ভাবনাদেয়ালের পলেস্তারা (৭৮তি অংশ)

ভাবনা: পাঁচশো চল্লিশ


15 October 2010

….now enjoying the festive blend of Durga Puja at Ramakrishna Mission, Chittagong Centre.

Durga Puja is the biggest religious festival of the Hindu community in Bangladesh. Although the percentage of Hindu people is low, Durga Puja along with other Hindu festivals are celebrated all throughout Bangladesh.

আমার কাছে, আপাতত, পুজোর আনন্দ… ছুটিতেই!!…. ‘অবাণিজ্যিক’ ছোটাছুটির দারুণ একটা উপলক্ষ!! থমকেযাওয়া জীবনটাকে একটা জোরসে রিস্টার্ট দেয়া!

Every occasion, irrespective of religious or non-religious ones, brings some excuses to convince myself to be a part of it, its flavour. My soul often sighs for my past golden days when I were to bother hardly about my material life. Gone are those days!! Time always demands much more than we’re prepared to bear.

I adore the congregation of souls on such festivals. The difference of status and dignity that society confers upon us is kept apart. Yes, I feel such a communion within, forgetting the fronts that sequester me from the world without! Yesterday, I hanged around with my friends literally all day long. We sang, we danced, we got lost together.

My heart awaits such a sigh of relief through the rest of the year. And, I spare no attempts to get bathed in the fountain of ecstasy as it starts flowing. To me, as far as I’m concerned, the communion of souls regarding every perspective, is the greatest aspect Religion caters for us. It always blurrs the spiritual offering, I think.

Have wonderful moments with your friends and family. Thank you.

…. I always appreciate your good sense of humour. Mine is not bad too, for sure!…lol…. Hugs.

…. Precious people are to be treasured, not to be forgotten. How can a star that twinkles eternally, sink into oblivion?

…. I’ve no insight. I’m just ordinary. It’s your thinking about me that matters. Every extraordinary in this world was just viewed upon, not born. The credit always goes more to the viewers. Thanks.

… বড্ড অলস হয়ে যাচ্ছি ইদানিং… তাই, বলতে পারো, এটা আমার এক ধরনের, অর্থহীন, অথচ আন্তরিক বিলাসিতা।

17 October 2010

Shuvo Bijoya. It’s a day of the communion of souls… Be happy and make others happy.

Let’s make this day the start of a new journey to better days… Let’s try to make the world a better place to live in. Let’s dream of better dreams yet to come true.

Let’s not believe in imaginary heaven hereafter, rather make this world heaven-like.

Take care.

আমাদের এই অবাণিজ্যিক আন্তরিকতার শোধবোধ টিকে থাক অনন্তকাল ধরে….এই বাৎসল্য অক্ষয় হোক….

17 October 2010

যে সব মেয়েরা সারাটা বছর জিন্স টিশার্ট পরে ঘুরে বেড়ায়, সে সব মেয়েরা গত চারদিন লালপেড়ে শাড়ি পরল, বিশেষ করে, আজকে… দারুণ একটা ব্যাপার, তাই না?

‘অর্ধেক নারী তুমি, অর্ধেক কল্পনা…..’

ঈশ্বরের এই অকারণ পক্ষপাতিত্বকে ঘিরে আমার সকারণ মুগ্ধতা আমাকে গত চারদিন অনেক ভাবিয়েছে….

বুঝি না এমন মেয়ে কীকরে বানালে ঈশ্বর!

.. Opposite gender নিয়ে এই অদ্ভুত ধরনের ‘research-capability’ তো সব মানুষেরই সহজাত!…. তাই না?

সারমেয় যদি জানতো আমরা ওর লেজ নিয়ে অনেক গালমন্দ করি, তাহলে কি আর সে আমাদের দেখলে, খুশিতে লেজ নাড়াত?

….. হীরে-বসানো সোনার ফুল কি সত্য, তবুও কি সত্য নয়।’

বুঝতেই পারছ

একটা তুলনার সংকেত ওর চিঠিতে অদৃশ্য কাঁটার মতো

আমার বুকের কাছে বিঁধিয়ে দিয়ে জানায়–

আমি অত্যন্ত সাধারণ মেয়ে।

মূল্যবানকে পুরো মূল্য চুকিয়ে দিই

এমন ধন নেই আমার হাতে।

ওগো, নাহয় তাই হল,

নাহয় ঋণীই রইলেম চিরজীবন।


আমার দশা যাই হোক

খাটো কোরো না তোমার কল্পনা।

তুমি তো কৃপণ নও বিধাতার মতো।

(তাহলে কি ধরেই নেবো, এই অসামান্যা সাধারণ মেয়ে কেবলই কষ্ট-কল্পনায় থেকে যাবে?)

…..আপনার কথাটা পুরোপুরি মানতে পারলাম না, দিদি।

বিধাতা যে অকারণ পক্ষপাতিত্বে রমণীকে রমণীয় করে গড়ে তুলেছেন, সেই অনিন্দ্যসুন্দর রূপের ওপরে আর কোনো রঙ না চড়ানোই বোধ করি শ্রেয়। রঙ চড়িয়ে শুধু সঙ সাজা হয়, ওতে তো আর বিধাতার সাথে ফাঁকি চলে না! একান্ত নির্বোধও এটা বোঝে, না-বোঝার দাবি কিংবা বাকিটুকু শুধুই অভিনয়!

এবারের পুজোয় মহাষ্টমীতে পুষ্পাঞ্জলির সময় মায়ের অঞ্জলিটুকু জলাঞ্জলি দিয়ে আমি নারীরূপের রহস্যঘেরা রূপটি প্রত্যক্ষ করেছি। (অবশ্য, পরে মা দুর্গাকে ‘সরি’ও বলে দিয়েছি!)

তাই বলতেই হচ্ছে, এই অপার মহিমান্বিত সৌন্দর্যকে শুধুই কবির খেয়াল বলতে আমার যথেষ্ট আপত্তি আছে।

আনন্দে বাঁচবেন, দিদি। ধন্যবাদ।

23 October 2010

….. enjoying a journey through the heart of darkness….

I can see the hue of sound… La la la…

I can hear the rhythm of colour…. La la la…

….. Hello didi, how are you? I’m fine. Thank you. How are you getting on with your days? Are you now in the US? Have you any plan to visit Bangladesh? Take care.

…. I was on the train when you wrote on my wall. I fell asleep soon after updating my status, and so I couldn’t reply in time. Thank you very much for your warm hospitality especially because you dared put up with a nonsense like me….lol… You’re hopefully coming here during Eid-ul-azha. Right? Hope to meet you soon. Take care. Bye.

…. Hello didi, after a long time you’re on my wall. How are you and your family members? Last night, I enjoyed a train journey and got lost in the lap of nature soon after I’d stared at the colour of night. I drank its essence to my heart’s content. The gorgeous night touched my soul and left no excuses for waiting to share my feelings with my friends. Getting lost in forest must be a romantic experience. I can feel it vicariously and hope to have that experience too.

…. Sir, it’s always nice to see you write on my wall. Thank you.

Every light is a light of hope. We just gotta discover its appeal. The light that bears no hope is just darkness in disguise. Yes, we can hardly be prudent enough to see through this specious darkness. Doomed we’re not to have this sight!

Good Morning my dear friends. You’re always more precious to me than I can really value. You make my days every day.

ভাবনা: পাঁচশো একচল্লিশ


28 October 2010

Eve-teasing is the worst demonstration of a mean personality. Say a big NO to eve-teasing.

My dear Friends!

The recent terrible shape of eve-teasing in Bangladesh leaves this term as just an euphemism. It’s no more in the form of teasing, it’s no better than harassment jeopardizing our domestic life. Not only are girls victimized, but also are groaning their guardians, teachers and friends under the pangs of this curse. Hardly is spent a day in recent time when there’s no news of eve-teasing in the mass media. I wish I could just shoot those scoundrels. They deserve no mercy, no justice; death and only death must be their destiny. Shame upon those spineless criminals!!

The recent sad deaths of a teacher and a mother exposes the vulnerability of those protesting harassment of women. And so, stalking of women has taken a turn for the worse with a growing number of people being killed for trying to resist the menace. In Bangladesh, during the last nine months, at least 25 women killed themselves to escape the horror of abuse, while 9 males lost their lives for standing up against the stalkers. The existing laws and state interventions are so poorly drafted that victims get little help from the law enforcing agencies. Tougher laws must be enacted and executed on one hand to root out this social pandemic and public awareness programs against this disease should be launched on the other. The accused stalkers must be arrested immediately and brought under exemplary punishment. It’s a traumatic experience which can leave deep psychological scars and negative consequences for the greater community. We can’t avert the responsibility of those who were forced to commit suicide. Let not a promising life be doomed before it starts.

Thank you, friends, for pledging your concerted support for this time-demanding issue.

Given the strict patriarchal social system, it is almost daring for a woman to protest eve teasing in public places. This is because it may further endanger her security and restrict her mobility on the one hand. And on the other hand, it is usually the girl who is inevitably held responsible by the society for this type of incident. For that, one would not expect a girl fighting back against a gang of foul boys. So, there is not too much of a scope to raise a question regarding the girl’s silence. But any conscious mind should not overlook the silence of those that witnessed the whole incident. Does that indicate that we are returning to the medieval system? Does that point that we are becoming devoid of our ethical values? When that’s the scenario, should we really expect the girls to protest alone? Don’t we have any responsibility at all?

Victimised women and girls do not only get psychologically troubled, but also continuously feel insecure to go outside their homes. They develop a sense of distrust and humiliation against men. In fact, within the patriarchal social fabric, eve teasing is a weapon to weaken, hurt or force women to consign to domestic affairs. It evidently restricts women’s mobility in the public sphere, which on the one hand contributes to their diminishing participation in outdoor activities and causes early marriage on the other. There is increasing realisation that eve teasing severely restricts the mobility of women and girls, which is unquestionably a threat to women’s empowerment. All together, though apparently invisible, the cost of eve teasing is huge at our national and individual life.

There are legal provisions to thwart the offence, but those are either very weak or deficient of a clear-cut definition, which helps the perpetrators escape trial or get away with very little penalty and discourage the victimized women seeking justice. On the other hand, no matter how weak those laws are, most people are unaware of their existence as they are hardly aware of any implementation of those. Let’s fight eve teasing to save our souls.

Some organizations working on human right often stand on the way of smooth execution of trial. These pressure groups violate humanity in the name of safeguarding human right. I think, the concept of human right should be brought under amendment. Human right should be exclusively for humans not for beasts. Not being born with the shape of a beast doesn’t necessarily make one human. It’s something to be achieved, not to be inherited.

Human right organizations must not forget that punishing the criminals might be God’s duty, but making their appointment with God is our responsibility.

Should we avoid this responsibility?

3 November 2010

…. on the way to Dhaka—one of the most convincing Hells ever created! Yes, it’s a Hell in the guise of a Paradise.

Paradise lost. No Milton dare write Paradise Regained.

4 November 2010 ·

…. on the way to Chittagong from Dhaka. The silent language of darkness is humming with the songs of Kishor Kumar. What a romantic blend my soul is entertained with!…. enjoying it. La la la.

…. Today I’d to appear at an interview at DU for the EMBA course. Now, I’m returning to my sweet paradise from this corporate hell.

…. The falling of night speaks to my soul. I’m just lost. I’m drinking music, bathing in the moonlight. La la la la la la….

A nice status that shows and reflects your devotion toward the great artist!!!

…. I’ve no eye to see through the creation of an artist; rather, I like to create art for myself. My Utopia is self-made, no one ever resided there!….. And, you’ve always kind words for me that furnish much more than I really deserve, my humble confession.

At this moment, my heart imbibes the philosophical tone from the devotional songs of Lalon & Tagore. They’re the greatest treasures Bengal has ever discovered!!

The cool breeze, the canopy of the gleam of the queen moon, the soft melodious touch, the rhythmic journey….. What else is needed to keep the soul close to mother nature?!

…. I think, a song the greatest soul-provider. But, it’s we who feel the presence of soul within. The aesthetic blend is to be drunk to the core of our heart, and only then, the music touches our soul. The music and our existence are not two different essences any more, they become intermingled. It works even better than magic realism!!

ভাবনা: পাঁচশো বিয়াচল্লিশ


7 November 2010

I’ve stood 6th in order of merit in the Evening MBA admission test of Dhaka University… Feeling happy.

………….. Dear friends, I sincerely feel inspired, grateful and honoured for your dignified presence on my wall. Every aspect of pride and pleasure comes only for some priceless people like you. Please allow me to express my humble THANKS to you for being with me on this auspicious moment. Take care.

…… Didi, you always have something for me more valuable than I really deserve.

…….. Dada, I also pride myself on having such precious well-wishers like you.

…… Dear friend, I feel humbled at your kind thought about me as I think, it’s not about ‘going for’; rather it’s all about ‘trying for’!! I’m thinking of trying for it. Thank you for inspiring me.

….. I wish you informed me about it earlier!! lolzz………. Brother, if the deadline of admission is before the admission test of the MBA course of IBA, I think, it’s wise to get myself admitted; otherwise I’ll await the admission test of IBA. Thanks for writing on my wall.

……… Dost, I also sincerely wish your every success. Be blessed always.

Rony Das……… I wish I could escape from this ‘Corporate Hell’!! Sometimes, Hell seems to be sweeter than Heaven.

…….. দিদি, আমার কোনো বোন নেই, তাই ভাইফোঁটাও পাইনি। অনেক ভাল লাগল আপনার মত এক দিদির কাছ থেকে ভালোবাসাটুকু পেয়ে। ভাল থাকবেন।

…… Dost, I felicitate you on your standing 17th in order of merit. You always rock, we know!! Take care.

….. Thank you, my sweet, cute sister. Dear pagli, I’m always ready to throw a party. Just come to Bangladesh and make a grab at it!!

…… But for your presence on my wall, this result would have been just a piece of news rather than being a success. I feel like being on an elevated plane for your sincere wishes. Thank you for this favour. Take care.

I’m gladly taking the opportunity of thanking you for those wonderful words of felicitation. It’s just what I need! I like the blend of your cordial feelings very much. No, success has any real value if there’s no one to evaluate it. I’m so lucky to have some genuine well-wishers through this giant social network. Hats off to Mark Zuckerberg!! It’s really difficult to bridge the narrow, yet seemingly never-ending gap lying between ‘what I’ve’ and ‘what I deserve’. A harmonious transition is NEVER possible but for such a selfless support you’ve rendered for me. I know my achievement is SMALL but you’ve helped me in making the sense of it BIG. Only what we sense or think matters. Yes, small is beautiful and so every little thing counts. A BIG is just a SMALL in disguise!!………. “We’ll never part either in smiles or tears.” — Let’s make this a reason BIG enough to soar higher together. Be blessed always.

To be honest, the honour that I don’t deserve embarrasses me. It’s not so great an achievement as you seem to think. I felt happy when I came to know the result (I can remember, I felt the same ecstasy when I had stood 2nd in order of merit in the admission test of my graduating engineering varsity, CUET about 8 years back) and just felt like sharing it with you. You always make me think in a different way about my life and lives around me. It’s a precious experience. It’s worth thousand million dollars or even more I hardly can count! Nothing can bet the incredible kindness shown by a friend, you know. It’s difficult to have a different thought, but it’s easy to think differently especially when you feel the urge within to do so. Yes, you’re those priceless persons in my life who have always made me feel more than I deserve, think more than I’m supposed to — my honest confession. Nothing is significant or insignificant till we feel or think so about it. So, it’s purely a mind-game. It obviously takes some players with beautiful minds. THANK YOU for those wonderful words woven carefully by soul, though I’m not the least worth of it yet. In my defense, I can say, who on earth dare be indifferent to the love of a friend? No one. Because, life is meaningless without love; love is meaningless without life…. I feel love, so much love that pours from you, and those closest to me, and the love that flows from me, giving me more, the more I give!

Thousands of candles can be lit from a single candle, and the life of the candle will not be shortened. Happiness never decreases by being shared. THANKS for being with me with the vision of light that fills my sight in even the darkest imprisonment of mind or on the most sun-blessed, windswept mountaintop I’ve always dreamt of.

… I didn’t write, I just echoed my soul, just as the same way you’re used to doing. An interpreter of souls is the greatest gift on this earth. The poetry you’ve tagged me in has touched my soul and so did my writing in your case. Singleness of two souls matters. It seconds love to make a unique blend, I think. Thank you for making me feel more about myself than I really am.

…. Thank you, madam, for your gorgeous presence on my wall. I sincerely feel honoured to express my humble THANKS to you.

I got chance in the Evening MBA program of the dept of Finance, conducted by the Faculty of Business Studies under DU. IBA has not yet published any circular of admission test of MBA program through media or its official website. I hope I’d take that admission test too and surely go for IBA if I can prove myself competent for it.

Take care.

17 November 2010 ·

My brother was updating the phone software of my handset Nokia 3110C, a restart was required to finish the updating process, my mobile switched off but did not start again. Can anyone suggest a solution, please?

17 November 2010

If somebody asks me why I’m single, I just tell them, “God is busy writing the best love story for me.”

Truth is, God never likes to be bothered, though we like to bother Him thinking foolishly that He is enjoying it. In defense of myself, I can say, what else can I do when I’m bothered enough not knowing what is bothering me?… That’s not a big problem… We bother God even for the duties of doctors and feel relieved… I’ve failed many times in my attempts and happily blamed God…

… You’ve hit the nail on the head!! As I don’t pray, please request God on my behalf, please… I’ll arrange a party for you at Radisson if He responds to your prayer… I promise!… (What a comment, Aysha! Hahahaha…. I can’t stop laughing… )

…. Dost, I’ve just written what I believe, what I’ve felt. If you like it, you must share a common soul with me in this aspect.

… Nothing is the best, nothing is the worst. Only our thinking makes it so. And, if I get something that I’ll consider the best, surely, you’ll have everything in its best shape as you desire to see, my sincere heart-felt wish for you. Thanks a lot.

…. Sir, I think, God Himself hasn’t taken this assignment, He really never takes it, perhaps. I’m just happy to be complacent thinking it foolishly. Sometimes thinking foolish is more important than being foolish….. For every drop of rain there blooms a flower, for every dark road there lits a candle…. And, for every wish why there must not be an answer?

…. How can I forget my friends for someone who is only because they were? A question is more important than an answer because an answer never comes without a question. And, I value the one who makes me ask.

Friends are with me even knowing that I’m imperfect with little perfections, and perhaps she will be with me knowing that I’m perfect with little imperfections. I fear loneliness and I know I can’t be perfect for long. So, forgetting you will be just suicidal, I know.

…. I never bother God and He also doesn’t bother me. There’s an invisible deed of agreement between us. And, in case of any breach of contract we’ll part forever (that’s also a part of agreement…lol)…. I know it’s all about a great mess, and it’ll still remain a mess. What’s life but a GREAT mess? Let’s learn to love it. Let’s wait and see what’s next. And, there’s always another episode left… You can never be problem-free if you first don’t have it! We can never be found till we’re lost. I’m waiting for everything that might come and might not!

… Dada, it’s all about getting ready for going to the scaffold with a smiling face! Alfred Nobel’s wife fled away with a professor of Mathematics. We know, Nobel prize isn’t awarded for Mathematics…. Quest??…. Well, Peace was selected as a field of that prize later on (long after Nobel’s death) probably showing tribute to Nobel’s wife as she generously (!) brought peace in Nobel’s life….lol… Never remorse if you think anything offensive about your wife, she thinks twice! said a ‘married’ gentleman… Marriage may be compared to a cage: the birds outside despair to get in and those within despair to get out…. Let’s forget all the myths and facts about marriage…. Let’s have faith on the scripture of God. We’ll have at least someone to blame at the end of the day, and that’s: FATE!!

…. অনেক দিন পর! মাঝেমাঝে কোথায় যে হাইবারনেশনে চলে যাও তুমি!…. ভাল লাগলো আমার লেখা তোমার পছন্দ হয়েছে জেনে…যা মাথায় আসে, তা-ই লিখে ফেলি, বোঝার কিংবা না-বোঝার দায়িত্বটুকু নাহয় ফেসবুক বন্ধুদের উপরেই থাক!

….. Wow! The law of attraction matters! I was expecting you on my wall especially on this status, and you’re really here finally! Did telepathy work for you? Or, only because what we think comes around! …. You always have kind words for me. The value of a thing is something we give to it. So, I deserve just what you think about me. I wish I could reach the point I deserve. I’m tired of being at this very ordinary level… But, I’m always in an elevated plane in your precious company…

…. যদি সম্ভব হয়, গডকে কাইন্ডলি একটু রিকোয়েস্ট করুন একটা ভাল স্টোরি লেখার জন্য। উনার লেখা বেশিরভাগ লাভ স্টোরিই আমার ভাল লাগে না। সবগুলোতেই কেমন যেন একটা মিসম্যাচ থাকে! Almost all of them end in just compromising. There’s hardly a perfect matching……

…..আহা ভাই, গড যদি এই ছোট্ট কাজটাও করতে না পারেন, তাহলে অ্যাথিস্টের সংখ্যা নির্ঘাত বেড়ে যাবে! After all, He is the safest entity for blaming! নিজের কাজ যদি নিজেই করলাম, তাহলে এত কষ্ট করে ঈশ্বর-কল্পনা কেন?…………..

….. Thanks God, I’m an atheist.

ভাবনা: পাঁচশো তেতাল্লিশ


25 November 2010

When someone loves me whom I don’t/can’t love, a sense of guilt fills my heart. My heart says to me, ‘Congratulations! You’ve successfully hurt the girl who really loves you.’… Is it natural?

Dear friends, I don’t know why it hurts, but it really hurts. And, to be honest, I never promise anything which I might have to break. Does it mean that honesty of relationship develops a sense of guilt sometimes?

…. I’m happy that I’m not alone to possess this type of feeling.

… I’m fine. Thank you. How are you?

… Whatever happens, I always listen to my soul. So, what’s the use of living with a person who can’t be a soul-provider for me?

…. Hmm… I think, I must be iron-hearted. Not everyone deserves your love, and, the reverse is also true. But, it’s not easy to let such a feeling go untouched.

… Sir, I don’t know whether such a feeling springs from any exaggerated belief about my worth or power, but honestly, I do feel it…. Dear doctor, could you please suggest any effective remedy?

………false hope of matrimony should not be allowed to rise in tender hearts of vulnerable & docile Bengali balikas who are eagerly waiting for their sir’s blinking eye for approval & needful.

…. I agree, Sir. But, heart sometimes follows a way not be followed. And, in this case, childlike thoughts try to convince heart, I can guess. To be hanged for a murder you’re not guilty for, is more dangerous than the murder itself. Better to feel blamed than to be blamed — I try to convince myself by saying this. A heart that loves but is hurt is like a rose that never blooms. And, I know I didn’t plant the plant or did never water it.

… Heart is too stubborn to be controlled!

…. Sir, the language of heart is the toughest language to understand. We’re never too intelligent to escape the chance of misunderstanding and being misunderstood.

you write poetry for your “self-satisfaction of your own soul”, but every eligible girl thinks that you have written that poem for her alone!

…. Yes Sir, that’s why, they say that every great poetry is never finished, and I often leave it unfinished at the point of convincing her, ‘Poetry, not to be read by heart but by brain’… And, so far as the rule goes on, greatest is the reader who places poetry in heart, not in brain. Worst is the writer who makes no such readers….. I don’t know how to escape as I don’t want to escape. Megalomaniac patient I’m!!

what cannot be cured, must be thoroughly enjoyed!……..that is my parting advice…….where should I send the bill?

…. to the heart wealthy enough to pay the bill…

(Who dare pay, I wonder, Sir!)

This shylock believes in cash or kind sir…but heart for heart with not a drop of blood on Persian carpet!

…. Hats off to such a Shylock!! Really a BIG deal you’ve taught me, Sir! I’ll try to pass this on…

No deal could ever bet ‘a heart for heart’ deal. A small payment for a GIANT step.

…. Not everyone lets it go so… Not everyone adds meaning to a thing to make it meaningful…. Not everything gets meaning from someone worthy of making the sense of that meaning…. And, that’s the mystery of life revealed never.

…. Not that it veils me, I just feel veiled. It’s difficult to unveil something that doesn’t veil at all. Flowing with life surely needs something worth flowing for.

…. Dost, mend your own shoes before mending mine.

9 December 2010 ·

Becoming ill is the most convenient way to convince yourself of being on Facebook! Head works less, fingers work more! It’s what I feel now.

… At the present moment, it seems to be paying better though it’s not actually!

9 December 2010

Dear friends! I’m looking for a two-room house near Dhaka University area or, Dhanmondi (or, any other place within easy reach of those two places). Could anyone of you please help me in this regard?

you have free choice as “paying guest” or ” as Ghar-Jamai”!

not only nice but path breaking, there is third viable option…do you like “living in” relationship!

…. Hmm… Nice proposals are nice only when there’s someone nicer to accept those proposals for!

… Dear Sirs! I used to think so. Later, I changed my idea when I found no lovely and nice girls or their parents thinking so. I’m perhaps a bad thought-reader!… May be, I should have made the first move. But, should any gentleman make the first move?

… Dear Sir, it’s so nice of you to try to persuade Mosud Sir to manage a house for me. … Managing a suitable in Dhaka city isn’t an easy task. You can realize it very well seeing the unusually scanty presence of my friends on this status.

… Heaven be thanked partition couldn’t manage to part our souls. Uniqueness always pays.

… I’m agree to be a genius (or whatever else you want to call me… lol) to live in your area.

Thanks a lot for your assurance of help. Could you please give me just a rough idea within this evening?

10 December 2010 ·

Dear friends! What’s your evaluation of today’s Live Show of Shahrukh Khan held at The Army Stadium in Dhaka?

It’s not our culture. It can never be and we are not welcoming it. It’s an cultural assault!

you’re most welcome, Sir.

…. Masima, I’m sorry that I couldn’t get what you meant in Hindi. Yes, he is rightly called King Khan.

what can save us when we’re agree to be culturally assaulted? What and how he has done was predetermined. Right?

… No, Ms Katrina hasn’t come.

it’s not about fanaticism, rather today’s programme was a great satire towards the communities that practise fanaticism. In Bangladesh, the opposition parties are very fond of protests even on the slightest excuses. But, to my utter surprise, no group spoke a single word in this regard! I salute Mr Khan. I’m a big fan of his. But, I strongly think, for the people of my mother Bangladesh, movies are the best media to see him, not any Live Show. Thanks.

… Thank you for this specific evaluation. I also don’t think that it was a well-arranged programme apart from other issues.

… He said or did nothing unusual. What was unusual was the concerned authority’s permission to hold the show without any type of restriction or censorship. I strongly protest against this irresponsibility.

… I think the main issue is something else in case of our country in today’s perspective.

… Thank you for your comment…. I think, the show was just better than worse considering everything!

… Yes brother, you’ve hit the nail on the head! But, in the name of globalization and marketing, aren’t we trading our values and ideals for just being corporate slaves?

… In media, how old a star looks or manages to look, is probably more important than how old he/she is… Thanks.

hmmm, no time, dear, to discuss/see!!,Have crossed the area today but no way to see!! As have a chance to get ticket from some body but this is life without charm!! above all Shahrukh is a guy with gr8 personality, I like it…that’s al.

… Dear Sir, I’m really sorry for being difficult to understand me… I request you to consider the perspective of my thoughts. Thanks.

… I agree. I’ve not the least doubt about the acceptance of this worldly acclaimed media personality. What fills me with a resentment, I’ve already written in my previous comments. Thanks.

ভাবনা: পাঁচশো চুয়াল্লিশ


19 December 2010

I’ve just watched the movie, Rab Ne Bana Di Jodi… There’s always an extraordinary love story in every ordinary jodi (couple)… It’s true and will remain true, forever, forever!!

I heard about this movie earlier, but never watched it before… There’s only one best couple in the world and you can find it almost in every home.

I am too old to believe in Hindi movie type Romance!! I believe lots of people are lucky and have someone made for them-the Made for each other type!! But I like my freedom….

…. Hello masi! I’m not so young to be convinced in everything I hear, see or read. But, I feel that I’m still too young to have learnt to say a humble ‘NO’ to any colour of imagination that is yet to be on the canvas of reality. Yes, I enjoy it. No regret at all! I feel like being in this paradise forever! I’ve never fallen in love, but love often falls in love with me. And, my heart goes on.. and on…..

… Life feels good whenever I watch such movies. Life is really beautiful. But, the problem is, we feel it only after we’ve a beautiful life.

…. No fiction ever written, I think, reads stranger than life itself. Truth is, we fear to master the art of reading life. It remains unread forever…. I know my limitations, my life doesn’t. My life knows my powers, I don’t. What an irony! Is it the illusion our life is made of? Does life really lose all its charms when all the illusions are over? Is there any fiction stranger than this ever-unwritten one? We’re always busy reading others’ fictions ignoring ours.

25 December 2010

Not all extraordinary people are strangers to us, some are our neighbours too! Why do most of us remain as ordinary as we were born? Hats off to our Bangladeshi scientist Shuvo Roy! My grandfather and his grandfather were colleagues and friends.

I feel that I’m more ordinary than I really deserve to be.

…. Yes, as a Bangladeshi, I really felt proud of him when I came across the news of his great invention. I felt it even more when I heard from my mother that his paternal grandfather was a professor of English and my maternal grandfather was a professor of Bengali in Kanungopara Sir Ashutosh College. They were best friends too and had a close familial relationship. Why am I so ordinary? Am I going to die ordinary?

It’s for us to find the ‘extra’ in the ‘ordinary’! Is that really difficult??

Never underestimate yourself. I have heard a story of a simple liftman who only wanted to be the best liftman in the world. I would say that he was extra-ordinary. you don’t need to become famous to be extra-ordinary. In my eyes my own parents are extra-ordinary in their own way.

Art Kidney?

…. Yes, it’s possible to add the prefix ‘extra-‘ prior to every effort we undertake. And, that, no doubt, this tough journey begets at home. Parents are always extraordinary. Actually, they’re born so. We can be extraordinary in our ways. But, is it a big deal to step onto the path where the famous often travel? Do they do the very different things no one ever did? They just think differently and work accordingly. But, why aren’t we there? This big WHY is hammering my head. Not great people are always from great breed like Tagore or Mr Sen. My breeding has everything I need not to remain ordinary. Then, why am I too helpless to make that transformation?

…. Yes, it’s an artificial kidney that he invented. Further experiments are still going on….

Why do you want to be famous? I love the fact that I can walk on the street peacefully. I would hate to have crowds gather wherever I went. I admire Amitji but honestly I pity them who have hardly any private life….

… I don’t mind being famous! It’s better to spend some time in being cared for than to waste some time in caring for someone who even doesn’t think of caring you.

31 December 2010

Goodbye 2010!… Happy New Year 2011!!…. Be happy and make others happy.

4 January 2011 ·

It’s better to concentrate on what you can do than what you can’t do during the last few days before your exam. Confidence works better than knowledge

ভাবনা: পাঁচশো পঁয়তাল্লিশ


15 January 2011 ·

How much time does it take to reach Dhaka University from Dhaka International Airport? Is it possible to reach in 40 minutes? Friends, any suggestion, please?

…. My flight is scheduled to land at Dhaka Airport at 4.10 pm on 17 January. I must reach Dhaka University at or before 5.15 pm. I’ve an interview at IBA at that time…. Can’t I do it? Is it not possible? I need to do it at any cost. As I don’t know about the routes of Dhaka City, I’m asking for your help. Dhaka City is an unknown city to me.

Can a taxi cab help me reach there in 1 hour? I can’t be late, otherwise I’ll miss the Interview schedule. I’ve managed that schedule today through an application… Can a bike be a better solution? Or, something else? I’m in a great trouble….

17th January is dated with Monday and from Sunday to Thursday Dhk city remains too busy to give you any good scope to reach the Dhaka university within 1 hour. It’s folly better change your Schedule.

is right… No better solution than that if you can’t change the schedule.

It’s a tough call my friend it will take you 2 hours minimum on a weekday at that time. If you are a jogger, you could do in an hour possibly.

I agree with akku. Sushanta, it’s long time since you ran a race. Believe me, it gonna be a real race for your career. you have to beat the record of Usain Bolt. But I know you won’t do it. your physic is not fit enough 4 such a run. On the other hand, there is a possibility of getting attacked by public. When u’ll run, they may think you are a pick-pocketer…lolz. Just kidding.

I think if you can manage a bike, it will obviously save much time. চিপাচাপা দিয়া জায়গামত পৌঁছাইয়া দিবো…lolz

Don’t dare to drive urself. Hire a dhallywood bike stunt…

… The schedule can’t be changed! Hopefully, there will happen some miracle and I’ll manage to avail the schedule in time.

… Thank you, Sir, for you ‘jogging’ suggestion. I was also seriously thinking of this option. Yes, I’ll surely manage to reach in time by vehicles, on foot, again by vehicles, again on foot…. And, I’ll go. I’ll be there in time by any means.

…. Dost, you’re really good at kidding! Can you imagine me running on a busy street?! Ok, you needn’t worry! I’ll just run and run…

… Brother, I’m not surely making any attempt of getting on a bus! That’ll be horrible, you know. I was just seeking for a suggestion as I don’t know about the route. Thanks for the suggestion. I think a CNG powered taxi can help me in this regard. A taxi-cab is prone to getting stuck up in the congestion forever. A bike could be a better solution. But, I can’t manage it.

…. Yes, right you’re! I’m also thinking that just trying my best is the best option.

…. Dost, I’ve no other options left. This the best I can do. It will be the worst if it doesn’t work, and I hope it’ll. Thanks for your good wish.

yup dada I’m sure there will be a miracle…..coz Miracles are the only sure thing in life.

Best of luck and hope that you will make it in time.

…. Yes brother, I’ve always found my life stranger than fiction. And, I know I’ve not explored and found every aspect of it yet. Let’s wait to see what’s next!!

……. তোকে একটা মার লাগানো দরকার! লোকজন ডেকেডেকে খুব কনফিউজড হতে ভাল লাগছে কি? Plz, stop wasting your time in browsing Facebook and and concentrate about tomorrow’s exam. Or you’re calling for another disaster. There is a saying: Que sera sera in French, meaning: Whatever will be, will be. So, pray and try your best. I’ve given you my opinion after a lot of serious thoughts, plz follow that.


Didi, things are that they’re. Things will be that they will be. And, between this two there lies some miracles that we’re never aware of. And, miracles are often stranger than facts. Facts are because they’re. Miracles are because we or someone else want them to be. That’s the truth!

…………ঢাকায় থাকুন, বেঁচেবর্তে থাকুন। ঢাকা আপনাকে কবি হতে হেল্প করবে। যখন ঝামেলায় পড়বেন, চোখ মুদে কল্পনায় চলে যাবেন। দেখবেন, কবিতার স্রোত বইতে থাকবে হৃদয় জুড়ে।

Tanzima…….. দিদি, বিশ্বাস করুন, আপনাদের এই ধূসর, কর্পোরেট শহরটি কখনোই আমাকে কবি কিংবা অ-কবি হতে সাহস কিংবা দুঃসাহস, কোনটিই যোগায়নি। যতবারই এখানে এসেছি, ততবারই একে আমার জন মিল্টনের প্যারাডাইজ লস্ট-এর প্যান্ডেমোনিয়ামের মিনিয়েচার মনে হয়েছে। তবুও কিছু মানুষের ভালোবাসা, ভাবনা দেখে এই কদর্য শহরটাকে মাঝেমাঝে ইওটোপিয়া মনে হয়। এসব কিছু সুন্দর মানুষের জন্যই আমাদের এই আশ্চর্য পথচলা!

Ask one of your friends to take you on a motorcycle! Believe me that’s the best solution…U can reach IBA in 20 minutes..

Ok…someone will pick you with on a motorcycle.

…. Life is stranger than fiction, I repeat. From myself, I’ve got much less than I truly deserve. From others, I’ve got much more than I truly deserve. Is it the thing that they call miracle? I don’t know and never try to know. I let miracles happen and thankfully they always happen……. Thank you for your generous approach. This really means a lot to me.

22 January 2011

Friends, I’ve been finally selected for admission into the MBA Program of IBA, Dhaka University……. feeling happy…….. HATS OFF to Sharmeen didi, Ira madam & Romel bhai!!

Sushanta Paul Let me share the Story behind the Story and elucidate the last part of my status. It would have been quite impossible for me to reach Dhaka University from Dhaka International Airport within just 50 minutes (!!) to attend the interview session of IBA in time on Jan 17, but for the cordial help of Sharmeen didi (Sharmeen Muiz) & Ira madam (Johora Bebe Ira). They’re the persons who made that miracle happen!! And, Romel bhai (Monirul Alam Romel) is the “Man with the Bike” who dared fight against time to meet the deadline!!……. I feel honoured to express my heartfelt gratitude to these three saviours……… Miracles Happen When You Believe!!

My dear friends….. Your gorgeous presence on my wall makes me think twice about the POWER of friendship & the MAGIC of love. YES……… They matter!! I just want to be with you forever. Please never say GOODBYE…. It hurts!! Your kindness and care mean a lot to me. You’ve always given me much more than I really deserve. Please accept my sincere GRATITUDE.

Happy Social Networking!!

Long live Facebook!!

My best wishes for our Friendship!!

……… Love you all……

……… Dost, not reaching the Interview Session on 17 January at 5:30 pm was what I thought to be….. reaching there in time was what was written in my DESTINY….. And, I ended up calling it a MIRACLE, something I never believed before…… Just have a look at the schedule of January 17……

International Affairs Exam (BCS written exam)…. 10:00 am — 1:00 pm

The departure time of GMG Airlines 3:20 pm, there was a delay of about 1 hour due to fog and the plane finally took off at 4:15.

The plane landed on Dhaka Airport at 5:05 pm and then started my fight against time to meet the deadline on Bike with Romel bhai!! Who managed those three saviours (Sharmeen didi, Ira madam & Romel bhai) for me? I don’t know. You better ask the Heaven! I saw such a breath-taking motor-bike driving only in English movies. Before that day, I had never thought I would experience it!!

Life is sometimes stranger than fiction…. Who can tell it better than I?

…. Thank you, Sir, for your words of felicitation. IBA of Dhaka University is considered the most prestigious institute for doing MBA in Bangladesh. As per the rules of that Business school, the Major/Field of Specialization is allowed to be chosen at the final semester judging the academic records & intention of a candidate. I don’t have much idea about what to choose and why to choose. Please share some ideas on it as you’ve huge practical knowledge (so far as I know) about the present corporate trend.

….. You’ve nicely stated the trend of our careerist B-school graduates. No one really cares about his own aptitude rather, tries to be what market wants him to be. Personally, I always like decision-making and mainstream operational sections of giant companies. And, probably I’ll go for finance as my major when I’ve to choose it in my final semester. Yes, my semester results must be well enough to work on my advantage. That’s a story of one and a half years later. Till then, I’ll have to undergo the generalized curriculum as my B-school formulates. The recent economic recession worries our friends studying at US universities. And, almost all of them suggest me not to plan of staying there. But, they suggest me completing my Ph. D. in US if I want to and grab that opportunity. Let’s wait and see….. Are you in India now? Hope you’re quite ok along with your busy schedule. Please, sometimes give me your valuable suggestions when you’ve time and you’re here on Facebook….. Thank you once again for your helpful advice. Take care.

Asif bhai, thanks a lot for your words of felicitation.

10 February 2011

My esteemed friends, please share the names of at least 2 books that, you think, can help someone become successful by changing his/her attitude and style of thinking.

four-hour body – tim ferriss / never eat alone – keith ferrazzi

The mindgym from time warner books.

1. ‘Tumi o jitbay’ by Shib khera

2.’Jonopriota’ by Bidduth Mithro ( projapoti prokashon)….

“Prothom Alo” Part 1 and Part 2.

Can books or any person change the attitude of another person so easily? Husband & wife keep trying, to change the attitude of spouse, for the whole life………and how many succeed is anybody’s guess

….. That’s true!! And so, they often say, “Better to study oneself than to study books.”………. I keep trying to follow some principles and observing how they work or don’t. Nevertheless, this approach, some books are really thought-provoking and they really matter in a person’s life. The arena of my thoughts is hardly broader than that of my esteemed friends. So, I sincerely asked for their help.

ভাবনা: পাঁচশো ছেচল্লিশ


13 February 2011

শাড়ি পরলে মেয়েদের যে কী সুন্দর দেখায়, তা যদি ওরা জানতো! পাঞ্জাবিপরা ছেলেদেরকেও অদ্ভুত সুন্দর লাগছিলো!………আমরা যারা এমবিএ করছি, তারাই ছিলাম শুধু আটপৌরে!…………এভাবেই কি কেটে যাবে আইবিএ লাইফের বাকিটা সময়?

এভাবেই কি ফরমাল গেটআপে বাবুসাহেব হয়ে কেটে যাবে বাকিটা জীবন? জীবনে আর কী-ইবা থাকল তবে?

হোক নাহয় একটুখানি খাপছাড়া, আধটুখানি আনমনা………খুব ক্ষতি কি এতে?

এই কর্পোরেট Hell’টা বেশ কনভিন্সিং, অন্তত বাংলাদেশের perspective-এ। সবেমাত্র এসেছি, জানি না, আরো কতভাবে compromise করতে হবে, খুশি থাকতে হবে এই ভেবে যে, ‘এই বেশ ভাল আছি!’…….চুয়েট লাইফটা কেটে গেছে অনেকটাই ওভাবে। সান্ত্বনা একটাই, ‘ইঞ্জিনিয়ার’ তকমাটা গায়ে লেগে গেছে; তাও এটা স্রেফ মেনে নিয়েছি, মন থেকে কোনোভাবেই ভাবতে পারি না, ‘আমি ইঞ্জিনিয়ার!’…….জানি না MBA complete করার পর ওরকম নতুন কোনো nausea পেয়ে বসবে কি না!

তবে আমাদের স্যাররা বেশ interesting! আর ফ্রেন্ডদের কথা তো বলাই বাহুল্য! এত জানে ওরা সবাই!

ফাগুনের দিনগুলি এভাবে এসে চলে যায় বিষণ্ণ অভিমানে,

সবাই আছে পাশে, তবু কেন হায়, বড়ো একাএকা লাগে!

14 February 2011 ·

স্বপ্ন দেখো স্বপ্নবাজের মতো, / ভুলে যাও পুরনো ব্যথা যতো। / চলতে পথে যদি কেউ হাতটা এসে ধরে, / ভালোবেসো তাকে তোমার মতো করে।….. Happy Valentine’s Day. Love & Be Loved.

19 February 2011

Tendulkar is OUT!!

Sometimes standing against a hero feels better.

We just want Bangladesh to play well. It matters little whether we win or not, but how we play matters. Hope Bangladesh will continue playing well as they’re doing right now.

19 February 2011 ·

My Bangladesh rocks!!

Yes! A player can even risk his life (except the Pakistani players) only for his country. Pathan makes me think so. East or West, my country is the best!!

Dada, why not Pakistani players? কাউকে ঢালাওভাবে কিছু বলা কি ঠিক হল? মানতে পারছি না!

ভাই, আমার মনে হয়, ওদের বেশিরভাগ খেলোয়াড়দের মধ্যে দেশপ্রেমের ঘাটতি আছে। দেশ মায়ের মত, টাকার জন্য ওরা সেই মায়ের সাথেও প্রতারণা করে। অন্যরা কেউ এমন করে না, তা নয়, কিন্তু অভিযোগের পাল্লাটা ওদের দিকেই একটু বেশি ভারি। আমার তো এটা ভাবতেই কষ্ট লাগে যে কেউ স্রেফ টাকার জন্য নিজের দেশকে অপমান করতে পারে!

19 February 2011 ·

Our players tried their best. That’s what we want from them. Hope we’ll win the next matches. Good Luck Bangladesh

India has not been this ‘India’ overnight. It took time. We’re improving ourselves in every match. As we’re so poor, we lack many opportunities that players of other countries are enjoying. One day we also will win the World Cup. Better days are not far to seek.

My dear Bangladesh rocks!!

Sushanta Paul The GAME is not over yet!! We’ve other matches to play! Yes, we’ve proved that we can. Just think, if our bowlers could perform just in their usual manner, the result could be different. The decision to field first was not a good decision, I think. We just have to believe that we can win. Only then, we can be very close to victory!! India is not an easy opponent. Mind it. We must be happy with the score. 300 could be better, but we’re not frustrated at all. Let’s wait and see what happens next.

There’s always a Shewag in every team. Not always he becomes that ‘Shewag’. That’s what we call the unpredictable nature of game. Think about the start of our team. We scored 50 faster than India. Isn’t it great? The senior most player of our team is only 28! Yet, we tried to show the professional fury.

Stories will always tell us about the heroism of the hunters till the tigers don’t learn how to write. Till then, we’ve to wait.

Choosing to field first was really a suicidal decision…… Not always history repeats itself…. Shakib should have realized it.

25 February 2011

My Bangladesh rocks!! Go Tigers! GO!!

25 February 2011

And… Bangladesh WINS!!…. Miracles happen when you believe!

Sushanta Paul I love you my Bangladesh!! Hats off for The Tigers!!!

Sushanta Paul At the end of the day….. Nothing succeeds like SUCCESS!!

Sushanta Paul My Bangladesh ROCKS!!

I’m ready to believe or disbelieve anything for YOU, my Bangladesh, my Mother.

Two thumbs up for our players!!

What’s the use of gaining the whole world losing your own soul? My country is my soul-provider!

Miracles happen always!! Just make a wish and sincerely believe it and work for it!! The laws of attraction start working and divine blessings pour on you in some unknowing forms…. I can tell you this from the experience of my life……

Nothing stirs me more than my country and countrymen.

The drunken masters are masters, after all! Yes, being the masters matters. Every moment you live king size, counts! The moment we win is thousand times precious than the years we’ve wait to meet that moment. And, the winners will always write the history. That part of the past we know, that part of the present we’ll know ever. The hunter will always be a hero till the lion learns how to write…..

We won the match, they lost. And, that’s true. Victory speaks out for itself! Let’s be a part of it and hope for the best!

Good Luck Bangladesh!! Wish You A Happy Ending.

2 March 2011

Hats off to K O’Brien!!

Yes!! The great victory comes at last!! Ireland really deserves it!!… And, if it’s true, my Bangladesh must deserve better….. No doubt about it!!!

We defeated them!!

They couldn’t chase us!! Our bowlers & fielders did it!!

Wake up Tigers!! Victory awaits YOU!!!

I think the match between Bangladesh & England is going to be a great show!!

Good Luck Bangladesh!!

Bangladesh defeated Ireland…. Ireland defeated England… The match between England and India was tied…. India is now considered No. 1 team in this World Cup…..


Our players can make miracles happen only if they believe in their worth and work with their fullest commitment.

Yes brothers, it’s true that the task of stepping on the second sound has become a bit difficult. Let’s not lose our good hopes….. Que sera, que sera (What will be, will be)……. Hope our tigers will make things better for us.

7 March 2011 ·

Clearance SALE!! Clearance SALE!! You’re offered attractive DISCOUNTS on all products at my gift-shop ‘DOVANA’!! Offer valid till stocks last. Interested friends are requested to check my profile info for the items we deal in & the address of DOVANA. Thanks.

…….. Not all discounted things have the charm of being liked whatever they’re…….. You better choose yours.

……..যতদিন স্টকে প্রোডাক্ট থাকে। আমি বোধহয়, গিফটশপ শাট ডাউন করে দেবো, তাই আমার পারচেইসিং প্রাইসেই প্রোডাক্ট সেল করে দিচ্ছি।…….তোমার পড়াশোনা কেমন চলছে?

…….. There’s a brief list available in my profile info page.

…….. Que sera, que sera (What will be, will be)………. Things are that they’re, things will be that they’ll be……..so goes on life. We can never change the course. It’s always destined!

…….. But for these two treasures, my life would have been shaped differently. While seeing, we usually think that what we’re seeing, is all that can be seen. There’s always left more that’s beyond our imagination. My problem was, I mistakenly took the first step for the frontier and decided to be where I was not supposed to be. I often made a confusion between my ambition and power. Such a confusion hardly goes unpunished and, in my case, it did so. Three precious years lapsed from my life just in a reverie of wealth. My dreams proved to be treacherous!!……… Sigh….!!

…….. P@ul’s অলরেডি বন্ধ করে দিয়েছি, দোভানা বন্ধ করে দিচ্ছি। কিছু করার নেই, ভাই। সময়ের প্রয়োজনে আমাকে এটা করতে হচ্ছে। দোয়া করি, তোমার একজাম ভাল হোক।

……… ঠিকই বলেছ, দারুণ ছিল সেই দিনগুলি! আমি মাঝেমাঝেই বেশ নস্টালজিয়ায় ভুগি, তোমাদের সবার কথা খুব মনে পড়ে। তোমরা ভাল থেকো। তোমাদের সবার একজাম ভাল হোক, এই শুভ কামনা রইল।

……..কিছুই করার নেই, ভাই, আমাকে তা-ই করতে হচ্ছে। তোমার পরিচিত কেউ ইন্টারেস্টেড থাকলে আমাকে জানিয়ো।……….কোনটা আসল, আর কোনটা মরিচিকা; এটা বোঝা বেশ কঠিন! অনেকেই তা বুঝতে পারে না, আমিও পারিনি। এখনো সেই অনিশ্চয়তায় ঘুরপাক খাচ্ছি। চুয়েটের সেই দিনগুলির কথা মনে আছে তোমার? আমার খুব মনে পড়ে, ভাল লাগে। আমার জন্য দোয়া কোরো। তুমি ভাল থেকো, সুন্দর থেকো।

Gifts are always FREE!! I’m serious!! Most welcome to my giftshop.

Words are gifts only when they’re accepted by a friend. You’ve a heart for accepting my words and so you deserve the THANKS.

8 March 2011

Clearance SALE!! Clearance SALE!! You’re offered attractive DISCOUNTS on all products at my gift-shop ‘DOVANA’!! Offer valid till stocks last. Interested friends are requested to check my profile info for the items we deal in & the address of DOVANA. Thanks.

8 March 2011

The Royal Birthday Celebration of Ross Taylor!! I salute your spirit, BOSS!!! Hats Off!! What an outstanding batting show!!

Sushanta Paul The Great Master!!

The world records only the END!!

No matter whether you’ve got a life or not. What matters is, YOU’RE ALIVE!!!

And…. We whitewashed them a few days back!! A great feeling!! Good Luck Bangladesh!! Proud to be a Bangladeshi..!!

Ross took the catch of Akmal!! Not fair, Mr. Ross!! At least you could have shown a little gratitude to Mr. Akmal for your today’s birthday celebration!!…….lol

Just don’t read it terribly….

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