ভাবনা: পাঁচশো ছাব্বিশ
28 March 2010 ·
Soil mixes with soil but a brick made from soil never mixes with another brick made from soil.
Man is born just as a man, not as a Muslim, a Hindu, a Buddhist or a Christian. Later he develops a fabricated and biased notion of faith or belief and unnecessarily starts considering himself to belong to a particular class, caste, group or race. Such a society-made partition turns the things around worse degrading the level of humanity. Man starts to forget his existence, and reshapes himself in conformity with some so-called doctrines dictated by his ancestors. Such baseless submission sinks him in the seemingly never-ending trauma of nothingness… He becomes just a blind follower of any ‘ism’, not caring for what life is, how life is and why life is… He never thinks; therefore he never is…… He stands alone in the world that taught him how to stand. He brags of the height he has reached, though height really never matters when the reacher doesn’t deserve the height…. I’d like to conclude with the gist of The Bhagavadgita, the most meaningful philosophical book ever written: What are you weeping for? What have you lost that you brought with you when you were born? What you’ve attained, has come to you from here. What you have lost, had alreay been here before you attained it. You’ve not lost anything that you brought with you when you came here…
That’s right… And a true notion.. ,… But that’s to be admitted that…. What is sun for me…is a cilly star for another one… Or not may be…. Or may…. Or…sometimes…it’s everything for another one…
It’s your life, not others’. You were not born with a religion; religion was born as you gave birth to it. Just imagine, No Religion and see how beautiful the world is where you and others around you are just human beings born to an unknown world that became familiar to you later as you and others around you walked together to make it familiar…. The distance is always long when we walk alone. Let’s not try to make things that they aren’t, as things are always as they are and they will be that they will be. If we fail to feel things better, this never means that others stop feeling things better. We will embrace death long before we have learnt to live the life we were born for.
The world is just a better place we live in. Let’s not make our living worse by turning things around us darker… I’ve never found any proof about who made this universe, and I’ve never cared about it as I think we’ve many other things to care about… When I do anything good, I feel good. When I do anything bad, I feel bad. And, it’s my religion. It’s a feeling, never an institution… I’m just what I think and how I think… It’s not important for me to know where I came from, rather it’s important for me to learn how to live and how to let others live… People are not born; they’re just gifted with life. It’s their sacred duty to be born after they receives the light… I think, no one of us can be born or can die. We just visit the world for a short span of life… I feel love only because I feel my heart and I feel my life. The heart is formed of love and a life is never a life if the heart within stops responding… No true knowledge can come from without, it always comes from within. Anything or anybody can teach us, but we can never learn unless we know what we’re learning. We must learn firstly what things around us are, and what they will be, then we can learn what we should learn. True knowledge never comes from belief, it comes from doubt… Thank you.
WOW Sush quite a writing!!! I echo many of your statements/ sentiments….I always knew you were a deep old soul…I agree we are spiritual being on a human journey…….Hence we learn the human ways… I see ourselves to be a catalyst – a substance that increases the rate of a chemical reaction without itself undergoing any change… we are just somebody or something that makes a change happen or brings about an event.. that we called “Life” … while our “we” are unchanged..
….. I try to write from my instinct. My intellect just helps me to frame the words, but instincts pays better in this case. And, only a soul-mate like you can receive my thoughts. .. Pleasure lies in where it is sought. Love dances where life sings for truth. There is no light in birth and death. Life lies between them we’re here. Let’s see what eyes can’t see. Let’s travel where world meets our soul. The nectar is within, let’s not seek for it without. Let’s cross the limit that no limit can ever bound. Let’s not explore the world leaving ourselves unexplored… We create and our creation deceives our soul. We love to close our eyes as we fear the light. This makes us blind. Let’s receive the gifts blindly, but not be blind while receiving the gifts. The gifts of the world is for receiving not to be received, we need to be awaken not asleep. Ego is the last weapon of the weak. Several ‘ISM’s are the refuge of ego. Let’s not take the poison for medicine. No medicine can ever cure us if we’re not prepared to be cured.
30 March 2010
Dear friends! I’m quite confused about deciding which job of Bangladesh Civil Service would suit me most. Could you please suggest me something?
I’m now in a Hamletian Complexity!… To be or not to be that is the question…
Foreign service is good, the next would be Administrative if you are serious of making some good changes in your country…then comes Revenue service and of course the Police service is always there….I guess you are better suited for either Foreign or Administrative service.
Administrative Service
I agree with Meena… FAS is pretty suited for you.. but what are all your choices.. I don’t know much about jobs there
Advisor to the Head of the State
why you asking……..any good news is knocking!!?
First you have to learn another foreign language for FAS……join the eve classes in Alliance Francoise first. Best of Luck
…. Actually, now I’m to fill up an application form of Bangladesh Civil Service exam, the toughest of all the exams held in Bangladesh. There I’m required to put my priority of Govt cadres or posts. I’ve primarily decided to choose the cadres in this sequence: Foreign Affairs, Police, Administration, Customs and some others. If I can qualify the exam and be at the top of the merit list Govt will recruit me in either of the first two choices (usually this is procedure). I can’t decide whether I need to change the order… Thank you for the suggestion.
…. Thank you for the comments. Could you please suggest more reading my previous comment?
Police Administration? you are not suitable Horse riding is compulsory U &Horse are not gud combo. hehehee
… Police Officers in our country need not ride on horse-back. They use jeep-cars instead…
Either Foreign Affairs or Customs will suit you best Dear.
Police Officers with big tummy? LoL.. Better you join in such service where you can use your brain not your physique.
I dun think you are so rough and tough rather a book worm. I prefer administration for u. For myself I used to prefer Indian Police Service. Kiran Bedi was my idol
Dipali… Thank you for putting your opinion here…
…. Who told you I’m a book-worm? I just read books for the same reason as I take food… Anyway, I also feel like preferring to join the Administration or Foreign Affairs as my ultimate goal is to be a writer. I could think of joining other sectors other than Public service. But, the charm of Public service, I think, is the social security regarding Money and Power. The most important aspect is to fulfil my commitment to the country as it deserves something from me. Thank you.
Let’s see what you are going to do for your country. Hope you will not forget your commitment.
hmmmmm….may be answering this would be easy……if you knew for certain…..who’s son/nephew/son-in-law you r……or if you lack all moral values…….or………there’re dozens of serious criminal cases against u………or you’re a great chamcha who’s ever trodden this part of the World………
The path will be full of thorns if you really wanna do something good for your country my dear. So be prepared mentally and physically for that.
… I don’t know how far I’d be able to be true to this commitment, but I’m determined on my part…
… Thank you for your comment. Your suggestion sounds quite self-experiencing! I know you’re saying from a generalized standpoint. It’s ok, but not holds good in my case. I’m the eleventh one out of ten you can count. I’ve the confidence on my worth. If things around me don’t turn worse, I think, I’ll not be tenth one till my death. Thanks.
may be.
… Would you mind helping me be out of the Bermuda Triangle formed by your enigmatic three sides, ‘YES’, ‘NO’ and ‘MAY BE’?… Please don’t confuse me, I’m already confused enough!
that’s the spirit for withering the storm, Sushanta!! Good luck!
… Thank you once again for your presence on my wall… My father is an advocate and he is the most honest person I’ve ever seen in my life unlike many of his contemporaries. We’re not rich but we’re happy having all a man needs to live a decent life. I’ve grown up to this age with some indoctrinated senses of honesty that I can hardly think to be out of. If things turn wrong, I’ll rather break down but not bend.
Of course Foreign, Police, Admin, Custom.
…. Thanks a lot for kindly suggesting me…
… I’m the most indecisive person I’ve ever seen in my life till now! I’m always in a never-ending loop regarding any decision…
The Civil Service in any country, unless it’s a corrupt one, is about taking DECISIONS all the time and if you are what you say, then it’s not for you.
Better think of something else.
… Thank you for your suggestion..
ভাবনা: পাঁচশো সাতাশ
30 March 2010
Dear friends! Which post or cadre of Bangladesh Civil Service, do you think, is the best? I sincerely ask for your opinion.
Foreign Service related to International Relations I guess.
…. But, it’s really tough task to grab the opportunity, because you know, for this I must place myself among the top twenty students in the BCS exam… Thanks for your opinion.
development and strategy……trainer…
… From which cadre does the Govt recruit such trainers? I’ve a very little idea about Govt jobs… Thanks.
it could be related to establishment or education.
foreign service……
If you have to go – go for it….foreign service is a big game and if you want you can fly high and grow wings……wishing all the very best………
… Thank you for the information.
… Thank you, dear sister, for your kind suggestion. But I think it’s not an easy task to prove myself fit for that smart cadre. It’s not impossible, but really a tough task. High competition, highly deserving candidates are waiting to grab it… I don’t know how far I’d be able to go for it… Thanks again for your presence here.
… Thank you for your valuable opinion..
what interests you the most in all this?
why are you so “oshanto” right now?
I like to tell you something regarding your future plan to pursue higher education if you really want to. I really don’t know which way you want to go. But if you want to pursue a research/teaching career then probably it is better to come to the USA and do PhD in your field of specialization
My best wishes are always with you no matter where we are.
Take care of yourself. We will talk some other convenient time.
didi…. My cadre choices are Foreign Affairs, Police, Administration and Customs respectively. And on the top of the above four, my choice is Hamletian Complexity! I’m very good at sticking to indecision…. And, that’s the greatest problem I often face.
…. Thank you for the kind suggestion. I’ve a plan to go abroad to complete my Masters and Ph. D. I’ll do it on a study leave after joining the civil service… I know I’m more ‘oshanto’ than I seem to be, and that’s the reason why I’m too indecisive! And, it’s a rare fortune that you’re beside me to suggest and guide me to go the path I should. I can’t step if I’m not told to step…
I’d say FA… Scope of a lot a paid travel… Nothing like to explore the world while working
….. I also dream of it much… But, it’s really tough to prove myself worthy of it… FA is considered as an Elite Cadre and so the competition is the toughest there. Lots of deserving candidates waiting to grab it. So, I must be among the top 15 students in the Bangladesh Civil Service (BCS) exam to prove myself worthy of it.. It’s really a tough job to do…
Tough job??? Hah…. You can easily do…. Just think success.
Ritu didi…. Your inspiring words always suggest me something that I should have been suggested within my heart. Whenever I lack in resolution, your soothing words provide it. You’re the magician to throw the glance of aspiration. Yes, I can, so I will…
31 March 2010
The worst sides of our weakness often hide the best sides of our strength. Agree? or, Disagree?
If it works sometimes, it’s natural. If it works often, it’s suicidal…
overcome weakness wid positive thinking and hope….never let grief and sadness engulf u….
…. Thank you for the words of inspiration. I always think positive, can’t do positive always however. My instincts usually pay better than my intellects and it creates a mess too often. Though I never let grief and sadness engulf me, they’re quite good at making their own way!
….. The things we hide resemble us most, I think. There is a constant clash between our instinct and intellect. This clash sometimes finds its way to a happy resolution through the dictation our conscience. But, often things around are not too rosy to make a everything okay for a happy ending. A power in disguise in more miserable than weakness itself. We can hardly be out of the never-ending track of illusionary thoughts. We do what we should not do. We like to think what we really need to stop thinking. It’s a psychological Odyssey none could ever complete, I doubt!
Disagree. Strength and weakness are relative terms. worst side of our weakness may be our strength against one opponent and best side of our strength may be our weakness against another.
Work hard to improve your strengths. weakness will fade away.
…. So true in some perspectives as love and hatred are also too relative to define universally. If we impose some common traits on the range of strength and weakness, perhaps it holds true. Our strong sides are often veiled behind our weaker side due to some instincts within or some catalysts without. Great is the person who can be out of self-denying instincts…
…. That’s the only measure to be adopted, not easy though… Hercules and Hamlet can hardly be friends within our minds.
Sushanta, Flexibility is the key. Trees which don’t bend can’t weather storms. It’s about how you can play yr weakness to strength, because you cannot ever change some of the basic characteristics, for instance, the physical ones. Break free from conventionality and luk at bright side of things that are predefined as dark and base.
In absolute term, strength or weakness have no meaning.
….. Absolutism does not hold good in case of strength and weakness… Compromising sometimes pays better but not always a good deal in some life’s perspectives. Life is never too long to pretend matched in all cases…
… Thanks for your well-wishing… Be blessed always…
1 April 2010
মাঝেমাঝে তোমায় ভেবে এলোমেলো লাগে সবই……..মাঝেমাঝে তোমার চোখে কে আঁকে অন্য ছবি…… কিছুতে তোমার মনটা আমি বুঝতে পারি না, এত চেনা, তবু কেন লাগে অচেনা?
….আমরা অনেক সময়ই থেমে থাকাটাকে চলা বলে ভেবে নিই…. যে গতিময়তায় জীবন থমকে দাঁড়ায় দিনের শেষে, সেটি দিনযাপনকে কঠিন করে ফেলে, জীবনটাকে তখন কেবলই নিরর্থক মনে হয়….
It’s better to live alone than to live with a wrong person… :)… I live the life I love. I love the life I live… 🙂
ভাবনা: পাঁচশো আটাশ
2 April 2010
Friends! Please write a word/phrase that suggests the quality of the person you like most…
that’s priceless and beyond the measurement of quality.
Someone who is able to make me feel comfortable enough to bring out my true personality.
Kind, helpful, caring, understanding, patient, and loving are some of the words that come to my mind when asked to list the qualities of a good person. One usually knows a person is good by what they do, such as performing thoughtful deeds.
The sense of humour…
I would say empathy too.
I don’t need a friend/person who changes when I change and who nods when I nod; my shadow does that much better.
Trust, loyalty and honesty…
A beautiful mind with a beautiful face for a beautiful life…
Endearing, patient.
ingredients are wit, humour, intelligence, patience with the flavour of a beautiful soul, garnished with tenderness and presented with love
Dear friends!….. I would like to quote a humorous quotation in this context that I read some days ago…. “I was looking for an ideal person for making my life-partner. At last I found such a person. But alas! He/She was also looking for an ideal person.”…. LOL
4 April 2010
“I was waiting for a perfect girl for making my life-partner. At last I met one. But alas! She was also waiting for a perfect boy “… LOL
Friends!… Most of us want to marry a beautiful boy/girl and at last meet one who also wants to marry a beautiful girl/boy…
“Beauty is truth, truth beauty”… I love truth. I want someone who does not love truth… I know Keats said it only for me, no one else….. Grrrrrrrr
Once I said to a girl, “I’m perfect for you.”….. “For the first time someone is telling me what I always try to make others understand,” she said…. And finally, I decided to leave her….lol
“Do what your heart suggests”… My heart always suggests someone whose heart never suggests me… Is it my problem? or, My heart’s problem?….lol
Right you’re!… Three months ago, I went to a psychiatrist’s chamber to consult him about this problem…. He told me that I would turn into a mental patient within one month… I could not pay the consultancy-fee fully and so he gave me one month more. I was happy to get two months for turning into mad… I didn’t meet him again…lol
I’ve a very good connection with my heart, but a very bad connection with the person’s heart with whom my heart wants to make a connection…lol
Lol… Girls are more stupid than I want. Women are less stupid than I expect. And the problem is, I’m an intelligent stupid who lives by his little intelligence…..lol
Huh! I’ve already stopped looking and so, now I’m blind. … (I mean, I’m now a blind admirer of all girls and some women….lol)
When I approach Love, it buries itself in me.
So, I’ve decided to make it approach Me.
I’d rather play hide and seek with it!
I promised to Love many a time,
Later, I realized I made promises only to break them up.
I, then decided to make Love promise to me.
For Love’s sake, I let not it break the promises!
9 April 2010
Teamwork is essential — it allows you to blame someone else.
… Teamwork is good for those who are worse-type workers but enjoy working with better-class workers. I confess I could conceal my stupidity many a time as deserving workers kindly shared with me what they solely deserted… So, teamwork is a blessing for idiots like me… 🙂
….. The best leader is usually the worst doer who can only get something done by some people who always think that the credit goes to the leader. It’s not that the leader doesn’t make a mistake. He makes a mistake in a clever way so as to blame anyone else for the mistake….lol
….. Trying to be perfect is the process of reminding oneself about one’s being imperfect. I confess I also often suffer from such self-denying complexity and such complexity often breeds indecision within me….
yes, I give you a true real-life example. I am a social worker. Once I went out alone for donation. I was refused a donation by 1 person. next time I went with 4 of my friends for donation. we were refused the donation.
But in the first case depression was 100% and in next case depression was 25%. See the depression was distributed.
Sushanta have you read the new story on tortoise and Rabbit.
…. That’s a nice example put here so perfectly… Failure is absolute until you share it with others. Let’s not deprive others from sharing our faults….lol….
I’ve read at least four new versions of the story The Hare and the Tortoise. What version are you referring to?
Let’s not deprive others from sharing our faults. I like this thought. I never thought on this side.
…. Now they’re must not in a race competition in the new version… That’s good news for the tortoises, worse one for the hares! When you’re to bear other’s load with the same credit other receives, you’re sure to lose enthusiasm! If you don’t, you might not have undergone the pains…lol
….. Let’s not confine the bookish language to books only. Let’s spread it, share it with others and free it from the language-imprisonment ‘BOOKISH’!….lol
I’m surprised to discover that a dumb like me have got such smart friends! Articulation is never a unique possession, it is often acquired spontaneously when incited, proved once again…!!
Books are better only when we’re worse. They’re worse only when we’re better. But, they’re proved best only when we’re worst at proving them best…lol
the apprentice….shows you the pros and the cons….and boy are the cons cons…
…. Boys are the cons and cons only when girls are with them….lol
Nope I am not pleasing myself….Sushanta…thanks for appreciating my sense of humour… still I feel that whenever I jumped into the discussion with my friends either they stop discussion or the left the platform leaving me alone…..
…. You’re welcome, buddy … I never leave as I make the platform myself, it’s not an exaggeration, I hope. 🙂 I often like to disagree as I don’t wanna make my friends stop, a difficult task however. And the interesting fact is, most of the friends are agreeable for you when you try to disagree… Just take the risk and see how funny it turns!….lol
Time is the subtle thief!
Time! You Old Gypsy Man!
Once in Babylon, in Rome just at the next moment!
When we’re just, time turns wrong. Time is often right when we’re wrong. This is the reality we can hardly escape!
yes you are true that as soon as you start the discussion the others left the platform. urs sense of humour is no doubt very high.
Who dare chain Time?!
Time steals nearly everything. Stolen memories are always sweet sweetened by our sighs!
ভাবনা: পাঁচশো উনত্রিশ
16 April 2010
Sometimes the best part of our life we try to remember is the worst part of it we try to forget.
The darkness touches my soul,
Ire and malice make the night ever-veiled:
This is not the dismay, not the worried illusion,
But being lost in sleep half-awaken!
What’s this but the dance of summer ever-sprung?
Blazed sky at night, intervened though,
The pandemonium of the deaf and the dumb!
Colourful procession of satanic verses!
With but a gesture—
Spreads the flame in my mind, my soul.
Endless darkness pierces only but once—
Charms of sylvan life catch my sight.
Again fades away the ghostly shadows;
The world within waits in the transparent darkness—
Stops even the eternity. Awful.
Focused on the greatest pledge ever-made!
Friends! Could anyone of you please suggest a title for this poetry after reading it?
just see DARKNESS touches my soul hw it looks
… ‘Darkness touches my soul’… Is it the name you’re suggesting?
yes just see I said dont know wether you lke are not
Sarada…. That’s really a gorgeous name! Thanks for suggesting…
What about ‘ Darkness in Ire and Malice ‘?
21 April 2010
সব কিছু ভেঙে পড়ে….. (Nothing lasts forever)
Dear friends! Thank you all for your radiant presence on my wall. An interesting fact… The Bengali version of my status message bears the title of a book by Humayun Azad, a legendary intellect and the English one is also the title of a book by Sidney Sheldon, a prominent writer. COINCIDENTAL! Isn’t it? Both of them are my favourites.
…. The term ‘forever’ is too relative to be brought under any universalized definition, yet it conveys some meaning as long as time-interval is considered. And such time-slots are often biased through our inclination, urge, target, vision etc. And in context of a predefined notion which we live by, my statement perhaps holds good.
….. In such a world with complicated thoughts and transient illusions it’s often rather daunting to make things around last as long as we wish. Things are that they’re, our attitude towards them matters most. How we feel is more important than what we really feel. Things around often turn worse long before they really turn worse. And such is the course of life!
…. Things fall apart only when our thoughts fall apart. We make things better or worse, they never change truly. They neither fall apart nor gather close. We make, ‘something’ remake. Mystery of Nature unveiled forever.
…. There is an interesting similarity between ‘GHOST’ and ‘TRUE LOVE’. Everyone speaks of them, but no one has ever seen them.
…. Palaces are built to be reduced to dust. What could last forever? Nothing. And nothing should be allowed to last forever, otherwise it’ll be suicidal for human race. Creation would be stopped, the world is sure to lose its beauty.
….. No memory is either sweet or bitter. The memory we try to remember seems sweet, the memory we try to forget is bitter. It’s too relative. You can never call a memory absolutely sweet or bitter.
….. I think, therefore I’m. I follow, therefore I’m not. Someone else thought, therefore he/she was. I followed; therefore, I wasn’t. Existence is the magic of thought. Once we lose the power of free thinking, we’re not existing any more. Existentialism teaches the art of living. Belief is often self-denial. True knowledge never springs from beliefs, it springs from doubts. We last till our doubts last. Nothingness overshadows personality. A dead soul is the most dangerous thing. A soul that never lived can never die also. It can’t last forever as it was not born at all!
…… Thank you for your comments. ‘Because at one point everything you did was exactly what you wanted’… So convincing! So soothing!…. ‘Change–the only constant’, yet we’re often the ‘moment’s slaves’!…. My feelings could be summed up in the words of Charles Lamb….
Where are they gone, the old familiar faces?
I have had playmates, I have had companions,
In my days of childhood, in my joyful schooldays–
All, all are gone, the old familiar faces.
I have been laughing, I have been carousing,
Drinking late, sitting late, with my bosom cronies;
All, all are gone, the old familiar faces.
I loved a love once, fairest among women;
Closed are her doors on me, I must not see her–
All, all are gone, the old familiar faces.
I have a friend; a kinder friend has no man;
Like an ingrate, I left my friend abruptly,
Left him, to muse on the old familiar faces.
Ghost-like, I paced round the haunts of my childhood.
Earth seemed a desert I was bound to traverse,
Seeking to find the old familiar faces.
Friend of my bosom, thou more than a brother,
Why wert not thou born in my father’s dwelling?
So might we talk of the old familiar faces–
How some they have died, and some they have left me,
And some are taken from me–all are departed–
All, all are gone, the old familiar faces.
(PENSIVE!! Isn’t it?)
GOD is the same yesterday, today, forever… wow–what lasts forever?…only Him…
….. God lasts as long as our problems last. He is the safest One to be blamed for our failure and to be praised for our success. You can’t be in problems forever. 🙂
26 April 2010
It’s very easy to give up smoking, my friend has done it a thousand times….. ( Poor fellow! )
….. Giving up a habit is not an easy task. Agreed… For instance, I can tell you for sure it’s not almost possible for me or some others like me to quit Facebook though there are a good number of reasons convincing enough for quitting it. It’s a passion, much more than merely an addiction. But, it’s not such an addiction that ruins the addicts as well as people around them who don’t use Facebook. An addiction that harms only the addicted but not the others who aren’t addicted, isn’t so disapproving. After all, everyone has the right to die or live in the way he/she chooses. Living by letting others live isn’t an offence… Smoking is not such an addiction. You’re bound to be harmed even though you’re not addicted. Usually any type of addicted person (addicted to any type of habit) is devoid of commonsense. He hardly cares about whether he is proving himself an idiot in front of others for his addiction. Fascination often turns to addiction. You’ve the right to be fascinated but you have no right to create pain for others. It’s very silly from my point of view. If you don’t cause any type of stupid inconvenience for people around you, they will not care about your fascination or addiction, whatever it is. I personally never care about others’ personal likings or disliking. I live and let others live. This is the way I prefer to follow. To be honest, I never care about whether smoking or any rubbish thing like it, is harmful or not. Until I’m not involved into it, it’s of little use to care about someone who don’t care about himself. I can just try to dissuade him from smoking being a genuine well-wisher but I can never change him if he doesn’t feel like being changed. Some are born to break not bend, it’s their choice. But I can hardly tolerate if any stupid emits a puff of smoke before me and compels me to be a passive smoker. And the fact is, smokers, like all other addicts, are just idiots. They enjoy such stupidity as they’re often devoid of commonsense. Such people are of very low personality — my own opinion. I often request my smoker friends or known persons not to smoke in front of me. They try to convince me saying that I won’t die if they finish a cigarette before me. What a rubbish! And, I’m sure the non-smokers always face the same problem as I do. It’s not easy to teach an idiot public etiquette. I’m not supposed to be such a great teacher.
Thanks to all for your kind presence on my wall.
I object wid the sentence SMOKERS ARE STUPID. rather you say the ppl who emits a puff of smoke b4 a nonsmoker is an idiot. plz mind your language b4 saying anything coz many gentlemen smoke.
I know many people who never smoke in front of children and smoke in the smoking area only. They never smoke in the public place.
…. I also humbly object to your objection. If you carefully go through the whole of my comment, you can surely understand whom I mean to be stupid or something like that. Thanks.
you cn just ignore those frenz smilingly gng a bit away from them if you really dun like the smoke.
… Ok, I’ll try to put the core ideas of my writings in the inverted commas for people like you who can’t understand my writing… And, try to note…
If you ask a gentleman, “Do you mind?”, he won’t say, “Yes, I do mind.” You must have the commonsense to understand it. You’re not bound to be gentle, but you have no right to exploit the gentle behaviour of a gentleman. If you think you don’t deserve that gentle behaviour, just leave him and find a person of your type. Thanks. (I hope this writing needs no inverted commas. )
…. Who am I to advise people? They’re intelligent enough to do it for themselves. True. Dear friends, I’m requesting you to read my first comment. Everyone has the right to choose the way of life for himself. But is it approving if anyone causes troubles for others? A gentleman never causes troubles for others. Being addicted to anything might be your personal matter, but you’ve no right to make others suffer for your addiction. Die or live as you wish, but let others live. Thanks.
…. Some are stupid by born, some are stupid by instinct, some are stupid by choice. I’ve no objection to their stupidity until it makes me suffer unnecessarily. Thanks.
…. I’m sorry if my words hurt you. Who told you I’m always a gentleman? I’m a gentleman only with gentlemen. Could you please suggest me any other word that should be used to greet an idiot?
ভাবনা: পাঁচশো ত্রিশ
28 April 2010
I’m a perfect vegetarian. I hate non-veg items. I like vegetable with chicken, vegetable with prawn, vegetable with fish.
Dear friends! I’m very happy to find that many others like you also maintain a balanced (!) life as I always do. It’s good. …
Friends! Just think, if you eat more, you’ll die. If you eat less, you’ll die. So it’s better to eat and die.
Now, I’d like to share a secret of getting slim with all of you. Recently, my doctor has advised me to take bread regularly at night to get rid of obesity. (I’ve turned a bit obese for my unalloyed (!) love for food. You can see my photo album that I’ve uploaded recently.)…. I’m following his advice word for word. I’m taking bread regularly at night after having my meal. I hope to get slim soon.
Never forget to drink diet coke after you have had a heavy meal. After all, self-satisfaction is the best satisfaction. The quest of food came first, then came religion. So, why should we be restricted to taking only some limited types of food?
….. Many of my friends tried to persuade me to be a vegetarian. I also tried many times to comply with their request. And, the fact is, to be a vegetarian is very easy. I’ve done it a hundred times. Vegetable items can be tasted occasionally. They’re really sumptuous if cooked deliciously. A blend of veg items with non-veg ones is far far better than purely veg items.
…. I think, ‘Rituism’ is much more acceptable than the existing religions or ‘ism’s. It must be popularized. Let’s bring it to light. What are the eligibilities to be initiated into ‘Rituism’? Guru, I’m interested to be converted into it.
… I like your idea. :)… In case of food, I never follow any prejudice. I never miss the opportunity of tasting the food of other cultures too (please don’t think I’ve no objection even to be a cannibal…lol)… No compromise in exploring the realm of food.
…. Let’s try to accelerate the economic cycle through our work and commitment to our country, not through our food-habit.
…. Let’s be vegetarians and enjoy a happy life. 🙂
…. Our food-habit matters little in improving the Ecological cycle, I think. There are some other major factors as well. 🙂
To me, eating habit is more important. 🙂
4 May 2010 ·
Always go to other people’s funerals; otherwise , they won’t come to yours…. lol
I never go to funerals. To me a person is dead when he/she breathes for the last time. After that, your memories should be personal.
Good one… the souls meet after they leave the cruel world and enter the world of eternity…
I dun wan Spirits in my funeral, wan at least four strong living shoulders…..
…. It’s all the same whether we attend a funeral or not. The person is no more. What matters is society and the social persons.
… Let’s attend the meeting of souls. Just imagine how it feels to be in the midst of souls!
….. Don’t worry. I won’t let Evil Spirits attend your funeral. If you notice any of them, just send me a message of complain through my mobile number.
your mobile no. will b the same in heaven also ri8:)) coz m gng to die vry late by the tym you will b phooooooooooo…….:)))) just kidding yaar, long live my friend.
….. Please don’t cast curse upon me, dear. Don’t send me to Heaven. I don’t want to go to Heaven. All the interesting people are missing from there.
ok sushanta your wish of not going to Heaven is processed…best of luk for Hell…… 🙂
…. Not all Facebook people are going to Hell. People who are not interesting have no right to make ‘Hell’ a hell….lol
my fb frenz are all gng dr yaar….dey are all damn interesting
get married you will experience both hell and heaven.
…. All of your Facebook friends are going to Hell. That’s great! Don’t worry, dear. I’ll pray so that all of my Facebook friends can also go there, I mean I’ll pray for you. Smile…
…. Welcome to my Hell.
…. Could you suggest me another alternative, please?…..lol
…. As long as you’re with me, I never dare to wish for Heaven. …. And, often marriage is the first funeral for a man….lol… See, there is an amazing similarity between marriage and funeral. In both of them others feel sorry for you…. Agree?
…. You know wine is made from grapes and wine is injurious to health. So, avoid wine, avoid grapes and be happy…
…. Sometimes my writings turn your mood ON, I see! I’m proud of your capricious mood.
being a software programmer….== is comparison oprtr for me..what exactly you means 🙂
I also know it, brother. :)… All computer engineers are supposed to know it. :)…. But, here I’ve just shown a famous Anagram conforming to your previous comment.
6 May 2010
Ques. Why do some people use fake profile pictures in Facebook?… Ans. Because, they love only beautiful things…. Hats off to those lovers of beauty.
If you use a fake profile picture, it means that you’re not satisfied with God’s creation. Ok, fine. Then what could be a solution? Well, change your camera-man.
When I see a hero’s or a heroine’s picture being used as someone’s profile picture, I appreciate his/her sense of modesty. It’s a nice way to say indirectly, “I don’t want to disturb you showing my face. I’m sorry that I think I’m not beautiful.”… Really a humble form of self-criticism!
It is not at all a “humble form of self-criticism.” It is deception. It is better not to have a pic rather than to use someone else’s.
…. Please don’t call them cheaters, don’t arouse their conscience…
Just imagine, if they really start using their real pictures, you’ll have to see those ugly faces every day; after all, they’re in your friend-list. I think it will not be a pleasant matter.
So, live and let them live. Appreciate their sense of beauty. Beauty is truth, truth is beauty.
If you can’t tolerate your own face, how can you expect that others can tolerate it? Love yourself, then expect love from others.
… Caring others who don’t care us ruins our personality. I think, a person who doesn’t love himself/herself can never love others or should be loved by others. Life is how we look through it, not how we let others look through it.
….. Your humane instinct is really adorable. I think, the beauty of a mind lies in the eyes of the discoverer who reveals it. The value of thing is exactly what we give to it. So, it’s a rare bliss for anyone to hear such words of kindness sprung from a genuine soul. A passion gifted is always better than a passion borrowed. Have a wonderful day ahead with the fullest charm of mind.
… Being negative with what we have is far better than being poisitive with what we haven’t.
… Let’s colour the rainbow as we like to see and touch, not as others have already seen and touched. :-
…. I’m also satisfied with your beauty (I mean your beauty of mind!)…. No pun intended!
…. Actually, they don’t lack confidence, they just lack commonsense. They imagine themselves as beautiful as those heroes or heroines. What a sense of humour they’ve!
Hey Sushanta, you created a real sensation!!! But we Bengalies are becoming so skeptical these days that it seems we’re not interested to see anything positive in life… but I agree with you, life is so beautiful , every moment is so precious… would love to know you more in the coming days… Smiles.
… ~ S M I L E ~
…. Life is not easy, life is not difficult, life is as it is. It’s we who make it easy or difficult….
A new moon hangs in the sky, a twilight brings bliss for us, nature promises much more even we deserve. We must approach them, otherwise life becomes meaningless. We’ve no right to ruin the beautiful life we’ve been gifted with.
…. একটা গানের ‘গান’ হয়ে ওঠা বা না-ওঠা, দুটোই সুরের বিচারে আপেক্ষিক। একেবারে সাদামাটা কিছু কথা কারো জন্য কবিতা, কারো জন্য আবার কবিতার গণ্ডি পেরিয়ে গান। এই ‘হয়ে ওঠা’ কিংবা ‘না হয়ে ওঠা’ অনেকটাই পাঠকের সেন্সিটিভিটির কাছে দায়বদ্ধ। “Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.” তাই আমার মনে হয়, এখানে আপনার sensuous soul-এর কৃতিত্ব আসে সবার আগে।
…. We can never express fully what we feel. Feelings are meant only to be felt. Greatest is the thought which can never be put to words. I try to express myself as clearly as I can but being always honest in writing is hardly possible. Anyway, hope to share more thoughts with all of you for giving them a concrete shape, a wider platform. Thank you for reading me.
ভাবনা: পাঁচশো একত্রিশ
9 May 2010
I think, The Mothers’ Day shows us how ungrateful we are to our mothers on the other 364 days of the year… Am I wrong in holding this idea?
My mother practises what I preach. Preaching is always easier than Practising. She is the most wonderful woman I’ve ever met… Shame upon those who desert their mother for their stupid beloved.
There is nothing called ‘a bad mother’. A bad mother is not a mother at all. Giving birth to children and being mother is never the same thing.
You should have met my mother. RIP
… I’m very sorry for your misfortune. I don’t why fate has followed you with less rewarding things in this case, but please never lose your heart as you were born as a gift. If anyone fails to value it, leave its responsibility to her.
… What type of pain are you referring to? It might spring from a good number of sources, and so I’m a bit confused. Please make it a little clearer. Thanks.
… How many people have you interviewed yet that you speak as a representative on everyone’s behalf? There’s hardly any generalisation, I know. But this is the case frequently occurred. Thanks.
11 May 2010
I’ve no money, I’ve no house, I’ve no car; but I’ve “status”… Thanks Facebook… Grrrrrrrrr…….
Friends…. What’s the difference between the rich and the wealthy? Well, the rich have money, but the wealthy have time… And, you must be rich before becoming wealthy. Is there any shortcut to becoming wealthy directly? Yes, there is!!….. Use Facebook and prove that you’ve time.
Facebook teaches us many things. It teaches us how to like the status of a girl (no matter whether lovely or not!) that tells that, She feels a severe headache, or She is suffering from fever, or She has nothing in her mind (I mean, she has nothing in her head) or any disapproving condition she is facing!… What is more interesting is that she often thanks the boys who like it. Isn’t it a pure entertainment?
And, I want to thank Facebook because it asks us, “What’s in your mind?” instead of, “What’s in your brain?”… But, interestingly enough, most us answer to the second question. Read the status messages of your friends and think if I’m wrong!
…. I’ve barely managed an idiot mobile set, to prove that I also have ‘status’. Not a handsome amount of money I had to spare for being able to choose my stupid status(es) whatever and whenever I like….. Grrrrrrrrrr
…. I’ve no money, I’ve no house, I’ve no car and so I’ve no girlfriend. No girl wants to marry a moneyless idiot.
Elvis rocks!
I’m neither a king nor a pauper. Such a life is really miserable. When you’re in the halfway, it’s very difficult to go forward and very humiliating to go back. This often results either in a point or in a circle, hardly in a line.
কী বলছ তুমি, বলোতো? আমি ভীষণ চিন্তায় পড়ে যাচ্ছি। আমার ইনবক্সে তুমি লিখবে, কিংবা আমার ইমেইল অ্যাড্রেসে? আমি ব্রিলিয়ান্ট লিখেছি আক্ষরিক অর্থে। আমি খুবই ordinary একজন মানুষ, কিন্তু তাতে কী হল, সবাইকে নিয়ে আমি আমার প্রাণের আলো ছড়িয়ে দিতে চেষ্টা করি সারা বিশ্বে।…প্লিজ, তুমি আমায় লিখো তো ভাই, আমার খুব টেনশন হচ্ছে।
….দিদি, আমি ‘honesty of conduct’ মনেপ্রাণে মেনে চলি এবং চাই, আমার কাছের মানুষগুলো আমার সম্পর্কে যেন কোনো ভুল না ভাবে। চিন্তার পরিশুদ্ধতা আমার কাছে পরম আরাধ্য।…. (ঠিক আছে, দিদি, আমি আপনাকে ইনবক্সে লিখে জানাবো।)
Good point you bring up sush…. Fb gave us “status”… Yeah that’s good…. we change our status every day or every so often… Likewise on this world too you want to be stuck with one status??? So thank god you have none…make a different status everyday…
… Thanks Facebook for adding new meaning and dimension to the word ‘status’. Changing and choosing status after our own likings or disliking must be a rare privilege! A wider platform to be oriented as we wish (or sometimes as some special ones wish) not being the least worthy of that orientation. It’s the confinement of mind without the liberation of soul, I think.
15 May 2010
Thanks Australia!… Goodbye Pakistan!
Unpredictability is sometimes a bliss…
I can hardly believe how pleasant it could be to say ‘Goodbye’!… … Lovely Goodbye!!
They’re not ‘rajakar’. They were their leaders. The treacherous are at our own home.
Dear friends! Thanks to all for your charming presence on my wall. It’s nice to read such nice comments at the day’s breakup. Hope to pass a great day ahead and also wish you a gorgeous day ahead.
Australia is Australia and Pakistan is Pakistan. Pakistan CAN never be Australia and Australia SHOULD never be Pakistan. Let’s not make a fuss to understand it.
Pakistan is an unpredictable team, but sometimes unpredictability is a bliss for the non-supporters. Pakistan played well, no doubt! The only problem was, Australia played better! Thanks, Pakistan, for playing ‘just well’.
If Pakistan hadn’t played that match, I could not even imagine how wonderful it could be to say GOODBYE! I just want to thank Australia not for that they played well, but for that they made an arrangement to say Goodbye to Pakistan. Sometimes a Goodbye is not bad!
Friends! Let’s think of some positive sides of Pakistan—
1. Pakistan played the whole 20 overs, whereas Australia could play only 19.5 overs. It’s a success of Pakistan.
2. Think about Pakistan’s team-spirit. They whole team played wholeheartedly against M Hussey. It’s positive, no doubt! Australia can think of dropping the other 10 batsman next time while playing against Pakistan! Just kidding, friends…. No pun intended!
3. And, most importantly, Pakistan must deem it a fortune that Australia assured the victory with one ball remaining. Pakistan must have not been happy if Hussey had hit another six in the last ball…. No pun intended again!
Now, last but not the least….
Donne once wrote :
For God’s sake,
Hold your tongue,
And let me LOVE.
I’d like to write :
For God’s sake,
Hold your tongue,
And let’s REJOICE.
I never feel like having any soft corner for that team; they’re, no doubt, a good team, however. I’m a fan of Wasim Akram or, Saeed Anwar, but I can even hardly think of supporting that team. Don’t think that I’m a Chauvinist. I’m also a bit disturbed by the socio-political infrastructure of that country. I’ve also developed a racial hatred for them, might it be an aftermath of my highly ethnic affinity. Most of the Pakistani players are not also well-mannered. Perhaps their personality is intrinsically flawed. Behavioural Inheritance is so acute in their manner and attitude…
I feel proud to be an Asian, ‘an ugly Asian’ (as Waliullah said). And for this, I expected the cup to come to Asia. But, when Srilanka dropped out, my heart sank a little. Pakistan is also an Asian country, but merely a spot on the moon….. After all, I’m happy that the cup isn’t going to Pakistan. 🙂
Pakistan team be thanked for teaching us how pleasant a Goodbye could be!….lol
An exception can’t be an example, but it’s the last refuge for showing them the least justice they deserve!
… It matters little that you’ve not liked my comments. But, it’s not wise to claim that I’ve used harsh words against Pakistan Cricket Board, as I think, I really haven’t done it. Would you please tell us how you find my comments objectionable? I’d like to request you to read them once again. If you can really show me anything that could hurt your personality, I’m ready to say Sorry… Thanks for reading me.
… Please, don’t think that I want to deny their eligibility as a professional cricket team. Personally, I never feel like supporting this team, though it’s not that I dislike their commitment to game. It’s my indoctrinated personal feeling as a Bangladeshi that I can hardly ignore. They’re deserving, no doubt, and so, they’ve managed to reach upto semi-final. Our team dropped out in the first round, but this never lets me support them. How can I call a beautiful woman mother only because my mother is ugly?.. Never, never, never!… And, I want to add, I also don’t like their manner (excluding, Saeed Anwar, Younus Khan, Wasim Akram and some others)…..
When you say Sorry to someone to whom you did injustice, it proves your greatness. As the human beings we’ve the right to make mistakes, and as the human beings we’ve the responsibility to confess mistakes and to apologise for them. They never showed such politeness officially, they don’t even feel any scruples for what they did in 1971…
Last night, I fall asleep after I’d written my last comment. This morning, after reading your comments, I’ve come to know that Numan bhai also commented on this status message. He is a computer engineer from my immediate senior batch of CUET. I know him personally and he is a good person. It’s nice to find him in our midst, but I couldn’t read what he wrote on my wall as he removed his comments. I don’t know why he did it, but if anything unpleasant makes him remove them, I’m sorry for it…
A son can’t be offended for the crime his father or forefathers did. It’s true. But, as a son he also can’t avoid the responsibility of doing the least justice to the victims. We’ve not forgotten what Mr. Affridi (he is a good player, no doubt) said in a reporters’ conference on the eve of the world cup. He said that he did not know what had happened in ’71 and he also did not feel sorry for it. How can we support such a team? We can never bury the past as our present stands on it….
I want to say once again that Pakistan cricket team is surely a very efficient team. But, my ethnic feeling and patriotism never allow to support them. If you think it’s my narrowness or chauvinism, I’d rather take is as a compliment….
Thank you very much for reading me and writing on my wall.
ভাবনা: পাঁচশো বত্রিশ
28 May 2010
Man is a self-contradictory creature. Human heart yearns for a lasting relationship but man often breaks it up with just a simple “touch” long before it is formed.
I really feel honoured to find all of you here on my wall. Thanks for being with me… In these days, love is hardly interpreted as what it is actually is. We’re too busy at pleasing ourselves rather than feeling it in the truest sense. People think they’re in love, they’re often in just lust. The true aspect of love can never be so narrow as to be surrendered only to some subconscious desire. In this context, let me quote some lines from my poem, “BROKEN APPOINTMENTS OF LOVE”…..
I thought, I drank the nectar of love to my heart,
But I sipped but a little!
Love once whispered to my soul,
I was too busy then even to listen to it.
Long long afterwards, I heard its echo,
My heart treasured it, I felt like floating!
Our sweetest feelings always remain untouched, I realized.
As vowed I’ve, never dare banish Love,
Never too late begins my ache to shun.
Gentle swain as I’m to refuse—
To turn wicked spirit into divine one!
20 June 2010
Thank you, father, for what I’m and for what I’m not… Happy Fathers’ Day.
My father practises what I preach… His dreams teach me how great actions should be…
Salute to all the fathers of the world…
I often thought that honesty is what we show in our actions… His life has taught me that honesty is what we have in our thoughts… Later on, our thoughts become our actions…
Hats off my dear father!
I think, when our thoughts spring from our actions, we’re led to preaching, and when our actions spring from our thoughts, we’re led to practising… Preaching is always easier than practising!
May his departed soul rest in eternal peace…
… I completed my graduation in Computer Science and Engineering. At present, I’m not in any service, but I’m planning to be engaged into one. I’ve also a plan to complete Masters. I own a small business as I wrote to you earlier. Thanks dada. Take care. 🙂
… Thanks for your wishing. Be blessed always. 🙂
… Please accept my heart-felt thanks for your sincere suggestion. I wish I met you before my admission into the engineering university. There was no one beside me to show me the way I should go. And, like some other students with high academic calibre in secondary and higher secondary level, I’ve become an engineer as par certificate, not as par my aptitude. I don’t have the least inclination for my graduating subject and so I’ll will surely go for an MBA or some courses in literature or philosophy if I’m to do the Masters. I don’t know how you feel about my decision, but I’ve just written what I feel. I’m not an IT professional, I’m just an IT graduate. That’s the irony….. Since the last time I talked to you, I’ve thought a lot about investing into share market. I’ve seen many positive trends in this sector and I’m planning to start it soon. I’ll surely ask you any queries about it as I know, you’re highly informed and educated in this market trend….. And, one correction in your idea please… I’m the first person in my whole family who has entrepreneured a small-scale business. No other person is there in my family to show me the way. My father, uncles and other relatives are all professionals not businessmen. They just fear this path!…. Now, I’m busy preparing myself for the Civil Service Exam of Bangladesh Govt. I feel, after all, an honourable designation is a must for me….. Dada, I’ve liked very much what you’ve quoted regarding share market. I’ll try to keep it in my mind. Please feel free to give me any kind of suggestion, advice for perusing a better career, a better life. I sincerely welcome your suggestions. Waiting to hear from you again. Thank you dada, once again. Take care. Bye.
… I’ve not seen God but I’ve seen my parents, and it’s enough for me. I can pass my whole life just worshipping these two wonderful personalities. … Thank you didi, for reading me.
… What I thought yesterday, I’m trying to do today. What I’m thinking today, I might deviate from tomorrow. That’s my problem, indecisive manners in my actions, thoughts. If I can escape from such a stereotype, I’ll surely be able to do what you want me to do. Thanks.
Wow! It’s a nice matter to have someone who shares the same mental setup as well as academic trend. My family also didn’t like the idea of my stepping into business, a world of uncertainty. But, I tried to write my lot and chose this way. The Royal Road is still far far away to reach. But, I’ll someday reach there surely, I hope.
I’m sorry to learn that like many others, you also had to leave motherland during the partition. Religion never demands us what we demand from it. And, so is created fanaticism! Never can it bring any good for the mass, just a few will continue exploiting others devoid of reason. I never bother about what religion I belong to or what others belong to. But, things are not always conducive as they should be. I’m forced to think otherwise. What I do is I just leave the company of those. I’ve still a long way to pass in my life. I don’t know how far I can go doing such, but I’ll try my best.
Dada, I’ve a lot of relatives residing in Kolkata. Most of my relatives from my maternal side are there. I’ve a plan to visit India within 2 or 3 years and I’ll surely meet you when I’m there. Waiting for that moment. Before that, Facebook is good enough to serve the purpose. If you visit Dhaka, just give me a ring. My number is available in my profile info.
I’m also so impressed to find an elder brother who shares some common traits with me, even academic background. It’s really a rare opportunity to have someone possessing a similar soul. Looking forward to sharing more ideas and developing a lasting relationship…
Have a great day ahead. Thank you.