ভাবনাদেয়ালের পলেস্তারা (৬৮ষ্টি অংশ)

ভাবনা: চারশো সত্তর


28 August 2009

Suppose, a cat has told you that all cats are liars. Should you believe it or not?

Friends! Could anyone please solve this problem?

If there is a problem, then must there will be a solution….

Ok. Then, what can be the solution? Could you suggest something, please?

this is all paradox…n your comment is irrelevant…

it would depend, which cat is telling… a trust worthy cat I might believe…

You know, paradoxical problems are not irrelevant but you can say here that they need a bit more interpretation. I think, irrelevance and ambiguity are not synonymous.

what’s the problem to solve? there’s no solution if there’s no problem!!!

It’s 50-50 actually. coz the cat may be a liar or not. It’s impossible to determine…

But, if you happen to believe it, then how can the cat be trustworthy?

I didn’t get you, I meant if the cat is trustworthy already to me.. then I might believe but I personally don’t depend on beliefs no matter how trustworthy the person is…

……is that not a cat?

…… Well. Can you find any other allegorical or, satirical simile that is somewhat identical to it, please?

I dnt believe ths…cz একজনকে দিয়ে সবাইকে জাজ করার কোনো মানে হয় না।…

yeah well cat or whatever…

a rack on the table posting don’t put anything on it…

The problem is like ‘i will only made those faint who can’t made themselves faint, will I faint myself?’

I m a liar…is it true or false?…

well, my question is… does it really matter?… whether someone is a liar or not?… it will when I am involved in connection with the cat or something… I will only consider whether to believe the cat or not… otherwise I can carry on with my life and be happy… who cares whether you are a liar or not… ha ha ha

It’s a cyclic prob wo end like the chicken or the egg, which came 1st. If all cats are liars then we cannot trust the 1st 1. As all the cats are liars, I will not trust the 1st cat.

You are a liar (or may be not) – does it really matter to me?… not really… so dear, you can happily be a liar or not a liar.

…… You can easily leave the rack on the table empty. It is possible.

….. A liar is not absolutely a liar so far as the psycho-relativity concept is under consideration.

you considered that all cats are liar, but you got the info from the 1st cat, although you are not believing it!

An old man says I will give him/her this house who is satisfied…any1 of u?

…. You don’t trust the first cat……this means that all cats are truthful. Then why should you not trust it? Or, how can it tell a lie?

….. Well. If you’d not like to believe it then all cats are truthful. Then how can it lie or, why should you distrust it?

I think I don’t fit in this bill… cause my point is, why do I need to trust or distrust any of them? If you can answer this question that will solve the problem.

…. You know, there are no absolute rules of measuring satisfaction. It varies from person to person. So, based upon what criteria should you assess it?

Sushanta, not trusting da 1st cat doesn’t necessarily mean all of them are trustworthy, may be some are liar..

That is, you’re adopting the middle policy. But this policy doesn’t hold good in this case because this contrasts the view of the statement. How can we clarify the statement of the cat. @Mahamudul.

…… Huh! Would that I could find a straight answer to this question, I wouldn’t bothered you. I lack knowledge for clarifying the sense.

…… If I’ve no other options left without knowing the fact, and have only one cat available for interrogating, what should I do?

Do whatever you want….

….. I only want to ask you. lol.

…… Huh! Should you necessarily fall in love to write a romantic poem?

Furthermore, if all cats are liars de cannot become domestic pet. Wd you have a pet who will lie all the time and you will love and feed him? Definitely not. So, I will not trust the 1st cat at all. Sum cats are truthful. When they eat your fish, they come and sit next to you and not lie anything since they are content. A liar wouldn’t have the courage to come to you.

Ok. I’ve no problems in replacing the cat with a tiger. Are you still interested in making the tiger you pet? lol.

Of course not! No matter what a tiger does or says not nobody is going to trust it. the prob got easier. এইবার শান্ত হও, সুশান্ত।

Well, Mr. Paul, you better be a philosopher or something like that.

Huh!…… Now you tell me what are the additional qualities that I should have, so that you can say to me, “You’re a philosopher” instead of saying, “You better be a philosopher”? lol.

… বাঘের হাম শুনে ভয় পেয়ে গেলেন নাকি?

……..will have to check out with jerry the mouse……

No problem. Try it. The ambiguity will not remove!

28 August 2009

Friends! Let’s go to the fairyland in dream. Good Night.

ভাবনা: চারশো একাত্তর


29 August 2009

Sunny Good Morning!

29 August 2009

I often tell my elders and friends (who urge me to change my views about Religion) that if God doesn’t like the way I live, let him tell me, not you.

The elders/ friends may have been sent by the god you believe in… possible? God has many ways to send messages – alert mind gets it faster… possible?

The more I study religions the more I am convinced that man never worshiped anything but himself. So, I think all of the gods are merely homemade are created in the way man wants.

God will tell you, when the time is right. It will be a moment of revelation, trust me! And it will be exquisite!

I suggest you read ‘The God Dellusion’ by Richard Dawkins. He has deflated many creationist theories, much to the displeasure and discomfort of ‘believers’.

Exactly, abed! Well said.

As long as our intelligibility is concerned, we can perceive within the range our neuro-set up. The rest of the universe which is yet to come within our perception, is merely left to philosophy (plainly speaking, ‘faith’). We are on the exploration to invent tools to unearth the base of our vogue faiths. So, faith is not very valid here.

Let me cite this: God is dead. — Nietzsche

Nietzsche is dead. — God

I differ. The scientific elements you mentioned here, are all already proved theories. But has anyone yet proved anything that supports the existence of God? Man cannot create even a worm, yet he can create gods by dozen. And you know Sir, man created and still goes on creating God in his own way. And very interestingly, in today’s world, most men’s passion about God is as if two men should quarrel for a lady, they neither of them care for and this is only for the mundane means. @ Mr. Abed Chaudhury.

Abed, right on! Just because I cannot see or understand my soul, does it mean it is not there? Anyone with higher intelligence realizes that higher level of intelligence is in control. Look at the Proteus I posted Sushanta, and you will be a believer!

Sushanta, welcome to Islam!

O, Friend, I’ve looked for Him everywhere, but to no avail. For I and He are one, not two. When a drop is merged into the ocean how is it seen as distinct? When the ocean is submerged in the drop, who can say what is what? And here lies the problem.

there goes an adage, “if you want to find the god, go to the garden…you can also dig a hole for doing that…”

the droplet gratefully realizes the shangam to the ocean, does it not? Of course, He and I are one!! wonderful…!

within you… is the mandir, masjid, synagogue….

the more you know yourself, the more you will know Him. Look inside, Sushanta!

Two things, I think multiple things are on the plate!

“I know that the God I believe in is the one and only real God, and that I’m not wrong. Yes, it’s a bold thing to say but I know in my heart that it’s the truth.”

If you actually say in the absolute that you KNOW, then that is very arrogant, and I would say pony up the evidence to corroborate. If you are stating things in the absolute, you must have evidence to back it up and you already said you don’t. So no, you don’t KNOW; you BELIEVE.

You BELIEVE in your heart, but you cannot KNOW. They are two very different things. Same as if someone said to you that they KNOW ‘god(s)’ doesn’t exist…would you not ask for evidence to attest to the statement? (Sorry, if I sound rude)

Some questions remain open in the field of quantum chaos but Quantum theory does provide accurate descriptions for many previously unexplained phenomena.

Dawkins called Collins’ arguments in support of the existence of god as “the mother and father of all cop-outs” and “an incredible evasion of the responsibility to explain”, and Collins had no reply.

I do agree with your “there are points on both sides”…and “crude creationism isn’t the answer” line of thought.

Believers have dominated every human culture and we are trapped in the religion of our upbringing. If we pause to analyze as to how it came about, the answer is usually some kind of a ‘childhood indoctrination’.

“contingent things demand a non-contingent Being.”………….is a widely acclaimed idea by many believers. But it concludes “what God is only God is”. Does it sound rational at all?

it’s a fantastic point of view!!

Is there anyone who would welcome me to the religion you believe in, like Samira, please? (Samira…….. I request you not to take any offense in this comment, it is quite satirical.)

To quote Marx ” Religion is the opium of the people”. It deadens man’s senses and kills reason. FACT IS man created god. The irony is that man created god and that fact has been totally forgotten and now men say that God created man

Man created God in his own form. If we admit that God created man then we’ll find dozens of Gods for dozens of religions. Not only that, we’ll also find millions of hypocrite leaders (so-called) propagating misconcepts in those dozens of religions.

it is like the Frankenstein monster which comes back to haunt man / like it or not – religion seems to be the cause of most of the wars

You’re too polite to call ‘is surely’ in place of ‘seems to be’!

So biased a notion!

The same questions were aroused in the mind of Prophet Muhammad (SM) seeing people worshiping man made Gods: if Gods are created by men from mud and are worshiped by the same creator men then how can these Gods can feed the whole planet, save us from…..

Every devotee of every religion will have thousands of such man-made lines to write in favour of that religion. This is the reason of our intellectual degradation.

Your ancestors were used to made these types comments but could not made a single line like what is written in Quran – the Quote from Allah. Another thing we should remember: Little learning is a very dangerous thing.

True, Chanak / the Kashmir dispute has its root cause in religion / the terrorist attacks can be traced back to core religious beliefs of the terrorists / the crusades

the fights between the roman Catholics and Protestants

The thirty years war

The Saxon wars

even the second world war had some linkage to religion as Hitler was antisemitic

The opinion is not biased and is based on facts – Chanak is careful with words which is why he uses seems – there are other reasons also.

the Palestinian dispute is also traceable to core religious conflicts / Yes religion has divided more than united.

…………..Sir, I’m not young enough to know everything. So, may be that I’m attacked with the problem of little learning. My ancestors? Well, they just blindly followed the doctrines of their ancestors. If they contemplated on the facts, they would never try to leave me in a ‘childhood indoctrination’. (Anyway, I beg your pardon if I’ve anyhow offended you or your belief.)

……….Hope, our other friends are reading Tripti’s comment.

………….Here you’ve submitted some good irrefutable points. 🙂 Every life is a possession of faith, and exercises an inevitable and silent propaganda. I think that a society cannot live without a certain number of irrational beliefs. They are protected from criticism and analysis because they are irrational. A belief is not merely an idea the mind possesses; it is an idea that possesses the mind (and here lies the problem). Our way of thinking always dominates over the world we live in or, more specifically, we want to live in. Both a theist and an atheist are sticking to two different beliefs regarding the similar thing. Our neuro-psychological world is composed of the inherent thoughts we nourish and practise.

Religious debate should be conducted among people who’ve sufficient deep knowledge of all, if not, at least about his own religion. Otherwise there is every possibilities of hurting others. Anyway, I’m with no doubt a normal Muslim without profound religious background.

Sir, when I do anything good, I feel good. When I do anything bad, I feel bad. And this is my Religion.

ভাবনা: চারশো বাহাত্তর


29 August 2009

We should consider every day lost on which our heart has not danced at least once.

Sushanta, are you studying Philosophy. Great!

Why should I study something that can be study from our life? I’m just trying to study my life and the lives of the people around me. thanx

29 August 2009

Our life becomes blessed only when we don’t love to be loved; we love to love.

Our heart is formed of love and therefore, can never be happy without the golden opportunity of giving and receiving love. If you give love, you feel blessed. Better to receive love in return. But even if you don’t, why should you be worried? If there any loss of divine bliss, to be sure, the loss is not yours.

To Love is a passionate choice but your comment determined it’s a source of gambling. Prevention is better than cure, so love widely without expectation of beloved love……u are a lovesick dude, your condition is “ভিতর বলে দূরে থাকুক, বাহির বলে আসুক না!”

To be passionate in the truest sense is probably the greatest responsibility a human heart can bear. And, since the dawn of civilization, all the natural entities have been exerting love which is often found to be unconditional. So, why the question of gambling comes here?

Tolerance and celebration of Individual differences is the fire that fuels lasting love.

Even in the darkest night, there is a glow. Let that glow throw a glimpse on the intolerance and segregation of souls. Let there be a light of love! @Tamanna

29 August 2009

When words fail, eyes speak. When eyes fail, silence speaks. When silence fails, heart speaks.

When heart fails, death speaks…

When death fails, life speaks..hehe

When life fails, then……

Being weekend, no one wants Johnny Walker to speak??

When life fails, you create a new one

Resurrection? Or, Renovation? Hahaha.

I’d like to add here, Death is not extinguishing light, it’s just putting the lamp down. So, death never terminates absolutely!

The language of soul is probably the only language that is defined universally. The language of silence is yet to be revealed as it is not regardless of human heart. Eyes can never lie. So, you must be endowed with some rarest faculties to read the mystic pages of eyes. The language of life is unique. It says like Dryden, “Death! Thou shalt die!”

Friends! Can you please suggest more?

Simple! Death reigns!

It always speaks. It’s an eternal flow. Just try to hear it.

When I am here – only I speak – Understood!

If not understand

Then Chanak speaks! Huh! He is my friend.

Samira: Silence is always more eloquent than words! আমার না বলা বাণীর ঘন যামিনীর মাঝে…..

Sushanta: আমি হারিয়েছি যারে,

সে মোর প্রাণের দেবতা।

গহীন বিজনে নিভৃতে আঁধারে,

আমার হৃদয়-পদ্ম এনেছে বারতা,

শত কোলাহল মাঝে।

আমি ফিরেফিরে চাই,

তবু নিমিষে হারাই,

মোর প্রাণসুর যেথা নিত্য বাজে।

(দিদি, আপনার লেখা গানটা জানি না। তাই ওপরের কথাগুলো বানিয়ে লিখলাম। জানি না মূল গানের ধারেকাছেও গেছে কি না! জানালে খুশি হবো।) @Samira.

When heart fails যমদূত speaks.

29 August 2009

She walks in beauty, like the night…….. Of cloudless climes and starry skies…… I’ll behold her throughout the night…….. Good Night Friends!

I look forward her way and yearn for an ever-lasting night. I’ll make necklace for her with the silvery shade of the moon. I’ll make the canopy stay forever only for her!

O Night! I’ll arrange a grand reception only for you. Just stay until my sweetheart stays here!

Byron, I suppose

Sushanta Paul Right you are! The first two lines……..

30 August 2009

Friends! Which one has the stronger impact in a person’s life? Memory-images? or, Imagination?


Could memory-images help anyone create a masterpiece?


If you can make a blend of imagination based on memory only then memory can work on your advantage.


How can you imagine without setback of memory?

Both…Imagination has roots in your creativity.. which I think is linked to the stored data (memory images)

Do memory-images ever retard free-contemplation?

Sometimes the treasures in stock come to no use in time of need.

I feel both the impact……coz human loves to live in past & future


Most of human lives in past or future.

But we should always live in present – in this very moment.

The memory and imagination are interlinked. The objectives stored in the memory section can only be used to grow on imagination. The imagination is the combination of memory, perception and its association. It is the ability to from different images in mind.

In case of manipulative extrapolation, our memory-images contribute a lot, but this doesn’t also hold good if we’re poor in contemplation of any abstract or, concrete notion. Again, in meta-physical concept, it is presumed that in most cases, we are hardly helped by the memory-images rather they can even sometimes diminish our imaginative power.


memory images are linked to reality and hence has a stronger impact. See how I have been strongly impacted by memories of your previous arguments and threads.

as for memory images creating a masterpiece sushanta please read any biographical work


to take another analogy – a good chess player relies on imagination as well as reconstructs of past positions. the reconstructs of past positions has a greater impact on his moves (courtesy: Gerald Abrahams)

An autobiography or a biography is hardly regarded as a masterpiece, you know. Actually, man acts on impulses and strong desires. For these two instincts a harmonious interlink between memory and imagination is a must, otherwise any annihilation might occur. But for proper contemplation, many writings have got interpolations, we see frequently. But, for the development of human race, a blend of both ingredients is pivotal.

That was a very good explanation Sushanta and very much agreeable. your status means something else though… you wanted your friends to choose one or the other being more important, not the blend of both.

ভাবনা: চারশো তিয়াত্তর


30 August 2009

Paradoxical Human Nature: When you say, “I love you”, he/she says, “It’s too early!” When you don’t say that, he/she thinks, “Isn’t it too late?”

Never heard anyone say, it’s so early. When hearts melt, time loses its essence…

Not always.

Chanak @ Tripti, it is too early to say it is too late

Chanak Love is a state which takes in a variety of experiences and feelings. It transcends time and hence this cannot be subject to the surgeon’s knife of reason

love can never be generalised………its unique between a pair of specific people.

Anyway, Sushanta!! Have you experienced true love?

Yes Samira didi! I’ve luckily many admirers and friends who love me truly. Their love is a treasure for my life.

If you tell me of Platonic love, then I’ll say that I’ve not been blessed with it yet!

30 August 2009

……..enjoying the golden twilight!……..feel like dancing!

30 August 2009

Our life is but a walking shadow………a story told by an idiot!

which story do you mean?

The story that is thousand years old, yet afresh for telling and listening for thousand years to come.

Now it’s up to us to make it meaningful.

30 August 2009

A woman’s imagination soon turns to love, love to matrimony. So, I think, she shapes the world with a blend of fancy.

A woman’s imagination often imbibes in the fusion of unreality. She has a deeper compassion for even the slightest passion of a man. She hardly judges rather receives what her whim suggests her. Logistic thoughts often seem worthless in case of love. I can tell you this for sure.

Women are most credulous species I’ve ever found.

I wasn’t being personal Tripi….but women are at times very complicated…lots go in their mind, unseen, unheard.

most woman, even the toughest, and the most successful, may be very worldly wise and aware, but when it comes to the man and love, they are in a dreamland, and impractical and overdemanding, and all this often has no relation with the age and the years of marriage.

….. The heart of a woman is vulnerable to any enticing words of a shrewd man. Her heart is formed only to melt and sometimes I wonder whether it has got at all any concrete shape!

….. You’re wrong, brother. Need you marry necessarily to know about marriage? Lol.

I’m not young enough to trap a woman or, to be trapped by a woman. I hope you got my point. Thanks.

yes Sushant………..sex and marriage are different, girlfriend and wife are different…………..and above all same girl is poles apart before and after marriage! marriage is a totally different ball game from love, romance and sex

Sushanta…..a woman’s brain and heart for her man are totally unpredictable

l I’d suggest you to read ‘Orientalism’………by Edward Syed.

You know God created Eve after He had created Adam. Why? I think He didn’t want any suggestion. And a clear indication here is that since the very dawn of human civilization, the heart of a woman is unpredictable to even the most predictable matters of the universe.

What a racist comment, Sushanta!

…… I beg to draw your attention. If you kindly read that comment once again, you’ll find some satire blended with pragmatism in context with my current status message. Would you mind reading it again?

I refuse!

Refuse what? Reading that again? Or, Your previous comment?

Reading again!

blend of fancy or fantasy!

imagination turns to love? Nah!

Love to matrimony? Really!

Admit to what? I had no statement at all. Just differed from yours….

Did I hurt you?

Actually, I stated that satirically. A woman’s heart is easy enough to be allured. What she shapes about the world around her, is usually biased largely by her imagination not by pragmatism.

So, I never hold any respect for those persons who victimize a woman taking the advantage of her imagination only, not her logic.

What makes you think it can be easily allured! নারীর মন সহস্র বছরের সাধনার ধন, পড়েননি?

I agree with you we are naive and gullible…….if that is the case, I hail such romanticism, we will die a thousand deaths rather than be practical and pragmatic!

Logic and imagination are entwined, isn’t it? And we all know once in love the logical side of any human brain short circuits, be it man or woman.

Personally, I’ve bitter hatred for any type of mismatch in case of love and matrimony. (Maybe it is due to my fair attitude towards life or, Agonies gathered from many mismatches in this context.)

Where are our thoughts wandering?

You better say as you’re a woman. Hahahaha.

Now we are talking!!!

But, I’m very bad at wandering over the thoughts of any woman whom I’m talking to!

Thoughts are meandering rivers, aren’t they, S!

Yes. They’re. I’ve not yet bathed in any of those rivers possessed by women.


Not at all! I was blessed in many ways.

both men and women react the same way in love / they behave like they have lost their reason. So, if any of you find some arguments which are not reasonable then you know what to infer

check out whether any of the comments above are reasonable to find out who are in love. I checked each and every comment and found that Sushant’s comments did not look reasonable so you can infer what has happened to Sushanta

Sushanta, I hope you are not upset with my comments

what a philosophy………..

I never get upset, because it seems to me too difficult to bear!

difference between Sushanta and me is – he takes things in the right spirit whereas I take things with the right spirit.

that was a spirited reply.

Soup of Spirit blended with spirit…… Taken in different cups.

ভাবনা: চারশো চুয়াত্তর


30 August 2009

In most cases, we abide by the religious customs against our sweet will. Friends! Agree? or, Disagree?

Most of us nourish a hatred for God-based religion. I personally, have tons of objections against most religious views and they always seem to of plainly ludicrous and disgusting.

Religion is the faultiest creation of mankind.

I’d like to add. God-based religion is the barrier to any intellectual or, factual development of an independent human being.

can be constructively used as a stress reliever……..bend it according to your need…….

But, miserably we’re to yield to the ignorant society. Most people in society accept Religion just as the same way a drug-addict takes drug.

… or sex

I differ. You can have it adopting some measures that can keep you away from the consequences that might be associated with it. But Religion never cares any protective measures. It annihilates in its own way.

Each soul is potentially divine. The goal is to manifest this divine within by controlling nature external and internal.

…Religion is important 4 human civilization….Bcz In some aspects restriction is needed as we are human beings…we live in the society…Only the beasts can do whatever they like. But we can’t…R you want 2 b a beast? I am sure you don’t….

We can think, make rule for those who get perverted among us, and obviously break rules if we wish. Now, the point of obeying comes. Can you put a human being into shackles against his will, or should you do that ever? If you compel anyone to abide by any rule against his will, you destroy his inner psyche. And in this case, you can never call him a ‘human being’. The religious customs often stand on the way to be an enlightened complete human being and they are simply ludicrous.

Religion is a philosophy which once gave man a framework to lead his life. It has outlived its utility and the only purpose it serves is in uniting a group of people under one forum and also focusing a man’s mind on what he actually wants.

to that extent religion is necessary

And it is to be visualized properly. Otherwise, atheism is the better option.

remember even Jesus Christ is an atheist ( he was born a Jew but did not follow Judaism )

I feel encouraged! Lol…….

Sushanta, should I delete my comment

Don’t do it. I want others to be encouraged also!

……Christianism and Judaism both are wrong religion. (Becoz of being a Muslim I can’t say this )………….Galileo was regarded as atheist as he was a Cristian….. I f he was a Muslim he wouldn’t…..So what is the definition of atheism?

….. The previous one is for you. I think I shouldn’t say anything about it. Please say something on my friend’s comment.

faith is faith my dear sir / to say that this faith is superior to the other is like saying that your love is the only love which exists in the world.

30 August 2009

Which one does a true lover say? “I love you because I can’t live without you.” or, “I can’t live without you because I love you.”

well both are good but 2nd line is better bcoz here his/her life comes 2nd to love

None, true love does not require dependence, if you cannot live because you love someone, that is not love, but dependence


2nd option

you should love someone, who cannot live without you!

none of them..

A very nice discussion is going on. So far, I’ve seen, I think that if you’re in true love, you can live with or, without your beloved for his/her happiness. Pragmatically, you never bother about whether your beloved can or, can’t live without you.

But, in case of marriage, you’ve to marry only that person who can’t live without you, otherwise there might be a break up after your marriage.

Now, comes another relevant point. Should love result in marriage, or, not?

1st one when I was first in love and now as I have matured the 2nd one.


31 August 2009

I think, men are of two types: ¡) Alive & ¡¡) Married……. Friends! Agree? or, Disagree?

I’m happy that I’m still alive!


disagree….married and alive…


And there is the third type – iii) Happy Men…

Facebook relation status of that happy man…. ‘It’s complicated.’….. lolz…..

… that’s for you to find out… for I never label people as I know we all have all three states in life and more to it…

Friends! Those of you who are alive married men, please receive my salute. Now, would you please tell us the secret of your being ‘ALIVE’?

I Think The Only Secret Of Alive Married Man Is Love Between Each Other…..And Its True 100%….

I think, the rate of break-ups or, divorce will reduce dramatically if friendship is established side by side of love in conjugal life.

– who are you labeling now – don’t go personal whosoever it is! have a gr8 day

I Am Agree With you In This Matter

female are 2 types-

1. servant in father’s house including-“পড়াশোনার এই হাল? চেহারা তো একেবারে…….কোন রাজপুত্র বসে আছে তোর জন্য?”

2. servant in law’s house, as well as job- “কী ব্যাপার, এত টাকা বেতন পাও, কই যায় এইসব? বাপের বাড়িতে দাও, না?”

…… I’d like to introduce the third type……. Females who can damn care the first two.

I never try personal labelling as it sometimes turns to flattery and often is largely biased by partiality. So, please take my words for a generalized view! @Aroop da.

It’s The Natural Matter In Our Country And In Case Of Other Countries Also……I Hate This Position Of Female’s In Our Family…..I Believe In Freedom…..

Please just don’t hate, rather suggest something for uplifting the present status of the women.

– wow… thank u, I think we can be better friend from now… because I’m one of those few women, who are in the 3rd type… have a nice day friend

you are absolutely right vai. thank you for your opinion

I think it’s better not to care those who never feel that they should care you as you care them.

I think the women will be in a privileged position only when I can replace the word ‘MAN’ with ‘WOMAN’ in my status message. Friends! Do you think so?

সেই মরণ স্বর্গসমান!

Hmm…… Marriage….one of the most sweet-sounding yet least understood words in the pragmatic world. Most of the marriage lasts being based on compromising instead of actual mutual intelligibity. Is taking something from heart and just accepting it as we’ve to, bears the same meaning? Never. So, here the spouses often act to be happy instead of being really happy. I even heard that about 80% of successful marriages are generally based on lies. But, at last, not the least, I can say that this social institution is too indoctrinated to deny.

even married men come alive at times

Marriage is better until you are not getting married.

I think, if marriage were really a blessing, married people would never try to convince unmarried ones about it. Hmm……

don’t know about blessings but marriage is a companionship… if two people are not compatible with each other, that can be said bad companionship and is close to being not alive… therefore it can possibly be said that, marriage is a blessing when 2 people can create the best possible companionship

in many cultures the people marrying do not even know each other / it is more in the nature of a blind date but one which binds you for life

Blind dating……. Sounds appropriate!

blind dating is fun so long so long as you have the freedom to come out…blind marriages are dangerous and both of them will into the ditch or reach the destination if they are lucky

I got a question for you Sushanta. suppose you are on a blind date and with your inner eyes without seeing any pic or knowing at all how she looks, you found her bodiless personality amazing. But when you met her, you did not find her physically attractive. What would you do?

A tough question! Better I’d never make any arrangement to meet such a lady, I’d rather remain a bachelor and make many others happy. lolz.

he he he… easy escape, isn’t it? I personally think, you can admire, envy that kinda personality but a date with a person you don’t feel attraction to is in a way pointless as a date… but you could have always taken her as a good friend and vice versa…

Yea! After all, I’d rather be a good friend for my wife, but very difficult to accept her as a good friend in that way! lolz.

ভাবনা: চারশো পঁচাত্তর


31 August 2009

Love is such a language which the deaf can hear, an expression which the blind can see.

When words fail, love speaks. You can refuse words, but how can you refuse love with which your heart is formed of?

The language of love is the only language that is universally defined.

I dunno whether animals love akwi cos I am not loved any animal so far.

animals do have love..dunno how they communicate with each other…but their affection to humans is great & pious…

true, girish / particularly the love of a dog is always without expectation.

that is just an example

I think also. That was just an example. A very good one.

yes dog also..its the animal human domesticated for past 4000 yrs…i ve seen love & pain in eyes of many animals…they tell their feeling by some actions…….at least they are not materialistic…..just need food & love

Just food and love…..really heart-touching! The only way to real happiness.

31 August 2009

An astrologer said, “You’ll pass the next 2 years in miseries.” I asked, “After that?” “Then you’ll hopefully become habituated to it!” he replied.

Do you believe astrology???

Huh! I don’t believe in it. But, I sometimes go to them just to help them. I firmly believe that serving mankind is a nobel task. @Sharmin.

….. Can you tell me who can predict the astrology of God? Lol…..

31 August 2009

Friends! Good night!……..waiting for the dawn.

1 September 2009

Good Morning, Facebook!

1 September 2009·

” You’re wrong, but that’s ok. You can blame your ignorance. “

obviously, friend


You are right my friend.

what iz rite, what is wrong is only depends on time..

There is nothing right or, wrong in the world.

yes, right/wrong are not absolute, an act can be justified in many different ways.

I will do later!!

Ignorance is bliss!

sometimes, not always

This time I won’t ask you the reason, because ignorance is a bliss!

I am right and you are ignorant about that.

I know. I’m at least ignorant about it!

and that is a bliss for you Sushanta

1 September 2009

I think a conjugal life can be happy if the husband never forgets what his wife says and the wife never remembers what her husband says.

It’s called funny conjugal life.


তা দাদা, তুমি এটা জানলা ক্যাম্নে, কও তো?

বিবাহিতদের দেখে!

it depends on how many wives he has

Sushanta Paul Ahem, ahem! Polygamy? Then……..

1 September 2009·

Now enjoying………. Look Back in Anger…..by- John Osborn.

1 September 2009

Every woman tries to change her beloved. But, when he really changes himself, the woman doesn’t love him anymore.

I don’t agree with you guys.

Why? The fence is always greener on the other side of the fence.

what makes you to think so???

The psychology of the girls.

I don’t think so…

Why? Please, Explain.

The psychology of all the girls are not same…

Very natural. Then?

not woman, man always wants 2chang his beloved…& then when she changed, he can’t accept that…

Never! Men aspect that his beloved will never change after marriage.

Woman changes only when her beloved wants…otherwise not

Ya you r8.why you guys always blame a girl 4 everything?

Hmm…… Why blames? A Big ‘WHY ‘??? Lol….

Man proposes, Woman disposes!


Thanks for admitting this truth!

No problem! সত্যি স্বীকার করার সাহস থাকা ভাল! You’re so great!

which woman


I suggest “every possessive person”… instead of “women”… cause in my experience with relationships, every man wanted to change me and still they do…

No one can ever change you. They can just make you act as though you changed.

Of course, no one can, they only try… only the eternal realisation can change a person itself…

If you’re obstinate, for example, the more you’re tried to be controlled, the more you enjoy becoming more obstinate.

Me, a woman, would not change an inkling of my beloved, every breath, every gesture is precious!

Then, I must say that it has already been changed after your liking.

once he has changed himself there is no point in being with him / we have to search for someone else and change him

Moral of the story: woman change the world

so it is better that I don’t change and let tripti keep on trying to change me

hehehehe………………good suggestion!

1 September 2009.

Girl: Will you love me so dearly after marriage also?……… Boy: This depends on your husband, if he allows me!

So funny…

LOVE or LIVE TOGETHER, What do you mean?


Bhai, you crazy monster but true

E X C E L L E and T!

দাদা, বুঝি, আপনাদের কষ্ট বুঝি। (কী আর করা!Boyfriends are better than husbands, girlfriends are better than wives.

Is love not a mixture of emotions and is a state of mind / does a state of mind or emotion require permission/

this permission can be only to express it but love will exist if it is there whether she is married or not

lolz……. Is there any lady to marry Chanak? He is a liberal lion-hearted man! lolz……

Let us thrash out a very important question – Does love happen only once

Love happens – accept it folks.

If love is something that happens – then it can happen more than once also – right folks

Therefore it follows that love can happen even if a person is married also

it again has to be kept in mind that at all times we have to be true to ourselves and hence accept that we are in love and not subject this to be reasoned out.

Love rules without rules!

true sushanta

Yes. I know. I’ve seen it in many cases (not of mine, hopefully won’t)

Chanak Dev I dont mind if it happens either way

Chanak Dev I dont believe that we should lie to ourselves

Hmm…….Time will say.

funny sub-continental joke @Sushanta – 100% agree @Chanak – we must be honest with ourselves, otherwise life is not worthwhile living

Honesty! What’s this? Huh…….

huh? the mind tells you what you like what you don’t, what is special what is not… whether you like basketball or cricket…

…… What you’d like to be? Lolz…… Hehehehe……

ভাবনা: চারশো ছিয়াত্তর


1 September 2009

Unlike others my brain is a masterpiece. In the left half, nothing is right and in the right half, nothing is left!

But if I ever go for a brain transplant, I’d like your brain. It’s not because you’re a genius. I would only like a fresh brain that has never been used.

ha ha… I thought every single brain is a masterpiece and alike… they differ only the way they have been used.

What about you who have not yet used it? Lol. (Please read my first comment thread.)

so you happy with my brain then?

yeah unlike yourself I don’t use it at all.

Lol…… I feel honoured!

cool, I am happy that at least my brain has a way of living after my death

You brain starts working after your death! That sounds better. Lol….. @Suraiya.

we are all born with limitation…action expression look…state of mind…all fall under a broader spectrum…. aren’t you lucky? that you could express about you feeling the way you want…i work with the people who can’t decide for themselves…..we draw cloud to show fear and sunshine for happiness….keep smiling…pls edit and read….

indeed, we are very lucky and I am not one of them who complains a lot… I am happy the way I am (even if some (Sushanta) thinks I don’t know how to use my brain)……. don’t take it too seriously, we are just playing with words… even the self-defined genius Sushanta.

What is left of your brain, let’s make it right!

This was a joke about the Satyam fraud – there’s nothing right on the left of the balance sheet and there’s nothing left on the right of the balance sheet!

….. Eternal sunshine through my BRAIN! lolz.

…. I feel honoured (actually flattered!) However, I feel proud of my uncommon brain.

…. Huh! You guys wanna play with my wonderful brain! Very witty! Hahaha. Thanks for the suggestion.

…….a genius, I know!

…… In my case, I’d have rather liked to replace it with my wonderful brain. Huh!

2 September 2009

Bangladeshi Airlines slogan: A Warm experience & Motherly treatment…….. ‘Warm’ because AC doesn’t work & ‘Motherly’ because the air hostesses are above 50.

What about Indian Airlines?

so true…………as once the aviation minister commented, on air hostesses to continue beyond 50,that we want AIR INDIA and not MOTHER INDIA!

The job of an air hostess was originally to be on board nurse. Do you fly to ogle at girls or for safety?

thank you Sushanta for sharing so many interesting jokes with us. thanks to you I began the day cheerfully…

Understand the funny side of it but agree with Sunil Shibad – why age biased?

I agree with that, age should not be a QR. but no doubt, one does like seeing smart young gals on board. Jet and Kinfwisher have best .Air India are too wooden faced and indifferent…..and the low cost airlines have replaced most with chick looking gay cabin crews

Thanks a lot for your compliments. Hmm…….. Let’s launch a campaign bearing a slogan: Beautiful and only smart girls of or, below 30 should be appointed as air hostesses. Huh! As passengers, we deserve better mental care and satisfaction. The AC’s should be repaired, or the windows should be kept open! If we start sweating, we might not look smart and then the smart hostesses might not like to talk to us. Friends! Are you with me in the campaign?

yeah window must be kept open for you if you are not happy with human air hostesses… you know what will happen if the window is open?

would you like to add….single and available!…..and what about the gay cabin crews

I appreciate the downright honest of the Americans. Don’t they have an airline called Hooters?

We Indians/South East Asians pretend to be “spiritual” when in fact we are the most sex crazed people. Also, KF/Jet et al. Do they have flight simulators? I know IA/AI have at Hyderabad. The near misses at Mumbai airport have me worried about the quality of pilots and ATC.

typical age biased people you are… girls under 30’s are only sexy – that’s only indian way of talking… also single and available? – do you pay for finding a match on air?

Hmm…… Many good points to mention…… We the sub-continent people pretend to be spiritual, but actually crazy about sex (good sign! )……….. Sexy girls needn’t necessarily be under 30…….. We need Air India not Mother India. I need Mother Bangladesh. (lolz)……. There should be arrangements for gays also. (Ahem, ahem!)……….

Any more worth-mentioning points?

A friend also raised the point of ogling…. I think, if anyone feels no urge to ogle at a sexy girl, it’s time to consult a doctor before it’s too late! (ahem, ahem!)

What about extra-payment for attractive hostesses? Hahaha……..

sexuality and spirituality do not contradict with each other in my view

Cool! Some pretend to support contradiction, but they themselves are of your view. Lol.

you have summarized well Sushant. I didn’t say that there should be provision for gays……..but observed that there are a fair number of gays as cabin crew in airlines these days

I got your view earlier. Really it is so.

are you asking me Sushanta?

it’s a fact. there is a fair number of male cabin crew these days, specially the low priced airlines, even jrt, and many of them are cute looking chick gays.

you have misunderstood – they are addressing the elderly lady passengers whom they will treat like their own mothers.

lol…………….all passengers in general shouldn’t be on board!


if the pilots have taken you round the cockpit you must be a VIP.

2 September 2009

Girl: Do you have any sentimental love cards?…….. Shopkeeper: How about this card, it says, ‘To the only boy I ever loved.’…….. Girl: Great! I want 10 of them.

No offence I meant for that. But now I’m meaning! lol.

Sushanta…….haven’t you heard variety is the spice of life…

I heard also…..To much spice, too often stomach troubles.

Truth is not always sweet, but the fruit of truth is always sweet!

Girls are generally lion-hearted; many can share that heart!

Fruit of sweet…what’s da fruit here?…shusaut,can you help me?

Yes……and guys are always sticking to just one gal thru their life……….never even looking at another one…!

We guys are chicken-hearted! Shame on us!

…. Fruit? Wanna…. :).

…….. You know…….. an intelligent boyfriend is better than a dumb hubby!

I hope you find a gal like that and you both have eyes for each other only……….God bless and gud luck…

……. You swear to Anita! Lolz……. ,

..how about intelligent boyfrendSSSSSS

Wife is good, girlfriend is better!

I know… how you guys think….

I started when you guys told me, Husband is part-time, boyfriend is full-time.

I swear 2 that girl who luvs only me…I never ever understand why every girl want lv from all boyz…& girlz always pray 4 a good 1 for a boy, but she never tries 2 be da 1

A man’s dream is to be a woman’s first dream, a woman’s dream is to make the man her last romance.

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