over experience! So, don’t worry. He must return….lol
if they are yrs, they will return
And, to make them yours forever, just set them on fire!…lol